This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 303 Super Smash Bros. (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Banyan City, Class 1 of the Spirit Department of No. 8 Middle School

"In the process of fighting, after the opponent comes out of the poke ball, the first thing is to judge the opponent's level from different directions."

"It can be compared based on body shape, momentum, hair and so on."

"Then it is to think about the attributes, characteristics, and skills of the elves used by the other party."

"As soon as it is combined with the elf I use, the battle is probably already on the horizon."


"Thump, thump, thump!" The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

"Okay, today's class is over here, everyone go to lunch."

Lin Kai put down the textbook in his hand and said.

"goodbye teacher!"

Immediately, everyone in the classroom began to pack up their things and prepare to eat in the cafeteria.

After Lin Kai turned off the multimedia, he was the only one in the classroom.

After leaving the classroom, I walked on the road and looked at all kinds of elves and smiling students.

It was another peaceful morning, and for some reason he suddenly thought of Jiang Jing.

Since Jiang Jing led the No. 8 Middle School to the top three in the city competition, he participated in the provincial competition, and even won the championship of the National High School League.

After that, it can be said that their No. 8 Middle School has developed rapidly. First of all, the quality of students enrolled each year has also increased.

The Ministry of Education has also allocated a lot of money, and the school's classrooms and dormitories have been expanded and renovated.

The faculty has also introduced many excellent teachers with the efforts of Principal Pang.

But he is still the best one, of course it depends on his own strength.

"On Saturday, let's go to the nurturing garden. I must tame a two-star talent elf."

Looking at the nurturing garden discussed in front of him, with the donations from Jiangjing, the nurturing garden has also continued to expand, adding a lot of highly talented elves.

There are elves with two-star talent from time to time.

Naturally, he would not forget Jiang Jing, a great hero.

Now Jiang Jing has entered the school history museum.

He doesn't know what Jiang Jing is doing now, but he must be working hard.

Now he has become the hottest genius trainer in Huaguo.

I hope the next time I see him, he will take a step closer.


Imperial, Imperial University

in the gravity training room

"Charizard, the power is not enough, increase the output!"


The fire-breathing dragon widened its eyes and yelled frantically.

The giant claws of green energy condensed in the air hit hard on the already bumpy cube in front.


With a loud bang, the middle of the cube was dented again and a large piece went down.


With this blow, the fire-breathing dragon is like a man who has been released, without a drop.

The whole body softened, and he sat down on the ground.

Its physical strength has been completely exhausted, and it doesn't want to move at all.

But in the next second, it shuddered, and a large amount of energy poured into its body.

Its extremely exhausted body began to slowly recover after the injection of this energy.


The fire-breathing dragon said that he had upgraded.

Zhang Xiuxian at the back knew what the fire-breathing dragon meant.

"Thank you Charizard, you are now level 44."

"In the future, as long as you continue to work hard, you will soon reach level 45."

"We will definitely be able to enter the main lineup in the summer league next year."

After feeding the fire-breathing dragon with an energy cube, he suddenly thought of Jiang Jing.

His thoughts went back to the days when he was still in Rongcheng a few years ago.

At that time, he was in high spirits and felt that no one in Rongcheng would be his opponent.

He is coming to the imperial capital to challenge a powerful opponent.

In the end, he was educated by Jiang Jing. At that time, the gap between the two of them was not that big, and it was difficult for Jiang Jing to win the individual competition.

But since then, Jiang Jing has risen completely, out of control, getting stronger and stronger.

From the championship of the national high school league to the college losing streak, the three won the spring league championship.

Not to mention the summer league this time, his opponent is no longer his peers, but to challenge a genius older than him.

And he was also pulled down, no matter how hard he tried to catch up, it was useless.

In the end, he figured it out, Jiang Jing was not a genius at the same level as him.

Why put pressure on yourself, set a reasonable goal and work hard to achieve it is already very powerful.

He sat on the sofa next to him and took a sip of mineral water, thinking of Jiang Jing who was going to the league headquarters to participate in the game.

This time, he probably aimed at the championship again.

What Jiang Jing once said involuntarily appeared in his mind.

There is only one champion, why can't it be me.


Alliance Calendar 2020, October 20

Wanghai deep in the forest.

In an open forest, there are several flat and smooth stones.

Jiang Jing crossed his legs and closed his eyes as if meditating.

Lucario is also meditating with his legs crossed around him.

The same is true for other elves, Boss Cordora, Metagross, Emperor Nabo, Gengar.

There seems to be faint energy emanating from them.

The surroundings were quiet, only the sound of bird elves chirping from time to time.

Suddenly Lucario's ears moved, and he heard a faint rustling sound.

It didn't move, but its body tensed up.

It is already ready to fight, as long as the opponent shows a little weakness, it will rush out to fight it in an instant.

However, the other party did not launch an attack after ten minutes passed.

Lucario's face remained calm, and he continued to meditate.

But the other party seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and a figure rushed out in the next second, charging towards Lucario.

Lucario also opened his eyes instantly, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes.

The body burst out in an instant, and the ejection from the body was completed in a very short time.

Its eyes act as if a scanner has locked onto the opponent's position.

Both fists were wrapped in green energy in an instant.

He seized the opportunity and hit the opponent in front of him.

The strength was sent out through the body along with the energy.

Work hard!


The two sides collided fiercely in the air.

With a loud bang, the two sides were pushed back and fell to the ground.


Lucario put one hand on the ground to stabilize his body, and looked across.

Jiang Jing also opened his eyes and looked at the elf opposite.

This time it was a mongoose detective who attacked Lucario.

Mongoose Detective is evolved from Mongoose, and its appearance is very similar to that before evolution.

Most of its body is brown except for the top of its head and the yellowish underside of its neck.

Inspector Mongoose has three sharp black toes on each foot.

Unlike the mongoose, the mongoose inspector stands on two feet and is generally larger in size.

[Elf]: Inspector Mongoose

[attribute]: general

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV43

[Characteristics]: Adaptability



Inspector Mongoose didn't exist in Alola originally in the animation, but was brought over when little Lada appeared in large numbers in the past.

It likes to eat small Lada and Lada, but it can't meet them because of its diurnal nature, but if it sees it, it will get carried away and pounce on it.

The mongoose inspector's style of waiting for his prey is exactly the opposite of that of the mongoose master.

Compared with the few mongooses that walk back and forth, the mongoose detective will insist on squatting at that place after finding the trace of the prey, and continue to wait with incomparable patience.

It has an obsession to keep watch over its prey, but will fall asleep in that place due to exhaustion at sunset.

It is very tolerant of hunger.

While waiting for prey, it does not move at all, and can continue to squat even if it does not eat anything. It is an elf that prides itself on its endurance.

It is also good at following the footprints of its prey wholeheartedly, but it seems that the simple and greedy chinchilla is not enjoyable enough to chase.


The strength of this mongoose detective is definitely not weak from the paper data.

The four-star talent is not weak anywhere. It showed a regretful expression after it landed on the ground, but soon its eyes were full of fighting spirit and rushed towards Lucario.

For other sprites it doesn't look at all.


Lucario put his body in a fighting posture, and rushed out in the next second.

The same goes for the Mongoose Inspector, whose teeth and claws are the workhorses of the attack.

And the explosive power at close range is very strong.

Open its mouth wide, and it is extremely easy to be bitten once it is close.

But Lucario is even more different. After special training, he is calm and flexible.

Although Inspector Mongoose was fast, it was slowed down in its eyes.

Every attack route is within its locking range.

"Bang bang!"

The mongoose inspector's two consecutive claw strikes were easily blocked by it.

Lucario kicked Inspector Mongoose with a flying kick.

The two sides opened a distance, Lucario squatted slightly and then began to gather strength and explode.

Green energy covered it when it danced its fists.

When he opened his bloody mouth and bit it, his fist was like rain hitting a plantain, and he hit more than a dozen punches in an instant.

Inspector Mongoose simply didn't have time to react.

The fist hit his head from the bottom up.

After receiving more than a dozen punches in a row, Lucario slowed down and punched hard for the last time.


Inspector Mongoose let out a scream, and his body was sent flying out, hitting the ground and rolling over.


Lucario stood on the ground and exhaled calmly.

After a while, Inspector Kung Fu Mongoose stood up again.

This battle also ended in defeat.

Inspector Mongoose tilted his head and felt a little uncomfortable, so he found a stone beside him and sat down.

Jiang Jing also jumped off the boulder at this time.

This mongoose detective can also be regarded as Lucario's old friend.

A month ago, he felt that the effect of actual combat had been achieved, and it was time to stop and settle down.

So I found an open place to live and took the elves to train every day.

When the elves came to attack, it was just time for actual combat training.

If you defeat them a few more times, no elves dare to come over.

And Lucario is still at level 40, it suppressed the colored airflow in his body and did not improve Lucario.

The main reason is that the elves are already addicted to the infusion of colored airflow, and they are a little impetuous.

I don't know how many times I have been infused for a month.

If this continues, the foundation will not be stable.

So take them to train every day, sit down and meditate together after work, and calm down your impetuous mind.

A thorough precipitation will completely digest the recent rapid increase in level and transform it into strength.

As for the mongoose detective, it was also in the ranks of attacking himself and others.

It is the child of a level 59 mongoose detective nearby, with top talent and strength.

Before meeting Lucario, there was no elf at the same level as its opponent.

However, unlike other elves, this mongoose inspector is also a warlike master, and has been fighting with him since he was defeated by Lucario for the first time.

Come here to challenge from time to time, although every time I was beaten by Lucario and fled everywhere, I never gave up.

The spirit of perseverance is really worth learning.

Inspector Mongoose chatted with Lucario after sitting down, and he didn't leave until a few minutes later.

But before leaving, it said that it would definitely defeat Jiang Jing next time it came over.

After having lunch with the elves, Jiang Jing said, "After this month's training, everyone's strength has grown steadily."

"Then you can continue to perfuse."

"Lucario, it's your turn this time."


Lucario's eyes lit up, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

He quickly stood in front of Jiang Jing.

It is already ready, the foundation has been laid, and it can be absorbed in the shortest time for another upgrade.

Jiang Jing nodded, and after all the elves surrounded him, he also began to cover his chest, releasing all the pent-up energy in one breath.

A large amount of colored energy galloped like a wild horse, and the surrounding space was completely enveloped by colored air.

The same colored star spiral turned into an energy vortex and surrounded Lucario.

It turned into a silver and red tornado.

A large amount of dual-system energy inside turned into spiral energy and poured into its body.

It feels a lot of energy walking around in the body, and every organ in the body is running at high speed.

Absorbing these energies frantically, trying their best to digest them all.

In the process of reaction, its body undergoes metamorphosis under the use of this two-color energy.

The whole body seemed to be soaked in the hot spring, and there was no strength in the whole body.

Every pore of the whole body is opened.

The whole body is transparent, as if the body has been washed again, and all the dirt has been washed away.

The muscles and strength of the body have also been strengthened, not to mention the physical fitness, which has become stronger.

It soaks the heart in this joy and enjoyment.

The other elves were not idle either.

Especially the steel armored crow, which was already at the fixed point of level 49, this absorption instantly broke the shackles and raised it to level 50.

The energy travels through the whole body and merges with the colored airflow to strengthen every part of the body.

The feathers on the wings have become sharper and lighter, even if it is used as a throwing knife, there is no problem.

The bone strength of the body is also increasing crazily.

Jiang Jing released a large amount of colorful air from his chest again.

The Steel Armored Crow was also wrapped in a silver-blue energy vortex.

When Boss Kedora saw them, they made one move to increase the output.

Crazy increase the output, one point is not polite.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the wind speed dog also roared, and it was directly upgraded to level 40 under the infusion of a large amount of colorful airflow.

As a result, the energy gushing out of Jiang Jing's body also became more and more.

The surrounding colorful airflow envelops all nine elves inside.

Now even if you open your eyes and are surrounded by colors, you can't see the elves next door at all.

Even the movement was a little louder, and all the elves within a kilometer around had noticed it.

The giant gold monster saw that the thick fog of the colorful airflow no longer suppressed his strength, and mobilized his full strength to absorb it crazily.

The same is true for Boss Cordora.

Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui and their four six-star talents would be terrible if they fully absorbed them.

Like a whale swallowing, countless energies are absorbed every second.

Of course, the three of them, Lucario, Steel Armored Crow, and Wind Speed ​​Dog, have no effect.

What should be theirs is theirs, and even because of the influence of the other two elves, they can absorb more.

Even if Lucario has fallen into sleep now, it should be its energy or its own.

In short, everyone absorbs it crazily together and it's over.

So this time after five minutes the air doesn't have much energy left.

All of them were turned into three parts and put into Lucario, Steel Armored Crow, and Wind Speed ​​Dog.

After the last ray of energy was also absorbed by the wind speed dog.

The elves couldn't suppress the energy fluctuations in their bodies anymore.

All levels have been raised by at least one level.

"Come on~"

"There are many~"



Boss Kedora and the giant golden monster are the leaders, so it goes without saying that there are also Geng Gui and Emperor Nabo who have also been promoted to a higher level.

Jiang Jing's data eyes scanned them.

Boss Cordora: LV53→LV54

Metagross: LV52→LV53

Gengar: LV52→LV53

Emperor Nabo: LV52→LV53


Because of their high level, it would be very good if the infusion can be raised by one level this time.

As for the upgraded levels of the Crystal Rock Serpent and the Axe-toothed Dragon, there are more.

Crystal Rock Snake: LV34→LV36

Axodontosaurus: LV34→LV36


They have all been upgraded to two levels, and it feels like they are not far from level 40.

After all, they still have level 4 magic candy that they haven't used yet.

It can be used at level 39, and then upgraded to level 40 at the fastest speed to receive infusion to level 41.

At that time, the Axotooth can settle for a while before preparing to evolve.

One wave after another, hey, it’s really like riding a rocket, and it’s no problem to reach level 20 in a year.

It is true that the later the elves who enter the team, the faster their level will be improved.

He even suspected that the elves who entered the team in a few years might be able to reach level 30 or 40 a year.

After thinking for a while, he set his sights on Lucario and the three of them.

[Spirit]: Lucario (Orb of Life)

【Attribute】: Fighting, Steel

[Talent]: ★★★★★

[Level]: LV44

[Characteristic]: Unyielding Heart



[Spirit]: Wind Speed ​​Dog (Fire Orb)

[attribute]: fire

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Grade】: LV42

[Characteristic]: Heart of Justice



[Spirit]: Steel Armored Crow (sharp beak)

【Attribute】: flight, steel

[Talent]: ★★★★★★

【Grade】: LV52

[Characteristics]: Mirror Armor

[Skills]: Divine bird slam (specialization), peck (specialization), stare (skilled), arrogance (specialization), claw grinding (specialization), random strike (specialization), pecking (specialization) , provocation (proficiency), high-speed movement (specialization), high-speed star (specialization), malicious pursuit (specialization), extreme speed return (specialization), hard support (specialization), air slash (specialization), steel wings (Specialization), Iron Wall (Specialization), Metal Sound (Proficiency), Flying (Specialization), Hold (Specialization), Cannon Cannon (Specialization), Feather Dwelling (Specialization), Storm (Specialization)


Among the three elves, it can be said that the improvement of the steel armored crow is the largest, the talent has been upgraded to six stars, and the level has been increased by 52 levels.

Then there is Lucario, who has been directly promoted to four levels in one breath.

And the wind speed dog is only two levels, this is because its waveguide power allows it to absorb more colored airflow, it can be said that it is more than double that of the wind speed dog, and the level of improvement will naturally be much higher.

He can be regarded as gathering five elves with six-star talents, and he doesn't believe that there are elves with six-star talents in the alliance headquarters.

It would be nice not to beat them down at that time.

Of course, we still have to be vigilant, what if they are really strong?

But he still doesn't know the rules of the game, which is a bit of a mistake.

It should be said that the school did not tell him the rules.

But as long as one's own strength is strong enough, no matter what the rules are, they can win the championship.


When thinking of this, a roar suddenly caught his attention.

I saw a few figures rushing out of the jungle.

The one walking in the front is a Nido king, followed by the Nido queen, the big wolf dog, the cat boss, Long Longyan...

They all exude powerful energy fluctuations.

Especially the leader Nido King, who has never seen it before, but its aura is the strongest.

【Elf】: Nido King

[attribute]: ground, poison

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV60

[Characteristics]: Forcibly



The good guys have already reached level 60, and the other elves are also over 50.

They are all attracted by the colored airflow.

Jiang Jing narrowed his eyes, since they are all here, then don't leave.

"Since everyone is here, let's do a show before leaving."

"Boss Kedora, Metagross, Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui, move your body."

"There are many~"

"Come on~"

Boss Kedora and the giant golden monster are worrying about how to vent their energy, if not, someone will come to their door right now.

Boss Kedora rushed out in stride, and the Nido King should be handed over to him.

Fifteen minutes later, the battle was over, and Boss Kedora pulled them all over.

The previous Nido King was already lying on the ground.

Jiang Jing looked at the surrounding ground in a mess, even the boulder on which he sat for meditation was all broken.

It seems that this place can't stay anymore, so he will go back after forgetting it.

Come back in after resting for a while.

Just as he was thinking this way, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

The caller ID was Director Cao, and it seemed that he had something important to call when he called.

So with a finger press, it was connected.

"Hello, Director Cao, good afternoon."

[Director Cao: Jiang Jing has a temporary notice to tell you. 】

[Director Cao: According to the notice issued by the headquarters of the Elven Association, everyone who is going to participate in the friendly match at the headquarters of the alliance will go to the imperial capital for internal elections. 】

[Jiang Jing:? ? ! 】

[Jiang Jing: Hasn't the quota been confirmed? Why do you want to engage in internal elections (doubts)]

[Director Cao: It’s a bit troublesome to explain this matter, the game above (helpless)]

【Jiang Jing: Got it, it looks like we have to fight again, but I like it (smirk)】

[Director Cao: Haha, I knew you liked battles the most. The election time is on December 12th. Please pay attention to the time. 】


Jiang Jing hung up the phone and let out a breath.

If they don't find it, they still have to hold an internal campaign, and the quotas that have already been booked are now unstable.

It is estimated that some people want to enter the list in the game of the upper class.

He, Huang Lao, said that there are resources provided by the Elf Association in the back, and they are extremely rare resources.

It's all free, so it can be said that I don't know how much I am excited.

And the resources that can make their hearts move, they know how precious they are.

It is estimated that all of them are of the level of steel slurry.

But if you have the confidence to compete for the spot, your strength will naturally not be weak.

He really hoped that some of them would be stronger, preferably at Xiao Zhihang's level.

Otherwise, it's not fun enough to fight.


November 20, the weather is cloudy

At this time, the weather has turned cold, and most people have already put on their coats.

There is a cold wind blowing everywhere.

Jiang Jing looked at the familiar bounty hunter branch, and let out a foul breath.

He finally came back, from the beginning of July to the end of November now, almost five months.

His improvement is not insignificant, he has entered the deepest part of Wanghai Forest without knowing it.

Later, there were even more than 60 levels of elf strength, which was terrifying.

When he got there, he chose to go back, and it took him a month to come back just in a hurry.

Of course, although the depths are extremely dangerous, the rewards are also large enough.

I don't know how many precious materials have been collected.

"Recently, the harvest has been pretty good. It has more than doubled the previous few months."

"I was too careless this time, and actually fell into the trap of those elves. Who knows that the current elves are ghosts and ghosts."

"I tamed a tortoise with a two-star talent and gave it to our daughter as the initial elf, so that her future journey will be easier."

"Fuck, you actually tipped the female anchor all the money you earned this time, are you crazy?"


The mission hall was still as lively as ever.

Various topics emerge in endlessly, some people are happy, some are worried, some are annoyed, some are hurt, all kinds of things.

When I came to the settlement office, I took out my ID card and put it on the table and said to the young lady, "I'm here to submit the task."

The young lady showed a professional smile and said, "Okay, please come with me."

After speaking, he took him into a room at the back, and went in to see that the decoration of the whole room was extremely high-end, and there were several devices in it.

There are also various boxes stacked in the corner.

The young lady took her to the computer and put the identity certificate on the credit card machine for operation.

When he saw Jiang Jing's message, his eyes widened instantly.

Looking at Jiang Jing in disbelief, he subconsciously put his left hand to his mouth and said in disbelief:

"You are Jiang Jing?!"

Jiang Jing took off his mask and admitted directly: "It's me, don't be so surprised."

The young lady stabilized her mind, her chest was constantly fluctuating due to excitement.

"Jingshen, I'm your fan, and I was a little surprised when I saw it in real life for the first time."

This young lady's professionalism is not bad, and she can quickly stabilize even in the face of her idol.

Although excited, but not in a mess.

The young lady became more courteous at once: "Jingshen, you just came back from the field, do you want some water, juice or a drink?"

After speaking, he walked directly to the door, almost giving Jiang Jing no chance to refuse.

"I'll be fine with mineral water, thank you!"

After a while, she came back and handed over a bottle of mineral water.

"Jingshen, what task do you want to submit?"

The young lady asked enthusiastically.

Jiang Jing popped out his phone and opened the software to check the tasks, and began to dig out things from his backpack while watching.

"The first one is the collected rocking flowers coded 089. I collect 20 flowers."

As it said that, it took out a box, opened it, and there were twenty pink flowers in it.

The young lady took it and started to check it, and put it on the instrument next to it to start testing.

Finally, it was confirmed that it was true, and then he took out a box and put it in it.

The whole process was like this, Jiang Jing continued to dig out things.

"This is the mission number 108 to collect purple caterpillar fungus."

"This is the task number 506 to collect ghost flowers."

The little sister was a little surprised when she saw the ghost flower. This thing is not easy to get, and almost only the dark forest has it in the entire Wanghai forest.

There are not many bounty hunters who can get ghost flowers from the dark forest.

As expected of his idol, he is amazing.

It was okay at the beginning, but as things got more and more, the young lady also showed a shocked look.

Especially when she looked at the points, the current points are already extremely scary.

It took more than an hour to submit all the things in this way, and this was because he didn't collect it very hard.

The young lady looked at Jiang Jing with a look of admiration and said, "Jingshen, this mission has a total of 350,000 points, plus the previous congratulations, you have been promoted to a sixth-level bounty hunter."

Jiang Jing was a little surprised, so he was promoted to level 6 bounty hunter?

This speed is so fast, he came to the field twice in total to complete the limit that others can only achieve in a lifetime.

But it's normal to think about the current strength.

The young lady asked curiously: "Jingshen, do you want to withdraw these points?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Bring them all out."


35 points, converted to 35 million.

It can be said that it is a relatively great wealth. Of course, the most precious thing is the materials collected from the dark forest, which actually accounts for one-third of it.

It is not a loss to earn more than 30 million yuan in five months.

Sure enough, for a powerful trainer, money may be a string of numbers to them.

Seeing that 35 million had already been credited, Jiang Jing was in a good mood and booked a supreme private room with a wave of his hand.

Before leaving, I left an autograph and a group photo for the young lady.


Imperial Capital International Airport

One was wearing a white jacket, sunglasses, short hollow hair, tall and masculine.

When I got off the plane, I saw a man in a black windbreaker waiting at the door.

"Why did you call me back so early?"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Can't you come back sooner? Your mother doesn't know how much she misses you."

"It's true, you don't know how many times you have come back in such a long time."

After leaving the airport, I got into a luxury car and drove on the road.

Sitting in the back row, he looked at the street by the side of the road with some disgust and said, "But one thing to say, Huaguo is indeed too crowded and there are too many people."

"And the air quality is not very good, not as good as Lighthouse Country."

"Dad, why don't you go to Sun Never Set, where the environment is good and not so crowded."

The face of the middle-aged man next to him changed slightly after hearing this, but he still said with a smile: "I'm used to living in the country."

"By the way, Dad, if it weren't for those resources, I wouldn't have come back for your friendly match in Huaguo this time."

The middle-aged man said beside him: "The quota for this time has not yet been determined. If you want to get this batch of resources, you need to campaign internally."

The man in the jacket crossed his legs and said indifferently: "It's really troublesome, but it's okay, let me see Hua Guo's current level."

"Of course it would be even better if there are beautiful women."

The middle-aged man said from the side: "You'd better not be careless. This time, the internal elections are all the top talents in Huaguo, and some of them came back from abroad just like you."

"They are not weak. If they are too careless, they will easily capsize in the gutter."

The jacket man waved his hand and interrupted: "Dad, don't worry, I am very confident in my own strength."

"I am the champion in the MMA league, and even the main members of their national team are not my opponents."

"Although I haven't played against their captain, I feel that he is not my opponent."

When he said this, he raised his face, showing unrivaled confidence.


"Brother Jing, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

Liu Bin rushed over excitedly when he saw Jiang Jing in front of him.

Jiang Jing smiled with his bag on his back, "Haha, long time no see Ah Bin."

The two briefly recounted the old days before returning to Jiangjing's small villa.

"Brother Jing, I feel that I can definitely enter the main lineup for next year's summer league."

Jiang Jing handed him a bottle of happy water and said with a smile, "Of course I believe in you."

From Liu Bin's mouth, he knew that there are not many acquaintances in the school now.

Both Su Jincheng and Su Wei went out for special training.

Occasionally come back for a month or two, other times are away.

He also just came back last month and has been riding outside all the time.

In the evening, he brought a few acquaintances to dinner, and the next day he came to the dean's office.

This time it was the dean, Huang Lao and Cao Dao.

Let's catch up on the past first and ask how Jiang Jing's training has been in the past few months.

After ten minutes or so, I finally got to the point.

Dean Li took the lead and said, "It should be no problem for you to get a spot for Jiang Jing in this internal election."

"However, the people who can come in and select this time are not weak, and there are even descendants of the Heavenly King."

"Even the Yakuza-style trainers have joined in."

"It can be said to be a big fight."

Jiang Jing was a little puzzled: "Is there really one to three Ji Dao Liu trainers?"

Elder Huang said beside him: "Of course there is. If you are a Ji Dao Liu trainer, you can probably do it."

"Several disciples of Master Gu Nanchi in Tianlong Dojo have done it before."

"At the same time, there are also people from the two dojos. Their overall strength may not be as good as Tianlong Dojo."

"But no one dares to underestimate them. You will know when you go to participate."

This made Jiang Jing look forward to it.

Shen Lie of Tianlong Dojo knew that his strength was indeed strong, but his brothers and sisters didn't know what strength they were.

Huang Lao continued: "You have been preparing for the past twenty days, and you will be preparing for the battle next month."

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll also take a good rest for a few days, I'm really tired from staying in the wild."


Imperial Capital, Tianlong Dojo

A fierce battle is going on in a certain training ground.


The aluminum-steel dragon roared, its steel-like body was covered with scars, and its face was already showing signs of fatigue.

It wants to keep fighting, but it is no longer an opponent at all.

Every attack of the opponent will bring him huge damage.

With the last blow, the big moves of both sides collided.

His strength was still a bit weaker, and he still lost in the end.

"Thank you, Aluminum Steel Dragon."

Shen Lie took the aluminum steel dragon back into the ball and looked at the woman on the opposite side with a wry smile and said, "I lost, Sixth Senior Sister."

"Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that there must be a place for senior sister in this friendly match at the alliance headquarters."

The woman on the opposite side smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

"There are three elves, but I only have one. I may not be able to win."

Shen Lie smiled disdainfully: "I have confidence in you, Sixth Senior Sister."

"In this internal election, except for that pervert Jiang Jing, everyone else is not necessarily the opponent of Sixth Senior Sister."

The Sixth Senior Sister joked, "Did you forget Fifth Senior Brother?"

Shen Lie laughed and said, "Then except for Jiang Jing and Fifth Senior Brother."


Time passed quickly. As soon as Jiang Jing heard that Xiamen University had a good rest for a few days, he made up lessons and then devoted himself to training.

The gravity room and the natural simulation training room are also places he often visits.

Without the infusion of colored airflow, the speed of elves' ascension slowed down relatively.

The outside world is not clear about the friendly match at the league headquarters, and they are still living their lives.

But there are these people who can feel the great pressure that is coming.

No one dares to relax, except some people.

Time slipped away slowly from the fingertips until the arrival of December 10th.


Thanks to book friend C Tianya passer-by for the 100 starting coins.

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