This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 313 Lucario's Stage Show (ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket)

It believed that with Lucario's talent, he would be able to improve quickly.

This is nothing to worry about.

the next day


Lucario woke up after a burst of licking, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the big face of the wind speed dog.

It stretched out its hand to touch its own face, and it turned out that the wind speed dog was licking its face just now.


The wind speed dog said it was time to get up, the sun was drying his buttocks.

Lucario was still a little confused now, turned over and stood up.

In my mind, I began to recall what happened in yesterday's dream.

It dreamed a dream similar to the one it had before. After its level caught up, it participated in the national competition and defeated countless powerful enemies in front of the people of the whole country.

Carry out mega evolution on the World Series, turn the tide and help Jiang Jing become the new world champion.

Just as they were standing on the podium enjoying the applause of everyone, they woke up.

Fortunately, he was called up after winning the fight, otherwise he woke up halfway through the fight, so don't be too sorry.

After waking up, it also woke up quickly, bouncing around in place, and moved a distance of two or three meters with a swish.

It swung its fist wildly, forming afterimages in the air.


Lucario was a little delighted, he could feel the majestic energy in his body.

The sense of strength of the body is getting stronger and stronger, and the balance and agility of the body are also greatly enhanced.

It is estimated that the strength in battle will be improved even more.

Moreover, mobilizing the power of waveguide makes it more sensitive to the surrounding perception.

For example, the wind speed dog next to him knows that the other party is happily waiting for breakfast for a while.



After breakfast, Lucario looked seriously and said that he would also play in the next friendly match.

Jiang Jing nodded after hearing this and said, "Now your level has also been raised, and you have strength."

"Naturally, there is also a chance to play, and you will have a chance to play in a few days."

"You have to get used to the skyrocketing strength in the past few days."


Lucario clenched his fist firmly, full of strength.

The following training also worked harder, and the whole training room was filled with the sound of it launching skills and hitting the cube.

Jiang Jing couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene. Luca's level has now caught up, and his strength has ushered in a big explosion.

The friendlies did let it play.

I believe that Lucario's strength will also shock them.


League Calendar 2021, February 28

Xiamen University, Spirit Academy, Building A

Combat professional final combat assessment

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Jet Flame!"


The wind speed dog opened its mouth, and hot flames condensed in its mouth, and then turned into a huge flame, shooting towards the fragrance essence on the opposite side.

Aroma has purple feathers on its head, and a small part of the two small horns protruding from its head are also yellow. After evolution, it has grown hands and has a lot of feathers on its abdomen.

There is a black bow on the back of the feathers, the purple feet have become larger, and there are more eyebrows.

【Spirit】: aroma essence

[attribute]: goblin

[Talent]: ★★★

[Level]: LV40

[Characteristic]: Heart of Healing



Perfume will constantly emit a strong aroma from its body hair, causing the partner trainer's sense of smell to fail.

Because the smell is too strong, if it is not a trainer who loves it very much, it is quite difficult to walk with it.

It can produce a variety of smells, which can make the enemy lose their fighting spirit by emitting a stench, or emit an aromatic smell to help their partners, so that the battle will advance in a direction that is beneficial to them.


"Aroma essence, use mental force!"

The aroma essence on the ground heard the instruction, and started to release its skills regardless of the pain on its body.

I saw a lot of thoughts pouring out of it, and these thoughts rushed towards the flame pillar layer by layer like waves.


The two sides collided heavily.

But there was no stalemate, and the high and low were instantly distinguished.

The strong mental thought only blocked the flame pillar for less than a second, and the wave of thought power was completely pierced.

The flame column directly hit the body of the fragrance essence.


The flame exploded, and the body of the aroma essence was completely enveloped in flames.

The fiery flames burned and impacted its body, causing huge damage.

Just three seconds later, the aroma essence exuding a burnt smell fell on the ground and passed out.

"Aroma Essence lost his ability to fight, Jiangjing candidate passed the examination."

In an arena, several teachers watched the battle in the arena.

One of them announced immediately after seeing the fragrance essence fall.

"Come back, aroma essence."

The assessment teacher took back the fragrance essence and said with a smile:

"Student Jiang Jing, congratulations for passing the exam."

"Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. Aroma Essence is already a much higher level among all the assessment elves. Generally, sophomores can't pass at all."

Jiang Jing retracted the wind speed dog and said, "Thank you, teacher."

After leaving the teaching building, Jiang Jing also breathed a sigh of relief.

The final exam is over here, and the next step is to go back to my hometown for the New Year.

Everyone is back for this final exam, Su Wei, Su Jincheng, Chen Han...

Everyone has formed a habit of having dinner and chatting every time after the final exam.

We haven't seen each other for a few months, and everyone has made some progress.

Now the strongest are still Su Wei and Su Jincheng.

Moreover, the strength of Su Wei and Su Jincheng is still increasing.

It is said that Su Jincheng and his father had good luck in the wild and found a lot of good things.

Take it out and exchange it with the school for a wave of precious supplies.

Although most of the head was used on Su Yao's elves, the remaining small part also brought Su Jincheng's strength to a higher level.

Among his peers, Jiang Jing is not counted, but his strength can also enter the ranks of the top five.

If you work harder, you might be able to enter the top three.

This made Su Wei very envious, and it also made him realize that it is not enough to just stay in the dojo for special training.

It is still necessary to go to the wild for actual combat. He decided to go to the wild for actual combat after the Spring Festival.

Come back again in March.


Shancheng, Jiangbei Airport

"It's a bit cold. The temperature difference between Rongcheng and Shancheng is too great."

Jiang Ma said shiveringly as she wrapped herself in her down jacket.

Jiang Jing said with a smile: "Let's go to the hotel quickly, it won't be cold when the heating is turned on."

Father Jiang also said, "Let's go, let's take a taxi there."

Ten minutes later they arrived at a five-star hotel near the airport.

Originally, Jiang Ma was not willing to live in such a good hotel, thinking it was a waste of money.

But in the end, he was persuaded by Jiang Jing, who meant that his elf was too big to fit in a small hotel.

Only five-star hotel rooms are big enough.

A suite was booked in total, nearly 200 square meters, enough for all the elves in Jiangjing to sleep in it.

They don't plan to go back too early this time, they just play here for three days before going back.

The next day Jiang Jing went to challenge the Gym, while they went to nearby famous attractions.

After Jiang Jing got up in the morning and finished washing, he went downstairs to take a taxi to the gymnasium.

The first-level gymnasium in the mountain city is called Panshi gymnasium, which specializes in the ground system.

This is the same as Xiao Zhihang.

Rock Gym is built next to Shancheng University in SPB District.

Passing by the busy and lively streets, the atmosphere of the New Year is already extremely strong.

There are lights and festoons everywhere, and red fills every corner.

Chinese New Year can be seen everywhere, and many elves coming and going are also wearing red clothes.

After a while, he arrived at his destination, and when he got out of the car, he saw a huge building in his sight.

This is a brown rock-like building.

There are four big characters on it: Panshi Gymnasium.

There are also a group of people around to enter the gymnasium.

This is also a peculiar rule of the Panshi Gym, that is, the challenges of the Gym can be viewed in the Gym.

Tickets are also expensive, that is, 20 yuan a piece, you can watch it for a day.

If counting 500 seats, it would cost 10,000 yuan a day.

300,000 a month, 3.6 million a year, not much.

The big head is on the challengers, and they cost tens of thousands of dollars for one challenge.

Usually, students who come to watch the battle are students from nearby universities.

It can be said to be a benefit to nearby college students.

Of course, sometimes too many people will increase the price.

"Hurry up, there is Jingshen coming to challenge the gymnasium today."

"Jingshen is from our mountain city, so you must watch his battle."

"Even if it costs two hundred yuan a ticket, I still have to come and see it."

Two hundred yuan is not expensive for people of the Elf family, but it is a bit expensive for people of other professions.

But for some people, the two hundred yuan is still very worthwhile.

"You are Jingshen."

He turned around and saw a beautiful girl in a white down jacket and jeans looking at him excitedly and curiously.

Beside her was a lovely girl.

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "It's me, your eyes are really good."

The lady in the down jacket showed an expression of disbelief after hearing this, and then said excitedly: "Jingshen, it's really you, we all came to see you challenge the gym."

"Can you sign us?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem."

I also asked the young lady's name, and wrote blessings on the white paper she brought.

Then they took pictures together.

After the end, the young lady left bouncingly with her girlfriends.

At the same time, other people also discovered Jiang Jing and rushed over to ask for his autograph.

Jiang Jing didn't refuse either, and signed them one by one.


It was not until half an hour later that he entered the gymnasium under the leadership of the staff.

"Trainer Jiangjing, we are going to the waiting room now."

Said the front staff.

When they entered, they found that there were already two people in the waiting room.

A man and a woman, the man is a little handsome, wearing a short sleeve in winter, revealing the abs and muscles that have been trained inside.

The other one is wearing a blue Lolita costume, and her round face looks a little cute.

The two were taken aback when they saw Jiang Jing.

Among them, the Lolita woman jumped up and said in surprise, "Are you Jiang Jing?"

"When I came in just now, I heard a lot that you were coming to challenge the Panshi Gym, but I didn't expect you to really come."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "It's me, hello."

Miss Lolita said, "Hi, my name is Yao Lin."

As for the other one, there was no reaction at all, so he nodded.

Yao Lin was also very excited after seeing Jiang Jing, and asked curiously: "Jing Shen, I remember you are only a sophomore, and you are here to challenge the first-level gymnasium so soon."

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "I feel that I have made some progress recently, so I will challenge the gym to test my strength."

Yao Lin nodded seriously and said, "I believe that your strength, Jiang Jing, will definitely be good."

Yao Lin: ()

Jiang Jing: "Thank you, and you work hard too."

As for the burly man not far away, he showed disdain. As a sophomore, wouldn't he think that he has the strength of a gold-level trainer after winning the summer league championship?

After a while, someone came in and said, "Hong Zhengwei's trainer is up to you to challenge."

The muscular man showed his muscles and said: "It's up to me, and if I get this badge, I will have eight badges, which is enough for me to become a gold-level trainer."

After speaking, he glanced at Jiang Jing, he was showing off to Jiang Jing.

After speaking, he walked out of the waiting room and went to the arena.

On the other side, Song Huhu, the owner of the Panshi Gym, was a little distressed at this time.

Today Jiang Jing is coming to challenge the gym, he is thinking about how to challenge the difficulty.

The information showed that Jiang Jing already had a badge on his body at this time.

It's still an ocean gymnasium with a very low pass rate. What does this mean? It means that Jiang Jing's strength is extremely strong.

Don't look at his young age, but his strength is strong.

Thinking of this, he felt that he could also increase the difficulty.

Although the pass rate on my side is also ranked at the bottom of all first-level gyms.

So he looked at Gao Hongzheng on the opposite side, and selected a very high-level elf from the elf box next to him.

Gao Hong was looking at the full auditorium, and at a glance, there were thousands of people.

How cool it would be if I defeated the gymnasium in them.

He has already inquired about the Panshi gymnasium. Although the pass rate is not high, there is no problem in passing with strength.

So after the referee announced the rules, he couldn't wait to take out his elf ball and throw it out.

Little River View is ridiculous, let you see what it means to be truly powerful.

With the mentality of showing off, this Gym Challenge officially started.

ten minutes later


Gao Hongzheng could no longer control his expression.

Especially the elves who saw that they had lost their fighting ability in the arena.

He was stunned, what the hell happened?

Why is the Rock Gym so strong? You're sure it's not about me.

Song Huhu also secretly thought that it was not good, forgetting that the guy opposite was not Jiang Jing, and his strength was not so strong.

But after the fight is over, it is impossible to start again.

That's all I can say is sorry.


Jiang Jing watched the live broadcast on TV, especially when Song Huo defeated Gao Hongzheng with absolute strength, he became excited instantly.

This strength is very strong, and it feels not much worse than Ji Lian's elves in the Ocean Gym.

Not long after, Mr. Gao Hongzheng came back. Instead of leaving, he chose to sit here and continue watching.

He wanted to see that even if he failed to pass, this Jiang Jing would certainly not pass.

He wanted to stay and watch Jiang Jing's failure. When he failed, the expressions on the audience seats would probably be pretty.

Thinking of the fact that he lost the challenge here, it doesn't seem so uncomfortable.

The second person to play was Yao Lin, and she succeeded in the challenge in the end.

Jiang Jing was keenly aware that Song Huo had lowered the difficulty and was suspected of intentionally releasing water.

But the difficulty is still very high. If there are no elves above level 55, it is still very difficult to win.

This also made Gao Hongzheng's eyeballs almost pop out.

In an instant, I felt that this Song Huo was an LSP, and when facing the beautiful young lady, he actually released water,

"Yeah, I passed the challenge."

Yao Lin came back bouncing around.

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Congratulations on your successful challenge."

The rock badge in Yao Lin's hand shone with a unique luster under the light.

Gao Hong was envious, so he snorted disdainfully.

"Who can't see that Song Yingjun is so proud of the badge he got without relying on his own strength."

Yao Lin became upset immediately after hearing this.

"Someone, if you don't get a badge, you can only say that others let you go."

"If you have that time, it's better to think about how to make yourself stronger and get the badge." Yao Lin also went back with a yin and yang, not to be outdone.



Gao Hong was laughing and cursing but couldn't say anything, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to refute for a while.

He also felt that there was no need to have the same knowledge as the little girl Yao Lin, so he could only put his head aside.

At this time, the staff also came in and said, "Trainer Jiangjing, it's your turn."

Jiang Jing stood up and said, "Okay, it's me next."

Yao Lin clenched her fists and said vigorously, "Jiang Jing, come on."

In fact, she is definitely several years older than Jiang Jing, but now she looks like a high school student.

Jiang Jing walked out of the room, walked through the corridor, and entered the arena, only to see that there were a large number of audience seats inside.

This is something that other gyms don't have. A large number of spectators immediately applauded when they saw Jiang Jing coming in.



The young ladies who were at the door asking for autographs were shouting at each other vigorously.

Song Huo smiled, his gym hadn't been this lively for a long time.

Jiang Jing stood on top of the player's seat.

Song Tiger said: "Trainer Jiangjing, this is the Panshi Gym. I am a Gym specializing in the ground system. As long as you defeat me, you can get the Panshi Badge in my hand."

After speaking, he raised the rock badge in his hand that reflected under the light.

"Are you ready?"

Jiang Jing smiled slightly and said, "I'm ready."

The referee next to him said: "The next thing is the gymnasium challenge."

"Both sides can use two spirits, and the challenge ends when both spirits on one side lose their ability to fight."

"The master of the gymnasium can only change the elves once in the middle, and the challenger has no restriction on changing the elves."

"Now, both parties, please release the elves."

Song Huo picked out a luxurious ball from the box next to it and threw it out.

"Go, sand snail python!"

For Jiang Jing, he must increase the difficulty.

And Jiang Jing also took out a silver and blue poke ball and threw it out.

"Go, Lucario!"


Lucario emerged from a burst of white light.

The body landed on the ground, and as soon as he came out, his eyes locked on the elf opposite him.

Jiang Jing's Data Eye also landed on Shaluomon.

The shape of the sand spiral python is a big coiled snake. When crawling, it still maintains a coiled posture, and only uses the part of the body that touches the ground to move forward.

The neck is dark and tire-shaped, which is the gizzard in which it stores sand.

The double-barreled gun-like nose can spray sand to fend off enemies.

【Spirit】: Sand Snail Python

[attribute]: ground

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV58

【Characteristics】: Sand Hidden

[Skills]: Poison Tail (Specialization), Mud Throwing (Specialization), Tightening (Specialization), Sand Pulling (Specialization), Shrinking (Proficiency), Wild Swinging (Specialization), Stomp ( Specialization), Head Hammer (specialization), Big Snake Stare (specialization), Digging (specialization), Sandstorm (specialization), Beating (specialization), Shrinking (specialization), Quicksand Hell (specialization), Mud Shooting (Specialization), Force of the Earth (Specialization), Earthquake (Specialization), Straight Drilling (Specialization), Rock Blockade (Specialization), Rock Avalanche (Specialization),


Sand snail pythons will inflate sandbags to cover their heads to protect themselves from foreign enemies.

This sandbag can store more than 100kg of sand at a time, and its elasticity and thickness are so strong that even the teeth of iron ants cannot bite through it.

After curling up, it shoots the sand in the sandbag from its nostrils to attack.

The sand is mixed with sharp gravel, which is dangerous if touched. It was made by coagulating sand with saliva, and it has all kinds of shapes.

It also stretches its body to the limit, blasting sand with enough momentum to wash away dump trucks.

Although the sand snail python is aggressive when the sand bag is full, it seems to become very fragile when the sand bag is empty.

The reason why it coils its body in a unique way is to eject the sand in the gizzard more efficiently.

Occasionally, sand snail pythons also eat the eggs of iron ants.


The sand snail python at level 58, I don't know if it's all agreed.

When fighting Jiang Jing, he used the same level of elves.

But Lucario would not persuade him.

Before Emperor Nabo took four sets of enhancers, his strength was too strong, and he didn't feel at all when fighting.

And Lucario only took one set of enhancers, which is now only equivalent to 54 elves.

Fortunately, it already has a six-star talent, and the Sand Conch Python is still quite big.


The heads of Lucario and Sand Concrete Python both appeared on the big screen of the ELD.

The avatars of both people have two empty circles, and now the avatars of the two people appear.

Song Laohu smiled confidently: "Lucario? You don't want to use you, Boss Kedora and the giant golden monster. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

Everyone in the auditorium also looked forward to the two elves on the arena.

At this time, Gao Hong in the waiting room smiled disdainfully and said, "It's actually Lucario, he really came here to play."

"If you don't get the ace elf, how can you win?"

Yao Lin beside her also became a little worried.

The referee also announced: "The battle begins!"

"Sand snail python, use Quicksand Hell!"

"Lucario, use the enhanced punch!"

The two gave the command to attack at the same time.

Sand snail python and Lucario acted instantly.

I saw that the sand snail python rolled itself up as soon as it came out, and its eyes burst into dazzling light.


The sand snail python began to mobilize energy, and a large amount of energy condensed in the air to form ten boulders and projected them towards Lucario.


Lucario mobilized the power of waveguide to bless his body, and his senses were magnified several times in an instant.

The body jumped out in an instant, and its perception locked on each boulder, and the moment they fell, the body disappeared in place and turned into an afterimage to avoid the past.

In the sight of the audience, Lucario dodged ten boulders as quickly as a bolt of lightning, and he completely crossed the distance of ten meters between the two sides in two to three seconds.

I saw its fists were wrapped in red energy.

Sand snail python was startled, so fast?

Obviously Lucario's speed surprised it.

Before it could avoid its sight, it was covered by Lucario Shalun's fist.

Lucario waved his fist and hit the Sand Concrete Python.

"Bang bang!!"

With a punch, a phantom was shot in the air.

The sand snake was unable to fight back because it was now in pain.

Unable to respond to the pain, Lucario's attack power is getting stronger and stronger.

Especially the fist is as hard as steel now, and it hurts to fight back completely.


With the final blow over, Lucario jumped and performed a super backflip to widen the distance between the two sides.

At the same time, Lucario's strength also shocked Song Huo.

It took less than half a minute from getting the hand to retreating, everything was smooth and smooth, without any blockage.

The skill of rock blockade is of no use to him.

"Snail Python, use Earthquake!"


The sand snail python raised its body angrily, and then slammed it heavily on the ground.

A large amount of brown energy spread out along the body when it hit the ground.


The whole earth began to shake violently.

A huge crack formed from under its body and swept towards Jiangjing.

Jiang Jing was not surprised by this.

Lucario's body also shook.

Then, a force followed the crack and rushed towards him.

"Lucario, jump up and use the wave missile!"


Lucario's legs began to exert strength, and suddenly he jumped high.

At the same time, with both hands together, a large amount of waveguide power surged out of its body, condensing two-color wave missiles in its hands.

The energy was continuously compressed, and then released fiercely against the ground.

Wave missiles!

Lucario's original position cracked and a burst of energy came out of it and collided with the wave missile.


An explosion formed, sending a cloud of dust from the ground.

Lucario didn't stop fighting even when he fell into the dust.

"Lucario, use super speed!"


Lucario's already extremely fast speed has once again increased to a higher level.

It slammed into the sand conch python with lightning speed.

His whole body was wrapped in blue energy.

A blink of an eye appeared in front of the opponent.


With a loud noise, the sand snail python was directly hit and flew out.

The body drew a perfect arc in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


This blow was not light, and Lucario's full blow dealt a great deal of damage.

The sand snail python's shocked head buzzed.

In the next second, Lucario appeared in front of it again.

There were fists in front of him, and one of them hit it without falling.

Enhance Punch!

"Bang bang bang!!"

This time the sand snail python was completely out of control, and passed out on the spot.

After the smoke dissipated, everyone saw the situation inside.

I saw that the sand snail python was already lying unconscious on the ground, with Lucario's fist marks all over his body.

Song Huhu widened his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He even looked at his watch in disbelief. Less than two minutes had passed. How could the battle be over?

And his Sand Conch Python is a level 58 elf, level 58, this is not an ordinary elf outside.

"The sand snail python loses its ability to fight, and Lucario wins."


On the large LED screen, the head of the sand snail python instantly dimmed.


Lucario felt a burst of relief in his body, and fighting was fun.

Sure enough, fighting is its aphrodisiac.


In the waiting room, Gao Hongzheng was dumbfounded, his eyes widened, and the eyeballs were about to pop out.

He actually won so easily. It's fake. You must know that in the battle just now, the same elf, his own elf was no match at all.

But Jiang Jing won easily. Doesn't this mean that he is not Jiang Jing's opponent at all.

How could Jiang Jing be so strong? How could it be so strong!

Yao Lin's eyes were also shining brightly. This is the strength of the champion of the summer league. It's too powerful. She has such strength at a young age.

He doesn't need to worry at all.

Although most of the auditorium didn't know the specific situation, they only knew that Jiang Jing was amazing, and Jiang Jing was awesome.

On the arena, Jiang Jing said with a faint smile: "Master Song, your strength doesn't seem to be high."

Song Huo said with a smile: "It's really good, it's worthy of being the champion of the summer league."

"In this case, I will give you a difficult time."

"Come back, sand snail python."

He retracted it into the ball, picked out another elf ball and threw it out.

"Go, desert dragonfly!"


A strong and exquisite figure appeared in the sky and turned into a desert dragonfly.

Looking at this desert dragonfly reminded Jiang Jing of the desert dragonfly of Qin Longzhi in Tianlong Dojo,

In terms of level, his desert dragonfly is definitely not as high as this one.

Jiang Jing's data eye also scanned the past in an instant.

[Spirit]: Desert Dragonfly

[Attributes]: Dragon, Ground

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV60

[Characteristics]: floating

[Skills]: Breeze (Specialization), Head-on Blow (Specialization), Feint Attack (Specialization), Dragon Claw (Specialization), Dragon Breath (Specialization), Dragon Dance (Specialization), Sharpening (Specialization) Fine), stomping (specialization), digging (specialization), crushing (specialization), brute force (specialization), cracking the ground (specialization), pulling sand (proficient), frightening (specialization), Ultrasonic wave (specialization), bite (specialization), mud throwing (specialization), quicksand hell (specialization), dragon tail (specialization), screech (specialization), insect chirping (specialization), sandstorm (specialization) Essence), Force of the Earth (specialization), Earthquake (specialization), Noisy (specialization), Dragon Wave (specialization), Dragon God Swoop (specialization), Boom (proficiency)


The desert dragonfly flaps its powerful wings to lift up the sand in the desert to hide its body, so it is always in a sandstorm when flying.

Because it is located in the center of the sandstorm it rolls up, it is a spirit that rarely shows itself in front of people.

It will let the rogue crocodile lurk in the sandstorm and share the prey it catches.

In the sandstorm it set off, there will be a sound like a woman singing and fluttering, so it is called the desert elf.

Those who are confused by this sound and take away their minds will eventually be caught in sandstorms and become food for desert dragonflies, so people continue to die in the desert.


Jiang Jing raised his brows, this desert dragonfly is really unusual, it has learned all the skills it can learn.


The head of the desert dragonfly lights up on the large LED screen.

Song Huhu spoke, his voice was rough.

"Jiang Jing, I have been cultivating this desert dragonfly for more than 20 years."

"The strength is good, but it's not easy to deal with."

Song Huo looks strong and muscular. Although he is not handsome, he has a domineering temperament.

It looks like he is over 40 years old, and he can be said to be a veteran diamond-level trainer.

In the waiting room, Gao Hong was looking at the desert dragonfly, and it was this desert dragonfly that defeated him.

If the sand snail python can still fight, then this desert dragonfly can't fight at all.

His strongest elf is a level 55 Yanwu King, but facing the desert dragonfly can be said to be instantly killed by one move.

It really hurts, it hurts too much.

He didn't think Jiang Jing could still win, this was no longer an opponent of the same level.

On the arena, Lucario looked at his opponent.

The opponent can fly, which is very disadvantageous for it.

However, in terms of attributes, the desert dragonfly cannot restrain it.

Even the dragon skills are only half as powerful on it.


Lucario also felt extremely strong pressure.

At the same time, it is also a little bit excited. Only when a strong opponent is defeated can there be a sense of accomplishment.

"The battle begins!"

"Desert Dragonfly, use Sandstorm!"

"Lucario, use the wave missile!"

The battle was about to start, and both sides issued attack orders at the same time.


The desert dragonfly roared in the sky, and a dazzling sand-colored light burst out of its eyes.

The entire calm arena suddenly had a strong wind, and in a moment it turned into a sandstorm in everyone's sight, flying sand and rolling stones.

Lucario also condensed a wave of missiles in his hands and launched them.

However, the wave missile was affected by the sandstorm after it was launched, and deviated from its direction, and was easily dodged by the desert dragonfly.

The wave missile was affected by the sandstorm and exploded directly in the air.


A huge explosion formed in the air.

Not even the desert dragonfly is immune to being in the air.


It flew out for a certain distance under the impact of energy, but fortunately it was not hit, otherwise the damage would only be greater.

Even Sandstorm was affected.


Lucario felt the sand and stones around him hit him. Although it couldn't hurt him, it had a great impact on its speed and line of sight.

The combat power was instantly suppressed.

"Desert dragonfly, use the dragon claw!"


After the desert dragonfly stabilized its figure in the air, it charged towards Lucario.

I saw that its wings were instantly wrapped by green energy, turning into green energy giant claws.

The terrifying Longwei also erupted from its body.

"Lucario, use the shadow clone!"


Lucario split into more than a dozen clones in an instant.

But as soon as they came out, they were impacted by the sandstorm. The sand and rocks hit them, and they became energy fragments and were swept away by the sandstorm between breaths.

Jiang Jing thought to himself: Sure enough?

That being the case, let's meet the enemy head-on.

"Lucario, use the enhanced punch!"

The effect of the enhanced punch is still there, and Lucario's fist is as hard as iron.

Facing the impact of the desert dragonfly, it stayed in place and assumed a fighting posture.

Even if the surrounding sandstorm is raging, it cannot be shaken.

Between his fists and breathing, he was surrounded by red energy.

Not only that, but a little waveguide power is also covered on it.

Lucario was a little surprised that the two different energies merged.

Its erratic behavior actually succeeded.

Two seconds later, the desert dragonfly charged down.

Just when the distance between the two sides was less than one meter, the desert dragonfly waved its giant claws.

Cut through the air and carry the wind.

Dragon Claw!

Faced with such an attack, Lucario also moved.

The pair of fists instantly swung out in a spiral shape.

Enhance Punch!


The skills of the two sides collided together.

Enhanced Fist VS Dragon Claw!

There was a loud noise, and the attacks of both sides broke out with all their strength.

After the violent collision, both sides were shaken back.

Then a new round of confrontation began.

The desert dragonfly simply uses the dragon claw skills, but Lucario is different.

All kinds of skills were used after getting close.

Fa Jin, Metal Claws, Sword Dance, Soaring Fist...

Lucario uses his flexible body skills, super fast reaction speed and super attack power.

The opponent Desert Dragonfly has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Song Laohu knew that he couldn't get close anymore, otherwise the loser would definitely be the desert dragonfly.

"Desert Dragonfly, distance yourself and use Dragon Wave!"


The desert dragonfly rushed into the sky, widening the gap with Lucario.

After circling in the air, the violent dragon energy burst out from its body.

I saw huge blue-red energy ejected from its mouth, and turned into a dragon shape in the air.

Dragon Wave!

"Lucario, use the wave missile!"


Lucario looked at the desert dragonfly in the sky, frantically mobilizing the waveguide power in his body.

The blue energy gushes out quickly, directly affecting the surroundings.

Even the desert cannot get closer than three meters around it.

The energy is like a waterfall forming a deep two-color energy ball in its hands.

A large amount of waveguide power is compressed in it.

This time Lucario is coming for real, and the power of waveguide condensed in it is more than three times that of before.

Not to mention the power, it is definitely enough to explode.

After the condensing was completed, Lucario pushed it out forcefully in the posture of Kamehameki.

Wave missiles!

The two sides collided in the air, and the wave missile exploded instantly.

Wave Missile VS Dragon Wave!

The surrounding space was instantly covered in blue.

The originally menacing wave of the dragon instantly shattered.

The huge explosion rushed towards the desert dragonfly.

Although it was not in the middle of the explosion, even the aftermath this time contained extremely powerful power.

Not to mention that this wave missile is blessed by the life orb.


There was a loud noise, and the screams of desert dragonflies came from the explosion.

Then everyone could only see a puff of smoke.

When the breeze blows and the smoke dissipates, everyone will look again. The desert dragonfly is already lying on the ground, dying with scars all over its body.

The battle is over from here.


Lucario was panting heavily, but he was still happy in his heart, and he was having a good time.

"Desert Dragonfly lost the ability to fight, and Lucario won."

"Because the two elves of the gymnasium owner have lost their ability to fight, the Jiangjing trainer's challenge was successful." The referee announced solemnly.

Thank you book friends for smoking only the 1500 starting coins rewarded by King Furong.

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