This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 328 Battle against the desert tyrant Bankiras (seeking subscription, monthly ticket)

There is a high probability that I will not be able to avoid it.

But since you can't hide it, then don't hide it.

It Lucario can withstand the icicle falling, but I don't know if your ice rock monster can withstand its wave missile.

So the two sides frantically accelerated to complete the skills, wanting to release the skills in the shortest possible time.

The two are running at the speed of life and death!

"Dear audience friends, now we can see that the Ice Rock Monster and Lucario are both brewing their own tricks."

As a result, the waveguide power, as majestic as the sea, surged out of its body crazily.

This time is still the same as last time, the power of the waveguide and the energy of the life orb are fused together like a spiral ball, and the energy condenses into four-color wave missiles in the high-speed rotation.

A terrifying aura emanated from it.

The ice rock monster not far away felt the instinctive fear of its body, making it want to stay away.

But it was overcome by it, it has no way out now, and it must use its skills as soon as possible.

"The momentum is huge, it seems that they are all thinking about how to defeat each other."

"Who can release the skills faster." Wang Peng mobilized the audience's emotions.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lucario's wave missiles had already condensed.


With a fixed gaze, it pushed out the wave missile in its hand forcefully.

It took less than half a second to complete this action, and the icicle above his head also condensed and smashed down heavily.

Lucario fell into an ice cave, and the cold breath enveloped its body, making it completely stiff and unable to escape.

So it can only choose to bear the attack of the icicle.

I saw it with its arms covering its head.


The huge icicle wrapped in the cold breath hit it heavily.


The audience saw a huge icicle falling, and there was a loud sound, and the white cold breath wrapped the surroundings inside, and everyone couldn't see what was going on inside.

At the same time, on the other side, the ice rock monster that had released the icicle crash in one breath was still weak, and before it had time to catch its breath, it saw the wave missile strike.

He could only watch helplessly as it hit him and then exploded suddenly.


Another explosion enveloped the entire arena.

A four-color mushroom cloud instantly formed on the arena, and the impact of energy spread all over the surroundings.

The ice rock monster was at the center of the explosion and suffered the most damage.

The waveguide's force bombarded its body, causing huge pain. It couldn't help but let out a painful roar, and then lost consciousness.

The arena is divided into two areas, and the energy impacts each other but is clearly distinct.

But with the impact of the power of the waveguide, the ice breath began to be eroded, and then slowly dissipated.

At this moment, Huang Zizhe's face was no longer calm.

I am anxiously waiting for the final result.

The energy dissipated slowly, and Lucario was the first to reveal the whole picture inside.

The people who saw it widened their eyes instantly, and saw that Lucario did not fall down, but held the icicle tightly.

Its arms kept shaking.

The cold icicles froze its arms, but from time to time, a warmth flowed from its body to relieve the stiffness of its arms.

It has already exploded with all the strength in its body, firmly resisting the icicle.

"It's incredible, Lucario actually lifted the icicle fall."

"It has not been harmed, and there is a powerful force in its body."

Wang Peng explained loudly.


Lucario already felt that his physical strength was about to reach its limit.

So his eyes widened and exploded again, and the power of waveguide instantly circulated to every part of his body.

A huge force erupted from its body, and the knees that were originally bent by the icicles slowly straightened up.

Move it vigorously, and then push it obliquely.

The entire huge icicle began to tilt, and then hit the arena heavily.


There was a loud bang, and a huge cloud of dust was raised.

The icicle didn't break when it hit the ground, but melted slowly.


After the outbreak ended, Lucario began to gasp for breath, exhausted too much, and his body became weak for a while.

Looking at the opponent again, the ice rock monster on the opposite side has not moved at this time.

I saw the ice rock monster lying on the ground and passed out.

"The Ice Rock Monster lost the ability to fight, and Lucario won." The referee announced directly.


The head of the Ice Rock Monster instantly went dark on the big screen.

The battle is over, defeating an elf with two consecutive blows, this is Lucario's strength.

Many viewers have to face up to the strength of this Lucario.

From the beginning to now, I don't know how many elves have been defeated.

"Ice rock monster!" Huang Zizhe was a little confused.

After putting it back in the book, I was a little flustered.

But when he touched the last elf ball, he seemed to have confidence again.

It's okay, he still has the last elf, and it still has a chance.

At this time, Jiang Jing also chose to take Lucario back into the ball.

"Come back and rest, Lucario, you have done a good job, and then leave it to the other elves."

Then he looked at Huang Zizhe and said, "I heard that your nickname Hell Sandstorm was obtained from looking at the ace elf, Bankiras."

"I'm a little curious as to whether your Bankiras is really that powerful."

Huang Zizhe sneered at this ridicule: "You will find out later."

After speaking, he threw the elf ball in his hand.

"Go, Bankiras!"


A huge body like a hill appeared on the ground, and its violent momentum erupted along with its roar.

Jiang Jing also took out a poke ball from his pocket and threw it out.

"After so many days, it's your turn to play."

"Go, Emperor Napoleon!"


Emperor Napoleon emerged from a stream of water.

As soon as it came out, the surrounding air became a little humid.

Looking at Bankiras on the opposite side, his eyes were full of excitement. It has been holding back for a long time, and it can finally come out to fight.

Jiang Jing's data eye also scanned Bankiras in an instant.

[Spirit]: Bankiras (hard rock)

[attribute]: rock, evil

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV55

【Characteristics】: blowing sand

[Skills]: Stampede (Specialization), Primal Power (Specialization), Dragon Dance (Specialization), Bite (Specialization), Stare (Specialization), Second Sound (Proficiency), Sandstorm (Superb) , Gradually break (specialization), rock collapse (specialization), ghost face (skilled), make a fuss (specialization), evil waves (specialization), crush (specialization), earthquake (specialization), Spike Attack (Specialization), Lightning Fang (Specialization), Flame Fang (Specialization), Frozen Fang (Specialization), Destruction Death Beam (Proficiency), Iron Head (Specialization), Invisible Rock (Specialization), Iron Tail (Specialization)



On the large LED screen, the heads of Bankiras and Emperor Nabo lit up.

As soon as Bankiras appeared on the stage, energy flowed from its eyes.

The entire arena was automatic without wind, and between breaths, sand condensed out of thin air on the arena, and under the blowing of the strong wind, a huge sandstorm actually formed.

The entire arena instantly rustled, flying sand and stones.

Emperor Nabo's body had to stand firmly on the ground to prevent himself from being blown away.

Jiang Jing frowned. The power of this sandstorm was indeed terrifying, and his actions were seriously hindered. Is this a sandstorm with supernatural power?

But he is not afraid at all, because Emperor Nabo is also able to restrain it in the same way, whether it is water-type or steel-type skills, it can double the restraint.

"The battle begins!"

Huang Zizhe watched Emperor Nabo stand in the sandstorm with difficulty, and from time to time, the broken stones would hit him under the blessing of the strong wind.

"So let me see how you fight?"

Everyone in the auditorium saw this scene and felt that it was really too difficult to fight in such an environment.

"Imperator Nabo, use Pray for Rain, Tide Spin!"


The eyes of Emperor Nabo instantly burst into blue light.

A large black cloud enveloped the entire arena within a breath.

"Tick tock!!"

In an instant, it began to rain cats and dogs.

The impact of the sandstorm turned into a torrential rain in an instant.

If the skill of praying for rain is not strong enough, it is very likely to be assimilated by the sandstorm.

At the same time, a huge vortex of water flow instantly formed around Emperor Nabo's body, enveloping him inside.

In this way, the impact of the surrounding sandstorms and gravel on it is minimized.

All are resisted by the water vortex outside.

"Bangiras, use Earthquake!"


Bankiras' ferocious face roared, and powerful energy surged out of its body and gathered in its legs along its body.

I saw it raised its big foot and stomped heavily towards the ground.


With a muffled sound, the ground of the arena shook violently in an instant.

A huge crack formed from under its feet, and it rushed towards Emperor Nabo with lightning speed.

A huge amount of energy is also brewing inside.

"Emperor Nabo, use sword dance + peck drill!"

Jiang Jing would not let Bankiras attack.

I saw Emperor Nabo jump up and point his head at Bankiras, his body spun at a high speed.

With the vortex of water, it began to attack Bankiras.

At the same time, the energy in the body is transformed into red fighting-type energy covering the surface of the body inside.

At this time, Ji Xuanrong in the auditorium was a little nervous.

I saw that Huang Zizhe's two elves had lost their ability to fight.

He was already on the verge of despair, but now seeing the strength of Bankiras, he immediately regained his confidence.

Must win!

Nie Kun at the VIP seat looked at Emperor Nabo with great interest.

He wanted to see how strong this emperor Nabo was.

It should be able to glimpse the strength of other elves from it.

Especially now that Emperor Nabo's opponent is still a quasi-god.

Ordinary elves with the same level and talents are generally not the opponents of quasi-gods.

Because quasi-gods are very comprehensive, there are almost no shortcomings in the six-dimensional attributes.

So many players in the auditorium watched curiously.

Above the arena, the earth cracked at the original position of Emperor Nabo, and huge energy burst out of the ground.

The result was empty, and there was no trace of the opponent at all.

And Emperor Nabo also rushed towards Bankiras.

"Bangiras, use Crunch!"


Seeing Emperor Nabo attacking, Bankiras was not at all timid.

It opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth.

At the same time, it was also wrapped in energy, just waiting for the emperor Nabo to come over.

But during the impact, Emperor Nabo suddenly split a stream of water and rushed upwards.

Bankiras' attention was instantly attracted and he looked up.

The next second it realized something was wrong, and quickly lowered its head.

But the Imperial Napoleon had already crashed into its body.

The huge vortex of water carried Emperor Nabo, who was like a spinning top cone, and slammed into Bankiras' chest fiercely.


A huge collision sounded, and Bankiras uttered a sky-high roar in the face of the huge impact, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.


Bankiras felt a pain in his chest, as if he was about to be penetrated.

After the Emperor Napo Shock ended, he returned with the water vortex.

Landing firmly on the ground, it looked a little dissatisfied with its masterpiece.

If it weren't for the influence of the surrounding sandstorm, it felt that the power it played would be even more violent.


Huang Zizhe gritted his teeth, the two skills used by Bankiras didn't have the expected effect.

"Bangiras, get up and attack with sharp stones."


Bankiras quickly got up from the ground. As expected of a quasi-god, he didn't seem to have suffered much damage from the attack of Emperor Nabo.

The defense is also top-notch, whether it is physical defense or special defense.

I saw Bankiras grinning ferociously, and at the same time, a dazzling brown light burst out of his eyes.

The surroundings absorbed a large amount of sand and gravel out of thin air and condensed into countless stone cones.

Densely covered the surrounding space.

Even with the help of the sandstorm, more stone cones can be condensed.

The atmosphere instantly became chilling.

Emperor Napoleon felt locked in.

"Imperator Napoleon, use the water cannon!"


Emperor Nabo was shocked, and quickly mobilized the power of the water system in his body.

The props in the body, the mysterious water droplets also began to play a role.

The mobilization speed of the water flow becomes faster, and the surrounding rainwater also makes it easier for the water flow to condense.

The water flow gathered in Emperor Nabo's mouth, and then it turned into a huge water column and shot out.

Water cannons!

At the same time, Bankiras on the opposite side also controlled the stone cone and launched it.

Spike attack!

A large number of stone cones and water columns collided together.

It's a pity that under the huge impact of the water column, a large number of stone cones were instantly broken into small stones and scattered on the ground by the water flow.

Huang Zizhe's face changed slightly, obviously the power of the water column exceeded its imagination.

This water cannon is an attribute bonus, item bonus, and environment bonus for Emperor Nabo.

Various buffs are superimposed together.

Therefore, Bankiras' moves fell into a disadvantage.

Although Bankiras also has various bonuses, its rock system is restrained.

Head-to-head, the sharp stone attack skill is simply impossible to be the opponent of the emperor.

So it can be seen that after all the stone cones were lit up, the attack of Emperor Nabo was still not blocked.

The water column continued to shoot out, and it hit Bankiras' body fiercely.

This feeling hurts when it hits the body, Bankiras roared, and his body was pushed back for a long distance before stopping.

Wet by the torrential rain, the entire ground turned into a small pool.

Bankiras felt very uncomfortable in such an environment, and his feet drew deep mud marks on the ground.

"It's really surprising that Bankiras was completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation between Bankiras and Emperor Nabo."

"This must have been very surprising to player Huang Zizhe. I don't know what countermeasure he will come up with." Wang Peng explained curiously.

This situation is very unfavorable for Huang Zizhe.

In a head-on confrontation, he was completely outmatched by Emperor Nabo.

Huang Zizhe couldn't believe it.

When did an ordinary elf become so powerful, it has never encountered it before.

It knew that Emperor Nabo's level would definitely not be higher than Bankiras', but it still couldn't fight like this.

This made him doubt who the quasi-god was. The quasi-god at the same level was not the opponent of an ordinary emperor Nabo.

This phenomenon also surprised many in the auditorium.

John, Victor, Bartley...

Jiang Jing asked, "Are you surprised? This is your ignorance."

"Even if you have a quasi-god, you can't sit back and relax."

Huang Zizhe said stubbornly: "Hmph, the match is not over yet, I don't believe that your King Napo can defeat my Bankiras."

"Banjilas, use the destructive death light!"


Huang Zizhe finally couldn't help but want to use a super big move.

Bankiras was also hit for real, and this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

As a result, the energy in the body was frantically mobilized, and every organ in the body began to operate at a high speed.

An aura of destruction erupted from its body.

Orange-red energy condenses into a ball in its mouth as if spinning.

"Imperator Napoleon, use the water cannon!"


Seeing the terrifying aura erupting from Bankiras, it is about to launch its ultimate move.

A dazzling blue light bloomed in the eyes.

The body is also running at a high speed, and all the energy is transformed into water energy and rushes out of the body.

The sandstorm in the entire arena was almost assimilated by the rain.

Endless energy gushes out and compresses, and things accumulate, just waiting to be released in one breath.

After just two seconds, the accumulated amount was almost exhausted, and then it turned into a water column twice as big as before and violently blasted out.


This time, it is also very difficult to mobilize energy, otherwise Emperor Nabo would not be able to master it proficiently now.

But even so, the power released now is enough.

As long as Emperor Nabo is given a few more months, he can definitely reach the level of specialization.

Bankiras opened his bloody mouth wide, and the energy had already condensed in its mouth.

I saw it stabilized its figure and launched it violently.

The huge orange-red beam of light was filled with the aura of destruction.

This is the super big move with a power of 150 - destroying the dead light,

Two huge energies were released suddenly, and the intense energies violently isolated the surrounding sandstorms.

Emperor Nabo released the high-pressure output of the water cannon, and the sandstorm seemed to be assimilated in the next second under the huge impact.

Xiao Zhihang watched the two energy pillars collide.


The energy column instantly fell into a state of confrontation.

The two energies are intertwined, the heavy pressure and impact of the water flow, destroying the destruction of the death light.

It depends on who can do more damage.


The emperor Nabo felt the terrifying power immediately after the fight, and the water column fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

But just for a moment, the water column regained the upper hand.

After all, destroying the dead light is a general-type skill, but it doesn't have the blessings of various props and environments.

And it not only has blessings, but also has a stronger output.

"Smash it for me, Bankiras!"


Bankiras began to increase output!

"It's useless, I'm sure I'll win this round, Emperor Nabo, let's also increase the output!"


Emperor Napoleon also began to increase output.

"Dear audience friends, this battle has reached the most critical moment."

"Both Bankiras and Emperor Nabo released their ultimate moves, and the next thing is to see who can defeat each other."

"And the results are coming."

The energy of the entire arena is frenzied, the air is constantly oscillating, and it will soon reach a limit.


In the end, Emperor Nabo's skills are more powerful.

The water column began to recede and destroy the death light, no, it should be as soon as the destruction death light was extinguished.

But the destructive death light was constantly washed out, and the water column kept approaching.

Bankiras was not reconciled, and was still making the final struggle.

But it's obviously useless, it can't stop the surging trend at all.

The huge water column accelerated and hit Bankiras' body.



Bankiras let out a final roar. This is the super big water cannon, which is incredibly powerful.

A shock makes it feel great pain.


Even it couldn't resist the huge impact and was sent flying.

His feet firmly stepped on the ground and drew deep marks.

Finally, there was no way to retreat, so it could only be embedded on the wall.


Bankiras' huge body directly smashed into the wall.

After the blow was over, Bankiras also sat on the ground unwillingly, glanced at Emperor Nabo and closed his eyes.


Emperor Nabo dissipated the surrounding energy, and the sandstorm stopped.

The entire arena also returned to calm, only the water puddles and the mess on the ground proved that a fierce battle took place here.

"Bangiras, get up!" Huang Zizhe shouted.

But it could be seen from his expression that he was in a hurry.

He actually lost.

Lost completely, lost without even defeating a single elf on the other side.

It's completely different from what I thought before the battle started!

The referee didn't care what Huang Zizhe thought, and announced directly:

"Pankyras out of combat, Emperor Napoleon victorious."

"Since Huang Zizhe's three spirits have lost their ability to fight, the one who won was Jiang Jing."


As Bankiras' profile picture darkened, the battle was officially over.

"Well done, Emperor Napoleon!"

"Come back and have a good rest!"

After recovering the ball from Emperor Nabo, Jiang Jing looked at Huang Zizhe.

"Your strength is not very good, Huang Zizhe."

"You disappoint me so much, I feel that you are not as strong as Ji Ye."

"At least when I play against him, he can still cause me a little bit of trouble."

Huang Zizhe gritted his teeth, Ji Ye knew that he was sixth in Chengdu College.

Unable to participate due to age, there are several who are over the age limit like him.

Among them, Himeno can be said to be the strongest, and it has also fought against Himeno, and naturally he lost.

It is said that Himeno is strong enough to be ranked fourth, but because he was usually too aggressive in the qualifying match last time, he was targeted, so he lost the game and fell to sixth place.

So, isn't even Ji Ye not Jiang Jing's opponent?

The inexplicable mood felt a little better, but it was still very uncomfortable.

His loss now means that he has stopped at the top 32, which is completely different from what he expected.

"The result has come out. It's a pity that Huang Zizhe lost."

"At the same time, let's give Contestant Jiang Jing a round of applause, congratulations on advancing to the fourth round."


There were thunderous applause and shouts from time to time above the auditorium.

Jiang Jing turned and left amid applause.

Back to the auditorium.

Xiao Zhihang stretched out his fist when he saw Jiang Jing, Jiang Jing understood and touched him.

Xiao Zhihang smiled and said, "Congratulations, Jiang Jing won the victory."

"I've seen you Xiamen University do this before."

"its not bad, right!"

Jiang Jing patted Xiao Zhihang on the shoulder and said, "It's not bad, you have to work hard."

On the other side, Huang Zizhe silently returned to his position.

But his body is no longer as tall and straight as before.

Ji Xuanrong was very upset by the side, and thought to himself: Day, Huang Zizhe, you trash.

He pretended to be so strong every day, but he still lost, and he lost so badly.

I was looking forward to it in vain, but luckily the money hasn't been spent yet.

Peng Xiaoqin was also in the same mood as him.

They paid for the trip to Water Paradise this time. They originally thought that there would be no problem with Huang Zizhe's ability to defeat Jiang Jing.

But now it seems that there is no hope at all.

It feels like Jiang Jing's strength is really for hitting the top eight.

It seemed hopeless for them to seek revenge.

Nie Kun smiled at the VIP seat, and had a general understanding of Jiang Jing's strength.

As far as Chong Jiangjing's current strength is concerned, he boldly predicted that Jiang Jing would be at the level of the top four at worst.

At the same time, Caitlina from Chengdu College also frowned. She watched every game carefully, and she watched more than others.

The strength displayed by this Emperor Nabo is extremely strong, and he has also mastered the ultimate move.

She thought back to how none of her elves were 100 percent sure of defeating it.

And this is not Jiang Jing's strongest opponent, he also has three stronger elves.

This is definitely a formidable enemy, and Yan Jixuan and Lewis are still doing their own things.

She suddenly had a bad premonition for no reason, and always felt that something would happen in this friendly match.

The first three rounds of the friendly match have calmed down, and the storm is coming.


game continues

The next game is equally exciting, such as Yun Ting.

His opponent is Victor the Bear.

The two can be said to have contributed an extremely exciting game.

The three elves used by Victor are Ivory Pig, Tundra Bear, and Blizzard King, among which Blizzard King is his trump card.

[Elf]: Blizzard King (does not melt ice)

【Attribute】: ice, grass

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV55

【Characteristics】: Snowfall



Victor's elves are all extremely large ice elves.

The strength is extremely strong, and he is also good at head-to-head.

However, Zeraora doesn't have an advantage against Victor. First of all, electric skills can't restrain them or only halve the damage.

The ivory pig is also immune to electricity-type skills.

Under such circumstances, they can still fight with him to the end, only one point away from winning.

This is the disadvantage of Jidao style trainers. Once encountering attribute restraint, it will be particularly difficult to fight.

Yun Ting was eliminated like this.


Zeraora couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

As the referee announced the end of the match, Victor exhaled a sigh of relief and said:

"Yun, your strength is very strong, I almost lost."

"You are not the captain with such strength. I really don't know how powerful your Jiang Jing is."

Yun Ting said silently: "He is very strong, I am not an opponent."

Victor was startled, it seems that Jiang Jing's strength is really extraordinary.

But excited again, he can be regarded as a fighting maniac.

The stronger the opponent, the happier he is, and this friendly match is not in vain.

Yun Ting returned to his position, this time the game was over.

It's a pity that he hasn't played against other stronger opponents.

At the same time, he also discovered many shortcomings of himself.

Sure enough, only by fighting against powerful opponents can we make progress.

Jiang Jing sighed, Yun Ting's luck was not too good, and he had hoped to enter the top 16.

It's a pity that I met Victor, his strength is actually stronger than Xu Qiulin's.

However, Xu Qiulin's situation is not too good. Her opponent is Bartley from the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Strength is also extremely difficult.

Xu Qiulin walked onto the arena amid the applause of the audience as usual.

Her super good looks made her many male fans.

Gentleman Bartley bowed and said: "Dear Madam, I will be your opponent this time."

"Hopefully we can have no regrets."

So that's how the game started.

Bartley's nickname is the Golden Lion King, which has something to do with his elves.

Because he has a very strong flame lion, of course this is not his trump card.

His strongest trump card is the Vulcan Moth.

[Spirit]: Vulcan Moth (Flame Orb)

[Attributes]: Fire, Bug

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV55

[Characteristics]: Body of Flame



The fire elf somewhat restrained her shield sword monster.

The final result is also quite regrettable, Xu Qiulin's strength is still a bit weak, and unfortunately she was eliminated.

Jiang Jing also felt that there was something wrong with the headquarters. Every time they were drawn, they were the Seven Kingdoms who killed each other.

It always feels like they did something wrong with the draw.

Pei Yonghao on the VIP seat sighed, now Jiang Jing is the only one in Huaguo who has advanced.

Yun Ting and Xu Qiulin were eliminated, and the remaining Xiao Zhihang would most likely not be Lu Qing's opponent.

So in the end, only one team advanced to the top 16. It is conceivable how strong the competition in this friendly match is.

Not only their Huaguo, but also other countries.

Fuko Yanagimoto of Nihong and Azim of Ah San barely advanced.

It is almost always difficult for only one person to advance to the top sixteen.

Now it was Xiao Zhiheng's turn, and he walked onto the arena with a solemn expression.

As he walked, he said, "To be honest, no matter who wins or loses in this match, it's our country that wins, and it's not a loss."

At this time, Lu Qing also walked down from the auditorium.

Jiang Jing looked at Lu Qing with a feeling of amazement.

Lu Qing's appearance is the type of classical beauty, with oval face, almond eyes, tall figure and light body.

With a cool temperament, he stands out from the crowd.

As soon as she appeared on stage, she was accompanied by applause and roars like mountains and seas.

Lu Qing also has a very high popularity in the entire headquarters.

With strong strength and good looks, she feels like the female version of Jiang Jing.

Her nickname: Fairy Lu!

Her strength can also be ranked among the top ten in the headquarters, and the top five is also possible.

The two stood on the contestants' seats, Xiao Zhihang exhaled and said, "Lu Qing, come on, no matter win or lose, I will go all out."

Lu Qing nodded and said, "Come on!"

So the two released their elves at the order of the referee.

When Jiang Jing and his spirits were released, they opened their data eyes to scan them.

The first elf Lu Qing used was the magic wall puppet.

【Elf】: Magic Wall Puppet

[attribute]: super power

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV53

[Characteristics]: Technical expert



After watching it, Jiang Jing's expression was a little weird. This talent and level did not meet Lu Qing's level at all.

There are even props, it's hard not to believe that she didn't release water.

Not long after the battle started, Xiao Zhihang also noticed something was wrong.

Although Lu Qing didn't put water on the conductor, she put water on the elves.

The difference in strength can be seen in a few moves in a one-on-one battle.

Not to mention the others.

Xiao Zhihang also felt it, and his expression was a little complicated. He didn't expect that someone like Lu Qing would release water.

He also understood Lu Qing's thoughts.

He didn't have the idea of ​​giving up the battle, since he was released and wanted him to advance, he wouldn't refuse such an offer.

So then he started to fight seriously.

After three games, Lu Qing lost.

Lu Qing said flatly: "Next, go on."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Xiao Zhihang smiled helplessly, returned to the auditorium and said to everyone: "This Lu Qing is really cold-tempered."

"But the heart is good. Next, we will have two people from China advance to the top 16."

"I guess I've reached the end, the top 16 is my limit."

"The rest of the game will depend on Jiang Jing himself."

Jiang Jing nodded and sighed: "I also came to the headquarters to study, why is there such a big gap between people?"

He Yi in the distance also sighed secretly when she saw this scene, she didn't expect that Lu Qing would even do the thing of releasing water for Huaguo.

Jennifer sighed from the side: "It's a pity, with Qing's strength, it is no problem to advance to the quarterfinals."

"But now it has been eliminated early."

Pei Yonghao on the VIP seat sighed: "This kid Lu Qing really helped a lot."


The game ended with Lu Qing being eliminated.

The last sixteen contestants also came out.

Seven countries plus eight people, exactly the same number as the headquarters.

The headquarters here are really familiar people.

Yan Jixuan, Caitlina and Lewis from Chengdu University.

Jennifer from Sinnoh University and Li Kaifei from Galar University.

The remaining three are also number one in their respective colleges.

"Okay, audience friends, today's third round of the match is all over here."

"The competition is getting more and more intense. I believe everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's 16-to-8 competition."

"At the same time, I would like to tell everyone one thing. Starting from tomorrow night, the next round of lottery can be drawn one day in advance."

"Okay, audience friends, see you tomorrow." Wang Peng waved his hand.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was a little tired after floating in the sky for a whole day.

Suddenly remembered the 16 people promoted this time, this can be said to be the first time that the headquarters and the outside world have the same number of promotions.

In the past, no matter what time it was, it always crushed other countries with absolute advantages.

In particular, the strength of several of the trainers is indeed terrifying, no less than the top geniuses in their headquarters.

Let's talk about Jiang Jing and John, these two people have already demonstrated extremely strong strength.

This made him look forward to the next game.


Huang Zizhe didn't go home after dinner, but came to a high-end restaurant in a shopping mall next to the Rainbow Arena.

Walking through the unusually high-grade corridors, it looks like a combination of classical and futuristic technology.

Walking to a door, the pinhole at the door scanned Huang Zizhe's face and opened automatically.

There was a big table in the private room, and sumptuous meals had been served on it.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses sat on the seat and began to eat.

"Zizhe is here!"

"It's rare that you spend so much money to treat me to Linlang Pavilion."

"This meal cost me a month's salary."

"Uncle Hai, you're welcome."

"Linlang Pavilion is the top hotel chain in Huaguo, and it has a unique taste."

Huang Zizhe started to move after sitting down. This table meal is really not cheap, it costs more than 10,000 union currency per meal.

And the Uncle Hai in front of him is responsible for the statistics of this friendly match, including the draw of lots.

The reason why Huang Zizhe knew him was through his family relationship.

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Uncle Hai said, "Zizhe, as the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing, so tell me, what Uncle Hai can help you with."

Huang Zizhe smiled and said, "Then I'll just say it straight, Uncle Hai, I know you can do something about the lottery."

"I want to eliminate Jiang Jing. Can you arrange a strong opponent for him to eliminate him in the fourth round?"

Uncle Hai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but fortunately, it was not a big problem.

So he said: "I can lock the opponents he draws among four or five people."

"Yan Jixuan, Caitlina, Lewis, Jennifer, and Li Kaifei are the five strongest, and they have a great probability of being able to eliminate Jiang Jing."

Huang Zizhe asked: "Why can't we directly arrange for Jiang Jing to draw Yan Jixuan?"

Uncle Hai explained: "One-way locking a person for extraction requires too much movement."

"It's easy for others to find out. If the other party is bad, check it out."

"After amplifying the target on different people, the probability of being detected is greatly reduced."

Huang Zizhe nodded and said, "That's it, these few people are enough."


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