This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 348 The Three Slate Fragments and Evolution (Seeking Subscription, Monthly Pass)

Its ice-type elves can actually feel the chill, one can imagine how much pressure it is facing now.

Immediately froze in place, no longer moving.

And Jiang Jing gave Chen Bingquan a disdainful smile, then turned his head and left.


The door was slammed shut, making everyone's heart skip a beat.

Secretary Li only felt that Jiang Jing was more handsome than ever before.

After Jiang Jing left, the whole lounge fell silent instantly.

The atmosphere became more depressing.

Both Li Muyu and Tang Jian had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Especially the aura that Li Muyu exuded from Jiang Jing just now was too terrifying.

It's not at all like the river scene he usually sees inside.

It's like the aura that a powerful elf will have.

He found himself overwhelmed for an instant, let alone the Dharma baboon.

Immediately frightened by a stare, he couldn't move.

"Dharma Baboon, what's the matter with you?!"

Chen Bingquan directly questioned the Bodhidharma baboon.

The Dharma baboon showed an aggrieved look, it almost died just now.

He almost couldn't hold back his urine, not because he didn't want to, but because he was really helpless.

Chen Bingquan was almost pissed off. Not only was he scolded by Jiang Jing in front of a group of people, but even his elf couldn't control him anymore.

"I also left earlier."

Li Muyu also said goodbye, obviously he didn't want to stay any longer.

The main reason is that Chen Bingquan was stupid.

Tang Jian also yawned and said, "It's boring, I'm leaving too."

"Secretary Li, we still have things to deal with."

"Bingquan, please sit down first."

President Song also turned around and left. She also felt uncomfortable just now.

You must know that she is the president now, and you, Chen Bingquan, are just a junior, so you have to sit in your own position with so many positions.

how? You thought you were the president of the Elf Association.

But what Jiang Jing scolded was really straightforward, but unfortunately she is the president now and can't say whatever she wants like this, she has too many things to consider.

In less than a minute, he was the only one left in the lounge.


Chen Bingquan was trembling all over, his fingers were bent and his veins were bulging.


Thinking of the contempt that President Song, Li Muyu, and Tang Jian looked at him just now, his self-esteem was thrown to the ground and stepped on.

When had Chen Bingquan suffered such humiliation in the past 29 years?

Wherever he goes, he is not surrounded by stars and moons, and is regarded as the existence of the proud son of heaven.

He never thought that one day he would be humiliated by Jiang Jing, a local turtle.


He vigorously picked up the ashtray on the table and smashed it heavily on the ground.

"Depend on!"

After venting, he let out a breath and started calling.

"Hey, dad, that Jiang Jing doesn't agree to hand over the electric shock beast."

"And he said let's..."

Then he recounted Jiang Jing's refusal in a more eloquent way.

"Hehe, it's not good for young people to be too arrogant."

"In this case, we old guys will teach him a good lesson, and you should come back."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Bingquan sneered and said, "Hmph, Jiang Jing, offending our Chen family will be the thing you regret the most."

Another time, on the roof of a luxury villa.

A middle-aged man in his early fifties was basking in the sun on a deck chair.

"At a young age, I thought that with some talents, I was not afraid of anything. It seems that I have suffered too few setbacks."

"Talent is a good thing, if you can't see the situation clearly, you need education"

"I will teach him a good lesson for his teacher."

After talking to himself, he picked up his phone and made another call.

"Hey, there's something I need you to do."

"Don't hurt your life, just teach me a lesson."


Walking on the street, Jiang Jing took a deep breath and immediately felt refreshed.

Cursing is really cool, especially when you see other people being scolded.

Then retreat when the other party reacts, and there is no way for the other party to scold back.

Then his cell phone rang, and it was Li Muyu calling.

Jiang Jing: "Hey, Brother Mu Yu, listen to the voice behind you, did you leave too?"

Li Muyu: "Of course, sitting in a room with someone like him is really uncomfortable."

"But Jiang Jing, I didn't expect you to have such a side."

"The scolding just now was too good. You didn't see Chen Bingquan's expression after you left. It's quite funny."

"However, your move offended the Chen family. They are quite powerful in the elf world."

"Be careful of their secret methods, they can do all sorts of nasty things."

Jiang Jing: "Don't worry, Brother Mu Yu, I know it in my heart, and I'm not made of mud."

"there is always a solution to a problem."

"If I can't stop it, I will shake people too."

"No matter how strong the Chen family is with the champion? I even offended the champion's nephew and I'm still afraid of him."

Li Muyu: "There is nothing wrong with you saying that."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jing had already started to think about the methods the Chen family would use.

The Electric Shock Beast reckoned that they would not give up. According to the alliance's regulations, it was useless for them to say anything, and it was completely unreasonable.

So there is a high probability that dirty tricks will be used.

Just think that the high-end business war you think is to bribe spies and hackers.

In fact, the real business war is to unplug the network cable, grab the impression, and cut through the shared bicycles.

If it doesn't work on the bright side, then the only option is to grab it by force.

But he and the others sent diamond-level trainers at most.

As long as it does not exceed level 80, he is sure to escape.

But I have to improve my strength, and it's time for Electroshock Beast to evolve.

So he took a Didi and went to the wild.

Reggie Eleki is located in Wutong Mountain Forest.

It was the largest forest in Shenzhen City divided into several areas.

Several other blocks have been built into forest parks.

Only the remaining places have not been explored, so they are naturally divided into wild areas.

He came to the place where he came last time. There was a huge threshold at the entrance of the forest, and behind it was a huge open space and the bounty hunter branch.

Now the surrounding forests have been cut down to create a road.

There are also many excavators, road rollers and other construction equipment staying around.

It seems that it is really as President Song said, and it has already started to act after only one night.

It seems that Reggie Elech is indeed valuable.

But all we have to do now is determine its location.

And there are not a few people who have the same goal of finding Reggie Eleki.

Among them are staff of large corporations, journalists, trainers, and bounty hunters.

It's extremely easy to get into trouble, but none of this has anything to do with Jiang Jing.

After entering the forest, he put on a black mask and headed towards Reggie Eleki with his hat.

Its location is more than two hundred meters after entering the forest.

Jiang Jing jumped onto a tree and looked at a large open space not far away, leaving a huge hole in the ground.

At this time, the cave has been surrounded by a cordon, the surrounding trees have been cut down, and tents have been set up as a temporary base.

Most of the people were stopped outside.

A group of security guards surrounded it, preventing anyone from entering.

The people in it are people from the Elven Association, but people from various organizations are mixed in it.

At the same time, he also saw people bringing ground or rock elves into it from time to time.

After Jiang Jing made up his mind, he didn't choose to go in.

Instead, it went deep into the forest, and it knew exactly where Reggie Eleki was.

If he had been a few days late, Reggie Elechy would have been found.

Don't underestimate the power of human beings.

But Reggie Eleki didn't care about it, as long as it didn't affect its sleep.

Otherwise, if it really wanted to hide, it would have already entered the deepest part of the forest.

It is impossible for the Elven Association to find it without a few years of effort.

And the reason why it knows where Reggie Eleki is is based on the fragments of the Electric Stone.

This method was taught by Reggie Eleki.

He only needs to mobilize the colored airflow to lock the breath of the lightning slate fragments, and then he will be able to detect as long as there are lightning slate fragments nearby.

The other party asked him to find it before leaving last night.

However, this method is limited by distance.

If you can lock the breath of the other party in advance, you can find the other party at a distance of tens of kilometers.

Guided by the shards of the electricity-type slate, he moved forward slowly.

Before I knew it, I ran to more than one o'clock, and several hours passed.

He has penetrated dozens of kilometers into it.

I didn't expect Reggie Raleigh to be able to run like this.

It is estimated that the people of the Elven Association were also dumbfounded. They thought it was only a few hundred meters underground, but they ran far away.


Jiang Jing stepped on the ground and looked around, all were towering giant trees.


As soon as he got down, an elf sneaked up on him, and he disappeared instantly.

This is a Lada, level 30.

In the next second, Jiang Jing appeared behind the opponent and kicked him out.


With a crisp sound, Lada flew out in an instant.

"Come out, Boss Cordora, Metagross, Big Steel Snake."

"There are many~"

"Come on~"

"Ho Ho~"

Three elves appeared on the ground, with a wild momentum.

The elves in the hundreds of meters nearby all fled.

"Big Steel Snake, I'll start digging holes under my feet after I leave it to you!"

"Ho Ho!"

The big steel snake nodded its head and plunged into the grass.


A big hole was opened in the ground in an instant, and the big steel snake directly opened up a huge hole by breathing.

Then the whole body entered it, and Jiang Jing jumped onto the body of the golden monster with a flashlight and entered it.

"Boss Kedora pulls you to guard outside!"

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora said that he was there, so don't worry.

So they entered it.

Jiang Jing stood on the head of the giant metal monster with a flashlight and slowly descended.

The big steel snake was digging quickly in front of it, and it had already penetrated tens of meters underground in a short time.

Even if it encounters a hard rock, it will be crushed by its crystal-like body and continue to move forward.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Jiang Jing silently calculated that he has gone two to three hundred meters deep.

The lightning slab fragments in his hand began to throb violently.

This means that it is approaching, very close within a few meters.


The big steel snake broke through the rock in front and fell into an underground space.

This is a huge space, surrounded by arcs everywhere.

Jiang Jing also felt the current around him from time to time.

It should be somewhere, and the giant golden monster has also entered it.

As soon as he came in, he felt that he had entered a kind of natural cave.

The upper and lower heights are about fifteen meters, which is high enough.

At this time, directly in front of him, a huge yellow sphere was embedded in the ground.

This is an electric ball, its entire body is surrounded by the energy of the electric system.

And Reggie Eleki also felt Jiang Jing's breath and took the initiative to communicate with it telepathically.

【You came! 】

Jiang Jing organized his words and replied, "I'm here."

[Return this thing! 】

In the next second, its body began to jump, and then a yellow slab floated out of the current and floated in front of Jiang Jing.


[This is your thing! 】

Did it recognize itself as Arceus?

He thought about it for a while, then asked.

"Why do you think it's mine?"

[You have its breath on you, exactly the same? 】

Who is that? Arceus? !

It seems that it was indeed misidentified, but if it is misidentified, it will be misidentified.

It is estimated that it has something to do with the colored airflow.

However, it was a bit surprising to get the slab fragments so easily.

He reached out and took the lightning slab fragments in his hand, and then took out the metal box from his backpack.

A fragment of a lightning slate that was once obtained from the inside.

In terms of size, Reggie Eleki's is the largest, fully twice the size of its piece.

According to the gap, put the small piece on one place, just fit.

In the next second, something miraculous happened, and the two combined fragments actually began to fuse together.

A large number of electric arcs began to emerge, and when they returned to his hands, the two fragments of the lightning slate had become one.

He scanned the past with data.

[Props]: Lightning Slate (1/3)

Together, these two pieces accounted for one-third of the entire fragment.

Putting it on any electric elf will have an extremely terrifying effect.

[Let's go! I'm going to sleep! 】

Reggie Eleki started to chase people away, and Jiang Jing didn't stay any longer.

Just as he was about to leave, the Eye of Data suddenly scanned the ground.

[Stone]: Sun Stone (purity 92%)


He was stunned for an instant, I'll go, the best evolutionary stone.

So he ran over directly, took out a shovel from his backpack and started digging.

In a short while, a reddish-brown sun-shaped stone stained with soil was dug out.

It seems that my luck is quite good, and I dug out the best evolutionary stone in one fell swoop.

Having tasted a little bit of sweetness, he randomly started scanning towards the entire cave.

Don't tell me you really let him discover a lot of evolutionary stones.

So the crazy digging started.

This digging is a day, oh, no, not a day, but four hours.

The entire cave has been dug, and the harvest is extremely rich.

Looking at the various evolutionary stones and props piled up on the ground, he felt extremely happy in his heart.

This wave of harvest was too great, and he was too lazy to dig out countless low-level evolutionary stones.

Therefore, all the ones he can dig out are intermediate evolutionary stones and above.

There are hundreds of intermediate evolutionary stones, dozens of advanced evolutionary stones, and three top-grade evolutionary stones.

There are more than a dozen various stone props, of course the most precious is a keystone.

At least five million yuan can be sold.

However, in recent years, fewer and fewer keystones have been unearthed, and the price has risen again.

It packed all these stones in boxes.

When other people come to find it, it is estimated that only low-level evolutionary stones can be dug.

It's also time to go when everything is done.

"Megan monster, big steel snake, let's go."

"Come on~"

"Ho Ho~"

The giant metal monster wrapped the body of the big steel snake with mental power and began to return the same way.

"The big steel snake blocked the entrance of this cave with rocks."

"Ho Ho~"

The energy of the big steel snake formed several boulders and fused together the big hole to completely block it.

Then it will continue to cover up their traces in the process of going up.

It soon appeared above the hole.

"There are many~"

Compared with when he went down, Boss Kedora also had different injuries on his body.

The surrounding grass is also full of traces of fighting.

"Okay, it's over, it's time to go back."

So it took another hour for Jiang Jing to return to the hotel.

He opened the door of his room, and felt something was wrong when he walked in, so he stood in the room and opened the data eye to scan the room.

After scanning everything, I finally found something different in a pearl on the ceiling.

[props]: camera


Jiang Jing: "???"

There is actually a camera in his room.

"Giant metal monster!"

"Come on~"

Under the wrapping power of giant gold and strange thoughts, Jiang Jing slowly floated to the ceiling.

There is a western lion sea lion made of small blue pearls on it.

Among the many blue pearls, one is still somewhat different, but it is extremely difficult to find many of them mixed together.

Jiang Jing took it off, but he didn't have it when he went out in the morning.

But after going out for a few hours, it actually appeared. It seems that some people have already started to act.

The current cameras have been upgraded and become more and more advanced, and now even infrared rays cannot be detected.

Jiang Jing pointed his middle finger at the camera, and then crushed it.

Tossed the rest of the debris in the trash can, originally wanted to call the police.

But it seems useless to think about it, maybe you can't catch people at all.

But next time if I let myself meet, I will definitely leave a deep impression on the other party.

He scanned the room again to make sure there were no cameras, and then released the elf.

After the elves came out, Jiang Jing would also prepare for the evolution of the electric shock beast.

It has almost recovered now, and the five-star talent is indeed not covered.

And Jiang Jing determined at which stage its five-star talent was.

He himself divided the five stars into three stages.

After the third stage, there is a six-star talent.


The Electric Shock Beast began to move its body, and it couldn't wait to go out and move around.

Especially the Unchanging Stone on the back has been stuck there, making it very uncomfortable.

"Electric Beast, the Unchanging Stone behind you can be removed."

"But before that, you need to take out the lightning slab fragments in your body."

"You may not know that the lightning slab fragments in your body are props with magical power."

"That's why you were shut down by the Rockets for a few years."

Electric Shock Beast doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad now.

Because of this lightning slab fragment, it avoided the fate of being continued to be tested, and those elves who were also tested are gone.

At the same time, he was imprisoned for several years. In that dark place, it was really easy to drive the elves crazy.

"Electric Beast, you should be able to feel the lightning fragments in your body, try to guide them out."

The Thunder Beast closed its eyes and began to sense carefully.

It couldn't do anything during the few years it was imprisoned, so it could only sense the fragments of the lightning slate in its body.

At that time, it felt that this lightning slate fragment was an incredible treasure.

Now Jiang Jing asked him to take it out without hesitation.

Because it felt that Jiang Jing would not harm it.

In the next second, an irregularly shaped fragment floated out of its body.

It landed on its hand, and the Zapak placed it on the bed.

Jiang Jing's eyes lit up, and it was quite a big piece.

Just a little smaller than Reggie Elegant's.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing also took out the metal box from his backpack, opened it and took out the shards of slate inside.

The two slab fragments were put together, although they couldn't fit together, but the two fragments fused together in a burst of electric arc when they came into contact.

Many vacancies have been filled, forming a brand new fragment of the lightning slate.

[Props]: Lightning Slate Fragment (1/2)


Unexpectedly, he already got half of it, Jiang Jing was a little surprised.

Half of the lightning slate fragments, just think about how terrifying it would be.

The Electric Shock Beast is also a curiously enlarged Le Lei Dian Slate.

"Okay, Electric Shock Beast, you can take this slate."


The Electroshock Beast absorbed the lightning slate fragments into its body.

In the next second, the eyes burst into lightning, and it instantly felt that its body had become stronger.

It felt like an invisible energy was added to my whole body.

"Next, take down the Unchanging Stone!"


The Electric Shock Beast had been waiting for this day for a long time, so it stretched its hand to the north, grabbed the Unchanging Stone and slowly buckled it down.

However, it is not easy to buckle because it is too long forward.

"Megro, you help too!"

"Come on~"

The Metagross electrokinetic power wrapped the Stone of Unchanging and slowly buckled it down.


Electric Shock Beast endured the pain and finally buckled it down.


After the Unchanging Stone fell to the ground, the Electric Shock Beast instantly felt a huge surge of energy rushing out of its body.

In the next second, a large amount of electric current flooded its whole body, and at the same time, it was surrounded by the dazzling light of evolution.

Jiang Jing smiled slightly when he saw it, and finally he was about to evolve.

Generally speaking, if an electric shock beast wants to evolve into an electric shock monster, it needs an electric shock amplifier.

In fact, it requires a large amount of electric current to stimulate the body to evolve.

So as long as you go to a place with a lot of electricity, you can complete the evolution.

Not to mention that it has the artifact of the electric system - the lightning slate, so there is no need to worry about not having enough current.


The Thunder Beast in the light of evolution feels that its body is growing rapidly, and its body is rapidly expanding.

All limbs and bones contain terrifying energy.

The lightning slate in the body also provided an extremely terrifying electric current to allow its body to evolve.

It experienced this feeling a few years ago, and it never thought that it would be able to experience it one day.

The evolution process only lasted for a short three or four seconds, but the electric shock beast has undergone a complete change in a few seconds.

The light of evolution began to dissipate, revealing a brand new elf among them—Electric Monster.

The Electric Shock Beast is larger and has thicker arms.

There are also two things like detonators on the back, and there is a pattern on the back that looks like a two-wire socket.

The body size has grown from 1.6 meters to 1.8 meters.

Not to mention the size, it is extremely strong.

"Congratulations on completing the evolution, Electric Shock Monster!"


The electric shock monster touched his face, then turned to look at his brand new self in the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

I became more handsome and stronger.

It feels like its whole body is full of strength now, and it can explode a building with a single punch.

It even had an illusion that if it could evolve into an electric shock beast while in custody, it might be able to break out.

Jiang Jing felt the boiling in his chest and said, "The shocking of monsters is not over yet, and now we have to perform a special ceremony."

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora began to explain to the electric shock monster the benefits of each evolution.


The electric shock monster's eyes lit up when he heard it, he didn't expect such a thing to exist.

Immediately, I looked forward to it, and now it just wants to become stronger.

"There are many~"

Bosco Dora they are also ready.

Jiang Jing put his hand on the shoulder of the electric shock beast.

In the next second, it loosened the restriction, and countless colored air streams surged out of its body.

It enveloped the entire room in an instant, and it turned into a sea of ​​colors in just a moment.

This time the colorful airflow gushing out is also extraordinarily large.

This includes three infusions, subduing, evolution and level 50.

All of them are gathered together for perfusion, so there are extraordinarily many colored airflows this time.

Seeing that there were so many colorful air currents, Boss Kedora absorbed them crazily.

And the protagonist Electric Shock Warcraft is also wrapped in a lot of energy.

The colored air flow turned into a tornado and swirled around it rapidly, while the yellow energy in it turned into a spiral and injected into its body.


Three seconds after the electric shock, the monster moaned comfortably.

It has never felt so comfortable before, it feels like the whole body is relaxed.

Every part of the body is massaged, as if floating in the clouds.

The whole body is warm, and it is so comfortable that it feels like sleeping.

It can clearly feel that the body is undergoing a deep transformation again.

It's just that this time it's more thorough, and it has a feeling that it has become a new combination.

In such comfort, it slowly fell into sleep.

It recalled the cold winter days when they slept curled up as a group of wandering elves.

Very comfortable and warm.

Then it lay on the ground and fell into sleep.

The electric current on his body emerged uncontrollably, its level increased too much in one go, and his body was stretched.

And the giant metal monsters are also absorbing them crazily.

A large number of colored airflows entered their bodies to transform the corresponding energy.

Those above level 50 may not feel much, but the wind speed dog, big steel snake, and double ax battle dragon feel particularly obvious.

This time the absorption, they seem to be upgraded again.

This absorption lasted almost half an hour before it all ended.


"Ho Ho~"


Wind Speed ​​Dog, Crystal Steel Snake, and Double Ax War Dragon are upgraded at the same time.

[Wind Speed ​​Dog]: LV47→LV48

[Crystal Steel Snake]: LV46→LV47

[Double Ax War Dragon]: LV46→47


Now the lowest level in the team is 47, and the improvement speed is still very fast.

Finally, there is the Electric Shock Monster, whose data has scanned its entire body.

[Spirit]: Electric Shock Beast (Shard of Lightning Slate)

[attribute]: electricity

[Talent]: ★★★★★★

【Level】: LV49→LV53

[Feature]: Electric engine

[Skills]: Lightning flash (skilled), stare (skilled), electric shock (skilled), kick down (skilled), high-speed star (skilled), electric shock wave (skilled), electromagnetic wave (skilled), electric ball (skilled), Light wall (thickness), lightning fist (thickness), electric discharge (thickness), harsh sound (thickness), 100,000 volts (thickness), thunder (thickness), electric field (thickness), plasma bath (thickness), flame fist (thickness) rough)


Good guy, this wave can be said to have learned almost all the moves it can learn.

He learned 10 moves in one breath, and its previous skills were all at the proficiency level.

Although the level is now level 53, it has been increased by four levels.

But the actual combat ability may be unsatisfactory, but it is now a six-star talent.

As long as you work hard for a few months, most of the skills can be upgraded to the specialization level.


At this time, in another room of the hotel, three people were sitting on the sofa looking at the computer on the desktop.

And the screen on the computer was Jiang Jing's room.

"Come in, Jiang Jing is back."

The eyes of the three of them stared at the big screen for an instant.

The picture inside is exactly the river scene, and this scene is exactly what happened just now.

"I'm afraid Jiang Jing didn't expect that someone would watch him."

The yellow hair sitting in the middle smiled triumphantly.

But in the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore, and Jiang Jing in the picture began to search the room.

"Fuck, he found out that we were spying on him."

"The cameras we use are all top-notch, and it's impossible for him to detect them." The fat man next to Huang-haired man said confidently.

As a result, he saw Jiang Jing looking at the three of them through the screen as soon as he spoke.

They were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat involuntarily.

The next second it saw the giant golden monster appearing in the room, Jiang Jing floated up and took off the camera.

Then I compared him with a middle finger, and the next second the screen went black.

"It's over, it was discovered."

"This river scene is so weird, it can actually detect our camera."

The yellow-haired man said with a frustrated face, so he picked up the phone and started calling.

"Hey, we failed, the camera was discovered by Jiang Jing."

"Okay, let's go now."

"Let's go, it's useless for us to stay here."

"It's a pity that we didn't even stay in such a nice room for one night."

"Okay, let's go, we can also breathe a sigh of relief."

"Jiangjing is too weird, we might have an accident if we continue."

"It's okay to withdraw, but life is more important."


third day

It was already the third day of the siege of the Rockets.

Oriental Ginza Hotel training room

"Electric Shock Monster, your Thunder Fist can go a little faster."


Hearing Jiang Jing's words, the electric shock monster endured exhaustion, and his fists were all wrapped up in electric current in an instant.

The pair of fists hit the cube not far away fiercely.

"Bang bang!"

After punching consecutively, two sunken fist marks appeared on the cube.


The electric shock monster stopped in place and panted heavily.

It was still full of energy three hours ago.

But now he is as tired as a dog, and this is his first training, even with such a large amount, it is relatively rare.

When it woke up this morning, it had some more memories in its head, and it knew ten skills out of thin air.

After three hours of training, it can fully use all the skills.

Jiang Jing next to him was very satisfied, the six-star talent was strong.

Not only did he complete the physical training in three hours, but even the ten skills he just learned last night have all broken through to the proficiency level.

Learning skills is fast, and it feels like its previous skills can almost reach the level of specialization in less than two months.

Soon the day of training is over.

In the evening, Lao Zhou Ji Restaurant

In a corner, Li Muyu and Jiang Jing sat opposite each other, chatting while eating.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, so be careful."

Li Muyu took a bite and said lightly.

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "I just happen to be leaving tomorrow, and it feels too dangerous to stay in Shenzhen City."

He planned to leave tomorrow and immediately go back to Banyan City to send Ghost Stone and them back to get Geng Gui's super evolution stone and then go to Tiandao Field for retreat.

When he comes out, his strength will increase greatly, and his own strength will be more secure.


The next day Jiang Jing flew back to Rongcheng by plane.

Along the way, he found someone following him, but he ignored it, since it was impossible for the other party to do anything in the city anyway.

After arriving in Rongcheng, he first went back home and stayed for two days. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were very worried about the Xinghe Plaza, and they bothered him for two days before leaving.

He came to the wild again, and on Didi, he put on a mask and made some camouflage.

And there were people following him all the time, he didn't panic at all, and even smiled.

When he came to the bounty hunter branch in Wanghai Forest, he first replenished the field props and then set off.

"Steel Armored Crow, let's go!"


I saw the steel armored crow flapping its wings quickly and rushing out like a rocket launch.

There was a gust of wind on the surrounding ground.

"I'll go. Where did this boss come from? This speed is too fast."

Just as a passerby finished marveling, another figure rushed out from behind.

"What's the situation? Why are there two more masters today?"

Jiang Jing felt that someone was chasing him from behind, so he said to the armored crow under him: "Go forward with all your strength and go to the dark forest."


After the Steel Armored Crow heard this, his speed increased again.


The strong wind howled, and the steel armored crow galloped through the air quickly.

Behind it, there is an armored bird firmly following behind.

Jiang Jing turned his head and scanned the past with his data eyes.

[Spirit]: Armor Bird (Metal Film)

[attribute]: steel, flight

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV72

【Characteristics】: Broken Armor



Good guy, a level 70 armored bird, which is not considered weak even among diamond-level trainers.

He is fighting against him now, and he may not win.

And on the armored bird was a woman wearing a mask.

It seems that he has made a disguise like Jiang Jing.

"Armor bird, let's speed up too!"


So the two chased after each other in the sky.

The speed talents of the Armored Bird and the Steel Armored Crow are actually not very high.

But the armored bird is higher level and a bit faster.

Both sides used their full strength, but the distance was still getting closer.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing was still not in a hurry, and the two sides started chasing each other in the air.

The distance between the two sides was less than three hundred meters.

After an hour of chasing, it was less than 100 meters away.

An hour later, it shrank to less than 20 meters.

According to calculations, Jiang Jing can be caught in ten minutes.

"Armor bird, use the high-speed star!"


The armored bird opened its mouth regardless of exhaustion and sprayed out star-shaped rays of light.

It was already very tired at this time, and any elf would feel tired after flying at full power for more than two hours.

The Steel Armored Crow in front also felt exhausted, and was holding on now.

"Let's go down, Steel Armored Crow."


The Steel Armored Crow avoided the star light and landed towards the ground.

He quickly landed on the ground, and hit it directly because he was too tired.

"Steel Armored Crow, come back and have a good rest." Jiang Jing landed steadily on the ground and retracted the Steel Armored Crow into the ball, then turned to look at the armored bird that landed on the ground.

The opposite side also took it back, and then released a new elf-Galer Silly Beast.

Jiang Jing's data eye also scanned the past instantly.

The color scheme of the Galar slug is slightly different from that of the normal slut, part of the top of the head and ears are purple, and the hands are purple.

The arms are still pink, and the tip of the tail is purple. The snail shell that should have been attached to the tail is now on the left hand of the dull shell.

The tip of the snail, that is, the first shell is retracted into the second shell.

[Spirit]: Galar Silly Beast (bent spoon)

[attributes]: poison, super power

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV74

【Characteristics】: Quick strike



Stimulated by the bite of the giant tongue clam, the Galar slow-witted animal reacted chemically with the spices in its body, causing it to evolve into a poisonous property.

If you pinch the tongue of the clam that is biting it, it will spray a highly poisonous liquid from the tip of the snail.

Oysters sometimes unconsciously gnaw on the arms of Galar slugs.

When bitten itchy, the dumb beast will raise its arms and strike indiscriminately.

Although it is always in a daze at ordinary times, when confronting a strong enemy, the stimulating substances in the Galar slow-shelled beast will swim through the whole body and stimulate all nerves.

Under the action of stimulation, it will show sharp eyes, and raise the big tongue shell at a speed that even a fast gunner would be ashamed of, and spray venom from the front end, piercing the target.


The level 74 Galar slow shell beast is definitely very strong.

And this elf is not the only one on the other side, the situation is very dangerous for Jiang Jing.

"Jiang Jing, hand over the Electric Shock Beast, it's beyond your control."

I saw the masked woman standing behind the Galar dull shell.

Jiang Jing said without any panic, "You think you've got me covered."

"Let's do it first and then talk about it."

"Go, Boss Cordora, Metagross!"

"There are many~"

"Come on~"

Boss Kedora and the giant golden monster appeared on the ground in an instant.

Looking at the dumb beast, Boscodora's eyes flashed with excitement.

Looking at Boscodora and the golden monster, the masked woman smiled disdainfully: "Do you think they can defeat me with just the two of them?"

Jiang Jing smiled confidently, "You'll know if you try it."

"Boss Kedora, use sharp stones to attack!"

"Megan monster, use mental force!"

The battle is on the verge of breaking out!

Thanks to book friend 20210621090356859 for rewarding 500 starting coins.

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