This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 368 Violence against opponents (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

The commentator Jing Yi is not an ordinary person, she is one of the most famous beautiful commentators in Huaguo.

At the same time, he is also a diamond-level commentator. Although he is only at the level of beginners, it is shocking enough.

This is already the second time she has commented on a national competition.

"After five years, we met again."

"In this hot summer, our audience friends from all over the world gathered in the Bird's Nest."

"Looking at the talented trainers from all over the country fighting hard for the glory of the champion."

"A total of 256 players, who among them can win the final championship, let us wait and see."

"Let's count down to three!"




"I announce the official start of this national competition!"

In the countdown of the audience in unison, the national competition officially began.

"Please enjoy the opening performance next!"


In the thunderous applause, the sky of the whole bird's nest darkened.

"Shh~ bang!"

A large number of fireworks rushed into the sky and exploded.

The whole sky turned into gorgeous fireworks.

And one of the women levitated into the sky, waiting for countless lights to hit her body.

She also showed her true colors, and Jiang Jing looked very familiar.

Isn't this Duan Siyin? It's been a few years since I haven't seen him, and he is already able to perform in national competitions.

This is the most grand event in the country, and all the top female stars in Huaguo can perform as the opening performance.

However, she has indeed become popular all over the country in recent years, and she is fully qualified to perform at the opening.

On the large LED screen, Duan Siying's picture and the songs she performed appeared.

What she sang was also a passionate song, and the passionate music resounded throughout the bird's nest.

At the same time, countless elves began to be projected and began to fight on the arena.

Most of them are all the wonderful battles in the past.

Biting land sharks, fast dragons, tyrannosaurs, Bankiras, giant golden monsters...

Various quasi-gods and elves capable of super evolution appeared in it.

See them come out and ignite the bird's nest vibe again.

They seem to have returned to the days of watching the national competition before.

Lin Xi and Li Xingzhou who were sitting in the auditorium also showed smiles, lamenting how fast the time passed.

When the performance was over, the camera also projected the pictures of the two on the large LED screen.

The two greeted each other with a smile, thunderous applause and a tsunami of cheers rang out for them.

After all these are over, the game officially begins.

"Next, let's invite players for the first round."

"They are He Guang from Shenzhen and Liu Zhe from Shancheng."


I saw two contestants walking onto the arena amidst applause.

At the referee's order, they began to release the elves.

The elves on both sides were released in one breath.

Jiang Jing scanned their elves in an instant.

【Spirit】: Heluga (charcoal)

[attribute]: evil, fire

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV59

[Features]: get up early



【Elf】: Duduli (sharp beak)

[Attributes]: general, flying

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV59

【Characteristics】: Escape



On the large LED screen, the heads of two elves lit up.

"The battle begins!"

The referee gave an order, and the battle began immediately.

In the battle, there are six elves that the two sides can use, and there is still a difference in the talents and levels of the elves.

It is impossible for the six elves to be all five-star talents, such existence is extremely rare in the entire national competition.

Most of them are elves with four-star talent.

Jiang Jing sat in the third row, surrounded by acquaintances.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother sat in front, and next to him were Liu Bin, Su Wei, Su Jincheng, Cheng Cheng and her cousin Liu Ning.

"Xiao Jing, which game are you in?" Jiang Ma in the front row turned her head and asked curiously.

"Mom, I'm in the twelfth game, either in the afternoon or in the evening."

"Anyway, I can finish this match today." Jiang Jing replied.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother didn't know much about elf battles, so they planned to go to the famous scenic spots in the imperial capital after the game in Jiangjing.

"It's over, player He Guang's ace Elf Bi Diao has lost his ability to fight."

"Let's congratulate Liu Zhe for successfully qualifying." Jing Yi announced loudly.


The first match took thirty minutes and finally came to an end.

There was still some gap in strength between the two sides, and the game ended faster than expected.

The battle continued with the passage of time.

Jiang Jing is also watching the level of competitors from other regions.

It has to be said that the level is generally very high, and it is not wrong to say that all of them are geniuses in their respective regions.

In the blink of an eye, it continued to the afternoon.

The time was faster than expected. Jiang Jing originally thought that he would go to the game at night, but it was his turn in the afternoon.

The main reason is that there was a big gap between the two previous battles, and the battle was resolved within 20 minutes.

"Dear audience friends, the eleventh battle is over."

"I have to say that the speed of the first round this year is a bit fast. The first round of the last year only played ten games on the first day."

"Eleven games have already been played before five o'clock."

"Okay, let's take a look at the players from both sides in the twelfth match."

"They are Jiang Jing from Fujian Province and Dong Hai from Qilu."

"Hey, I saw a familiar name." Duan Ran said.

"That's right, contestant Jiang Jing should be the youngest among all the contestants, only 22 years old this year."

"It can be said that it has made history, the youngest player in the national competition in history."

"Contestant Jiang Jing has a bright future. I believe that many viewers are curious about what ranking he can get in this year's national competition."

"Okay, the two players have already started playing."

The number of people in the live broadcast room has now exceeded 10 million, and it is still rising, especially now that the growth rate is the fastest.

"Chong Chong Chong, Jingshen will make a good start first."

"I can definitely win the championship this time, as I said."


"Let us invite players for the next round, namely Jiang Jing from Fujian Province and Dong Hai from Qilu."

"Let's welcome them on stage with a round of applause."



I saw thunderous applause and tsunami-like shouts in the arena.

A large swath of red and silver double-colored flags was waving in the air above the entire arena.

This kind of momentum was not seen in previous battles, only Jiang Jing had it.

And Jiang Jing also stood up from the position here and said: "I'm going to the competition first, don't worry about me."

After speaking, go to the player channel and walk onto the arena.

Liu Bin and the others were not worried about Jiang Jing at all, there was nothing to worry about in the first round.

Jiang Jing stood on the player's seat and looked at the muscular Dong Hai opposite him. His muscles were indeed conspicuous, and he was wearing a white vest.

Dong Hai looked at Jiang Jing with some envy, why does this guy have so many fans.

Don't his muscles look good?

So he wants to use his absolute strength to let this group of fans know that he is still stronger in strength.

"On the other side, I will let you know what it means to be strong." Dong Hai raised his hands high, showing his strong biceps.

Jiang Jing shook his head, as the saying goes, moderate fitness attracts the opposite sex, and excessive fitness attracts the same sex.

He was too lazy to talk to this person, since it was only the first round anyway.

The referee announced the rules of the game on the side:

"This game adopts a 6VS6 battle mode, and the two sides can use six elves."

"The game will end when all six elves on one side lose their ability to fight."

"Now ask the two contestants to release the elves."

I saw Dong Hai took out a special yellow-black elf ball from his belt and threw it out.

If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was a weight ball.

"Go, Iron Hand Luxembourg!"

I saw an obese elf showing its figure in a burst of white light.

The heavy body stepped on the ground.

Jiang Jing also took out a poke ball and threw it out.

"Go, wind speed dog!"


The vigorous figure of the wind speed dog was revealed in a burst of flames.

Jiang Jing also scanned the iron palm warrior in an instant.

[Spirit]: Iron Hand Luxembourg (black belt)

[attribute]: fighting

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV59

[Characteristics]: thick fat

[Skills]: Unexpected Strike (Specialization), See Through (Specialization), Impact (Specialization), Salt Water (Specialization), Qi Gathering (Specialization), Sand Pulling (Specialization), Pushing (Specialization), Clap surprise attack (specialization), Fajin (specialization), Blow fly (specialization), Slap down (specialization), Leverage fall (specialization), Belly drum (specialization), Sober (specialization), Earth Throwing (Specialization), Awakening Slap (Specialization), Standing (Specialization), Melee Combat (Specialization), Resurrection (Specialization), Heavy Impact (Specialization), Self-motivation (Specialization), Bodybuilding ( Specialization), Burst Fist (specialization), True Qi Fist (specialization)


At level 59, it is just right to be the opponent of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

However, thick fat is more troublesome, and it will halve the power of fire and water skills.


The heads of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Iron Hand Lux ​​appeared on the large LED screen.

"Haha, let me tell you, it's over."

"The elves of the fire element dare to challenge my iron palm warrior." Dong Hai laughed when he saw the wind speed dog.

It was also the first time Jiang Jing said, "Don't laugh too early."

"What's next is just the beginning."

"The battle begins!" the referee announced.

"Iron Palm Lux, use Bodybuilder!"

I saw the iron palm wrestler raised his big palm and began to do bodybuilding movements, but his body was too fat, and except for his hands, other parts didn't seem to move much.

However, there seemed to be a breath of energy gushing out of its body and surrounding its body.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Jet Flame!"


I saw the wind speed dog roared, and the hot flame burst out from its body, and the red flame seemed to be pulled out of the air.

All of them are gathered in its mouth and compressed, until the accumulation is complete, and under the control of the wind speed dog, it turns into a huge flame column and shoots out.

The surrounding temperature also increased several degrees instantly after the flame pillar was released.

Dong Hai showed a disdainful smile in the face of the fired pillar of flame.

"Iron Palm Lux, block it for me."

Then Jiang Jing saw Dong Hai's coquettish manipulation, and actually asked the iron palm wrestler to block it with his hands.

Even the thick fat feature can't be used in this way.

I saw the iron palm wrestler raised his big palm and blocked it in front of him.

In the next second, the fiery pillar of flame penetrated the air and bombarded it.


The reason why Dong Hai did this was because he had done it before.

And he easily defended against the opponent's flame spraying. He thought the result would be the same this time.

But he underestimated Jiang Jing and the wind speed dog, and the flames of the wind speed dog were not so easy to pick up.


The moment the pillar of flame hit Iron Palm Luxembourg's face, his expression changed.

Even with thick fat, it can still feel the impact of the terrifying high temperature hidden in it.

It raised its breath, exerted its full strength, and squatted slightly to block the flame column.

But it obviously overestimated itself, the terrifying energy impact knocked it out.

Its body slid on the ground, and deep marks appeared on the ground under its slithering.

Although it did block the jet flame, it also suffered heavy damage.

It can clearly smell the burning smell on the palm.

"My wind speed dog's jet flame is not so easy to pick up."

Dong Hai frowned, obviously thinking that the flames of the wind speed dog were so fierce.

But he didn't care too much, anyway, he blocked the jet of flame, so he asked if you blocked it.

"Iron Hand Luxembourg, use a thrust!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Charge!"

I saw the iron palm warrior took a breath, raised his breath again and started to activate his skills.

I saw a large amount of red fighting-type energy gushing out of its body like thin snakes and covering its body.

Then I saw it rushing out in great strides.

Then he rushed out suddenly, jumped forward, and rushed forward.

The huge palm was completely surrounded by red energy, as if it was a palm that fell from the sky.

Of course, it can only be regarded as a bankrupt board now, but its power is absolutely terrifying.


At the same time, the wind speed dog also rushed out, and its whole body was wrapped in blazing flames.

Like a burning flame.

Immediately it started running crazily.

Flash Charge!

It's just a huge, majestic energy setting off a lot of wind.

Then the two sides collided fiercely.

Iron Palm Luxembourg's ultimate move was overwhelmed by Mount Tai.


Both sides clashed with great strength.

With a loud noise, the two sides collided together.

Flame Charge VS Iron Palm Lux!

The confrontation of this blow is simply to see whose skills are stronger and more powerful.

Under the eyes of everyone, after one blow, they competed for points.

I saw the body of the wind speed dog retreating backwards.

As for the iron palm wrestler, he flew out directly.

After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it hit the ground heavily.


Its huge body hit the ground and kicked up a large cloud of dust.

"Dear audience friends, we can see that in the confrontation under the push and flash charge, Dong Hai's iron palm wrestler was defeated."

"The fight was over less than a minute after it started."

When the referee saw that the iron palm wrestler had passed out, he immediately announced:

"The iron palm loses the ability to fight, and the wind speed dog wins."


The avatar of Iron Palm Lux on the large LED screen also instantly dimmed.

"Iron Hand Lux!"

Dong Hai's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

How could it be possible that his own iron palm warrior lost just like that?

He has never encountered such a situation.

If Jiang Jing heard it, he would definitely reply, "Hey, you are lucky enough to see it today."

Reluctantly, he took back the Iron Palm Warrior, replaced the elf ball and threw it out.

"Go, mosquito coil warrior!"

In the next second, a strong blue elf appeared on the arena, it was the mosquito coil warrior.

[Elf]: Mosquito Swimmer (Mysterious Water Droplet)

【Attribute】: water, fighting

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV59

[Features]: water storage

[Skills]: White Mist (Specialization), Jumping (Specialization), Bubble Light (Specialization), Eye of the Heart (Specialization), Playing with Water (Specialization), Ice Hockey (Specialization), Mud Shooting (Specialization) Refined), Renewed (Specialized), Reckless (Specialized), Do It Again (Specialized), Stand Up (Specialized), Water Waves (Specialized), Hell Rolling (Specialized), Batou (Specialized), Hypnotism (specialization), chain slap (specialization), burst fist (superior), eye of the heart (specialization), bodybuilding (specialization), water cannon (specialization), cannon water cannon (proficient)


This time, the mosquito-repellent swimmer who restrained the wind speed dog was sent, but it is too much to think about the wind speed dog who wants to defeat it.


The head of the mosquito coil swimmer lights up on the large LED screen.

But Liu Bin in the auditorium felt that the profile picture would be darkened in less than two minutes.

I have to admit that Liu Bin's hunch was indeed right.

"The battle begins!"

"Mosquito-repellent swimmer, use the water cannon, give me a trick to kill it."

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!"

The two elves also started to attack.

I saw the mosquito coil swimmer raised his arms high to reveal his biceps, and then began to mobilize the energy in his body.

A large amount of energy quickly flowed out of its body, turning into a huge water column and blasting out.

Water cannons!

The highly compressed water column penetrates the air and launches towards the wind speed dog.


Looking at the opponent's skills, the wind speed dog's eyes also showed excitement.

Terrifying energy erupted from its eyes.

Its eyes gleamed crimson.

The surrounding temperature rose crazily, and flames formed out of thin air, scrambling to gather in its mouth.

It is highly compressed into a sphere through rotation, vented out in one breath, and expands and spreads after violent contact with air to form a "big" flame.

The big characters burst into flames!

After the "big" flame appeared, the temperature of the entire arena instantly rose to over 50 degrees.

The referee felt uncomfortable standing by.

The flames and water jets also collided in the air while breathing.

In Dong Hai's consciousness, after the water column hits the flame, it should be able to quickly extinguish it.

But this time it was different from what he thought, whether it was a surprise or not.

The water column bombarded the flame and turned into white water vapor.

At the same time, the flame hit the mosquito coil swimmer against the water column.

Along the way, you can hear the sound of sizzling, and the water vapor is getting more and more, covering the entire arena in a short time.

However, the size of the "big" character explosion is also constantly shrinking.

By the time it hit the mosquito coil swimmer, it had shrunk in half.


The flame exploded, and the blazing high temperature bombarded its body, making its body look like a shrimp, and then flew out and hit the ground.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the flame vortex!"

Jiang Jing knew that this attack could not make the mosquito-repellent swimmer incapable of fighting.

So you need to learn other skills.


Just before the mosquito-repellent swimmer got up, the wind speed dog opened its mouth again and roared. There was no wind, and the flame spontaneously ignited out of thin air, and it turned into a flame vortex in the next second.

The flame vortex split into four flame vortexes centered on her and spread out towards the surroundings.

At the same time, the flames continued to swell and expand, covering the entire arena in a short time.

Dong Hai's face turned green instantly after seeing these.

From the beginning to the present, every step of the game was different from what he had imagined. This Jiangjing seemed to be a bit tricky indeed.

On the other side, the mosquito-repellent swimmer stood up with a carp, and then looked at it as a vortex of flames enveloped him.

It feels that the current situation is a bit bad,

The raging flames scorched its skin, and its injuries continued to worsen.

"Mosquito coil swimmer, use the water cannon!"

After being forced to this point, he has no good solution, he can only start the fight directly, and win the wind speed dog first.

Mosquito-repellent swimmer also began to crazily mobilize the water energy in his body, and the blessing of the props mysterious water droplets made it easier to mobilize the water energy.

In the next second, the water flow gathered in its mouth, and it was seen that it released it in one breath after the water flow was highly compressed to the limit.

A huge water column blasted and launched, piercing through the flame vortex in front of it, instantly extinguishing it and turning it into water vapor.

"Well done, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use God Speed!"


At this time, Jiang Jing chose not to confront it head-on, but to avoid it and fight back.

The wind speed dog jumped out instantly after hearing the command, and his body was wrapped in blue energy between breaths and turned into blue lightning.

It disappeared in place in an instant, causing the mosquito-repellent swimmer's cannon to be emptied.

At this time, the wind speed dog also rushed towards the mosquito-repellent swimmer with lightning speed.

The other party wanted to hit the wind speed dog with the reverse direction.

But the current wind speed dog is incredibly fast, and as soon as it reacted, it slammed into the body of the mosquito coil swimmer.


In less than two seconds, the wind speed dog completed another round of attacks.

With a loud noise, the body of the mosquito-repellent incense warrior directly hit the wall behind Dong Haisheng.

Embedded directly inside, everything happened too fast.

The wind speed dog returned to the original place and began to pant slightly. The body of this mosquito coil swimmer was still strong.

At the same time as it hits it, it also suffers from the force of the shock.

At the same time, the referee also began to announce:

"The Mosquito Swimmer loses his ability to fight, and the Wind Speed ​​Dog wins again."


The head of the mosquito coil swimmer on the large LED screen also dimmed.

Liu Bin in the auditorium checked the time, and it happened to be no more than two minutes, and it was exactly as he thought.

"Mosquito coil swimmer!"

Dong Hai's complexion changed drastically now, the defeat of two elves in a row finally made him unable to calm down anymore.

He looked excited and began to sweat under the sun's rays.

He wiped off the sweat with one hand, then wiped his body, took out the elf ball and took the mosquito coil swimmer back into the ball.

Toggled a poke ball and threw it.

"Go, Longlongyan!"

After Long Longyan came out, Jiang Jing had already opened his data eyes and scanned the past.

[Spirit]: Rumbling Rock (hard rock)

[attribute]: rock, ground

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV59

[Characteristics]: Hard head



Jiang Jing took a look at the state of the wind speed dog, seeing that it could continue to fight, so he let it continue to fight.

Even if the fire element faces the rock, it doesn't matter if the rumbling rock of the ground element doesn't have the upper hand.

"Dear audience friends, the current situation is very unfavorable for player Dong Hai."

"He already has two elves who have lost their ability to fight."

"In this battle, his Longlongyan is very advantageous in terms of attributes. I don't know if he can win once." Jingyi stood on the high platform to explain this time.

two minutes later

"From the very beginning of the battle, the Wind Speed ​​Dog suppressed Rumbling Rock with an absolute advantage."

"Now both sides are planning to use the last move. The burnout of the wind speed dog and the destruction of the rumbling rock will confront each other."

"The venue was abnormally chaotic and filled with smoke."

"The result came out, Longlongyan fell down, the referee announced, and the wind speed dog won again."

Jiang Jing looked at the wind speed dog on the arena, panting heavily, and felt that it was almost reaching its limit.

It's not bad to be able to penetrate the opponent's three, you can rest.

So he took out the elf ball and put the wind speed dog back into the ball.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, you have done a good job."

On the other hand, Dong Hai's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he felt that he would rush over and beat him up in the next second.

He is miserable now, and in just five minutes, his mood is constantly stimulated.

If three elves in a row lose the ability to fight, he will only have the last three elves left.

He felt as if he really couldn't beat the guy on the opposite side.

But he still has a chance, as long as there is one elf, it is not over.

Thinking of this, he took the fourth Poké Ball from his belt and threw it out.

"Go, Ice Rock Monster!"

A huge ice rock monster appeared on the ground.

As soon as he came out of the arena, the temperature in the arena dropped several degrees, and the referees felt a chill.

Jiang Jing scanned it in an instant.

[Spirit]: Ice Rock Monster (does not melt ice)

[attribute]: ice

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV60

【Characteristics】: Frozen Body



Dong Hai finally dispatched an elf with a five-star talent, and his level was raised to level 60. This increase in strength was more than just a little bit.

It's not easy to defeat Wind Speed ​​Dog in its heyday.

And Jiang Jing also took out a second elf ball and threw it out.

"Go, Electric Shock Monster."


The electric shock monster appeared on the arena in a burst of wild electric current.


The heads of the two elves appeared on the large LED screen again.

And there are four blank poke balls under Jiang Jing's profile picture, no one knows what pokeball he plans to use later.

"Come out, both sides have changed their own elves, this game is the electric shock monster vs. ice rock monster."

Dong Hai thought that the ice rock monster's strength would never be the same as before, and it was also a five-star talent elf.

But reality hit him hard again.

This electric shock monster is much stronger than the previous wind speed dog, not just a little bit, but a lot.

The ice rock monster was really crushed and beaten all the way, completely unable to fight back.

In comparison, he is still more willing to fight against the wind speed dog.

So the ice rock monster lost, and the next monster also lost.

"Guai Li loses the ability to fight, and the electric monster wins." The referee announced.


The head of Wei Li on the large LED screen also went dark.

"The current situation is extremely unfavorable for player Dong Hai. He has only the last elf left."

"And none of our Jiangjing contestants have lost their ability to fight so far."

"Probably the end of his Nationals tour here."

Now Dong Hai suppressed his emotions, gritted his teeth and retracted the strange force into the ball.

He didn't dare to think too much, his mind would collapse if he thought too much.

He also has the last elf, which is also his trump card.

He still has a chance to come back, he comforted himself.


After taking a deep breath, she began to release the elf.

"Go, Heracross!"

"Yake Road~"

A Heracross exuding a strong aura, with clear and stupid eyes appeared on the ground.

Jiang Jing still scanned it with ease.

[Spirit]: Heracross (Silver Powder, Super Evolution Stone)

【Attribute】: Insect, Fighting

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Level】: LV60

[Characteristics]: Technical expert

[Skills]: Endurance (specialization), rock blast (specialization), impact (specialization), staring (specialization), hardening (superiority), corner collision (specialization), hold on (specialization), Feint (Specialization), Swallow Return (Specialization), Gradually Break (Specialization), Double Return (Specialization), Random Hit (Specialization), Splitting Tiles (Specialization), Missile Needle (Specialization), Slamming (Specialization), Super Corner (Specialization), Melee Combat (Specialization), Resurrection (Specialization), Seed Machine Gun (Specialization), Secret Attack (Specialization), Desperate Rush (Specialization), Ultimate Impact (proficient), push (specialization)


As soon as it came out, Jiang Jing saw the Heracross super-evolution stone on its big horn.


The head of Heracross lit up on the large LED screen.

"The battle begins!" The referee announced after seeing that the two were ready.


Dong Hai exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes instantly became firm.

It turned on the switch on the belt, and the black part in the middle was opened to reveal the keystone inlaid inside.

"Heracross, super evolution!"

When he shouted out loudly, the keystone on the belt instantly burst into light.

Dazzling yellow light poured into Heracross's body as if consciously.

In the next second, the super-evolutionary stone on its big horn also burst into dazzling light, turning into colored light and covering its own body.

Its body, stimulated by the power of fetters, unleashed all the potential in its body.

Three or four seconds later, the colored light began to dissipate, revealing the Super Heracross inside.

The appearance of Super Heracross becomes similar to that of a halberd.

The large horn on its forehead grew into a thick horn, and between the eyes grew a smaller horn that curved upward, and the two antennae became longer.

Its forearm is much thicker than before evolution, the original spikes have disappeared, and an orange patch appears on the head.

Orange streaks also appeared on the hands, thighs and shoulders, and the back was yellow and lost its wings.

[Spirit]: Super Heracross (Silver Powder, Super Evolution Stone)

【Attribute】: Insect, Fighting

[Talent]: ★★★★★

[Level]: LV60 (LV63↑)

[Characteristics]: Continuous attack



Super Heracross will get toned by bathing in amazing energy.

It can clamp and lift each other with its two horns, and can even lift things 500 times heavier than its own body weight. It has such a powerful force that it can easily lift a fighter jet.

If the strength is exerted to the limit, its body temperature will rise sharply, so it will open the shell of the abdomen and arms to facilitate heat dissipation.

After the mega evolution is over, it suffers from severe muscle pain.


"Yake Road~"

Super Heracross roared, and majestic energy burst out from its body.

Jiang Jing frowned, super evolution is equivalent to raising the strength by three levels.

It is also a difficult enemy for the electric shock monster, but it does not mean that it cannot beat the opponent.

"Player Dong Hai chose to super evolve Heracross from the very beginning."

"Facing Super Heracross, Contestant Jiang Jing didn't choose to change the elf, but continued to fight."

"I don't know if the Electric Shock Beast can withstand the attack of Super Heracross, let us wait and see."

There was also a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go, I'm so confident, the opponent has super evolved, can the electric monster be able to stop it?"

"You don't care if he can block it, but don't forget that Jingshen still has four elves in full state, and one of them can consume it to death."

"I think that even if it is super-evolved, it may not necessarily be able to defeat the electric shock beast."

"Didn't you realize that this electric shock monster is simply too strong? It's ridiculous to be so lively after two fights."

"You make it sound like it's true."


The battle on the arena is imminent.

"Super Heracross, use super horn strike!"

"Yake Road~"

The body of Super Heracross rushed out suddenly, like a super assault vehicle.

Then he jumped, and the big horn on his head was instantly wrapped in energy.

A terrifying breath emanates from it, and one can imagine how much damage it will cause once it is hit.

"Electricize monsters, use 100,000 volts!"


Electric Shock Warcraft knows that Super Heracross is not an easy guy to deal with.

So he began to unleash his full strength, roaring towards the sky, and countless electric currents were released from its body.

In an instant, the entire arena was covered, and at the same time, electric current enveloped its body.

The electric shock monster smiled excitedly, all the currents gathered on its hands, and then turned into huge lightning beams and released them.

One hundred thousand volts!

At this moment, the skill of 100,000 volts has officially broken through to perfection.

The surrounding ten-meter unit has all become its lightning field.

In this way, Super Heracross collided with the lightning beam.



What Super Heracross faced was not only the lightning beam, but the continuous current of the entire arena.

This was discovered when it collided with the lightning beam.

There was a loud noise, and the sky was full of electric currents splitting on it.

The huge current brought a huge impact, preventing it from advancing an inch.

Especially the whole body has started to feel numb, and at the same time there is still severe pain, as if countless small needles have been stuck in his body.

The pain made it want to go crazy, and then its body was blown away.

The current subsided, and it hit the ground.

The whole body was covered with electricity, which brought a feeling of numbness, and the strength felt uncontrollable.

At the same time, there was a burnt smell on his body.

This is the part of the body that was electrocuted, and there is a large area on it.

This round of fighting still ended with Heracross falling into a disadvantage.

Dong Hai is very uncomfortable now, he has already super-evolved, but he is still at a disadvantage, how can he fight?

"Super Heracross, use Ultimate Shock!"

This time it plans to launch a big move, so it can't deal with this electric shock beast.

It's really evil, like a generator, it has an inexhaustible current.

Now the entire arena is full of electric arcs dancing everywhere.

And Super Heracross climbed up in an electric arc.

These electric arcs will paralyze its body, making it unable to exert its due strength.

However, the current Super Heracross has extraordinary physical fitness and can still hold on.

Immediately, it aroused terrifying energy all over its body this time, bursting out from its body and covering every part of its body.

An energy shield was formed outside the body, resisting the electric arc outside.

And it launched an impact towards Jiangjing again.

Ultimate Shock!

Its large horns were enveloped in energy and pierced the air.

The aura erupted by the Super Heracross at this moment is stronger than before.

The corners of Jiang Jing's mouth raised slightly, it was just in time.

"Electricize monsters, use thunder!"


The Electric Shock Beast began to release its skills. This time it began to actively use the power of the lightning slate to increase the power of the skills again.

This time, the sky of the entire arena was suddenly clouded with black clouds.


Like a muffled thunder, a lightning snake formed in the dark cloud and slammed down from the dark cloud.

The huge Thunder Snake formed by countless thunderbolts slammed on the body of Super Heracross.


With a loud noise, the two sides collided fiercely.

Many people in the auditorium looked dignified after seeing it, but the thunder skill with a power of only 110 gave them the illusion of a power of 150.

It is conceivable how powerful the thunder he is releasing now is.


Several Thunder Snakes hit Super Heracross' body in succession, and the two sides collided violently.

"Yake Road~"

Only the miserable sound of Super Heracross was heard, and its body was completely submerged in the thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning descended, and all attacks landed on it.

Even the ultimate impact couldn't resist such terrifying energy.


After a loud noise, a large pit was formed on the arena, and Super Heracross had degenerated back at this time, lying in it with a scorched body.

Already in a coma and lost the ability to fight.

A strike of thunder directly killed it in seconds, this is the horror of the electric monster.

After releasing its skills, it also stayed in place and panted non-stop.

This trick consumes too much, and even its seemingly endless current is exhausted.


Thanks to book friend Zi Qingkong Guiye Yuhun for the 100 starting coins.

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