This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 382 National Champion (please subscribe, ask monthly pass)

The referee raised a small red and blue flag and made a final announcement:

"The Lightning Bird loses its ability to fight, and the Golden Monster wins."

"Because Zhou Zhigan's six spirits have lost their ability to fight, Jiang Jing won the final victory."


On the large LED screen, the head of Lightning Bird also instantly dimmed.

This time, the heads of Zhou Zhiqian's six elves were all darkened.

"It's so shocking, it's really wonderful!"

"The confrontation between the lightning bird and the giant golden monster can be said to be wonderful."

"It can be said to be the most exciting match in this national competition."

"The two sides contributed to us a wonderful match that can be recorded in the history of the national competition."

"However, it's a pity that player Zhou Zhiqian lost to player Jiang Jing and finally lost the match."

"Finally, let's congratulate Jiang Jing for winning the championship with warm applause." The host Jing Yi announced in a high voice.





After a moment of silence, the auditorium erupted instantly.

There was overwhelming applause and roars from the entire arena.

One after another, especially the Jiangjing fans in red clothes all fell into the carnival.


Liu Bin jumped up directly from his position.

He swung his fist vigorously and cheered loudly.

At this time, not many people could sit in their seats and cheer.

"Haha, I knew Brother Jing could do it."

"It's finally over, Brother Jing has finally become the champion."

"Another champion, too strong!" Su Wei also laughed from ear to ear.

"Xiao Jing is too good, he is indeed my son." Jiang Ma also looked excited.

Although she doesn't quite understand elf battles, she knows the importance of the national competition.

Jiang Jing's ability to win the championship is enough to prove her excellence.

Although Dad Jiang was also excited, he seemed relatively calm on the surface.

Ye Jiangling exhaled and leaned on his seat, listening to the cheers around him:

"It's over, the game is over here."

"I didn't expect Jiang Jing to win the championship in the end."

"However, it deserves its name. There is still a gap between Zhou Zhiqian and him."

"From the very beginning, I fell into a disadvantage, and every elf in the matchup lost."

"Even legendary elves like Lightning Bird are no match. This giant golden monster is too heaven-defying."

"Hey, they are also quasi-gods of different colors, why is there such a big gap?"

The middle-aged man next to him also sighed: "It's really amazing. It can be said that the strongest genius in our country in the past thirty years has come out."

"As long as he keeps going like this, the championship will be his sooner or later."

"Now Zhou Zunyu is under pressure. Maybe Jiang Jing already has the strength to challenge him before he retires."

On the other side, Ji Zilin sighed and said, "I am convinced, and my mood is much better."

"I was a little bit unwilling at first, but seeing that Zhou Zhiqian lost, I feel much better."

Ji Hao, who was sitting next to him, laughed and said, "Haha, awesome, sister, maybe we are trainers of the same level now."

"I lost to Jiang Jing, and you also lost to Jiang Jing. Doesn't this mean that my strength is equal to yours? There's nothing wrong with it."

Ji Zilin: "..."

Yan Jixuan shook his head and said, "It's really strong. Now I am no match at all."

Caitlina asked curiously from the side: "It's not like you, who gave up so easily?"

Yan Jixuan: "There is no way, the gap is too big, I still have self-knowledge, maybe I will challenge Jiang Jing after a few more years of practice."

The man next to him also exclaimed in admiration: "Even if this Jiang Jing is placed in our alliance headquarters, he is still the top genius. I really don't know that he cultivated elves."

Caitlina asked curiously: "Can you win a fight with him now?"

The man said confidently: "If I were the same age as him or even four or five years older than him, I might not be an opponent."

"But I'm two years older than Zhou Zhiqian, and I'm stronger in terms of strength. If I fight him, maybe four or five elves can solve it."

"This is based on his constant use of death song, same life, and curse."


In an instant, an unknown number of Jiang Jing's friends and former rival fans fell into the carnival.

Former teammate friends, opponents: Zhang Xiuxian, Dong Leshan, Ye Zijin, Yao Yuan, Zhou Wan, Lin Manman, Zhang Haocheng, Peng Yu, Wang Yichang, Shi Lei, Jia Shipeng...

They may be in the auditorium, or they may be all over the country.

But all of them, without exception, are paying attention to this year's national competition.

When they saw Jiang Jing winning the championship, their expressions were different, some cheered, some sighed, and some were instantly furious.

In the last battle between the Super Metagross and Lightning in the live broadcast room, the number of online users has exceeded 100 million, breaking the record.

"Let us congratulate Jiang Jing for winning the Huaguo Competition."

"The champion this time can be said to have broken a number of records, first of all, breaking the record of the youngest champion."

"In one stroke, the record was advanced by a huge gap of six years."

"In the future, it will be very difficult for anyone to win the national championship at the age of 23 like Jiang Jing."

"At the same time, it also broke the battle time of the final. It only took 16 minutes to end the battle."

"At the same time, he is the only player who ended the battle with five spirits."

"I believe this battle will become a classic." Duan Ran and Li Yi began to praise Jiang Jing with all the praise words they had learned all their lives.

There was also cheers in the live broadcast room.


"Jingshen Champion!!"

"Another champion, but this one has a higher gold content."

"Haha, I was optimistic about Jingshen winning the championship from the very beginning, but I didn't expect that he actually won the championship."

"This year's Zhou Zhiqian has become so strong, and he can still win the championship without a Boss Kedora. It can only be said that Jingshen is really strong."

"Wuhu takes off, and I can't wait to see Jingshen representing Huaguo in the World Championships."

"With such strength, we can only say who will be the opponent."

"It's been so many years that Huaguo hasn't won the championship in the World Series. Now that we have Jingshen, we have full hope."

"What you said upstairs seems to be true."

"It's a pity that I have to wait a year to see it, but I was only a freshman at that time, so I am happy to think about it."



arena top

Zhou Zhiqian looked around, listening to the applause above the auditorium and his darkened portrait on the large LED screen.

All this is not true, lost?

As soon as he came up with the idea of ​​writing, he couldn't restrain himself. He actually didn't want to admit the fact that he had lost, but the result was in front of him and he had to accept it.

He lost, even the strongest ace elf was defeated by the golden monster.

This was nothing, but the most unacceptable thing for him was that Jiang Jing actually had a very powerful Boss Kedora in full condition.

What does this mean? It means that their strength gap is really too big.

He recalled that he played too hard in this final, even used skills such as song of perdition, same fate, and curse that he was unwilling to use before, but he still lost in the end.

The outcome seems to have been doomed from the start.

He looked at Jiang Jing who was five years younger than him, and for the first time he had the feeling of looking up.

Is this how others usually look at you?

With complicated emotions, he took the lightning bird back into the elf ball.

"Come back, Lightning Bird!"

"You have done a good job, or I am too useless."

After putting away the poke ball, he looked at Jiang Jing and exhaled heavily:

"Congratulations, Jiang Jing!"

"From this moment on you are a champion."

"This time the battle was very enjoyable, and I was convinced that I lost."

Jiang Jing also said with a smile while taking back the giant gold monster: "You are not bad."

Jiang Jing didn't say any more sarcasm at this time, he is now the champion.

It's meaningless to say these things, the biggest blow to Zhou Zhiqian was losing the final.

He is now a victor, and Zhou Zhiqian is a loser in the eyes of everyone.

Zhou Zhiqian's heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface.

After saying this, he barely managed to maintain his smile.


In the sound of fireworks, a huge stage moved up from the ground and covered the arena to form a flat ground.

On the top there are three cylindrical podiums with different heights.

Next up is the awards ceremony.

Jiang Jing had imagined more than once what it would be like to stand on the podium.

Now that I finally stand up, apart from a little excitement, there is nothing but peace in my heart.

Maybe it's not that difficult to win this championship by yourself.

At the same time, the host also fell from the high platform to the stage.

Miss Manners and Ji Zilin also came up.

Next is the awards ceremony.

First of all, Ji Zilin released her six elves, and all the elves gathered around her to take pictures.

Next is Zhou Zhiqian, he shoots more casually, maybe the runner-up is not worth it for him.

Finally, Jiang Jing released all six elves.

Steel Armored Crow, Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui, Lucario, Boss Cordora, and Metagross.

Six elves looked around his body, and the photographer Rotom took the picture under the watchful eye.

And Jiang Jing was among the elves, with his hands in his pockets.

Watching this scene, I don’t know how many people came up with an idea: I had my hands in my pockets back then, and I didn’t know who my opponent was.

Then came the final awards ceremony, and the three stood on the podium.

All three have trophies, each in a different color.

In Ji Jun's hand is a copper-colored trophy. The trophy is a pixie ball top, and the lower part is a cube base.

The runner-up is silver, and the rest are the same.

But Jiang Jing's championship trophy was different.

The bottom is also a cube base, but above it is a golden statue sitting in the air.

The sculpture of Likongzuo is so lifelike, as if it is real, I dare not look directly into its eyes.

And it was Zhou Zunyu, the champion of the Elf Association, who presented him with the award.

He looks only in his forties, very young, but his actual age is almost half a hundred.

Zhou Zunyu could see that he was handsome when he was young, and now he is also an old handsome guy, and Zhou Zhiqian really looks like him.

Zhou Zunyu handed the championship trophy to him and encouraged him: "Good job, congratulations on winning the championship, you deserve it."


Jiang Jing took the championship trophy with a smile, and seeing the smile on Zhou Zunyu's face now, he didn't show any frustration because Zhou Zhiqian lost to him.

But he could still feel that his smile was forced, not sincere.

And Zhou Zhiqian didn't dare to look at Zhou Zunyu's eyes, he looked aside and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Everyone in the audience, the National Competition is over here."

"After a month of intense competition, it's finally over."

"Let's congratulate the three players for finishing in the top three."

"At the same time, let us also give the applause to the champion—Jiang Jing!" The host announced excitedly.



Jiang Jing raised the championship trophy in his hands amidst the thunderous roar above the auditorium.


The photos of Jiang Jing and the three of them were taken.

Both Ji Zilin and Zhou Zhiqian were not very happy, they just dealt with it with faint smiles.

"Next, let's invite Contestant Jiang Jing to speak."

Jiang Jing came up to take the microphone from the host.

Looking at the dense crowd of heads in the auditorium, he saw Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, Liu Bin, Su Wei, Su Wei, Huang Lao, Lin Tianyi and others.

They were all looking at him, and he took a deep breath and began:

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Jing!"

"It's an honor to win this championship, and I'm very happy to win this championship."

"I know that many people are not optimistic about me winning the championship before the national competition begins."

"Because I was too young, but in the end I still won the championship."

"Age is meaningless to me. In the end, I still have to rely on my strength to speak."

"The championship of the national competition has always been one of my goals. A few years ago, I was a senior high school student, and I watched the last national competition at home during the summer vacation."

"At that time, I set a goal, and I must also become the champion of the national competition."

"Nothing has finally come true now, and it's really not easy along the way. I have too many people to thank."

"Without them, I would not be where I am today and what I am today."

"Finally, I would like to thank all the fans and thank you for your support."

"I am a person who will not live up to other people's expectations of me."

"So everyone can trust me, next year's World Series, the champion will definitely be our Huaguo!" After Jiang Jing finished speaking firmly, he handed the microphone to the host.



Jiang Jing's words instantly drew wild applause from countless audiences.

Jiang Jing once again proved with his strength that as long as he participated in the competition, he would definitely win the championship.

So many people have already begun to look forward to next year's World Series, maybe they can really win the championship.

Zhou Zhiqian looked at Jiang Jing, and he was really arrogant, actually announcing in front of everyone that he would win the World Series.

In other words, I absolutely do not have such courage.

Because he was afraid, he was afraid of the abuse he would receive if he didn't get what greeted him.

So he found that he was not as good as Jiang Jing in this regard.

After such a comparison, he found that he was really inferior to Jiang Jing in every way, and fell into an emo state.

In the auditorium, Lin Xi said while applauding: "It's really amazing, I don't know how many times stronger than us."

"Anyway, I absolutely couldn't say that at the time. I didn't have the courage like him."

Li Xingzhou also nodded and agreed with her statement: "I hope he can lead Huaguo to win the championship. We haven't won the championship for a long time."


With the end of the awards ceremony, the audience began to leave one after another.

And Jiang Jing couldn't leave yet, he still had to accept interviews and take pictures.

At this time he was sitting in a room for an interview.

It's nothing more than the same set, what mood is it now, what feelings do you have, and what do you want to say to all the trainers in the end.

After the interview was over, a group of staff gathered around to ask for autographs and group photos.

It has been tossing for more than an hour before it is over.

Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and Su Wei also came to find them.

"Brother Jing is awesome, congratulations!" Liu Bin rushed over directly.

Jiang Jing also jumped up to bump into Qi, as well as Su Wei and Su Jincheng.

"Xiaojing, why did it take so long?" Jiang Ma asked curiously.

Jiang Jing hugged Pikachu and Fat Ding and replied, "Because I have to accept interviews and autographs, but it's all over now."

"Let's go, everyone is hungry, let's go eat, and watch the campaign in the afternoon."

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother nodded after hearing this. They all listen to Jiang Jing now, and he will do whatever he says.

A group of people went to eat in such a mighty way.

Instead of going to the cafeteria, they found a famous restaurant nearby to celebrate.

There were also quite a few people who came, including Huang Lao and Master Lin Tianyi, as well as Lin Xi and Li Xingzhou.

A dozen or so people had a meal together, and after eating, they continued to watch the game in the afternoon.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were not interested in this, so they went back to the hotel to take a nap.

For the game in the afternoon, the audience seats in the Bird's Nest were still full, even though the game was over now.

But some people like to watch high-level elf battles.

The most important thing is that the ticket price has also been reduced. It may cost a few hundred yuan to watch a match.

This battle is to select two people from the eight eliminated in the top sixteen to gather ten people to represent Huaguo to participate in the national competition.

So these two places are also very critical.

The remaining eight people can be said to have worked very hard.

In the end, just as Jiang Jing thought, Cui Miaoling and another person Ma Yutang won the final victory.

Ma Yutang was still very proud before, and was known as the champion seed.

As a result, he was eliminated by Li Xiaoling in the top sixteen.

"Everyone in the audience, at this point in the competition, the list of ten players has been decided."

"Ten of them will represent our Hua Country to compete for the championship in the World Series." The host made the final announcement on the high stage.

The list of ten people this time appeared on the large LED screen.

Jiang Jing's profile picture was ranked first.

Looking at the portrait on the large LED screen, Zhou Zunyu suddenly said:

"You didn't deserve to lose this time, Jiang Jing is indeed stronger than expected."

"It's not that easy to beat him, you need to spend more effort to make it possible."

Zhou Zhigan next to him took a deep breath and said, "I understand, and I also want to understand at noon."

"Compared to Jiang Jing, my efforts are not enough, and I need more training."

Zhou Zunyu nodded and said: "Very good, Z pure crystals with properties such as dragon, steel, insect, electricity, and ghost have been prepared for you."

"What you have to do in the next year is to fully learn the Z move, and be able to use it in battle with full proficiency."

Zhou Zhiqian looked firm: "I will!"


Cui Miaoling also breathed a sigh of relief standing on the arena.

She finally won and was able to go to the World Series.

It is also her dream to participate in the World Series. It is not easy for her to come to the present with a relatively ordinary family.

He looked at Jiang Jing's profile picture on the large LED screen. She believed that with Jiang Jing present, Huaguo would definitely win the championship.


In the evening, the entire Hua Kingdom was shaken, and the news of Jiang Jing's victory instantly became the number one trending search.

Jiang Jing's fame directly broke through to a new level again.

It can be said that more than 70% of the people in the country will know his name.

This is the flow of the national competition, and it is also Jiang Jing's own strength.

This year's national competition is stronger and more exciting than the previous one.

Jiang Jing was on the phone in his room right now.

I don't know how many people called to congratulate, and there were also many text messages.

But Jiang Jing was already familiar with these things, and he would encounter such things after every big game.

It's just that this time it was even more terrifying, and he found another group of people to celebrate for dinner.

Tonight is destined to be a carnival night.


Many people began to return to their cities one after another.

The heat of the national competition is still fermenting, and the summer is still hot.

And Jiang Jing no longer played games, and now facing him he has come to the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Elf Association.

This time, he came to the president's office with ease.

"come in!"


The door of the room opened automatically, and there was a purple Du Beibi facing him.

Jiang Jing touched its small head, and Du Beibi did not reject it.

"It seems that Du Beibi really likes you better."

President Zhou sat on the sofa and started making tea.

Jiang Jing sat down opposite him.

"President Zhou, what is the championship reward this time?"

The reason why he asks this is because the rewards of each national competition are unknown.

Only the champion knows that the national competition does not need to use rewards to attract people to participate in the competition.

However, since it is one of the most important events in Huaguo, the rewards will definitely not be shivering.

Chairman Zhou took a sip of tea and said slowly, "The rewards are naturally extremely rich."

"The first is a cash reward of 500 million."

"I know you are not short of money, but 500 million is not a small sum. I don't know how many people in Huaguo don't even have 100 million."

Jiang Jing nodded. 500 million was really just a small amount of money for him now, but it was not a lot.

Enough for him to use for a long time.

He spends money like water, and the 500 million supplements can last for a while.

"What about the other rewards, isn't it just a cash reward?"

"Don't worry."

After saying this, he picked up the tablet on the table and said:

"The next step is resource rewards. In our logistics department, we can choose six treasures, which correspond to six elves, which is very reasonable."

After speaking, he handed the tablet in front of him.

Jiang Jing asked curiously: "President Zhou, I'm going to let the elves learn the Z move, can I exchange it for Z pure crystal?"

Chairman Zhou replied: "Of course you can, but you can only exchange one."

"Although we also have some Z pure crystals here, the amount is extremely rare."

Jiang Jing's eyes lit up when he heard this, he just asked casually, but he didn't expect it to be true.

He wants to prepare Z pure crystals for all his elves.

Z-pure crystals are not like super-evolved stones corresponding to corresponding spirits.

As long as the corresponding attributes can be used, the corresponding Z moves can be used.

For example, if you have Z pure crystal, Boss Kedora can use all the six elves.

He only has three Z pure crystals on him now: electricity, ground, and water.

Steel, rock, super power, ghost, poison, flying, fighting, fire, dragon nine Z pure crystals are also needed.

Thinking about it is a bit big, and it is too difficult to get it.

Ordinary trainers only need one, because their physical strength can only support one use.

At present, what he needs most is the Z pure crystal of the steel system.

So he directly searched for Z pure crystal on the tablet.

The result shows that the search cannot be found.

"There is no Z pure crystal of the steel type, what's the situation?" Jiang Jing was a little disappointed.

"What are you thinking, not all attributes are available." Chairman Zhou said angrily.

Jiang Jing felt a little regretful, it seemed that he had to find another way.

So I directly searched for Z pure crystal, and it came out immediately.

At a glance, there are only 10 Z pure crystals, and two of them are repeated: water, grass, ice, ground, poison, normal, evil, rock

Jiang Jing was a little speechless. All he could use were poisonous and rock-type pure crystals.

There is no need to choose these two, just choose the Z pure crystal of the rock system, and let Boss Kedora learn.

So he decisively added the rock type Z pure crystal to the exchange cart.

Next, he can exchange five treasures, and these five treasures need to be carefully considered.

First of all, the electric shock monster can be ruled out. It basically does not need resources, and the elf food is enough.

The power of half a lightning slab is still too terrifying, and it will improve every day.

Then there are steel treasures, and there are six spirits that can be used.

The first is the steel milk stone. Jiang Jing directly exchanged two pieces, and Boss Kedora can use them all.

Unlike Meteor Steel, Lucario, Steel Armored Crow, and Emperor Nabo cannot be used.

Next came the treasures of the ghost system. The ghost orb could no longer meet Jiang Jing's needs.

So I chose one—the crystallization of resentment.

It may be harmful to other elves or people, but it is a great tonic for ghost elves.

The effect is stronger than that of the Ghost Orb.

There is a high probability that Geng Gui can be upgraded by one level.

Then there is the fire-type wind speed dog. It is now level 55, and it still needs fire-type treasures to quickly upgrade its level.

He took a look, and there was actually a top-quality fire stone.

It's a pity that he doesn't need it for the time being, what he wants is a treasure that speeds up the level up.

The function of the best fire stone is mainly to let the elves evolve and improve their talents, and the level improvement is just a incidental thing.

He browsed for a while and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw something.

[Stone]: lava crystallization

Effect: Greatly increase the level of fire-type elves. If you take too much, you can permanently increase the power of fire-type skills by a small amount.


He was a little surprised, he didn't expect that there was actually a lava crystal.

This thing is a good thing, it is a fire-type treasure, and it can greatly increase the level of the fire-type elves.

It is specially prepared for diamond-level trainers.

When he saw it, he quickly accepted it, and there were three yuan in total, which made him a little greedy.

He wished he could take all three pieces away, but unfortunately he had to choose treasures of other attributes.

There are already five pieces, and the only thing missing is the dragon treasure of the Double Ax War Dragon.

Treasures of this attribute are really rare, and he can only buy dragon stones on the trainer's paradise for the double ax battle dragon.

He searched and found that there were some dragon treasures.

One of these things caught its attention.

【Stone】: Dragon fruit

Effect: Greatly increase the level of dragon elves.


He has never heard of such a miraculous tree fruit that can greatly increase the level of dragon elves.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and directly added it to the exchange cart.

"Okay, just these six pieces!"

Jiang Jing handed the tablet to Chairman Zhou.

"Do you still have a reward that you haven't claimed?" President Zhou asked suddenly.

Jiang Jing nodded. Huang Haitian was caught in Anling before, and he wanted to come and collect the reward today.

President Zhou nodded: "Then, as a reward, I will give you a piece of meteorite steel and steel milk."

"I'm notifying people to pick it up now, and I can bring it over later."

After speaking, he took out a check from his pocket and handed it over:

"This is a cash check of 500 million yuan. You can take it out yourself when you go back."

Jiang Jing looked at the check in his hand and took it away.

Chairman Zhou continued: "To be honest, your strength really surprised me."

"I went to watch the game with a group of old friends, and we all agreed that you need to win the championship in the next one."

"This year's champion will be Zhou Zhiqian. He is our country's hope in the World Series. I didn't expect to lose to you in the end."

"The strength this time is amazing, and it seems that the hope this time will fall on you."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Since we participated in the World Series, we will naturally win the championship."

"One year is enough to bring my elf strength to another level."

President Zhou nodded and said, "Just relying on your current strength to participate, I don't think there is any problem with being the champion."

"But I'm afraid that the Beacon Country will do something to make the game more difficult."

Jiang Jing was still calm: "Even if they do something stupid, as long as they are strong enough, they will be able to crush them."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Du Beibi opened the door on his own initiative.

I saw a young lady in a work uniform walking in carrying a silver metal box.

"President, everything you want is in the box."

President Zhou opened the box and saw eight things inlaid inside.

The first one is a sand-colored crystal-like object, which is the Z pure crystal of the rock system.

The deep red that looks crystal clear is the crystallization of lava.

The resentment crystal is purple-black, with a transparent film on the surface.

It seems that the energy in it is isolated.

On Jiang Jing's side, he scanned the past with his data eye.

[Treasure]: Resentment Crystal

A lens formed by pooling together humans and elves.

Ordinary people and spirits will cause great mental damage after contact, and they are prone to nightmares.

It is of great benefit to ghost elves, and is extremely rare.

The dragon fruit looks like an enlarged cherry, round and full.

But it contains amazing energy, he just went to check the information.

These things are all grown in the wild, extremely rare and the growth conditions are extremely harsh.

Generally, there will be dragon elves inhabiting places where they grow, and it is not easy to get them.

The remaining steel milkstones and meteorites are similar to those seen before.

"They're all here, and there are quite a few of them. Jiang Jing, you have to take care of them."

"The things inside are all priceless. If someone else steals them, the loss will be great."

Jiang Jing smiled and put the silver box back into his backpack, obviously planning to take the box with him.

Chairman Zhou didn't care when he saw it.

"President Zhou, I'm leaving first, and I'll meet you for tea next time."

"Du Beibi, I'm leaving."

Dumbie: ()

After chatting for a while, Jiang Jing took his leave and left.

After Jiang Jing left, Chairman Zhou sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea.

"Although Jiang Jing is here, I still feel unsafe."

"Lighthouse Country has been very wrong recently. I always feel that they will do something for the championship."

"There are also frequent changes in the alliance headquarters, and a large number of people leave the headquarters to go to various parts of the world."

After talking to himself for a while, he went to do his own thing.


Shenzhen City, in the villa of the Chen family.


The water glass in Chen Bingquan's hand fell to the ground.

He was a little irritable, and he hadn't been in a good mood since losing to Jiang Jing.

He originally thought that Jiang Jing would fall in the top 16, but he swept his opponents all the way, defeated Zhou Zhiqian and won the championship.

This made him very unwilling and jealous, jealous that Jiang Jing could have such a strong strength.

In his opinion, Jiang Jing relies on elves, and none of his elves are ordinary elves.

If all these spirits were given to him, he would also be able to win the championship.

He still doesn't think it's his fault.

Just then his cell phone rang.

He quickly connected and said, "Hey, dad, what's the matter?"

The other side yelled at him directly.

"You bastard, you didn't tell me what you did."

"Something has happened now, and the police have come to the door, so you should run away quickly."

Chen Bingquan's eyes widened suddenly after hearing this, and he froze in place.

"Impossible, how could the police find out? I've already cleaned up the scene, and it's impossible for them to find out." Chen Bingquan said hastily after hearing this.

"Then how did the police find it? With your little ability, you still want to hide it from the police? Are you a pig head?"

"Hurry up now and go to the secret base of our Chen family in the wild with the fastest speed."

"Otherwise, when the police come to your door, you will be unable to fly."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Bingquan didn't have time to change into his pajamas, so he took his elf and released it.

"Armor bird, let's go!"

He planned to fly out directly on the elf of the flying system.

He did a lot of illegal and criminal things, which were covered up before.

His family had helped before, but he felt that there was no problem in handling an incident a month ago with his own strength, so he didn't tell the family.

Did not expect to be found by the police so soon.

He jumped on the armored bird and rushed out the window.

As a result, not long after he flew out, the grid and the grid suddenly fell from the sky and caught the armored bird.

Chen Bingquan was paralyzed as soon as his hand touched the power grid.


He fell to the ground together with the armored bird like this, and the pajamas he was wearing were instantly stained with dust and looked extremely embarrassed.

I saw a group of men and women riding flying elves surrounded it.

The breath emanating from each elf is extremely powerful.

One of the beautiful women looked at Chen Bingquan and sneered:

"Chen Bingquan, something happened to you, come with us."

Chen Bingquan showed a look of despair.


The matter of Chen Bingquan being arrested the next day became a hot search.

"I didn't expect Chen Bingquan to be a scum, and their Chen family is not a good thing."

In a restaurant, Liu Bin looked at the trending searches on his phone and said.

Jiang Jing didn't expect Chen Bingquan to be arrested.

According to the news, someone's life is in their hands. Of course, it is normal for a trainer to have a life in their hands.

But it is different if people are ordinary people or if they die in the city.

And it is said that there is not one, and many previous cases have been related to him.

The latest progress came in the afternoon. It is said that Chen Bingquan recruited everything.

Among them, many evil deeds of the Chen family were made public, and countless Chen family members were all sent in.

But the Chen family didn't react too much, which made Jiang Jing understand that this was a premeditated attack on the Chen family.

It is estimated that many people wrote first, which made him lament that it is really pitiful for God to do evil, and human beings do evil, so they cannot live.

However, the Chen family's accident probably has something to do with their being too arrogant.

From Li Muyu's point of view, the Chen family might also be involved in the matter of the Rockets, so this time they intend to destroy them all.

Jiang Jing looked at it and stopped paying attention.

Now he has returned to Rongcheng and is staying at home now.

There are a lot of things to do every day.

Since he won the championship, more advertisers have come to him.

Su Lan is on the way to meet advertisers every day.

Jiangjing only selected a few with the best reputation.

Among them is the elf food from the production meeting of the Snorlax Group that I often bought before.

They wanted Jiang Jing to endorse Elven Food, and the endorsement fee was extremely high, a full 100 million.

It can be said that the endorsement of a few advertisements has opened up an income of 300 million yuan for him, and the money is not too easy for him now.


Jiang Jing stayed in the upstairs room, which has been renovated in the past few years, and now there is no problem to accommodate all the elves.

He took out the silver box from his backpack, and took out the lava crystals and dragon fruit inside.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Double Ax Battle Dragon, these two are prepared for you."



The Wind Speed ​​Dog and the Double Ax War Dragon have already moved over, and they already felt the strong attraction when the lava crystals and dragon fruit were taken out.

The body's instinctive desire, although I don't know what this thing is.

But understand that as long as they absorb it, it will be of great benefit to them.

Jiang Jing put the lava crystals on the wind speed dog's head.

The dragon fruit was directly fed to the Double Axe Dragon.



Wind Speed ​​Dog and Double Ax War Dragon can't wait to start absorbing them.


Happy Friday everyone!

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