This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 414 More than half of the slate fragments (seeking subscription, monthly ticket)

A group of disciples discussed excitedly.

This made Kapil, who lost the match, a little uncomfortable.

Before coming here, he was full of confidence, thinking that as long as he defeated Jiang Jing, he could be said to directly dominate Huaguo.

This is something that Ah San has not been able to do for hundreds of years.

But the facts have proved that Huaguo is still that Huaguo.

What kind of monster was this cultivated? I lost without even seeing the opponent's ace elf, and I didn't even win with a single elf.

There wasn't even one. Looking back now, he was about to suffocate.

For him, nothing could be worse than it is now.

His whole face turned red instantly, not knowing whether it was from shame or embarrassment.

Probably just felt ashamed, he didn't care about his image.

But he was extremely concerned about his winning or losing, and he felt extremely uncomfortable after such a loss.

The body is hotter than ever.

However, he did not lose his composure, and instead took the poisonous skeleton frog back into the poke ball.

"I lost, you are strong!"

"Now the battle is over, and my battle this time is also complete."

"I should go too, bye everyone!"

After saying this, he turned and left, walking quickly.

It can be said that he does not intend to give everyone a chance to stop him.

"Don't, Mr. Kapil, it's rare to come here, sit a little longer."

Before the bearded man finished speaking, Kapil had already disappeared at the door.


Jiang Jing was also stunned in the arena. He used super evolution and two Z moves in a row, and he was able to move so fast.

Either it's too embarrassing, or it's because of its superior physical fitness.

Otherwise, this situation cannot be explained at all.

"Come back, Electric Shock Beast, you've done a good job."

"Bang bang!!"



The electric shock monster thumped his chest hard.

The opponent of the poisonous skeleton frog is too weak to pose a threat to it at all.

Even the Z-movement Strong Acid and Toxic Extinction Rain is not very powerful.

It can't compare to its ultimate Volt Thunderbolt.

Di Rang and Wan Nala in the first row were speechless at this moment.

The strength of this Jiang Jing is too outrageous.

What is the strongest in Huaguo, this is it!

Ah San, who was hailed as the strongest genius, was beaten 6:0.

Jiang Jing didn't lose a single elf, and all the losers belonged to Kapil.

"Did you, Mr. Kapil, let the water go?"

"Jiang Jing didn't even join the two strongest elves."

Master Lin Tianyi next to him said in surprise.

Dirang: "..."

This made him a little suspicious of his life. Is Huaguo so strong?

The gap is really too big.

The two are a little embarrassed now. Before the battle, they vowed that Jiang Jing would never win.

As a result, they were now slapped in the face. Every time Kapil fell an elf, they felt their faces being slapped.

I'm a little embarrassed now and don't know what to say.

"Tianyi, your disciple's strength is indeed very strong."

"Worthy of being your disciple, he is really powerful."

The corners of Lin Tianyi's mouth rose slightly, which was obviously very beneficial.


"Brother Jing, strong!"

After Jiang Jing came down, Su Wei praised him after bumping his fists.

Latias also looked up, she was not interested in fighting.

After sitting down for a while, I started playing with the tablet.

If Su Wei didn't say it, she wouldn't know that the battle was over.


On the other side, Kapil walked quickly in the corridor.

A few minutes later, he had already left the gate of the dojo, and turned his head to glance at the gate.

He finally relaxed, panting heavily.

He didn't expect to lose like this here.

The fatigue on the body covered the whole body in one fell swoop, coupled with the frustration of losing the match.

He was so tired, he had never been so tired.

Walking down the steps step by step, he was thinking about how to explain to his brother.

No, it should be said that there is no need to explain, if you lose, you lose, and there is nothing you can do if your skills are not as good as others.

I myself want to challenge Jiang Jing, so it's okay to lose this time.

Although he lost to Jiang Jing this time, he needs to calm down before challenging other opponents.

The next second he thought of this, his cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was his brother.

When it was connected, a hurried voice came from the opposite side.

"My dear brother, what was the result of the battle?"

"Surely you must have good news for me?"

After a few seconds of silence, Kapil replied: "I lost, Jiang Jing is too strong, I am no match at all."

"I need to be quiet. You don't need to call me if you have nothing to do recently."

"Hey, what?!"

"You actually lost?! What's going on?!"


Before he could finish, Kapil had hung up the phone.

After exhaling, he began to walk down the stairs slowly.

He is now like an ordinary person after running ten kilometers.


Less than ten minutes after the end of the battle, the forum of Trainer Paradise exploded.

Li Xiaoyu is an ordinary disciple in Tian Dao Field.

But he has another identity as a senior user of the forum in Trainer Paradise.

Yesterday he said in the forum that Kapil was going to challenge.

A group of people have been waiting since the morning, sending posts to ask Li Xiaoyu from time to time.

And a group of people who had waited anxiously for a long time finally got the answer.

"Brothers, I'm here to report the results of the battle."

As soon as he posted this post, there were more than a dozen replies in an instant.


"I've been waiting for you all morning, and I finally showed up."

"Quickly tell me, what was the result? But judging by your tone, Jingshen should have won."

Li Xiaoyu's fingers quickly flew across the screen.

"Haha, in the end, of course Senior Brother Jiang won."

"And it's not a small victory, it's a big victory."

"This is a massacre, and the two sides are not at the same level at all."

"Brother Jiang only used the four spirits of Wind Speed ​​Dog, Big Steel Snake, Geng Gui, and Electric Shock Beast to easily defeat Kapil's six spirits."

"It was really pressing and beating the whole time. Kapil didn't have any temper when he was beaten."

"I ran away immediately after the fight, and I didn't dare to stay for long."

"It's said that Ah San is the strongest genius, but in fact, that's the way it is."

"It's not as good as Ji Zilin and Zhou Zhiqian. At least the two of them have Senior Brother Jiang as the main force."

As soon as he sent out these words, there was a chain reaction in an instant.

"Damn, I knew Jingshen was amazing!"

"Ah San's first talent is not enough for Jiang Jing."

"No, I can already imagine that Kapil's face when he lost, and I probably doubted life on the spot."

"He probably has never seen a trainer like Jingshen since he was a child."

"Haha, I can imagine that too."


Of course not everyone feels that way.

Some people questioned directly.

"Without a video, who can prove that what you said is true."

Li Xiaoyu laughed angrily when he saw this comment.

"What evidence is there, so many people present at the time, how could it be fake."

"Your posting this comment shows that you have no brains."

A group of people behind him were also scolding him.

The man replied a few words before daring to speak again.


The news of Jiang Jing's victory over Kapil spread throughout the Trainer Paradise in less than a day.

At the same time, it was also on the hot search, and some heated discussions began again.

"I'll go, I haven't seen news of Jingshen for several months, and this appearance has been directly on the hot search."

"Ah San's Kapil is no match for Jingshen."

"From this point of view, Ah San has absolutely nothing to fear. If you come to our Hua Country to participate in the national competition, you may not even be able to make it to the top four."

"It's not possible, it's definitely impossible to get in."

"Then the only ones who can stop it are the geniuses at the alliance headquarters."


Jiang Jing also knew about the discussions on the Internet.

For someone like him who likes surfing the Internet, some hot spots may not be paid attention to, but every hot meme will not be missed.

For example, in our ikun, mice are juice...

He paid attention to it and then got busy with his own affairs.

After the game, he didn't say a few words to Di Rang and Wan Na Rado before leaving.

He had nothing in common with them either. They are also uncomfortable being together.

Might as well do your own thing.

He went back to his room, and as soon as Ladias came back, he went to play with the tablet by himself.

And Jiang Jing released all the elves.

Help the electric monsters understand the poison, and feed them a few energy cubes.


Shortly after eating the energy cube, strong energy fluctuations erupted from Feng Speed ​​Dog's body.

After its physical strength fully recovered, its level finally broke through the bottleneck and went up, reaching level 60.

"Ho Ho~"

The Crystal Steel Snake followed closely behind, and it was also raised to level 60.

As for the Double Ax War Dragon, he was almost there. He didn't make it to the previous battle, and he still lacked a little bit.

But it doesn't matter, I believe it will be able to rise up soon under the perfusion of the colored airflow.

After the levels of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Big Steel Snake have been raised, Boss Kedora and the others know it is time to upgrade.

So they started to prepare.

Jiang Jing also felt the boiling of the colorful airflow in his chest, so he released it all.

The colored airflow is like an open water gate, and a large amount of colored airflow is released in one go.

The entire room was filled with colorful airflow in a moment.


Ladias was also instantly attracted.

Its eyes stared at the colored airflow seriously.

It felt familiar with this color, as if it had seen it somewhere, but it couldn't remember it for a while.

However, it is also of great benefit to it to be able to feel the energy of this color.

It wanted to absorb this energy, so it looked at Jiang Jing.

On the other hand, Jiang Jing smiled, because he found that some colorful energy was also rushing towards Latias.

This shows that Latias is now his elf.

It's just that the step of being subdued by the poke ball is missing.

"Don't worry, Latias, you're in it too."


Latias' eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that he would have his own share in it.

Each newly subdued elf will have a chance to infuse a colored air current.

And Ladias has already come this time, and its level is as high as 85, and its talent has reached 6 stars.

So the amount of energy flowing out this time is also unprecedented.

Maybe the wind speed dog, the crystal steel snake, and the double ax war dragon all have more energy than it.

In a moment, Kungfu Wind Speed ​​Dog and Crystal Steel Snake were wrapped in a cocoon of energy.

Countless colored airflows poured into their bodies.

The same is true for Latias not far away.

It was wrapped in a blue-red energy cocoon, and endless colored airflow poured into its body.


Ladias, who experienced the colorful airflow for the first time, was somewhat repelled.

But when the air flow enters the body it changes, it becomes completely relaxed.

It is so comfortable, it has never felt so relaxed and comfortable.

Every part of the body is massaged in a pair of soft large hands.

It's never felt like this before.

It reminded him of flying in the sky on a clear day.

The breeze was blowing on it, and it was refreshing, and it couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

It fell into sleep unconsciously.

It can guarantee that this is the most comfortable sleep.


The Double Ax War Dragon is frantically absorbing the colored airflow.

Half a minute passed like this, and suddenly it was shaken all over, and it felt that something in its body was broken.

In the next moment, a large amount of it rushed out of its body.

Its level has also broken through, reaching level 60.

Jiang Jing felt that a large area of ​​colored air flowed out again.

It felt that all the colorful airflow in its body might be drained this time.

As a result, another energy cocoon appeared.

And Boss Kedora and the giant metal monsters are happy.

They feel like they've improved probably the most they've ever seen.

At this time, the consciousness of the wind speed dog in the energy cocoon has left the body and entered a special space.

Wind Speed ​​Dog looked around curiously, it was in a red world.

All around is magma, even if you haven't touched it, you can feel the heat just by looking at it.

And not far away, a huge rock-like elf suddenly opened his eyes.

A terrifying aura erupted from it.


Only then did the wind speed dog discover that there was actually an elf lying in this space.

And this elf also moved, and the surrounding rocks shook violently.


The elf roared loudly, and the air began to vibrate instantly.

The wind speed dog was so stared at, he shouldn't be discovered, right?

Before it could take any action, it had already returned to its own body.

It was a little puzzled, what happened to me just now?

What kind of elf was that elf just now?

It has heard from other elves that it will have such an experience during the process of energy infusion.

Their consciousness will leave the body and come to a special area, and there is a high probability that they will see the legendary elves.

It was no exception this time, but it didn't recognize what kind of elf it was.

This makes it a little regretful. If I knew it earlier, I should have written down the appearance of all the legendary elves.

At the same time, the consciousness of the crystal steel snake also left the body and went to an unknown area.

Suddenly, the dark space became brighter.

This is a building, and it can be seen that the surrounding area has a long history.

And where it is located, you can see a huge stone platform.

There is a huge groove above the stone platform.

It was full of dust, and the crystal steel snake approached the past.

Look carefully at this groove, and there is a stone embedded in it.

It looked familiar, as if it had seen this shape somewhere.

Because it was covered by dust, he couldn't see it clearly at the first time.

Suddenly its eyes lit up, and something flashed through its mind.

Slate fragments? !

It remembered, this is the slate fragment.

It is not a small fragment, but more than half of the stone slab.

It's a pity that the dust is too large, and it is impossible to know what kind of slate it is.

However, it thinks that it is most likely to be a stone slab on the ground.

If it can get the body that blends into it, then its strength will be greatly improved.

So it planned to tell Jiang Jing about it when it came together tomorrow.

It would be nice to know exactly where.

So it looked around to see if there were any obvious landmarks in the surrounding environment.


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