This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 437 World Champion (seeking Subscription, Monthly Pass)

While losing consciousness, they also lost control of their bodies.

No, it's no use staying awake.

Under the impact of the huge shock force, Emperor Yan and Super Boss Kedora were both sent flying.


Their huge bodies hit the ground and made a loud noise, kicking up waves of dust.

At the same time, two shallow pits were left on the ground, and the pits left by the previous battle are still vivid.

"There are many~"


The two elves woke up after hitting the ground.

This time, the two sides were still evenly matched, and the match ended in a tie.

No, it should be said that Super Boss Kedora has the upper hand.

Super Boss Kedora's double-edged head hammer is a rock-type skill.

Hitting Emperor Yan's body has double the power.

And Emperor Yan's fire skills doubled its restraint.

Of course, Super Boss Kedora has attribute resistance, so its double restraint is naturally gone.

At most, it only has a power between 1.1 and 1.3.

Under such conditions, Super Boss Kedora really has the upper hand.

The race value of the current Super Boss Kedora has been raised to 630, and the physical defense alone has reached 230, an extremely astonishing height.

So Emperor Yan's Flame Charge hardly did any damage to it.

What's more, it also used the skill of iron wall, which strengthens the defense.

So in this round of fighting, Emperor Yan was completely at a disadvantage.

Don't look at the many scratches on Super Boss Kedora's body, but it didn't actually suffer much damage.

Shen Chuanjun didn't know this, he thought the two sides were evenly matched.


Emperor Yan's eyes became serious, the collision just now made his head a little dizzy.

This Boss Kedora has to be said to be really hard.

It felt as if it had crashed into a pile of superalloy steel.

It had such an experience before, when it was only over fifty levels, it accidentally crashed into a super alloy steel.

That one nearly knocked it all to pieces left a deep impression on it.

The current Super Boss Kedora made it recall this bad memory again.

The two sides confronted each other again. Every time they fought, they were powerful and could cause a lot of damage to their opponents.

So you have to choose carefully.

"Emperor Yan, use big characters to blast flames!"

"Super Boss Kedora, use sharp stones to attack!"

The two gave the attack command backwards again.


Emperor Yan roared again, with yellow energy flowing from his eyes.

Yellow-red flames were released from its body.

I saw the yellow flame suddenly released.

All the flames were highly compressed in its mouth as if they were alive.

In the end, it turned into a huge yellow fireball, and finally released it suddenly.

The fireball expanded violently in the air and melted into a "big" character.

It fell from the sky and pressed down on Super Boss Kedora.

"There are many~"

Super Boss Kedora roared, and the sound waves penetrated the air.

The energy in the body had already exploded, and countless stone cones formed in the air out of thin air.

Densely covered half of the arena, and under the control of Super Boss Kedora, they all shot towards the "big" flame in the air.

Spike attack!

"Swish Swish Swish!!"

All the stone cones were shot through the air like sharp arrows.

They were launched in unison, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

In an instant, the two skills collided, and the third round of confrontation began.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The first stone cone that crashed into the flame of the word "big" was instantly shattered under the high temperature.

The stone cones followed one after another and were continuously incinerated by it.

However, the number of stone cones is not just dozens, but hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

They were launched continuously, and if one failed, hundreds of them hit the "big" flame together.

Under such an impact, the big character flame was also submerged by the stone cone between breaths.

In the end, he directly chose to explode, releasing all the power in one go.

Blazing flames covered half of the sky and countless stone cones collided together.

At the same time, Super Boss Cordora is also included.

The flame impacted on Super Boss Kedora's body, but the power was too small to cause any damage to it.


Super Boss Kedora slapped the flames on his body with a slap and instantly scattered them.

"Emperor Yan, use the sacred fire!"

At this time, Shen Chuanjun also asked Emperor Yan to activate his skills.

Although the power of the holy fire is only 100, it is only 100 when it is cast by ordinary elves.

But ordinary elves can hardly learn this skill.

The skill of props is needed to be released, and once released, it can directly burst out the power beyond the explosion and combustion.

And this prop is the holy fire.

So this is a bit contradictory, if you don't have the props sacred fire, you can't learn the sacred fire.

Then how did the power know that there was 100, so Jiang Jing felt that this was nonsense.

And the power of the sacred fire erupting in the hands of the legendary elves will only be more terrifying.

Because they have the skill of natural control.

Therefore, the power of the sacred fire can be released to the maximum extent.

And the skill of sacred fire is the exclusive skill of Feng Wang, and only what it casts is the sacred fire.

Other elves can only release the weakened holy fire with the help of props.

But even if its power is terrifying enough, it is very close to the Z move.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned the sacred fire on Emperor Yan.

[Sacred Fire]: A group of flames separated from the body of the legendary Elven Phoenix King.

The flame that will never be extinguished can greatly enhance the power of fire skills after being equipped.

And there is a chance to learn the skill Holy Fire.



Emperor Yan opened his mouth and roared after hearing the order, and a more terrifying aura emanated from it.

"There are many~"

Super Super Boss Kedora also felt great danger.

The skills released by Emperor Yan this time are absolutely extraordinary.

It suspected that if it was hit, it might be directly and severely injured.

Yan Emperor's injuries are recovering rapidly, and under the influence of Chang Pan's power, its condition has been maintained in the best condition.

The consumption of the sacred fire skill this time will definitely not be small.

I saw that the yellow flame on its body became deeper in an instant.

It turned into a golden flame between breaths, and only a faint red can be seen in it.

The temperature on the arena rose crazily at this time.

In a moment of effort, it has been raised to tens of degrees.

The referee's forehead has begun to sweat continuously.

After countless golden flames condensed, they rushed out the next second.

I saw countless golden flames condensing in the air to form a Flame Emperor.

In the next second, the Flame Emperor Yan enveloped Emperor Yan himself.

It was as if an energy phantom had formed, and in the next second it took a step and ran towards Super Boss Kedora.

Holy fire!

This scene regretted the countless audiences above the auditorium. This scene is really cool.

Never seen such skill release before.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing's head was also running crazily.

"Super Boss Cordora, use metal to explode!"

"There are many~"

When Jiang Jing shouted this command, the energy in his body was quickly mobilized.

Once Super Boss Kedora can't resist the sacred fire, it will launch a colored airflow to heal it.

"There are many~"

Super Boss Kedora who heard the order also acted quickly.

An astonishing light bloomed in its eyes.

Endless steel energy surged out of its body.

Like a silver flame, it burned around its body.

It smiled ferociously, and it would definitely be able to withstand this move.

Once it withstands, it will be Emperor Yan who will suffer so badly.

Shen Chuanjun is not happy at all now.

Both sides are making a gamble, either it can instantly kill Super Boss Kedora with one move, or it will be the one that falls into a passive position.

Thinking of this, the extraction speed of the Viking Power in his body has been accelerated a lot.

So, under the attention of all the people, Emperor Yan, wrapped in golden flames, took heroic steps and charged extremely fast.

During the fast running, the golden flames on his body set off waves of heat.

Before it arrived, Super Boss Kedora felt the heat wave.

The distance of more than ten meters between the two sides ended in less than three seconds.


After Emperor Yan let out a roar, he slammed into the body of Super Boss Kedora.


At the moment of the collision, there was a huge noise, and the energy bombardment was also instantaneous.

The golden flames vented out in one breath, covering all of Super Boss Kedora for a fatal blow.

"There are many~"

Super Super Boss Kedora felt a terrifying impact on his body the moment Yandi hit him.

There is also a terrifying high temperature, and it feels as if it is about to melt for a moment.

This feeling is like ordinary people being in the magma, losing consciousness in an instant of heat.

He could only feel that his body was completely turned into ashes, but this time there was still a silver barrier around it, absorbing all the impact.

It endured the pain by force, and its willpower was extremely astonishing.

In this way, he didn't pass out, but forcefully fought back all the absorbed damage.

The blue barrier on his body exploded instantly like a bomb.

After Yandi hit Super Boss Kedora, he was not hurt due to the effect of the sacred fire.

But in the next second, it seemed that something was brewing in it, and its intuition felt the fatal danger.

But now it was too late to escape.

When its body left Super Boss Kedora, a terrifying force impacted on it.

The silver energy exploded with a bang.


In the next second, with a loud noise, everyone could see Emperor Yan's body flying out directly.

Its body drew a parabola in the air, and then hit the ground heavily.


A deep pit was formed on the ground again, and Emperor Yan was directly embedded in it.

In the ears of all the audience, the roar of Emperor Yan sounded.

In the next second, Emperor Yan was already lying on the ground.

After seeing Emperor Yan being blasted out, Super Boss Kedora kept panting.

A sharp pain came from the chest, and it could be seen that its mouth was scorched black, and at the same time, the armor skin on the chest had cracks.

It clutched its chest, feeling a burning pain, and at the same time the pain of being bruised.

It's in very bad shape right now.

His body was extremely hot, and golden sparks even formed from time to time.

It is uncomfortable when it is burned, but it will form again when it is extinguished.

It knows that it has been burned, which is very unfavorable to it.

Jiang Jing's brows were tightly frowned, the Super Boss Kedora was seriously injured and burned at the same time.

It is in a state of continuous blood loss, and it is still a holy fire.

If it burns like this, Super Boss Kedora may not last long before losing the ability to fight.

Not to mention Yandi on the opposite side, as long as the metal explosion skill can catch the opponent's skill.

It can be returned with 1.5 times the power, and I don't know if it can kill Emperor Yan with one move.

Thinking of this, he began to mobilize the energy of the colored airflow that turned into silver steel, and injected it into Super Boss Kedora's body like a stream of water in the air.

The silver energy is like water, and it feels comfortable once it enters the body of Super Boss Kedora.

The exhaustion of the body is rapidly dissipating, and the golden flames on the body have also completely dissipated.

Its burnt state also returned.

Its injuries, physical strength and energy are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There are many~"

Super Boss Kedora gradually stopped panting, and his breath recovered.

Getting stronger and stronger, and slowly returning to its heyday.


Restoring Super Boss Kedora to 90% of its state in one breath is also a huge consumption for it.

It is not difficult to restore the full state, the difficulty is to restore all in just a few seconds.

This consumes a huge amount of colored airflow.

Not only him, Shen Chuanjun on the opposite side was also mobilizing the power of Chang Pan to quickly recover Yan Emperor's injuries, physical strength, and energy.

Shen Chuanjun also exhaled, it was really dangerous just now.

If he hadn't been hanging Emperor Yan with the power of Chang Pan.

The metal explosion just now killed it in seconds.

He is well aware of how terrifying the sacred fire skill will be under the double boost of props and natural control.

Any other elf might be killed in one move.

But I didn't expect Super Boss Kedora to resist.

Now it was Emperor Yan who was suffering. The power of the holy fire move was increased by 1.5 times, which was simply unimaginable.

If it hadn't stopped the transmission of its normal power, Emperor Yan would have fallen now.

Just as he was thinking, the energy in his body was continuously delivering the power of Viridian.


Emperor Yan opened his eyes and regained consciousness.

The power of the metal explosion just now was too terrifying, it lost consciousness the moment it hurt.

It crawled up, feeling the pain in its body dissipating.

It knows that it is receiving the recovery of the power of Everlasting.

The injuries on the body are also recovering rapidly, and at the same time, it is constantly extracting the fire energy energy particles from the air to restore its own ability.

The power of the holy fire is too strong, even the weakened version can instantly kill himself.

If it were a complete sacred fire, its power would be terrifying.

It is estimated that even the Z moves cannot be compared.

However, although this move is powerful enough, it consumes too much energy.


Shen Chuanjun stopped outputting the power of Viridian, panting heavily on the spot.

The power of Chang Pan in his body has been exhausted.

It is estimated that Emperor Yan will not be able to restore his physical strength.

And now Emperor Yan has only recovered 70%.

And the Super Boss Kedora on the opposite side didn't know how much of his physical strength he had recovered.

And looking at Jiang Jing's relaxed appearance, it seems that he didn't consume too much energy.

This cast a layer of gloom over Shen Chuanjun's heart.

Now it's much more difficult to win.

He felt tremendous pressure instantly.

But there is still a chance, it doesn't believe that Emperor Yan's ultimate move, Super Boss Kedora, can still resist it.

At this moment, the two elves confronted each other again.

"I'm going, it's not over yet."

"The trick that Emperor Yan used just now is called holy fire, it's too strong."

"But Brother Jing's Super Boss Kedora is the fiercest, even if it is the holy fire, it can still resist it."

Above the auditorium, Liu Bin watched the battle on the competition pool and sighed.

Such a battle is really exciting.

It's not that you can't see it on the stage of the World Series.

Anyway, he will never be able to do this step.

He wasn't even sure if he could represent China in the World Series.

"The two of them are really perverted. I don't know how many times I have been killed in seconds."

"But now Emperor Yan and Super Boss Kedora have regained their strength."

"It seems that if you want to win, you have to fight again."

"But Shen Chuanjun is hopeless. He fought so hard with Super Boss Kedora, and there are still several behind."

Su Wei also opened his mouth to express his opinion.

Xu Jing on the other side shook his head and said: "Although I want to say that Emperor Yan is really awesome, stronger than we imagined."

"The most important thing is that the attribute still has an advantage, and the fire element doubles the restraint of Super Boss Kedora."

"But I didn't win this way, and I was almost killed by the opponent with a single move."

Yan Jixuan also laughed: "That's right, I've already imagined how many people in the alliance headquarters have turned off the TV."

The alliance headquarters at this time was indeed as Yan Jixuan said, and I don't know how many people turned off the TV angrily.

They couldn't accept the fact that the league headquarters couldn't even win the championship.

What's more, it was their most powerful genius, Shen Chuanjun, who lost the game.

Contrary to the alliance headquarters, the Huaguo audience became more and more excited.

From their point of view, Shen Chuanjun has already lost, even if Super Boss Kedora loses the game.

There are also giant gold monsters and their four elves, even if they take turns, they can consume Emperor Yan to death.

On the arena, Shen Chuanjun let out a breath to calm himself down.

But now he can't calm down at all.

He touched his chest, his heart was beating fast.

He knew that this was his last chance. This time, he was sure to kill Super Boss Kedora with one move, and then he could deal with the other elves in turn.

After thinking this way, he raised his left wrist, and switched the red fire-type Z pure crystal to it.

"Emperor Yan, use the Z-movement Super Extreme Explosive Bomb!"

As soon as the words fell, red light was stimulated from the Z pure crystal.

Then it was quickly injected into Emperor Yan's body.


Golden energy flowed from Yandi's eyes.

In the next second, golden flames gushed out of its body again.

The flame is still golden, which shows that Emperor Yan is still using the sacred fire.

Is it possible to use the holy fire to perform the Z move?

Then it is unimaginable how terrifying the super-strong extreme flame bomb it released will be.

Jiang Jing was terrified when he saw it. Shen Chuanjun was indeed terrifying.

If he hadn't met himself, even two Xu Jings would probably not be enough for him to fight.

"Super Boss Kedora, use the Z-movement to destroy the sky and destroy the earth!"

He immediately made Super Boss Kedora use the Z move as well.

It doesn't believe that Super Boss Kedora's Z move can't stand up to the opponent.

On his raised left hand, the Z pure crystal inlaid in the Z bracelet has been switched to rock type.

I saw that the brown rock type Z pure crystal stimulated energy and poured it into the body of Super Boss Kedora.

"There are many~"

Upon seeing this, Super Boss Kedora began to release Z moves.

The majestic steel-type energy gushes out from its body quickly.

At this time, the rock slabs in its body also started to work.

The control of Z power is also much faster.

Soon the circulation of energy in the body is completed, and the next step is to release it in one breath.

"There are many~"

I saw Super Boss Kedora quickly and vigorously jumped up from the ground.

Its huge body jumped high, leaving deep footprints on the ground.

Super Boss Kedora jumped into the air, and it raised its right hand.

The energy of the rock system began to vent crazily.

The countless stones above the arena floated up and condensed in its hands.

Then, a dark brown spherical boulder was formed on its hand that was visible to the eyes.

After such a boulder was condensed, it looked at Emperor Yan who was firing the skill, and threw the boulder down forcefully.

Destroying the giant rock fall!


Emperor Yan also sprayed out the golden flame bomb condensed in front of him at the same time.

The fiery flame bombs set the entire arena in flames.

Super Extreme Explosive Bomb!

The explosive bombs were launched at an extremely fast speed.

The collision between the super-powerful ultimate explosive bomb and the earth-shattering giant rock is already too familiar.

The confrontation between the two sides was huge, and there were already gusts of wind before they even made contact.

Finally, the two sides collided fiercely between breaths.

It was as if two earths had collided.


In an instant, a monstrous noise erupted above the arena, resounding deafeningly throughout the arena.

Emperor Yan raised his head and watched the two spheres blocking the sky suddenly collide.

The moment the two sides collided, the spherical boulder exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A huge crack appeared, and in the next second countless gravels fell towards the ground.

Under the bombardment of the explosive flame, the boulder in the sphere split apart in an instant.

It completely fell apart from the inside out.

Countless rubble fell towards the ground, and at the same time the explosive bombs had already exploded.

Countless golden flames passed through the gravel and bombarded the Super Boss Kedora behind.

"There are many~"

Jiang Jing shook his head, it's really cheating too much, how can he use the sacred fire to cast a super powerful extreme explosive bomb.

This is not cheating.

It's normal for Super Boss Kedora's Z move to be unbeatable.

"There are many~"

Super Boss Kedora's body smashed down from the air, forming a deep pit on the ground.

Its feet are embedded in the ground.

There were many burn marks on its body again.

This time Yandi's Z move did not cause little damage to it.

But it was much better than facing the sacred fire before.

Most of the power was blocked by the giant rock drop, and less than half of the rest fell on it.

Meanwhile, Emperor Yan, who was facing him, was panting heavily on the spot.

This attack almost consumed it, but I didn't expect Super Boss Kedora to still have fighting power.

Now it is very difficult to completely defeat it.

After Emperor Yan released the Z move, Shen Chuanjun's body became bent.

Sweat dripped continuously from his forehead.

His physical strength was exhausted too much, but he still mobilized the power of Viridian that he had accumulated to restore Yandi's physical strength.

He was a little desperate, which was something he had never experienced before.

He has already drawn out all his hole cards, but he still hasn't defeated Super Boss Kedora.

This elf is so tenacious that it can persist until now.

He didn't even know what to say.

Just when he was in a daze, Jiang Jing smiled.

"Get rid of it, the last resort."

"Super Boss Cordora, use the Z-movement super spiral combo!"

After speaking, he raised the Z bracelet on his left hand and switched to the steel type Z pure crystal.

The silver steel energy quickly poured out of its body into Super Boss Kedora's body.

At the same time, there is also a colored airflow, which quickly restores its physical strength.

"There are many~"

Super Boss Kedora activated his skills without the slightest hesitation.

All the energy in the body was mobilized by it, gushing out and condensing into a silver energy cone in front of it.

With the continuous addition of steel-type Z forces, the silver-colored cones visible to the naked eye continued to expand and expand.

When it expanded to a certain extent, it began to rotate.


The entire condensation process was completed in less than three seconds.

When everything was condensed, Super Boss Kedora punched the silver spiral cone hard.


The silver pointed cone was launched suddenly, penetrating the air and forming gusts of wind around it.

Super Spiral Combo!


Emperor Yan felt that he was locked, no matter how he tried to avoid it, he would definitely hit him in the end.

It can only defend passively, mobilizing all the remaining energy in the body.

The mouth condensed into a yellow flame and sprayed out as a flame column.

Spit flames!

The flame column bombarded directly on the silver spiral cone.


The blazing flames burned blazingly, but they had no effect on hindering the transcendent spiral combo at all.

The spiral pointed cone directly broke through the flame column and came in front of Emperor Yan.

It suddenly accelerated and bombarded Yandi's body.



After Emperor Yan let out a painful roar, his body fell directly into the ground.

This time, under the impact of the transcendent spiral combo, its entire body was embedded in the ground.


With the end of the roar of pain, the entire arena regained its calm.

Jiang Jing closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he knew the battle was over.

On the arena, Shen Chuanjun was in a daze at this moment, and could only stare blankly at everything that happened on the arena.

Emperor Yan was embedded on the ground, and after the smoke dissipated, he didn't move at all, lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

Sensing the faint breath of Emperor Yan, Shen Chuanjun called out:

"Emperor Yan!"

But Emperor Yan didn't hear his voice.

After eating two Z-moves in a row, even its iron body couldn't bear it anymore.

Upon seeing this, the referee directly announced the final result:

"Emperor Yan loses his ability to fight, and Boss Kedora wins."

"Since Shen Chuanjun's six spirits have lost their ability to fight, Jiang Jing won the final victory."


On the large LED screen, Emperor Yan's head also instantly dimmed.

Now the six elf heads on Shen Chuanjun's head were all extinguished.

The next second the page started to switch, Jiang Jing's profile picture appeared, and a large character appeared on his profile picture: Win

"Girls and gentlemen, at this moment, after intense competition, the final champion has finally appeared."

"Shen Chuanjun's regrettable defeat makes us feel sorry for him. He has extremely strong strength."

"From the beginning of the game to the end, we have defeated our opponents strongly and come to the present."

"But it was a pity to lose in the final final."

"I believe Shen Chuanjun's future is bright, and a temporary failure doesn't mean anything."

"At the same time, let us also congratulate Jiang Jing from Huaguo on his victory."

"Won the championship of this World Series at the same time."

The host also made the final announcement at this time.

"Clap clap!!!"

"The scenery is awesome!!"

When the referee announced the result above the auditorium, there were overwhelming applause and tsunami-like shouts.

Countless excited Huaguo audience jumped up from their seats.

Shouting to vent his emotions.

"Win, win!!"

"We are the champions!"

"Ha ha!!"

Liu Bin jumped up directly from his seat.

"Brother Jing is awesome, I knew I would win."

"Now we are really champions. After five years, Huaguo has finally won the World Series again."

Su Wei gritted his teeth and punched the air forcefully.

"YES, I won!!"

"Brother Jing is too strong, as expected we can always trust Brother Jing."

"So what about the people in the alliance headquarters, they were defeated by Brother Jing in the end."

"At the beginning of the competition, each one was more arrogant than the other, and they didn't look us in the eye. Now it's over, the strongest Shen Chuanjun has been defeated by Brother Jing. Now let's see how they have the right to be arrogant."

"Maybe he will be nailed to the pillar of shame."


Huang Ze on the other side also jumped up and cheered with his wife.

He has experienced this scene more than once.

But every time I see Jiang Jing winning the championship, I still can't help being excited.

Especially this time to participate in the World Series, win glory for the country, and fight for the honor of the country.

The most important thing is that the opponent is still the headquarters of the alliance, which is full of gold.

At the same time, Jiang Jing also proved that he is the strongest genius among the younger generation on the entire planet.


Xu Jing also applauded with other audience members.

"I didn't expect Jiang Jing to actually win. He has broken the record."

"The myth of Shen Chuanjun's invincibility has also been broken. From now on, Jiang Jing will be the strongest."

"It can already be guessed that our league headquarters will also participate in the next World Series, and we will definitely send the strongest lineup instead of participating voluntarily like now."

Yan Jixuan next to him also nodded: "That's right, this really seems like something that group of people can do."

"Who would have thought that Jiang Jing would win the championship before the start of the competition."

"I suddenly remembered that at Jiang Jing's age, he can participate in the next World Series."

"Who will be his opponent at that time, maybe he can win the championship again."

"But I guess there is a high probability that he will not participate in the World Series again."

"Maybe they have gone to compete for the king of their country."

Xu Jing turned his head in surprise: "It shouldn't be that fast."

"Thirty-year-old Heavenly King, how is it possible?"


Begging for a monthly ticket with the cheek (smiley face)

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