This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 443 Get rid of the tail first (Say subscription, ask for a monthly pass)

He swiped his finger across the map on his phone. At his current speed, he could fly nearly thirty to forty kilometers tomorrow.

That is to say, the water drop slate is still some distance away from them.

From Tiandao Field in Rongcheng to here, the distance is more than one hundred kilometers.

It is a miracle that Emperor Nabo can sense it.

"Ding dong!!"

At this time, someone suddenly rang the doorbell, and when he opened the door, it was Lu Fuhai.

"I think you must be hungry. It's also the noodles I cooked for you. I know you don't eat seafood."

"There is no seafood in it, only meat, vegetables and capers."

I saw Lu Fuhai standing at the door holding a bowl of noodles.

I saw the noodles were steaming hot, and a scent wafted into the room, and I was very appetizing just looking at them.

"Thank you so much, how much?"

Why is Jiang Jing so rude, he is planning to cook something to eat.

"No money, no money, this is a little bit of my heart."

Lu Fuhai quickly waved his hand to express that he didn't need money.

"Thank you so much!"

Even if Lu Fuhai didn't want money, he couldn't afford to give any more.

After closing the door, he also began to prepare dinner for the elves.

"Everyone have a good rest tonight, and we will continue on our way tomorrow."

"There are many~"

Boscodora is not very happy, because it stays in the poke ball all day, and there is no room for it to play.

It's really hard to come out, it can't fly, and it might fall into the sea once it comes out.

In the environment of the sea, it has a great influence on its performance.

Of course, if you really want to fight, there is a way.

While Elf was having dinner, Jiang Jing was also eating noodles.

I have to say that the taste of the noodles is really good, and Lu Fuhai's craftsmanship is not bad at all.


The next day, when Jiang Jing went downstairs early, he saw that Lu Fuhai was already up, and even prepared breakfast for him.

"Jingshen, wake up so early!"

"Here is the breakfast I prepared for you. Vegetable and lean meat porridge, fried dough sticks, mustard greens, and meat buns."

Jiang Jing looked at the enthusiastic Lu Fuhai and was too embarrassed to refuse.

So it was better to be respectful than obedient, and sat down to have breakfast together.

Lu Fuhai sat down opposite Jiang Jing.

"Jingshen, now the typhoon has come, and the wind outside is too strong, do you still want to go to sea?"

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "That's right, I have a reason to go to sea."

Lu Fuhai nodded without asking why.

"By the way, Jingshen, you came yesterday, and there is a person behind who wants to stay at the hotel."

"I feel that this guy is not a good person, be careful."

Lu Fuhai suddenly thought of something, and suddenly opened his mouth to remind.

"I see, thank you for reminding me." Although Jiang Jing already knew that someone was following him.

But Lu Fuhai's vigilance is still worthy of appreciation.


Through the window it can be seen that the wind blowing outside is getting more and more intense.

The typhoon has completely descended.

"Jingshen, all the stations in my group have closed."

"But I will still drive. If Jingshen is tired, he can come back here. I will be here anytime."

"Why don't we leave a contact information, and you can call me anytime if you need anything."

Jiang Jing nodded and agreed to the plan.

After breakfast, Jiang Jing continued to set off.



As soon as the door was opened, a gust of wind blew in.

The trees outside couldn't stand upright due to the strong wind.

The torrential rain hit the ground crazily, obstructing the line of sight and making it impossible to see the road ahead.

This environment is really not suitable for going out.


Jiang Jing released the elf ball, the steel armored crow and the giant golden monster, and the three elves of Emperor Nabo appeared on the ground.

"Megan monster, use reflective wall + light wall + iron wall!"

"Steel Armored Crow, use Iron Wall!"

"Come on~"


The steel armored crow and the giant golden monster started to activate their skills.

Two layers of barriers appeared on the Metagross, and Jiang Jing and Emperor Nabo jumped onto its back.

All the rainwater that fell on him was intercepted by the barrier.

The same is true for the steel armored crow, which has a layer of barriers on its body, and the effects of strong winds and heavy rains on it are infinitely weakened.

In the next second, the giant metal monster floated up and flew towards the distance.

The Steel Armored Crow also quickly flapped its wings and rushed to the top.

It is like a sharp arrow cutting off the rain curtain.

Lu Fuhai looked enviously at the disappearing figure of the giant golden monster.

So handsome, when can I have such a powerful elf.

It's a pity that this is all wishful thinking, I still lie down honestly, and I live a very comfortable life.

As the saying goes, if you want to show your holiness in front of others, you have to suffer in hindsight.

Jingshen probably didn't know how much suffering he had to suffer to be able to have such strength.

I can't be envious!

Just a few minutes after Jiang Jing left, another person also hurried downstairs.

He went out without eating anything, put on his raincoat, released the forked bat, and rushed into the sky.

The reason why he left in such a hurry was because he overslept.

He was really tired yesterday, and when he woke up and looked at the time, he knew it was too late.

"Boss, where was that man before?"

he asked suddenly as he walked to the door.

Lu Fuhai rolled his eyes and replied: "He has already left, and he has been gone for an hour."

Hearing that Jiang Jing was about to leave for an hour, his heart was about to turn cold, and he hurriedly asked the cross-word bat to chase after him.

At the same time, he took out his tracker.

And he has a tracker, otherwise he would have lost it long ago.

Lu Fuhai looked at his back with such an expression as expected.

"I knew it, I knew it."

Fortunately, he reminded Jingshen in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Jiang Jing on WeChat.

After a while, Jiang Jing will return.

【Jiang Jing: I understand. 】


Team Rocket members followed quickly and sent their location to the boss at the same time.

At this time, on the sea, a modified transport plane was flying in the air.

Even if there is a violent storm, it will not have much impact on it.

"As expected of the organization's scientific and technological crystallization, our Rocket One transport plane has super stability, even a typhoon has little impact on us."

In the operating room in the transport plane, the brawny man boasted while drinking a bottle of cold beer.

"I don't know how the Water Fleet and the Lava Team set off, but I guess they all took the elves because of luck."

"Ha ha!!"


Suddenly his cell phone rang, and he took it out to look it up.

"The positioning has been sent, why is this direction a little familiar?"

"You guys, open the location of the deep sea secret realm and let me have a look."

Next to him sat several Rockets members wearing black and red Rockets overalls.

They sat down at the computer one by one and began to operate.

On the left hand side stands an LCD screen.

Above the display is a detailed map.

Among them, there is a red dot constantly flashing on a certain position in the sea.

At this time, there are two yellow dots around the red dot that are constantly approaching.

"Isn't Jiang Jing going to the direction of the deep sea secret realm?"

"Damn, how did this guy find the secret realm?"

"Our Rockets searched for it for a long time. What is the situation?"

"Forget it, don't care, we just happen to be going to the secret realm."

"We are directly waiting outside the secret border."

"Okay, go and inform the water fleet, the lava team and the galaxy team."



A megalodon shark opened its mouth wide and rushed towards the emperor Nabo who was not far away.

The speed is extremely fast, and it contains great danger.

Once bitten, there is a danger of death.

The sharp teeth are densely packed in a row, and those with intensive phobia may faint directly after seeing them.

Facing the bloody mouth, Emperor Nabo rushed forward directly.

On the turbulent sea, it crossed the water like a sharp arrow and collided fiercely with the megalodon shark.


With a loud bang, the battle between the two sides was over.


The megalodon shark launched its entire body and sank to the bottom of the sea, its teeth floating in the sea.

A large piece of its teeth were knocked off in this collision.

The battle on the sea didn't stop either, the Steel Armored Crow and the Giant Metagross attacked a group of Iron Clawed Lobsters at the same time.

Their large red pincers look strikingly imposing.

One of the iron-clawed lobsters condensed amazing water energy in its mouth, and it turned into a water column and blasted out in the next second.

Water cannons!

The Steel Armored Crow mobilized the energy of the steel system to cover its wings, easily dodged the water cannon, turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards the iron claw lobster.

When the two sides were less than two meters away, the water jet also bombarded it.

The armored crow's wings protected his body, and at the same time it turned into a sharp blade to cut off the water column, and slammed on the iron-clawed lobster fiercely.

The two elves smashed into the sea water at the same time.


There was a huge wave in the turbulent waves.

A moment later, the Steel Armored Crow broke through the water and rushed out of the sea.

As a result, it was hit by another water column as soon as it came out.


It shielded its wings in front of its body and resisted it.

After being rushed into the sky, he spread his wings and saw that his opponent was another iron-clawed lobster. After opening his mouth, a huge spiral beam of light blasted out.

Cannon Cannon!

I saw the Cannon light cannon blasting out, and the iron claw lobster that was hit was blasted into the sea water.

"Come on!"

An astonishing light was released from the eyes of the giant metal monster.

In the next second, dozens of boulders condensed in the air and smashed down on each iron claw lobster.

Rock blockade!

Suddenly, dozens of iron claw lobsters were attacked.

The weak were hit hard and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The stronger one launched a counterattack, launching one after another.

At the same time, there were also large red pincers waving at the boulder, smashing it into pieces.

Such attacks have caused a lot of power.

On the entire sea, the elves in Jiangjing were besieged by dozens of elves.

Most of them are iron claw lobsters, although Jiangjing is at a disadvantage in terms of quantity.

But his three elves have already shown the momentum to besiege this group of elves.

At this time, several jets of water shot towards the giant golden monster at the same time.

All of them are water cannon skills, and when they are all gathered together, their power is also very impressive.

"Mega monster, use the destructive death light!"

"Come on~"

I saw that the giant metal monster quickly mobilized the energy in its body, and countless energies were quickly mobilized from its body.

The orange-yellow energy column shoots out straight.

Destroy the dead light!

The huge energy column and the water column quickly collided.

There was no stalemate, and the winner was decided. The water column continued to impact with the destructive dead light, and the iron claw lobster that was hit was instantly killed.

The giant gold monster then began to use the destructive death light to start strafing.

The iron claw lobsters that were hit were all instantly killed.

Of course, there are elves' skills that hit it.

However, after being covered by the skills of the reflective wall, light wall, and iron wall, they were all resisted.

In the end, there were only a few iron claw lobsters left to continue fighting.

Among them is the leader of the iron claw lobster.

[Spirit]: Iron Claw Lobster

【Attribute】: water, evil

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Grade】: LV72

[Characteristics]: Adaptability



As the distance from the shore got farther and farther away, the strength of the elves became stronger and stronger.

Especially the elves who dare to wander around in typhoon weather are not weak.

However, it was still not enough for Jiang Jing, who was defeated by the three elves.


King Nabo also jumped out after defeating several megalodon sharks and launched an attack on the iron claw lobster.



Two minutes later, all the ironclaw lobsters around had disappeared.

The battle is over, and the rain is still falling.

The steel armored crow hovered in the air, its energy was instantly stimulated, and all the rainwater on its body was shaken off.

After repelling all the iron claw lobsters, they did not continue on their way, but stayed where they were.

Jiang Jing fed them pieces of energy cubes and said:

"Take a break, there is still a hard fight to come."

After waiting quietly for ten minutes, he smiled.

Because Jiang Jing had already sensed the person who was following him.

The opponent slowed down after entering the range of two kilometers.

He even stopped, as if he didn't dare to go forward.

Shi Kai stopped, he looked at the tracker in his hand, and let the storm hit him.

"Why did you stop?"

"It's not time for lunch yet? Are you resting?"

"But I have already rested for ten minutes. Will this be too long?"

He didn't dare to act rashly now, he only dared to move forward slowly, and stopped when there was still one kilometer left.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Shi Kai had already started to get nervous.

Why are you still not moving, did you find me?

The next second, the tracker showed that Jiang Jing started to move.

And the speed is fast, but he is not happy at all.

Because Jiang Jing was moving towards him.

In that case, he was really discovered.

Thinking of this, he started to panic and started to run away.

"The crossbat is going to the left, hurry up!"

After hearing the instruction, the forked bat also accelerated and flew towards the left quickly.

The speed of the forked bat is not slow, it is best at speed.

It's a pity that it is now carrying Shi Kai, which seriously affects its speed.

Otherwise, with its speed, he has absolute confidence that Jiang Jing will not be able to catch up with him.

The river scene in the back is also approaching rapidly.

He decided to kill this guy, and nothing happened after following him for so long, and he didn't know what he was doing.

In other words, the person behind has been notified, no matter from which aspect, there is no need to keep the other party.

The opponent's strength is not weak, otherwise he wouldn't have followed him for more than a day in this typhoon.

"Mega monster, move instantly!"

While rushing to attack, Jiang Jing suddenly gave an order.

Jiang Jing took Emperor Nabo and Steel Crow back into the elf ball.

"Come on~"

An astonishing light bloomed in the eyes of the giant metal monster, and it began to activate its skills.

The whole body lit up and was wrapped in thought power.

In the next second, it disappeared in place.

The next moment they appeared on the original road.

Jiang Jing released his perception, and the next second he felt that the other party was very close to him.

Looking around, I quickly saw my goal.

I saw a small black dot appeared on his right hand side.

With Jiang Jing's amazing eyesight, he could see that it was a forked bat and a man.

"Mega monster, chase after it!"

"Come on~"

The giant gold monster exploded immediately, launching in a straight line, like a war fortress launching a charge.

And Shi Kai in the front looked up and saw the tracker and was almost scared out of his wits.

In just a few seconds, the two sides almost met each other.

He looked back, and sure enough, he saw a figure rushing towards him at a very fast speed.

"Forked Bat, go faster!" he shouted hastily.


A thunderbolt struck down, and above the endless sea, the storm never stopped.

And at this time, the speed of life and death is still unfolding.

The speed of the forked bat is not slow, it has already used its full strength.

But he could only watch the distance between the giant golden monster and him keep getting closer.

Shi Kai was a little desperate, but suddenly reacted.

No, no matter how I say it, I am also the captain of Team Rocket, possessing the strength of a diamond-level trainer.

Candidates for cadres can compete for cadres when they go back this time.

Jiang Jing is very strong, the champion of the World Series.

But he is not weak, and he is now in his thirties, and has trained more than ten years than Jiang Jing.

Who is strong and who is weak will only be known after a fight.

Thinking of this, he immediately felt confident.

"Stop the crossbat!"

The cross-word bat was stunned for a moment, but stopped obediently.

He turned around and looked at the distant river scene.

Ten seconds later, the giant golden monster appeared a few meters away.

"Why don't you run?" Jiang Jing asked curiously.

"Why should I run, are you scary?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "There is really no need to be afraid."

"Who are you to follow me?"

Shi Kai shook his head after hearing this: "I don't understand what you are talking about, what kind of tracking, I just passed by this area."

Jiang Jing laughed: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you can't walk out alive today."

"If you tell who is behind you, maybe I can let you go."

Speaking of this, he threw the poke ball: "Go, Steel Armored Crow, Emperor Nabo, Geng Gui!"

Three figures jumped out from the elf ball.




Emperor Nabo was suspended in the air in a cloud of water.

Beside them are Geng Gui and Steel Armored Crow!

All of a sudden the four elves surrounded Shi Kai.

Shi Kai knew that a battle was inevitable.

As one of the captains of the Rockets, he also has rich combat experience and has a very quick response.

As soon as the hand waved, the forked bat retreated back in a tacit understanding.

At the same time, he also took out several poke balls from his pocket and threw them out.

"Go, guys!"

At the same time, five figures rushed out from the elf ball.

Crow Head, Ancient Giant Fly, Stinger Jellyfish, Toad King, and Vigorous Crocodile.

Two of the five elves are flying, and three are water-type elves.

It is extremely beneficial to face him on this sea.

Shi Kai is a little proud, he has been growing up in the coastal area.

Most of his own elves are of the water system, and the sea is extremely beneficial to him now.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned the past in an instant.

[Spirit]: Forked Bat (Poison Needle)

【Attribute】: Poison, Flying

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Grade】: LV73

[Characteristics]: Mental Power

[Skills]: ... Cross Poison Blade (Superb), Air Blade (Superb), Venom Impact (Superbly), Poison Strike (Superbly), Ultimate Impact (Superbly)

Z-movement: strong acid and poisonous extinct rain (skilled)


【Elf】: Vigorous Crocodile (Mysterious Water Droplet)

【Attribute】: water, evil

[Talent]: ★★★★★

【Grade】: LV72

[Characteristics]: Torrent

[Skills]: ..., Crushing (Brilliant), Brute Force (Brilliant), Water Cannon (Brilliant), Make a Big Bang (Brilliant), Cannon Water Cannon (Brilliant)


The other four elves are all above level 70.

It shows that this guy can be regarded as a senior diamond-level trainer.

Jiang Jing was a little surprised, this skill was really unusual, and he actually sent a diamond-level trainer to follow him.

Which organization has such a big hand.

And looking at the configuration of the elves, it looks like the Rockets. Could it really be them?

If it is the other party, then he has to be careful.

After the two sides released the elves, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

"Steel Armored Crow, use the steel wings!"

"Geng Gui, use will-o'-the-wisp + misfortunes never come singly!"

"Megan monster, use mental force!"

"Emperor Nabo, use the freezing beam!"

The two sides immediately separated from the battlefield, each finding its own opponent.

The giant gold monster naturally faced the forked bat, and it jumped onto the back of the head of the crow.

Alligator, King Toad, and Stinger Jellyfish all fell into the water to attack.

Their opponents are Steel Armored Crow, Emperor Nabo, and Geng Gui.

Now there is one more elf on the other side than Jiang Jing.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing threw another elf ball.

"Go, Lucario!"


Lucario's figure appeared in the air and fell quickly, originally thinking that he would fall into the sea.

As a result, Lucario's eyes lit up, glowing blue.

I saw that its feet fell on the sea as if it was standing on the ground.

If you look closely, you will find that Lucario's feet are attached by the power of waveguide.

Walking on the sea is like walking on the ground, extremely relaxed.

Shi Kai was shocked when he saw it.

This TM is also okay? ! !

It was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Jiang Jing looked at Shi Kai with a shocked expression and felt that Shi Kai was an old hat, which he had never seen before.

But it's not his fault, after all, few elves can stand on the water.

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