This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 518 Leader of Team Plasma (please subscribe, please vote)

Jin and Xiao quickly found Regice as soon as they entered the temple, intending to catch it off guard.

Regice also woke up instantly and started fighting. As soon as he got up, several energy pillars hit him. .

However, Regice gave the two major organizations a surprise as soon as they entered.

The cold wind of more than 200 degrees below zero raged throughout the entire temple and blew on them. In an instant, countless people were so cold that their skin crawled.

The weak members can already feel the stiffness in their bodies.

It's so cold!

They immediately turned on their thermal devices to the maximum extent, otherwise they would really freeze to death.

"Ah, it's so cold!"

Tan Fei quickly wrapped his body and pressed his belt at the same time.

I saw that the down jacket began to release heat continuously.

He is a warm baby and can barely resist the cold with a heating down jacket.


He breathed a sigh of relief after feeling the warmth on his body.

He has made up his mind to fish in troubled waters later, which is really too dangerous.

I don’t know how many people died in the temple today.

Because the temperature was too low, everyone's strength was suppressed.

The two major organizations conspired last night, planning to attack Regice as soon as they entered.

Not only that, they also began to use the power of technology.

I saw Jin Wei coming in from behind with a huge mechanical vehicle.

I saw that apart from the front of the mechanical car, there was a huge metal cylinder installed behind it.

It's like a huge cannon barrel.

"Activate the Red Cage!"


I saw the cannon barrel suddenly light up, and the terrifying energy was activated.

I saw a large amount of red circle energy released.

When they were only a few meters away from Regice, they dispersed and turned into a red barrier, trapping Regice inside.

Jin Wei showed a satisfied smile after seeing it.

This is a weapon developed by their Rocket Team specifically to deal with the legendary elves.

The name is called the Red Cage!

This is the secret weapon they brought here this time, and their goal is to conquer this Regice.

After discussions with Team Plasma yesterday, Team Plasma decided to give up Regice to Team Rocket.

Their goal is Kyurem, who can't do two things at once.

So I can only give up on this Regice.

Team Plasma speculates that the reason why this Regice is so strong is Kyurem's credit.

Kyurem is probably also in the temple, but he doesn't know why he didn't wake up.

They also have a secret weapon. Now that the secret weapon has been developed, it must not be used easily.

Every time it is launched, it costs money, millions of dollars per second.

Even with the size of the two major organizations, they dare not use it easily.

Now it's time to conquer Regice, so Team Rocket activated their secret weapon.


The dots on Regice's body flashed crazily, which meant that its mood was not peaceful.

It raised its arms, mobilized the terrifying ice energy, and fired it into a freezing beam.


The freezing beam it fired hit the red barrier.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the barrier remained intact.

The power of Regice's moves was all blocked.

Jin Wei also showed a proud smile when he saw this.

"Haha, as expected, our organization is still powerful."

"No matter how powerful the elves are, they can't match our human technology."

The members of Team Rocket are also more excited than the last.

Jin Wei took advantage of the time when Regice was trapped and quickly ran to open the top cover of the groove.

He moved it hard, but the top cover didn't move at all.

"Blastoise, come on!"


The water arrow turtle stepped forward and opened the top cover forcefully.

The smile on Jin Wei's face disappeared instantly when he saw that there was nothing inside.


"How could it not be?"

Jin Wei was dumbfounded. He didn't believe in evil and went to the next groove.

It's the same as the first one after opening.

All is empty.

Jin Wei:? ? ?

Not only him, but also Xiao Yuchan on the other side.

The remaining six grooves are empty.

Jin Wei and Xiao Yuchan were both confused. What's going on?

Is there really nothing? They wouldn't have taken away all the precious props, that would be really fucked up.

But Regice saw that his skills could not break the barrier.

Then it started to get serious, and a more powerful aura erupted from its body.

Layers of white energy emerged from its body.

A blizzard quickly blew around its body, and huge white tornadoes continued to sweep towards the surroundings.

The majestic energy is continuously released from its body.

The crimson barrier was crumbling under the constant impact, as if it was about to break.

Seeing this, Team Rocket in the mechanical car began to increase their output.

Fortunately the barrier did not break.

"Let's all attack together!"

I saw dozens of elves launching their skills again.

I saw countless skills blasting through the red barrier and hitting Regice's body.

Jiang Jing was shocked when he saw it in the dark. This red barrier must be too outrageous.

Regice inside can't get out, but attacks from outside can get in.


Regice, who was hit by the skill, also activated skill resistance.

At the same time, the aura on its body became more and more terrifying.

It began to mobilize the power of natural control and eternal ice, and the power of its skills increased crazily.

I saw an even more terrifying blizzard being released by it.


The crazy rotating blizzard hit the barrier.

It seemed as if the red cage would shatter in the next second.

The Team Rocket member sitting in the mechanical car said proudly: "Don't bother, you can't break the red cage."

"This is what we have carefully researched to target your legendary elves."

"Although every use requires huge financial resources, as long as I capture you, no matter how big the loss is, it is acceptable."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire mechanical vehicle suddenly became dark.

"What's wrong?"

He was stunned for a moment and started to operate, but the whole car didn't respond at all.

It was as if there was a power outage and it was completely dark.

He panicked instantly. If the mechanical car stopped running, wouldn't the red cage also stop?

He looked up and saw that the red barrier also dimmed instantly.

Others were dumbfounded when they saw the barrier disappear.

So he quickly looked at the mechanical car.

The Team Rocket members in the car also showed an ugly smile.

In the next second, everyone's heart went cold, really cold.

Without the barrier, Regice's blizzard spread instantly.


The biting cold wind blew on them, and dozens of elves were frozen into ice sculptures.


The two of Jin and Xiao, who originally wanted to go directly to the next level, had to go back to resist Regice's attack.

"what happened?!"

"I don't know. Maybe it was too cold and the mechanical car couldn't withstand it and stopped running."

The man quickly explained when faced with Jin Wei's questioning.

But at this time, in the corner next to him, Jiang Jing smiled.

The reason why the mechanical car stopped running just now was naturally his work.

It wouldn't work if they continued to trap Regice.

He was counting on Regice to be able to get rid of all these people.

"Bang bang!!"

Jin Wei and Xiao Yuchan faced off against Regice again.

This time he felt extremely strenuous. Regice was too strong when he started to get serious.

They could only resist with difficulty.


Super Blastoise was frozen into an ice sculpture by the freezing beam.


The next second the ice sculpture shattered, and the Super Blastoise began to pant.

He even showed a look of pain. Regice's attack just now was too powerful.

One move of the freezing beam severely damaged it.

The Super Flame Chicken next to it also had the same ending.

The two elves were severely damaged in one move, and the gap between the two sides was too great.

Another blow and they won't be able to withstand it.

Jin Wei and Xiao Yuchan knew they could no longer fight and had to retreat immediately, waiting to repair the red cage before continuing the fight.

Just when he was about to give the order, suddenly a huge energy pillar was launched directly from outside the temple.

Jiang Jing took a closer look and saw that it was a beam of destruction and death, and it was extremely terrifying.

The destructive death light, which was like a bucket, hit Regice's body straight.


There was a loud noise, a crater appeared on Regice's body, and it was knocked back a few steps.

This blow to destroy the death light finally caused obvious damage to it.


Everyone's eyes were turned to the door of the temple.

I saw a huge elf with three heads flying in quickly from the door of the temple.


This is a quasi-god with a larger size than the ordinary three evil dragons. It exudes a terrifying aura, and bursts of dragon power continue to spread out.

I saw a gear set flying next to the three evil dragons. It and part of the machine formed the appearance of an aircraft. There was a person standing on the gear set.

This is a tall, middle-aged man wearing a green and silver coat.

The middle-aged man has green hair, rough features, and a conspicuous aquiline nose.

At the same time, his eyes were sharp and so bright that you could see two beams of light shooting out of his eyes.

At the same time, he wears a device like the battle detector in Dragon Ball above his right eye.

He was wearing the uniform of Team Plasma, and behind him were a large number of elves and people.

They all wear down jackets of the same color.

All of these people are from Team Plasma.

Xiao Yuchan looked ecstatic when he saw the visitor: "Master Wen, you are here!"

Lord Wen looked at Regice with an ugly smile and said, "I didn't expect to have such a high-level Regice here."

"You are no match, just get out of the way."

Jiang Jing frowned when he saw the person coming. He didn't expect that not only did he have resources, but the two major organizations also had support.

The situation was already difficult originally, but now the opponent's strength is super strong.

His data eye scanned the three evil dragons and the gear set, and he felt that the energy fluctuations on these two elves were ridiculously strong.

[Elf]: Three evil dragons (Dragon Fang, Extremely Evil Crystal)

[Attribute]: Dragon, evil


[Level]: LV95

[Characteristics]: Floating


[Elf]: Gear set (steel core, life orb)

[Attribute]: Steel


[Level]: LV95

[Characteristics]: Eternally pure body


Jiang Jing took a breath after scanning. Good guy, these two elves are not only level 95 elves, but also have six-star talents.

This should be the highest level elf he has ever seen.

Could this man be the leader of Team Plasma?

Jiang Jing quickly restrained his aura. He was no match for such a being. The level gap was too big.

Team Plasma seems to really value Kyurem, and the boss is dispatched.

With such strength, Regice really might not be able to win.

Regice is only level 92, missing three evil dragons and three levels of gear set.

If they could super evolve, the gap would be even greater.

Jin Wei frowned and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the middle-aged man.

At the same time, he also secretly became defensive.

Originally the two major organizations were equally matched, but the leader of the other party arrived and brought with him a group of powerful members.

The strength is already unbalanced.

When the strength is unequal, he cannot guarantee that the other party can still abide by the agreement.

Master Wen stood on the aircraft composed of gear sets and came to Xiao Yuchan's side.

"Leave it to me next!"

"Three evil dragons, use triple attacks!"


The three evil dragons looked at Regice and smiled cruelly.

Its three heads began to mobilize their energy.

The energy of the three attributes of fire, lightning, and freezing is gathered in their respective mouths, and finally blasted out.

Triple attack!

A shallow pit has appeared on Regice's body, which was caused by the three evil dragons just now.

A quasi-god with a six-star talent level of 95 is still extremely powerful.

Regice raised his arms and activated the freezing beam.

The intense freezing beam and the triple attack blasted together.

"Bang bang!!"

After a few seconds, they exploded simultaneously, and a brilliant explosion formed between the two.

The fight between the two sides in this round can be said to be evenly matched.

Jiang Jing was a little frightened. The boss of Team Plasma was really powerful.

This was the first time he saw someone who could tie Regice.

I don’t know if Zhou Zunyu can defeat him.

It feels like it should be okay. It really doesn't make sense if the champion of their Chinese country can't defeat the leader of an evil organization.

But now Team Plasma not only has the leader here, but also has a deputy leader at the same level as Xiao Yuchan in addition to the four cadres.

The overall strength can be said to be extremely terrifying.

They only have four kings and four diamond-level trainers here, so they can't fight at all.

At this time, his phone vibrated again.

He took out his phone and saw that someone had sent him a message on WeChat.

Xiao Jungui: "Jiang Jing, I have already entered the depths of the Beixue District. It is estimated that I am less than ten minutes away from your location."

"I'll be there soon!"

"Don't worry, when I arrive, leave everything to me."

Jiang Jing: "..."

It's useless for you to come now.

Jiang Jing: "Uncle Xiao, it's useless for you to come!"

"The leader of Team Plasma is here!"

I did not receive a reply after sending the message.

I guess Xiao Jungui rushed over after sending a message.


If he had entered the temple directly and faced a group of powerful trainers from the two major organizations, he would probably be beaten to death.

As a veteran king, Xiao Jungui should not be so reckless.

At the moment when he was texting, the battle between Master Wen's three evil dragons and Regice was already at a fever pitch.

"Three evil dragons, use the destruction death ray!"

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