This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 530: Pillar of the Sky (please subscribe, please vote)

Boscodora and Metagross have never felt so hungry, with stars in their eyes.

They even look at the ground and want to take a bite.

"There are so many~"


The two of them yelled that they were hungry and needed food.

When Jiang Jing saw this, he didn't dare to delay and disappeared instantly.

When he came back, he already had several boxes of elf food and energy cubes in his hand.

Jiang Jing took out two basin-sized food bowls and placed them in front of them.

Then he poured his own special elf food into it.

It soon became full. Upon seeing this, Boscodora immediately picked up the food bowl and poured all the elf food into his mouth.


Then he chewed it in big mouthfuls, and in a moment everything was shattered into pieces and entered its stomach.

Its stomach is like a large millstone that grinds up all the food fragments that enter the stomach and begins digestion.

After eating a bowl of elf food, Boscodora breathed a sigh of relief.

Its eyes were already red with hunger just now, and it wanted to eat everything it saw in front of it.

It could feel its stomach starting to run at high speed, constantly digesting the food in its body.

It picked up several pieces of top-quality elf food and ate them.

The same goes for the Metagross next to them. They consume too much.

Almost all the stored nutrients are consumed.

There is an urgent need to get nutritional supplements, otherwise the foundation may be damaged.

In the past, two large basins of elf food plus energy cubes were enough to keep Boscodora full, but that was not possible now.

It ate three large pots of elf food in succession, with alloy steel, ferromagnetic stone and various stone components mixed in it.

It took fifteen minutes to finish eating.

Finally he sat down on the ground to rest.

Jiang Jing nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, it's been upgraded. Now it's the color airflow's turn."

"Everyone, get ready!"

I saw Lucario and the others all walking to the training ground and gathering together to prepare to be infused with the colored airflow.

The Shuidu brothers and sisters are also ready. Their level is too high and it is not easy to level up.

Now that Boscodora and Metagross have been upgraded to level 80, they can absorb more colored airflow.

Jiang Dingding nodded and placed his hands on Boscodora and Metagross respectively.

The valve in the middle of the chest opened, and countless colorful airflows surged out under its control.

The collective poured into the air of the training ground, forming a sea of ​​color in the sky, and this was not the end.

For a moment, the entire training ground was enveloped in a sea of ​​colors.

At the same time, countless colorful airflows were also poured into the bodies of Boscodora and Metagross.


In Jiang Jing's eyes, Boscodora and Metagross were enveloped in energy balls of different colors.

Boss Cordora cried out comfortably. Compared with taking the burning potion just now, it was like being in heaven now.

All the fatigue all over the body flows away in the soothing energy.

Every corner of the body is receiving a massage spa.

Energy penetrated deep into its body and transformed its body.

Its body seemed to be undergoing a profound transformation in an instant.

And during this process, it was so comfortable that it didn't want to move at all, it just wanted to lie down and enjoy.

Its body is enjoying it, but its soul floats out from the body unknowingly.

On the other side, Metagross' soul also left its body.

Both Boscodora and Metagross actually saw each other this time.

They were simultaneously pulled into a dark space by a pair of invisible hands.

This time the two of them came together instead of separately.

I saw them passing through a dark space and arriving in a strange space.

The entire space is purple-blue, with bubbles of various colors everywhere.

Boss Cordora and Metagross can be sure that this place is definitely not the human world.

This is an alien space of breath.

Before they could take a closer look, they jumped out of the alien space in the next second.

In a blink of an eye, the scenery in front of them transformed into the night sky.

Boscodora and Metagross looked around, and after looking at them for a while, they were able to determine their location.

They are on top of a huge building. Of course, bigness is not the key. The most important thing is that the building is too high.

Like a pillar thrust into the sky.

This is more than a thousand meters tall, taller than the tallest building in the world.

Boss Cordora and Metagross are now floating in the air, and you can clearly feel the surrounding clouds.

On the top floor of the building is an empty area.

There are countless stones of various colors on the ground.

Boscodora and Metagross could tell at a glance that some of the stones were rarely seen.

Among them are extremely evolved stones, as well as ferromagnets and meteorites that it often takes.

One of the rock piles was filled with stones. Boscodora raised his brows as if he saw fragments of slate.

Before it could get a closer look, a roar suddenly came from the sky.


Boss Cordora and Metagross suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sky.

The next moment, a terrifying sense of oppression froze their minds.

All they could see was a bloody mouth.

This is a mighty dragon head. Looking at this head, Boscodora and Metagross cannot think clearly and can only firmly remember the scene in front of them.

The next moment they returned to the dark space.

"There are so many~"

Boscodora suddenly opened his eyes.

It recalled the scene just now with some horror.


For a moment, it was suppressed by a pressure that made it unable to think, and its thinking seemed to be frozen.

If in reality, he might be dead.

It recalled the appearance of the elf in its mind.

I instantly remembered who this was.

It is the legendary spirit, the overlord of the sky - Rayquaza.

Another legendary elf with the ability to destroy the world.

It seems that the gap between myself and these elves is still huge.

Otherwise, just a roar will make it unable to move.

It seems that level 80 is not enough, it needs to become stronger.

Thinking of this, a wave of weakness hit it.

It became more and more sleepy and soon fell asleep.

In the training ground outside, Lucario and Emperor Nabo were all frantically absorbing the colored airflow.

The infusion of Boscodora and Metagross had too much colored airflow, enough for them to absorb.

The Shuidu brother and sister were also suspended in the air, and a large amount of colorful airflow was sucked into their bodies.

Normal training and diet can no longer bring them much improvement.

As they inhale the colored airflow, they can obviously feel the energy in their bodies increase.


Latias closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

They are also motivated.

In the past, when it fought against Latios and those powerful legendary elves, it was always used as a support.

This made them very uncomfortable, but meeting Jiang Jing gave them hope.

They hope to raise their level to above level 90 in just a few years.

The scene of 11 elves absorbing the colorful airflow together is extremely spectacular.

Even the Magic Wall Doll couldn't help but absorb a little bit.

However, it is not a fighting elf, and it will be useless if it absorbs too much.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and all the colored airflow in the training ground was absorbed by the elves.

The energy shields around the bodies of Boscodora and Metagross also completely dissipated, revealing the two elves who had fallen into sleep.

Jiang Jing's eyes were on the two elves, and his data eye quickly scanned them.

[Elf]: Boss Cordora (rock slate fragments, metal film)

[Attribute]: steel, rock

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV81

[Characteristics]: Hard head

[Skills]: Natural Control·Rock (Superior), Natural Control·Steel (Superior)

[Elf]: Metagross (steel slate 1/3, curved spoon)

[Attribute]: Steel, super power

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV81

[Characteristics]: Eternally pure body

[Skills]: Natural Control·Super Power (Supernatural), Natural Control·Steel (Supernatural)

Jiang Jing was extremely satisfied after seeing it, especially the talents of Boscodora and Metagross.

Their talents have reached a whole new level.

Seven-star talents are also called legends, which is what the alliance headquarters says.

This statement is actually not recognized by the public.

Jiang Jing asked Yan Jixuan. Only people in the alliance headquarters knew about this carve-up.

This is for those legendary elves who have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

For ordinary elves or some legendary elves, six-star talent is the limit.

In the past, five-star talents were already great, and six-star talents were extremely rare.

Therefore, Qixing's statement is only the statement of a small number of people at the alliance headquarters.

It is possible for ordinary elves to achieve six-star talents, but it is impossible for seven-star talents.

No matter how powerful the heavenly materials and earthly treasures are, it won't work.

According to the records of the alliance headquarters, ordinary elves have never had seven-star talents.

Even some legendary elves cannot reach the seven-star talent.

But now, with the help of the elven colored airflow, Boscodora and Metagross have been upgraded to seven-star talents.

They should be regarded as the first and second ordinary elves to be promoted to seven-star talents.

No, when they are promoted to seven-star talents, they can no longer be regarded as ordinary elves. They should also be regarded as legendary elves.

Jiang Jing was a little curious, whether the current Boscodora and Metagross could beat the six-star talent Shuidu siblings.

Six-star and seven-star are a watershed. I wonder who is more powerful compared to the current Boscodora and the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

Let's have a battle when they wake up.

In addition to the upgrades of Boscodora and Metagross, the improvements of other elves are also huge.

Although there is no upgrade, the upgrade will basically be completed after a few days of completely digesting the color airflow.



Latias and Latios looked at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"You mean Rayquaza?"

Jiang Jing sat on the sofa and listened to the narrative of Boscodora and Metagross.

He meditated, hoping that with the colored airflow, each elf would go to a different place.

I didn't expect that they would appear in the same place at the same time this time.

Listening to their descriptions, the place they went to was very similar to the Pillar of the Sky.

You can even see the shadow of the stone slab on the top floor.

When Jiang Jing heard this, his heart moved. Was the slate broken?

Could it be a steel-type slate? This time Boscodora and Metagross are both together. Could it be more than one slate?

According to Boscodora and Metagross, there are many stones at the top of the Pillar of the Sky, including many precious stones.

Even Boscodora and Metagross have never seen meteorites.

This is a huge treasure, and of course the most important thing is the stone slab inside.

But where are the Pillars of the Sky?

It's not on the map, and he's never heard of it.

If it really existed, he should have heard it.

Of course, it might be that he knew too little, but Jiang Jing felt that he was not in a secret realm.

Otherwise, how could Rayquaza touch the sky? It exists in the ozone layer.

He planned to ask President Zhou and the others some time.

If he doesn't know it, then he can only find it slowly.

"There are so many~"

After Boscodora finished his business, he looked at Latios with a provocative look.

It felt like it was completely different since it woke up this morning.

Its perception of the entire world has become different.

It can clearly sense all the energy in the air.

They stand out like fireflies in the dark.

At the same time, the energy of the steel system and the energy of the rock system are the clearest.

As soon as I thought about the two attributes of energy in the air, I was mobilized by it.

If it were said that before, energy was as easy as waving an arm.

So now I feel that as long as the thoughts come together, the energy can be mobilized.

His poop has never been so smooth.

And it feels like it can control gravity more easily.

It finally understood why Kyurem was so powerful.

Because they are the masters of natural power, with the same skills, other elves can only produce 100 power.

However, Kyurem's skills at this level can exert thousands of powers.

The gap is beyond imagination. The most important thing is that the consumption of such skills is almost the same for elves.

This is the horror of the seven-star legendary level elves.

Of course, there are also huge gaps in other places, which ordinary people cannot understand at all, and they have no chance to come into contact with them.

Boscodora feels the energy flowing like lead and mercury in his body. If he releases the hypergravity field, he can instantly break through a hundred times gravity.

The powerful force makes it want to vent.

And the target who can vent his anger is naturally Latios.


Latios narrowed his eyes, feeling that he was offended.

Boscodora has only been upgraded to level 80, but he actually wants to challenge this legendary elf.

Who are you?

None of the opponents he defeated were nameless people, almost all of them were legendary elves.

It planned to give Boscodora a good beating to stop it from swelling so much.

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