This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 533 Immortality of old age (please subscribe, please vote monthly)

Choi Kyung-min, the fighting king of Bangzi Kingdom.

He is 52 years old, has a Chinese character face, and is tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall.

At the same time, his whole body is full of muscles and he is huge.

Wearing a black vest, he looked at the front seat of Bangziguo with his arms folded.

He is also the strongest king of Bangzi Kingdom and one of the people who keeps an eye on Jiang Jing.

Since Ji Changkong and the others didn't come, everyone focused on Jiang Jing.

"He must be the genius named Jiang Jing from China."

"You are so young. Let's find a chance to discuss with him later."

Cui Jingmin said calmly while sitting on the seat with his arms folded.

He tilts his head up, and because of his height and excessive exercise, he likes to look up at people.

It gives people an uncomfortable feeling of being condescending.

Jiang Jing looked around and found that basically everyone with some strength was looking at him.

However, due to the limited time of the exchange meeting, he could not call them all one by one.

He will most likely only have one game, so why not fight the strongest?

So Cui Jingmin was directly ignored by him, and Matsushita Hirofumi was his opponent.

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

"Since it's an exchange meeting, I can't just say it on top. Everyone can also say it if they have ideas."

Xiao Jungui looked at the audience with a smile.

Since this was a communication meeting, the place was not that quiet.

People from other countries are also talking.

As soon as Xiao Jungui finished speaking, someone started asking.

"I have a question to ask the kings of Neon Kingdom."

Everyone looked and saw that the person asking the question was Su Yao from Hua.

Everyone looked towards the direction of Neon Country.

Many people came secretly, and they all knew that China was very dissatisfied with Neon Country's dumping of nuclear wastewater.

Sure enough, he got into trouble right from the beginning.

Jiang Jing didn't speak. He didn't want to talk, he just wanted to take action.

So it was Su Yao who spoke, but he might be the one fighting.

The Neon countryman's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he also knew that the next step would not be easy.

But they are thick-skinned and can withstand it.

"I would like to ask Mr. Matsushita, why does your Neon Country dump nuclear wastewater?"

"As far as I know, although it costs a lot of money, it is not unacceptable to you."

Su Yao asked sharply when he opened his mouth.

Matsushita Hirofumi's face darkened after hearing this, and then he said: "No comment!"

Of course he would not say that he was reluctant to give up money.

Wouldn't that be self-destructing in front of everyone?

"Aren't we communicating? Why are we involved in other things?"

Everyone in China was very unhappy after hearing this. This feeling of being unable to help others was really frustrating.

Su Yao continued: "Please don't avoid this question."

"You should stop escaping and learn to respect nature."

"If you really dump nuclear wastewater, you will definitely regret it in the future."

"Don't worry, we won't regret it." Matsushita Hirofumi laughed disdainfully.

"Okay, since the kings of Neon Kingdom are unwilling to answer, forget it."

"Do the kings of other countries have anything else to communicate with?"

The incident in Neon Country was just a small episode, and soon people from other countries began to ask questions.

"Mr. Xiao, I have a few questions about the use of ground-based skills in elf battles."

"Is such that……"

The exchange lasted for half an hour and was almost over.

"Okay, for us trainers, real communication is learning through battles."

"So the next step is our battle."

“You can challenge someone you want to communicate with.”

"If the other party is willing, the battle can be carried out successfully."

"If the other party refuses, we can't force him."

"Then let's begin!"

Xiao Jungui immediately announced the start of the battle.

And he himself came down from the platform, and the entire platform began to change, and an arena the size of two basketball courts rose from below.

What rose up was a rock arena, and it was still expanding. At the same time, all the seats began to move, closing the distance.

They quickly formed rows of auditoriums, with the arena in the middle.

A large row of auditoriums appeared behind, and many people quickly came in and sat down.

They've obviously been waiting for this moment.

"I am Basong of the Kingdom of Thailand. I wonder if the kings of Singapore can accept my challenge."

As soon as the arena came out, someone was already standing up to challenge.

A middle-aged man with black hair and bronze skin launched a challenge to New Canada.

"Okay, no problem!"

New Canada had no objections and arranged for a king to fight next.

The two walked onto the arena, and under the referee's command, they began to take out the elf balls.

Due to limited time, 6VS6 was not arranged, but 3VS3.

"Go, Nidoking!"

"Go, Platypus!"

The two elves appeared in a burst of white light.



As soon as Nidoking and Platypus came out, they erupted with strong energy fluctuations.

Jiang Jing took a rough feel and found that the energy fluctuations of Nidoking, the King of Thailand, were stronger.

His data eye also quickly scanned the past.

[Elf]: Platypus (Fire Orb)

[Attribute]: Fire


[Level]: LV75

[Characteristics]: Flame body


[Elf]: Nidoking (Orb of Life)

[Attribute]: Poison, general


[Level]: LV79

[Characteristics]: Forced


Neither of the two elves has reached level 80, and they are far behind the strength of the King of China.

Among the current kings of China, except for Jiang Jing's main lineup, not all are level 80.

Almost all the other elf levels have been raised to level 80.

In particular, there are top kings like Su Yao and Xiao Jungui who have begun to attack level 90.

The battle between the two sides started quickly.

The large LED screen on the wall shows the two people's avatars and the elves they used.

Now the entire conference hall is filled with thousands of people.

Except for the hundreds of kings, the others are spectators, and some are volunteers or staff.

"It is indeed a heavenly king exchange meeting. The strength of both sides was very strong in the first game."

Conlin sighed as he watched the battle on the arena.

Of course, what he is most looking forward to is the battle with Jiang Jing.

And there's a good chance it will happen today.


Jiang Jing looked at the arena where the two elves released their ultimate moves together.

The impact of energy set off strong winds blowing in the conference hall.

He silently compared the gap between his elves and them in his heart.

He found that as long as he was on the field, any one of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs could sweep the two elves.

It can even be said to be an instant kill, the gap in strength is so huge.

Due to the different national strength of each country, there are also differences in the overall number of trainers.

The two fought for about ten minutes before deciding the winner.

Although it is just communication, both parties may not hold back.

When they came to China this time, they all represented their own country.

If you lose the battle, it means that your country is weak in the eyes of onlookers.

Therefore, if your own country plays, you will try your best to choose a strong player.

And Jiang Jing also found Cui Jingmin and Matsushita Hirofumi staring at him.

He knew he would be playing soon.

After the first game ended, the second game started soon.

They are also two small countries in Asia. They are even worse in strength and do not meet the standards of a king at all. They are ordinary diamond-level trainers.

This is already one of the most powerful trainers in their country.

Four games have been played in just one hour.

Everyone watched with gusto, especially some small countries. It is not easy at all to see so many high-quality battles.

With the end of the fourth battle.


Cui Jingmin slapped the table, and the sound was so loud that it instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the entire conference hall.

After seeing everyone looking at him, he said:

"I am Cui Jingmin from Bangzi Kingdom. I would like to communicate with King Jiang Jingtian from Hua Kingdom. I wonder if you are willing?"

Jiang Jing's eyes narrowed after hearing this, and he knew that the target was himself.

But before he could speak, Su Yao took the lead and said:

"It's better for me to communicate with you."

Cui Jingmin glanced at Su Yao and nodded, "That's okay. I'll challenge Jiang Jing after I defeat you."

Su Yao sneered, really arrogant.

I have actually been underestimated. I will let you, Assi, know how powerful Su Yao is later.

The two walked onto the arena and threw their Poké Balls under the referee's command.

White light shone, and the figure of the big steel snake appeared on the arena.

Cui Jingmin's elf also appeared on the arena, and it was a strange force.

Jiang Jing's data eye quickly scanned over.

[Elf]: Strange power (black belt)

[Attribute]: Fighting


[Level]: LV85

[Characteristics]: Perseverance


Cui Jingmin does have the capital of Kuangwang, and his strange power has reached level 85.

This can be said to be very powerful, but it is still not good enough in front of Su Yao's Big Steel Snake. There is a gap in level.

Therefore, Wei Li lost to the Super Steel Snake very simply.

Cui Jingmin looked at Wei Li who had fallen to the ground, and his previous arrogance was completely gone.

His eyes widened and he put his hands in the air at a loss.

He didn't expect that his first elf would lose its fighting ability so easily.

This shows that the gap between the two sides is too big.

He swallowed hard and put the strange power back into the elf ball.

"Axi, I was too careless just now."

"You succeeded in irritating me, and I will use my full strength next."

"Meet my wrath, go, Iron Palm!"

Cui Jingmin activated his second elf, a level 85 Iron Palm warrior.

But this time it was still useless and couldn't beat Su Yao.

Fifteen minutes later, the referee looked at Heracross who fell on the ground and announced the final result.

"Heracross has lost the ability to fight. Since King Choi Kyung-min's three elves have all lost the ability to fight, the winner is King So Yao."

Cui Jingmin is currently the number one king of Bangzi Kingdom, but he is no match for Su Yao in terms of strength.

From here we can see the difference between China and Bangzi.

Through this battle, Cui Jingmin's pride was shattered.

With a look of disbelief on his face, he took back his elf and returned to the audience.

The other kings didn't know how to comfort him at this time.

Some even laughed at him in their hearts.


Matsushita Hirofumi showed a disdainful smile. Not only did China look down on Bangzi Country, but even Neon Country looked down on Bangzi Country.

Both sides look down on each other, and China looks down on these two countries.

Matsushita Hirofumi and several other neon kingdom kings looked at each other, then stood up and said:

"I am Matsushita Hirofumi from Neon Kingdom, and I want to communicate with the kings of China."

"Of course it would be better if it was King Jiang Jingtian."

Jiang Jing knew it was his turn to play. He, Xiao Jungui, Su Yao and others looked at each other before standing up and saying:

"Of course no problem!"

"As the Chinese saying goes, everyone who comes is a guest."

"Since you are a guest, we will try our best to meet your requirements."

"But I hope you won't do anything too outrageous at the end of the game."

"Don't worry, I, Hirofumi Matsushita, am the most personable." Hirofumi Matsushita said with a smile.

"I'm going, Jingshen is coming on."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Most of them are fans of Jiang Jing, and they all started to get excited when they saw Jiang Jing on the stage.

"But Jingshen's opponent is a bit tricky. He is actually the strongest king of Neon Kingdom."

"I heard that this guy is very shameless. He is over 60 years old and still occupies the position of King of Heaven and refuses to retire."

"He is much older than Jingshen. His strength cannot be underestimated. Jingshen is at a disadvantage."

Someone in the audience said to a friend.

"Why are you panicking? The opponents Jingshen has faced before have never been like this. I'm not used to the opponents not being strong." His friend said nonchalantly.


After the battle between the kings began, the live broadcast also started.

"The number of people has quickly increased from one million to tens of millions, and it is still improving crazily. I believe it will not be long before it exceeds 50 million."

In the first row, Li Xingzhou asked worriedly: "Hirofumi Matsushita is still too old."

"He is very strong, can Jiang Jing win?"

"Don't worry, Jiang Jing's strength is beyond our imagination."

"We'll find out after we take a look." Su Yao consoled him from the side.

Su Yao, who had also experienced the incident in Beixue District, knew Jiang Jing's strength very well.

As long as the Shuidu brothers and sisters are around, Jiang Jing is in a position of innate invincibility.


Jiang Jing and Matsushita Hirofumi stood on the player positions respectively.

"There are three elves that both sides can use in this battle."

"Until the three elves on one side lose their ability to fight."

"Now please ask the two kings to release the elves." The referee announced loudly.

Matsushita Hirofumi is leaning on a crutch, and the crutch is a special gold cane.

The inside is unclear, but the surface is all gold.

Moreover, it was gold of extremely high purity, and Jiang Jing could no longer estimate its value.

The golden cane is inlaid with 12 special elf balls.

I saw Hirofumi Matsushita take a Poké Ball from the golden cane and throw it out.

"Jiang Jing? Genius? Haha!!"

"Go, my darling!"

The elf ball he threw opened in the air, and a white light jumped out of it and landed on the ground.


A huge figure appeared on the ground, and a strong momentum burst out from it.

Jiang Jing took a closer look and saw that this was a big sword ghost.

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