This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 538 Upgrade again (please subscribe, please monthly ticket)

After going through countless pains like red ointment, it has developed super resistance.

This is something Boscodora and the others cannot compare with.

So although it is level 77 like Gengar and the others, it is not far from level 78.

Its improvement speed is the strongest except for Boscodora and Metagross.

Thinking of this, he quickly took the burning potion.

Emperor Nabo and Electric Shock Monster also took them quickly.

It feels sweet like a tree fruit-flavored drink when I first take it.

After drinking one tube, I even wanted to drink another tube.

But they soon stopped thinking about it, and within 10 seconds they felt a reaction in their stomachs.

This feeling came quickly, and it was as hot as eating a very spicy hot pot.

The entire stomach was burning, and it wasn't a slow burn, but a raging fire that burned the stomach instantly.

But these are tolerable for the time being, and they mobilize rapid recovery so that they can withstand the pain.

At the same time, they did not notice that their bodies were gradually heating up, and steaming heat was radiating from their bodies.

The Magic Wall Doll had already turned on the air conditioner.

They felt much more uncomfortable under the air-conditioning, but this feeling lasted only a few seconds before the pain started again.

Only Lucario felt that this was all trivial.

It doesn't feel anything, and pain is just a normal thing for it.

But it can feel that the organs in the body have begun to operate crazily under the stimulation of the burning potion.

Its body began to quickly absorb the energy in the air and transform it.

Although their elves can absorb energy particles in the air and convert them into their own energy.

However, it can only convert less than 1%, and most of the energy must be converted through daily eating.

Of course, the legendary elves are different. By the time they reach six-star talent, the conversion rate of energy in the air reaches an astonishing 50%.

And it is now at the top of the six-star talent list, and its usual energy conversion has reached 70%.

However, it rarely converts energy, because the efficiency is not as good as eating and eating natural materials and earthly treasures.

The body absorbs it on its own only during rest.

However, now that the medicine is being burned for stimulation, its body is also passively absorbing the energy in the air, and the energy conversion rate has reached an astonishing 90% or more.

Not only that, the nutrients accumulated in the body are also forced out for absorption.

They usually eat so well that many nutrients are deposited in the body without being fully digested.

Now, all of them have emerged under the stimulation of the burning potion, and are quickly absorbed by the body's organs and converted into physical quality and energy.

Of course, this process is not the infusion of colored airflow, it is really not easy at all.

It can be said to be very painful!




"Kou Jie~"

Emperor Nabo and Geng Gui all cried out in pain.

His body was red as if it had been roasted by fire.

Every part of my body hurts and my body is still hot.

It was really too uncomfortable, no wonder the other elves couldn't hold on until the end.

Even if you are seriously injured during the battle, you can quickly return to the Poké Ball to recover.

But now the whole process will continue forever.

Although the air-conditioning is on in the entire training ground now, it is enveloped in heat.

"Latias, use freeze beam!"


Latias flew up after hearing this, and quickly mobilized the blue-white ice energy to spray out.


In an instant, all of them, including Lucario, were frozen into ice sculptures.

The temperature of the entire training ground instantly dropped to below zero.

But the ice sculpture didn't last long. Just after freezing, Lucario's ice sculpture had already begun to melt.

The five elves were in great pain at the same time. Lucario was better, but still uncomfortable.

Although it is painful, they are persisting.

Burning potions are not cheap, so how can they be wasted?

So they have to persevere, and they can feel a huge improvement even in the midst of pain.

So stick to whatever you say.

As the elves of Jiangjing, their willpower is not weak either.

Everyone is persisting hard, and even secretly competing, not wanting to be the first to give up.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, Crystal Steel Snake and others were watching from the side, and it was their turn later.

Jiang Jing looked at Lucario and the others who were struggling to hold on, and in his heart he was thinking about whether to let Tan Fei exchange another group.

This thing is similar to the red potion. After using it once, the body will develop resistance and the effect will be much weaker.

Of course the pain endured will also be weakened.

Time passed slowly, and Lucario and the others quickly reached their limit.

The ice sculptures had completely melted, and they fell to the ground, their faces covered with pain.

At the same time, their aura has become more and more powerful since the beginning of chaos.

After half an hour passed, the five elves all felt that the pain on their bodies was gradually weakening.

They knew they had survived, but they were so tired that they didn't have the strength to get up.

All they want now is to lie on the ground and rest.


Only Lucario was standing, and the energy fluctuations on his body were rising steadily.

The energy fluctuations quickly broke through the original limits and reached a new level.

Especially the breath has become cooler and stronger, it has been successfully upgraded.

It’s not just an upgrade, it’s a huge improvement.

Lucario felt that he had not only improved from level 77 to level 78.

And it feels like it has gone a long way on the road to level 78.

Maybe the next upgrade is not far away.

This time the burning potion can be said to consume all the nutrients in its body in one breath.

At the same time, it is unknown how much energy in the air has been absorbed by it.

As a result, although it has been upgraded now, the internal consumption is too great and it cannot stand the hunger.

The same goes for Emperor Nabo and Gengar, who have all screamed out in hunger.

Jiang Jing had already prepared the elf food and quickly took out the food.

The magic wall puppets opened the elf food and poured it into the food bowl in front of them.


Emperor Nabo didn't hesitate at all, poured it directly into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

It now feels like its body is like a super big wooden barrel, but there is no water at all.


After eating a large bowl of elf food in one go, it breathed a sigh of relief.

The hunger was relieved a lot, and at the same time, the organs in the body quickly digested the elf food.

It can feel that its physical fitness is slowly improving.

This feeling makes it feel extremely comfortable.

Not only the Emperor Nabo, but also the Electric Shock Monsters.

Although I felt pain this time, the improvement was also huge.

fifteen minutes later

Jiang Jing looked at the dozen empty boxes in the training ground, and had to say that using the burning potion once was really costly to the elves.

It is basically impossible to eat so much in normal times.

After eating, the auras on Emperor Nabo's bodies continued to become stronger.

They also successfully completed the upgrade.

Jiang Jing was very satisfied, Emperor Nabo and the others did not disappoint him.

[Elf]: Lucario (Orb of Life, Fist Slate Fragment 1/3)

[Attribute]: fighting, steel


[Level]: LV77→LV78

[Characteristics]: Unyielding Heart


[Elf]: Emperor Nabo (water drop slate, metal film)

[Attribute]: Water, Steel


[Level]: LV78

[Characteristics]: Rapids


All five elves have been upgraded to level 78, which is only one level away from level 79.

And I believe it will be fast, because the effect of the burning potion can last for three days.

In these three days, their levels will be greatly improved.

Of course this is not the end.

Jiang Jing's eyes turned to Fengsu Gouda, the three of them, and the Shuidu brothers and sisters, who were all going to take it.

The next day, Jiang Jing asked Feng Su Gou and the others to take burning potion.

Emperor Nabo used the freezing beam to freeze them.

Jiang Jing glanced at the two axe-fighting dragons who were suffering and then set his sights on the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

Burning potions are effective for elves.

But if the level is too high, the effect may not be that good.

The Shuidu brothers and sisters are high-level. They are already at level 87 and are not far away from level 90.

Jiang Jing felt that this was an opportunity to advance to level 88.

Latias and Latios took the burning potion at the same time.

Soon the effect of the potion began to take effect.

Their bodies also began to heat up.

Searing pain surged through his body as well, but they felt fine.

Although it's a little uncomfortable, it's still bearable.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, although the Shuidu brothers and sisters felt the pain.

But they were not as painful as the Wind Speed ​​Dogs, and they still needed to be frozen.

Their bodies were red and they endured the cold wind for half an hour.

At the same time, they feel that the nutrients in their bodies are being consumed in large quantities.

The intense hunger makes them want to eat quickly.

As soon as the effects of Jiang Jing and other burning potions wear off, provide them with a large amount of elf food and energy food.

This is why the Shuidu siblings finally felt hungry.

The last time they were this hungry was when they were first rescued.

The two of them still had huge appetites, and they ate ten times as much as the Wind Speed ​​Dogs before they finished.

Fortunately, Jiang Jing was well prepared, otherwise it would not have been enough.

In just these two days, a few of my elves have eaten several million, close to tens of millions.

Sure enough, in the late game, the elves are burning money if they want to improve their strength.

However, the gains are also huge, and the average level has been improved by one level.

It saves an unknown amount of time.



After eating the elf food, strong energy fluctuations erupted from the bodies of the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

The dragon's power on his body filled the entire training ground.

The dragon's power fell on all the elves at once.

For them, this feeling is like a gravity field, which suppresses them instantly.

Jiang Jing looked happy and finally upgraded.

It is really not easy for the Shuidu brothers and sisters to advance to the next level.

It absorbs a lot of colored airflow each time, but it just doesn't upgrade.

However, the benefits of upgrading are also huge, and its strength has also been greatly improved.

For its level, each level of improvement brings huge improvement in strength.

Jiang Jing's data eye also quickly scanned the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

【Elf】: Latias

[Attribute]: Super power, dragon


[Level]: LV87 → LV88

[Characteristics]: Floating



Latias was also extremely excited after feeling his improvement.

It had only stayed by Jiang Jing's side for a few short years, and its levels were rising rapidly like a rocket.

Maybe it can really be improved to level 90 within the next two years.

After a while, strong energy fluctuations broke out from the Wind Speed ​​Dogs, and they also upgraded.

From level 76 to level 77, the gap with the main lineup is only one level.

There are no low-level elves left in him.


In the middle of the training ground, Lucario was moving around like a bolt of lightning.

Leaving his mark on more than a dozen cubes.

Lucario vents his energy to his heart's content, and after leveling up, he can feel his all-round improvement.

Regardless of the shooting speed, strength or reaction, it has become faster.

Beating the cube can no longer let it vent to its heart's content.

It needs a strong opponent, an opponent who can make it burn with fighting spirit.

Jiang Jing also saw Lucario's thoughts. It was not easy to find an opponent for Lucario now.

Unless it is a special competition, there will be no battles between king-level trainers.

They are all internal battles within the team or silent training.

Or maybe you just don’t train that much. Anyway, you are almost reaching your limit, and no matter how hard you train, you won’t be able to make a big improvement.

This made Lucario a little melancholy.

But soon an opponent appeared on the third day.

"Ding dong!"

Jiang Jing looked at the two figures at the door with some surprise.

I saw two women, one large and one small, wearing dark blue dresses coming in the door.

They all have one thing in common: they are beautiful.

The older man's face is delicate and soft, and his body has a gentle temperament like water.

The small ones are different, with a naughty and lively atmosphere.

"Junior Jiang Jing, don't you welcome us to your home?"

The person speaking was none other than Qiao Nan, the Water King of China.

At the same time, she is also the youngest among the kings before Jiang Jing.

The strength ranks among the top five among the eighteen kings.

He also has special abilities and has legendary missions.

"Senior Qiao Nan, welcome, I certainly welcome you."

"This is also the first time that Senior Qiao Nan has visited my home."

"By the way, who is this little girl?"

"Oh, this is my niece, Joni!"

"Qiao Ni, this is your brother Jiang Jing!"

Qiao Ni looked at Jiang Jing's eyes widened and asked curiously: "Are you Jiang Jing?!"

She looks only 12 or 3 years old.

"it's me!"

Jiang Jing quickly welcomed the two of them into the living room and got them two bottles of mineral water from the refrigerator.

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