This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 549 Seven Star Lucario (please subscribe, please vote)

This feeling was so familiar to Lucario that his whole stomach felt like it was on fire.

But soon another wave of cold air rushed into his stomach.

The burning feeling instantly became much better when it met the cold air.

Lucario could clearly feel that it was no longer painful.

The pain level plummeted, and even if the burning potion continued to take effect later, it still felt much better than before.

It's even less painful than other ointments I took before.

There is no need for the freezing beam this time, as it directly resists the effect of the burning agent in place.

It took half an hour for the burning sensation to subside.

At the same time, the effect of the calming potion completely disappeared.


Lucario's face was full of surprise, and he didn't expect to survive it so easily.

It feels much better than before, and I even feel a little unfinished and want to try it again.

But as soon as this feeling comes out, he can feel the desire coming from his stomach.

It was a state of extreme lack of nutrition in the body after three days and three nights of starvation.

So hungry!

Fortunately, Jiang Jing had already prepared everything to eat, including all kinds of top-notch elf food.

Lucario grabbed a handful of elf food and put it into his mouth.

Its sharp, white teeth chewed quickly.

In just a few seconds, it was chewed into pieces and swallowed.

At the same time, the stomach again felt something coming in, and the gastric juices began to flow.

Elf food is quickly digested to replenish the body's missing calories and nutrients.

Jiang Jing looked at Lucario who was eating elf food and energy cubes and started to think.

You can't use the burning potion too many times.

Once is already very good, and twice seems to be the result of the extraordinary talent of the Jiangjing Elf.

The third tube probably won't be as effective, and may not be as useful as its props.

Moreover, using the burning potion twice in a short period of time will also be harmful to the elf's body.

It takes time to heal hidden wounds, otherwise it will affect future achievements.

Lucario felt much better after eating and drinking.

The next moment that familiar feeling came again.

There is no critical point or bottleneck and the upgrade is completed directly.

With the help of the burning potion, it broke through the bottleneck and reached level 80 in one breath.

This surprised Jiang Jing. He originally thought that Lucario would have to settle for a while before the upgrade could be completed, but he didn't expect it to be completed so quickly.

Lucario, who had been upgraded to level 80, also made Jiang Jing feel the boiling color airflow in his chest.

He can activate the infusion of colored airflow again at any time.

Jiang Jing did not hesitate and immediately decided to delay the use of burning potions by other elves.

The burning potion can be used after the elf energy reaches level 79.

Maybe you can break through the bottleneck and reach level 80 in one go.

That simply wasn't too satisfying, so he decided to directly activate the infusion of colored airflow now.

"Everyone come here and get ready!"


"There are so many~"

A group of elves all gathered in the middle of the training ground.

Jiang Jing put his hands on Lucario and began to release colored airflow.

The energy in the body seemed to be opened, and countless energies surged out.

Colorful airflow soon enveloped the entire training ground.

Among them, Lucario was injected into the body by two of the forces and turned into a cocoon of energy.

As for Boss Cordora and Metagross, they began to absorb energy as early as the colorful air flow came out.

Wisps of colorful airflow began to enter their bodies.

As the level increases, the quality of the colored airflow also continues to improve.

In just a few seconds, they can already feel their improvement.

Boscodora is already level 81. To upgrade to level 82, the energy required is extremely huge.

Even if it has taken countless treasures recently, it is not sure that it will be upgraded to another level within a few months.

Now that it has absorbed the color airflow, it is certain to be upgraded within a month or two.

Not just it but other elves as well.

They can all clearly feel their improvement.

So everyone began to increase their absorption.

Lucario in the cocoon of energy gained the most.

It seems like endless steel and fighting energy has been injected into its body.

Not surprisingly, its consciousness separated from its body again and plunged into the infinite darkness.

Soon light appeared in the darkness, and it was not surprised at all when it saw the scene in front of it, because a familiar figure appeared in front of it - Meng Meng.

There is also another Lucario, who has been here several times.

Jiang Jing also knew it and had memorized the surrounding scenery and terrain.

But I just don’t know where the tree of life is.

Jiang Jing also asked President Zhou about this, but he didn't know either.

He guessed that it was probably in a secret realm that no one knew about.

Lucario looked at Mew and Lucario in front of him.

There are other elves behind them, and the auras on their bodies are stronger than the last.

Of course, the strongest among them are Mew and Lucario in front of them.

Among them, Lucario's energy fluctuations were more than a little stronger than his own.

You must know that it has one-third of the fist slate, a six-star top talent level 80.

The other party's energy fluctuations are stronger than your own, which means that the other party is most likely an elf above level 90, with at least a six-star talent.

He knew he had nothing to gain this time.

Thinking like this, he suddenly saw something in Lucario's hand across from him that looked strangely familiar.

Taking a closer look, Lucario saw something in the shape of a stone slab in his hand.

This is actually a fragment of the fist slate, and judging from the shape and size, it is actually two-thirds of the size.

That's all that's left of the fist slate.

Once it is obtained, it can be assembled into a complete stone slab.

And with a complete stone slab, it will have extremely terrifying strength.

It is simply unimaginable, but how to get it now is still a problem.

The most important thing is that they still don’t know where the Tree of Life is.

Thinking of this, Lucario was also extremely helpless.

In less than a minute, it returned to darkness.

The consciousness returned to his body, and then he began to feel sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

Its improvement today is really great, and when you wake up, you will find that you have undergone earth-shaking changes.

For Lucario, only a few minutes had passed.

But for Boscodora and Metagross outside, more than half an hour has passed.

They have absorbed enough colored airflow, and their level has also improved.

Jiang Jing speculated that if enough treasures were used in ten days and a half, his elves would be able to level up again.

Then he set his sights on the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

It is too difficult for them to level up at level 88.

The colored airflow absorbed this time is only a drop in the bucket for them.

Only if they come four or five more times can their level be improved.

However, this time there is a burning potion. Even if the effect on them is not that good, it is not a loss if it is improved.

the next day

Lucario woke up from his nest.

It had a nightmare last night, in which Jiang Jing fought with a group of legendary elves.

And it also has an opponent, the legendary elf Zangmarante.

No matter how it attacks, it is no match for Zangmarante.

Not only it, but Boscodora, Metagross, and Gengar all encountered invincible opponents.

In the end, they all failed miserably, and were rescued by the Shuidu brothers and sisters, and almost died under Giratina's attack.

That battle was so brutal, and it made it feel so weak.

Its current strength is still too weak.

"Awake? Lucario!"

"Are you having a nightmare?"

Jiang Jing also climbed up from the bed and asked in surprise when he saw Lucario sweating profusely.

Lucario shook his head and said he was just having a nightmare.

Then while eating at the dinner table, he told Jiang Jing about the fist slate.

Jiang Jing raised his eyebrows and saw that it was actually two-thirds of the slate in his fist.

This is a good thing. If you get it, Lucario might be able to catch up with Boss Cordora and Metagross.

Thinking of this, his data eyes scanned towards Lucario again.

[Elf]: Lucario (Orb of Life, Fist Slate Fragment 1/3)

[Attribute]: fighting, steel

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★

[Level]: LV81

[Characteristics]: Unyielding Heart

[Skills]:..., Divine speed (superb), Healing wave (superb), Close combat (superb), Dragon wave (superb), Qi bomb (superb), Qi fist (superb), Speedy blasting fist (Excellent), Natural Control·Steel (Excellent), Natural Control·Fighting (Excellent)

Z move·Super spiral combo (superb)

Z move·Full-power unparalleled fierce punch (superb)

Lucario has indeed been promoted to seven-star talent step by step.

The skill of natural control has also reached a superb level with the improvement of talent.

Now Lucario's level has also been improved, and his level is the same as Boss Cordora and Metagross.

However, in terms of strength, it is still a bit inferior.

Of course, if it can have a complete fist slate, then Boscodora and Metagross may not be its opponents.

But Metagross and Boscodora may also get the complete tablet.

At present, in addition to improving the strength of the elves, we also need to find ways to find stone slabs.

This is an important item for fighting against some legends.

Without these props, it would be impossible to defeat the elves with world-destroying abilities.

His ultimate goal is those legendary elves.

When all his elves break through to level 90 or above, he will be almost invincible in the human world.

The seven-star talents of all members are enough to defeat any dissatisfaction.

But the gap with elves like Groudon and Kyogre is still huge.

And sooner or later, he will have to face them.

Not to mention defeating them, at least you must have the strength to fight them.

After eating breakfast, Lucario couldn't wait to test his strength.

30 times the gravity is activated on the training ground.

Feeling the gravity on his body, Lucario felt a lot lighter and not as heavy as before.

It jumped up easily and disappeared in the next moment.

It travels across the entire training ground.

In its sight, everything around it slowed down.

It was as if it had been slowed down countless times, and every detail could be seen extremely clearly.

It feels like it can appear in front of any device with just a slight movement.

It's not that the object is slowing down, it's that it's speeding up.

At the same time, its response has improved to a higher level, and the whole world has become much clearer in front of it.

The steel and fighting energy particles in the surrounding air responded to it.

As long as it wants to, it can mobilize countless energy particles at any time.

This feeling is really great. This is the seven-star talent.

It feels that once it releases its skills, its power will be several levels stronger than before.

So it decisively started to release its skills.

Its gaze was placed on the cube not far away, and the next second it rushed out.

When punched, no energy is used, it is just physical strength.


There was just a loud noise, and the entire cube sank directly.

A huge fist mark appeared in the middle.

The cube was nearly punctured, and numerous cracks appeared along its edges.

The cube could no longer withstand Lucario's attacks.


"Very good, Lucario!"

Jiang Jing clapped his hands, the current cube could no longer satisfy Lucario.

Jiang Jing decided to replace the cube with a stronger target.

Lucario is also very satisfied with his improvement. He can still exert such strong power without using skills, which was something he never dared to think about before.

Lucario's progress was also noticed by other elves.

First there was Boss Cordora, Metagross, and then Lucario. After being upgraded to the seven-star talent, their strength has been greatly improved.

They are also increasingly eager to improve their level.

Then that day, the elves trained harder and harder.

In a forest in Huaguoanling.

Tan Fei and a group of other members wearing black and red Rockets uniforms were watching an excavator working not far away.

"Captain, I think there should be no more here."

"We have dug three feet into the ground, and there is no imaginary material around. How can Xerneas be here."

Next to Tan Fei, a man with sinister eyebrows whispered in his ear.

Tan Fei nodded after hearing this, took out his tablet, and mobilized the entire map.

There are thirty-six red dots on the entire map.

And now, eight of the thirty-six red dots have "crosses" on them.

This is a location that has been ruled out.

And now he marked a "cross" on one of the red dots

"I know!"

"Notify us, stop digging and prepare to evacuate."

"Yes, Captain!"

The subordinates gave a solemn salute and then began to inform.


Suddenly a roar came from a cave not far away.

The next moment, a strong energy wave spread out from inside.

Tan Fei's expression changed drastically, and he secretly said something bad.

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