This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 573 Desperate Ice Missile (please subscribe, please vote)

After fighting until now, there is no one else who can still unleash such a fierce fighting ability.

Rachel's side can only continue to harass and guerrilla.

Without paying attention, Groudon had already advanced almost a kilometer.

There is no way around this, and it is no longer easy to persist until now.

Fortunately, support has arrived and the aircraft can be seen.

At the same time, the distance between Kyogre and Groudon is getting closer and closer.

Their power is also spreading out to the surroundings centered on themselves.

After the two forces converged, a confrontation occurred.

All surrounding seas and land were affected.

Rachel and the others thought that the two elves had not yet faced each other, but in fact, the confrontation between the two legendary elves had already begun.

However, they also had a hunch that the pressure in the surrounding air was getting stronger and stronger.

And now a huge silver-white aircraft came to Rachel's side with a roar.

The door at the back opened, and Rachel let three evil dragons enter.

There was already a woman in purple combat uniform waiting for her at the gate.

"King Ruiqiu, fortunately we did not disgrace our orders and accelerated with all our strength. We finally arrived."

Rachel nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, let's get started!"


Rachel came to the control room and saw two pilots in the control room.

One of them started operating the button in front of him.

On the surface of the aircraft outside, only the wings exuding a metallic luster were opened.

Two cylindrical cannonballs appeared in everyone's sight.

The warhead is a cone and its color is starry sky blue.

At the same time, there was a white wave emanating from the surroundings.

This is not heat, but cold.

Xu Jing became a little excited looking at the aircraft in the sky.

"What secret weapon was used this time? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Chuanjun, do you know?"

Shen Chuanjun frowned and observed carefully.

Then he thought about it and explained:

"This is the latest developed Extremis Ice Missile."

"There is a technology that has never been broken through. Although its power is good, it is impossible to deal with an elf of Groudon's level."

"But not long ago, Kyurem showed that the alliance headquarters found the ice it released and successfully broke through the technology."

Xu Jing also suddenly realized: "So this is it?"

"I don't know how the effect will be. It would be funny if it doesn't."

"No, the cost of making such a shell is as high as tens of millions of alliance coins."

"With such a high cost, the power is not much lower." Shen Chuanjun said with certainty.

At the same time, another aircraft flew towards the opposite side, its target was Kyogre.

Groudon kept his eyes on Kyogre. He had been harassed by Rachel and the others before and had to slow down.

But now Rachel and the others have all stopped attacking, and it is starting to move on with all its strength.

In just one minute, it had already advanced more than three hundred meters.

Despite its huge size, its moving speed is not as slow as expected.

Inside the aircraft, Rachel came to the front desk of the control room.

A blank screen appeared in front of her.

She put her palm on the blank screen.

A red palm print appeared on the screen.

"Okay, let's get started!"


The pilot pressed the button, and the Extremis Ice missiles under the wings were instantly launched.

It shot straight towards Groudon below at the fastest speed.

Groudon felt a little bit of danger, but still didn't choose to hide.

Because there is no word "hide" in its dictionary.

So it allowed the missile to hit itself and explode.


There was only a loud noise, and the Extremis Ice missile exploded into countless blue-white substances.

In an instant, it splashed all over Groudon's body.

Then ice began to form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The temperature in the air dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant, and continued to drop at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the ice continued to spread, and Groudon's entire body was covered with ice in the blink of an eye.

In just three or four seconds, everyone witnessed the entire process of Groudon turning into an ice sculpture.

And it wasn't over yet, a large amount of magma around Groudon's body was also frozen into ice.

Everything within a hundred meters around Groudon was frozen into ice.

Groudon also stopped completely and stopped moving.

The people and elves in the air also felt the biting chill at this time.

It was so cold that the original high temperature of dozens of degrees dropped to below zero in an instant.

The effect of the two missiles is so powerful, no wonder the cost is so high.

Rachel asked the purple-clad staff member next to her: "Is this okay?"

The woman in purple shook her head and said, "That's not all. How can Groudon be completely frozen with this desperate ice missile?"

"The legendary elf Kyurem might still have this possibility."

"After our theoretical testing, Groudon can be frozen for up to ten minutes."

"But since it was used on Groudon for the first time, we don't know if it lasted ten minutes."

We also hope to obtain accurate experimental data through this experiment.

Rachel nodded: "Ten minutes is enough."

"If I get a few more pills, wouldn't it be possible to freeze Groudon for a few hours?"

"You're overthinking this. It's simply impossible."

"We brought a total of eight missiles this time, four on each vehicle."

"The cost of the Desperate Ice Missile is high, one costs tens of millions of alliance coins."

"And it takes a lot of time. It's amazing to be able to make eight in such a short period of time." The woman in purple explained.

"Okay!" Rachel also knew that her question was a bit stupid.

At the same time, Kyogre on the other side was also attacked by the Desperate Ice Missile.

"Bang bang!"

Two missiles were launched from the aircraft.

It hit Kyogre directly, exploded and quickly turned into ice, freezing it.

Soon Kyogre also turned into an ice sculpture and froze in place.

In this way, Kyogre and Groudon were all frozen in place.

Jiang Jing felt the temperature in the air drop suddenly, dropping to below zero, and the biting cold wind blew on each of them.

Jiang Jing had to sigh, these black technology weapons are indeed powerful.

Only by using scientific and technological means can we fight against these mythical beasts with the ability to destroy heaven and earth.



The Super Water City siblings looked at the aircraft with complicated expressions.

Human technology is truly a magical thing.

They have seen it before in another world.

In order to capture the legendary elves, some human organizations have developed a variety of black technology weapons, which is really an eye-opener for them.

Even the two of them were caught. Fortunately, they had a backstage, which was Rayquaza.

Although it is used to solve the problems of Groudon and Kyogre, it can also be used to save lives at critical moments.

Jiang Jing also breathed a sigh of relief. If the support came a little later, he would still have a trump card.

And his trump card is the Dream Summoning Seal, which can be used to summon Anling's Dream.

And that dream was level 95, and the Eye of Data hadn't been updated the last time I went there.

Only six-star talents can be scanned, and Mew's true talents are still open to question.

But even a six-star talent is enough. As long as its colorful airflow is added, it is enough to explode with power even more powerful than the Super Water City siblings.

Of course, it would be better if Mew brought Chaomeng over.

While it was thinking, Tang Jian and the others also gathered over.

"Jiang Jing, you hide it too deeply."

"If I had known you were so powerful, I wouldn't have challenged you."

Tang Jian said with a wry smile.

"Jiang Jing, you are too strong. I doubt that Ji Changkong is no match for you now."

Su Yao was also amazed.

As expected, Jiang Jing cannot be underestimated. When you think what you are seeing is Jiang Jing's limit, he will always pull out a stronger trump card.

"There is no way, I have to hide something."

"And I also borrowed external help this time. Uncle Yao, please don't flatter me."

Elizabeth also came over at the same time, and she was relieved now.

I fought too hard just now and consumed too much.

She is 68 years old this year. Although she has special powers, she cannot withstand such heavy consumption.

"Hello, King Jiang Jing of China."

"Thank you very much for coming to support me. You are very powerful."

Jiang Jing also smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

So the two sides communicated politely.

Others also gathered over. Everyone has persisted until now, and they can be regarded as having a bit of comradeship.

Several kings from the Lighthouse Kingdom also gathered over, but they just said hello and left.

The competition between the Lighthouse Country and the Chinese Country is the most intense.

So the relationship between the two parties is not very good, and it is already very good to just say hello.

Several people returned to the aircraft, and as soon as they sat down, the Black King couldn't help but sigh:

"Brother, that river view in China is really amazing."

"I feel like Elizabeth from the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is no match for him."

"Looking at him like this, he seems to have the strength to be a champion."

"I remember he seemed to be under 30 years old. This is too strong."

Everyone else was silent, and now they came back to their senses and thought about how terrifying Jiang Jing's burst of strength just now was.

Li Muyu looked at the building in front of him. This was the most famous scientific research building in Neon Country, and it was also an industry owned by the family of Neon Country champion Tomohiko Miyazaki.

Many elven technologies came from this building.

But now, under the impact of heavy rain, the water surface is already as high as an adult's knees.

When Li Muyu saw this, he immediately chose to go in.

As the only non-King trainer entering Neon Kingdom this time, he also has his own tasks.

His mission is to investigate what Neon Country is researching.

Just dumping nuclear wastewater can provoke Kyogre and the whole world will not believe it.

It must be something else.

So he needs to investigate.

And he quickly targeted this building.

I believe he will soon know what it is that can actually wake Kyogre from his deep sleep.

"Metrogross, Twin Ax Battle Dragon, let's go!"

Metagross and the Double-axe Battle Dragon guarded Li Muyu as they entered the building.

Just when the kings on both sides were just breathing a sigh of relief, Groudon, who was frozen into a big ice sculpture, had already begun to take action.

The temperature in the air began to rise, and at the same time, the ice in the sea began to twist and melt.

And it began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless currents mixed with sea water.

The pilot of the aircraft was instantly shocked when he saw the data jumping crazily on the screen.

He looked at the time and thought he had made a mistake.

Only two minutes had passed since Groudon was frozen into an ice sculpture, and the effect of the Extremis Ice Missile was actually about to expire.

So he immediately informed Rachel:

"Report to King Rachel that Groudon is freezing faster."


"Didn't you say it was ten minutes? Why did it melt in less than three minutes?"

Rachel was also dumbfounded, why it would melt in less than three minutes.

After she finished speaking, she immediately looked towards Groudon in the sea.

I saw the ice cubes on Groudon turning into ice water and flowing towards the sea water.

The golden lines on Groudon's body glowed with astonishing light.

It almost completely melted in less than ten seconds.


Groudo roared, and in the next moment all the remaining ice blocks on his body shattered and sputtered in all directions.

"No, Groudon broke free."

Groudon, who was free again, activated his skills again, and the hot lava burst out again.

And it suddenly started to exert force, and suddenly rushed out of the sea like a chariot.


The sea surface set off huge waves due to its impact, and it suddenly advanced hundreds of meters.

After a pause, it continued to impact, very fast.

Like a rocket launcher, not by walking, but by bursts of energy.

In less than a minute, they had already advanced nearly a kilometer.

"Quickly, launch the other two missiles."

Rachel quickly gave the order. The distance between Groudon and Kyogre was now too close.

Less than three kilometers away.

You can already see the Kyogre ice sculpture on the opposite side.

And the other side also began to thaw and break free.


The pilot in the aircraft quickly launched the remaining two Extremis Ice missiles.

Groudon was frozen again after being hit.

Before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Kyogre on the opposite side also broke through the ice and came out.

Because Groudon has powerful fire skills, he can break free faster.

Kyogre isn't very good at this, but he's not slow either.

The opponent was also frightened and immediately fired two desperate ice missiles before Kyogre could completely break free.

So Kyogre was frozen again.

The two elves were frozen, but everyone's expressions were not pretty.

Because the freezing time is less than three minutes.

"Is this a fake? Is this a missile worth tens of millions of alliance coins?"

Xu Jing was speechless, feeling that all his money was wasted.

It's cooler now.

...(End of chapter)

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