This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 578 It’s time for crazy upgrades (please subscribe, please vote)



The energy in Latias and Latios has overflowed.

During the surge of energy, you can see that the air has begun to twist.

The Shuidu brothers and sisters began to hit the bottleneck, and strong energy fluctuations were released from his body.

Jiang Jing released the power of the waveguide and wrapped the Shuidu brothers and sisters in it.

It's as if they create strong winds of energy that damage the furniture.

Waves of energy winds were continuously released from the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

Latias could feel that there was an invisible bottleneck in his body, blocking his ascent.

It's like the gate of the dam has been closed. No matter how much water there is, it can't be flushed out. It can only be kept together.

But now Latias's impact is full, and the energy instantly penetrates every corner of the body.

Countless cracks also appeared in the invisible bottleneck in the body.

Finally, it shattered under the huge impact of Latias.

The moment the bottleneck is broken, it is like a floodgate opening, and all the water flows out.

Latias felt that the endless energy was released instantly.

Its body was massively strengthened in an instant.

In an instant, all the energy stored in the body is released, penetrating into every corner of the body.

My body feels vastly improved every moment.

This feeling is really wonderful, and I am almost catching up with the super evolution.

The same was true for Latios, who suddenly erupted with super strong energy fluctuations.

The wave caused caused the energy barrier formed by the power of the waveguide to vibrate.

Jiang Jing looked happy and finally upgraded.

The effect of this Dragon Scale Stone is really strong, and it breaks through the bottleneck directly.

No, it should be said that the Shuidu brothers and sisters are talented enough.

If their talents are not good enough, their bodies will not be able to withstand it at all.


Jiang Jing exhaled, and he could already feel the colorful airflow in his body beginning to move.

So he greeted: "Everyone, gather together."

The other elves' eyes lit up and they gathered over one after another.

They know they can absorb another wave of colored air.

And this time they are Shuidu siblings, they are of high level.

Breaking through level 90, there will definitely be no shortage of colored airflow.

Still two together, it's enough for them to level up again.

Jiang Jing looked around and then began to release colored airflow.

The entire room has been covered by his waveguide power.

Not a trace of the colored airflow will fly out.

The colored airflow surged out within a moment, covering the entire room.

The hotel room was completely enveloped in color.

All elves can see nothing but themselves.

Without any hesitation, they began to absorb the colorful airflow crazily.

They are not worried about the Shuidu brothers and sisters at all, because at this time, the Shuidu brothers and sisters have already been wrapped in a cocoon of energy.

Dragon-type energy and superpower-type airflow are continuously injected into their bodies.

The body that had broken through the bottleneck actually started to improve again.

And the damaged body parts began to slowly recover.


Latias moaned in comfort, it was so comfortable.

Only Jiang Jing has such ability.

It has been waiting for this day for a long time.

At the same time, they themselves lost consciousness in the colorful airflow.

But instead of falling into a deep sleep, his consciousness separated from his body and flew out.

Latias and Latios also knew that each injection of colored airflow would cause the elf's consciousness to leave the body and fly to other places.

Every scene I see has something to do with me.

The last time they were infused with colored airflow, they just saw a battle scene.

I just don’t know what will happen this time.

The next moment, the original darkness came out of sight, and everything you looked around was filled with light pollution.

It was so bright that it couldn't open its eyes and closed them subconsciously.

But I suddenly remembered that it was just consciousness now, without a body.

Thinking of this, it faced the light and saw the scene outside.



The first thing that caught our eyes was a doomsday-like scene.

The two figures in front of it were extremely familiar.

It was Kyogre and Groudon who had fought against each other not long ago.

They are fighting in a city.

But this time it's no longer a battle between Groudon and Kyogre, but they are in the same lineup.

Join forces to fight against other elves.

Rayquaza is also there, but their states are a little different.

At this time, their size became even larger, and the energy fluctuations on their bodies were several times stronger.

Latias and Latios recognized this state of super evolution at a glance.

Groudon and Kyogre are both original returns.

And their opponents are not simple at all.

Their opponents are also a group of huge elves, not even smaller than them.

And the energy fluctuations are also extremely terrifying.

The Water City siblings recognized them: Giratina, Zekrom, Ifeltal, Dialga, Palkia...

All of them are legendary elves with the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

And now they are all engaged in fierce confrontation in the city.

A single skill can destroy several tall buildings.

The entire city is full of ruins and ruins of high-rise buildings.

Billowing gray smoke rose high into the sky.

The entire city was torn to pieces in the battle between these legendary elves.

Latias and Latios were all too familiar with this scene.

There used to be such big melees in another world.

Human cities have been destroyed countless times, but each time they are completely recovered after about a year.

The level of human infrastructure is as strong as ever.

But what does the scene I saw this time mean?

Is this a scene that will happen in the future?

At the same time, they also saw a familiar figure.

It was a huge elf with two golden rings on its body.

Latias and Latios shrank in pain, this is Hupa.

The other party seemed to have seen the Shuidu brothers and sisters, and turned his head to look over.

The next moment, everything in front of the Shuidu brothers and sisters shattered like glass.

His eyes fell into darkness again.

Before they could think about it, they woke up from the cocoon of energy, and then continued to fall into a deep sleep.

Outside, Boscodora and the others were also frantically absorbing the colorful airflow.

The colorful airflow released by Jiangjing this time was too much.

It is no less than the colored airflow he absorbed when he upgraded.

From this we can see how much colored airflow is absorbed.

After just half an hour of absorbing it, Boscodora felt that he was not far from being upgraded.

It had taken a hit since the battle with Kyogre.

Originally, it was extremely confident in itself and felt that it was already very strong.

But after comparing it with Kyogre, I realized that it was still far behind. There was still a long way to go.

The opponents it will encounter in the future will most likely be at this level.

It never wants to face such a situation again. The skills it releases with all its strength cannot cause much damage to the opponent.

He never wanted to experience this kind of powerlessness and despair again.

So it will become more powerful and its level will continue to increase.

So it continues to increase its absorption.

It feels fast, and soon it will be able to upgrade again and its strength will increase.

Not only Boscodora, but other elves also increased their output.

But this time there were too many colorful airflows.

It's enough for them to absorb slowly.

Time passed slowly, and one and a half hours passed quickly.

The colored airflow in the room was gradually absorbed.

It didn't end until the last bit was completely absorbed by Latios and Latias.

The Shuidu brothers and sisters emerged from the cocoon of energy.

They exuded a large amount of overflowing energy, and at the same time the energy fluctuations became much stronger.

Jiang Jing's data eye instantly scanned Latias.

[Elf]: Latias (Blessing of the Sky Overlord)

[Attribute]: Super power, dragon

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV89 → LV91

[Characteristics]: Floating

[Skills]:... Destruction of Death Light (Legend), Mental Power (Legend), Dragon Meteor (Legend), Reverse Scale (Legend), Dragon God Dive (Legend), Natural Control·Super Power (Legend), Natural Control ·Dragon (Legend), Speed ​​Dragon Break (Legend)

The Shuidu brothers and sisters directly improved by two levels in one breath.

They were upgraded from level 89 to level 91 in one go, so they are now level 90 masters.

It's only nine levels away from reaching full level.

Of course, the most important thing is that the talents of the Shuidu brothers and sisters have been upgraded to seven-star talents.

This is the most important point. A one-star improvement will lead to a huge improvement in strength.

Coupled with the increase in the threshold of level 90, the current strength of the Shuidu brothers and sisters can be said to be extremely amazing.

Even without the blessing of his colored airflow, Elizabeth's lightning can be easily defeated.

It's not even inferior to the state he was in when he fought Kyogre before.

Now with the blessing of super evolution and colorful airflow, it is estimated that it can cause more damage to Kyogre.

Jiang Jing nodded with satisfaction, so he had a new trump card.

It is estimated that he has a better chance of winning against the champion Zhou Zunyu.

Jiang Jing mobilized the power of the waveguide to wrap the Shuidu siblings and placed them on the sofa.

Looking back at Boscodora, they were full of energy and energy, and energy seemed to be overflowing from them.

Their improvement is also huge.

Among them, the Wind Speed ​​Dog, the Double Ax Battle Dragon, and the Crystal Steel Snake are three low-level ones and they can hardly control themselves from upgrading.

The three of them have reached level 79 and are facing the bottleneck of level 80.

Once upgraded, it can receive a wave of colored airflow.

In this way, their strength can be improved.

Maybe it can even be upgraded to a level.

This will allow you to level up two levels in a short period of time.

For the elves in Jiangjing, each level of improvement represents a huge improvement in strength.

The next day, Jiang Jing sat on the sofa and listened to Latias describing what he saw yesterday when he was infused with colored airflow.

Jiang Jing became thoughtful after hearing this. This was not the first time this happened.

Unlike other elves who saw various treasures, this time they directly saw the melee between mythical beasts.

Since you can see such a scene, it cannot be an illusion.

So it is very likely that this is a possible future?

He still believed in the ability to predict the future.

After all, there are elves like Celebi who can travel through time, so it's not surprising that he can predict the future.

So in conclusion, the scene Latias saw is likely to happen in the future.

Divine beasts are waging a great melee in the human world.

The damage to the city is also huge.

No one knows how many people have lost their lives in such disasters.

It's best not to happen in China.

So he asked Latias about his memory of the city.


Latias's memory is still very amazing.

It can even share memories, which is a special ability it has after being upgraded to a seven-star talent.

Although it does not greatly improve one's own combat power, it is very useful at critical moments.

Jiang Jing also saw the scene of the melee between the mythical beasts through memory sharing.

Instead of looking at all the mythical beasts, he focused on the buildings in the city.

After watching for half an hour, Jiang Jing frowned.

He couldn't tell which city it was now.

The architectural styles of cities are found in many countries, even China.

It is really impossible to tell which country the city is from.

Finally he sighed, shook his head and said to himself:

"Forget it, I don't want to anymore."

"There's no point in thinking about it any further."

What kind of things can be done with any kind of strength? His current strength is not strong enough.

I wish I were just asking for trouble, but I should try to improve my strength.

In this way, you can still fight against these legendary elves.

It would be great if one day I could have the strength to fight them head-on.

At least you have the ability to choose when faced with them.

Thinking of himself, he took a deep breath and continued to the elves in the room:

"Get ready, let's infuse the colored airflow again."

This morning, the three of them, Wind Speed ​​Dog, were also upgraded to level 80.

You can infuse the colored airflow again.

"There are so many~"

Boss Cordola and the others were already ready and waiting for Jiang Jing.

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Jiang Jing began to mobilize the colorful airflow on his body.

In a moment, the entire room was once again enveloped in colorful airflow.

A large amount of air flow was injected into the body of each elf.

Latios and Latias were not polite at all and absorbed it crazily.

This scene is exactly the same as yesterday, even the position has not changed.

It's just that this time the three of them were replaced by Wind Speed ​​Dogs, who were wrapped in a cocoon of energy.

an hour and a half later

The colorful airflow throughout the room was once again absorbed by the elves.

I saw that among my eleven elves, except for the Shuidu brother and sister, all the others had been upgraded to another level.

It can be said that in two days, Jiang Jing's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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