This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 615 Fight with all your heart (please subscribe, please vote)

A group of people yelled and ordered the elves to fight.

They had never been so tired. They had been fighting since they entered the Alaska Range.

He never stopped, and his opponents became stronger every time.

Now you have to enter the battle again before entering the Pillar of the Sky.

When had they ever encountered such a difficult situation?

And this group of elves was just the beginning, other elves came over one after another, and each one became more powerful than the last.

They gradually began to be unable to resist.

The leader was unwilling to give up. If she retreated, wouldn't her broken mirror cone be wasted?

Thinking of this, she became even more determined.

At the same time, other organizations opened secret realms in other locations in the Pillar of the Sky secret realm and entered it.

However, like the previous organizations, they were attacked by elves.

Although their activation strength is not weak, their physical strength is also high.

The physical exertion of fighting all the way was really great.

It was impossible for them to retreat, and a broken mirror cone was basically scrapped.

It would be a real loss if there is no gain.

While they were having a melee with the elves in the forest, Jiang Jing also started his own journey towards the tower.

Sky Pillar 20th floor.


As soon as Jiang Jing led the elves up the stone steps, he saw dozens of elves rushing towards them.

King Chuanshan, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and the three gophers.

【Elf】: Nidoking

[Attribute]: ground, poison


[Level]: LV78

[Characteristics]: Poison Sting


The other elves are all around level 75, and I am quite a few at level 78.

As the number of layers increases, the strength of these wild elves also continues to increase.

Now the highest level has reached level 78, and he has not yet reached half the height of the Sky Pillar.

However, it is still not difficult for Jiang Jing, but it will consume more energy.

"There are so many~"

Boss Cordora rushed to the front again, pressing all the super gravity fields towards the opposite side.

Its sharp claws were also covered in silver steel energy.

It was the first to charge out, and Nidoking's movements were as slow as a turtle crawling in its eyes.

It struck out with its claws and hit Nidoking hard.

It flew out as if it had been hit hard by an assault vehicle.

The battle between other elves is also about to break out.

The battle was completely over in less than five minutes.

Nidoking and the others were no match at all, and they all lay on the ground panting.

Jiang Ding nodded and continued to the next floor.

Those defeated elves did not need his treatment and could fully recover after a day's rest.

After all, he is an elf with a five-star talent, so his recovery speed cannot be slow.

after an hour

Sky Pillar Level 45

"Metrogross, use the iron hoof light!"


Metagross's eyes were filled with dazzling light, and countless steel energy gathered in its mouth, and finally burst out suddenly.

Iron hoof light!

Opposite it is a telepathic clay doll with a thick body.

【Elf】: Telepathy Doll

[Attribute]: Super power, ground


[Level]: LV85

[Characteristics]: Floating


The current opponents have reached level 85, which is not the peak yet.

It can be expected that there are probably many elves above level 90 at the highest level.


The telepathic earth puppet was not idle either, and also activated its skills.

Orange-yellow energy waves filled with aura of destruction were released from its body and turned into dazzling energy pillars that penetrated.

Destroy the death ray!

The skills of both sides clashed fiercely, and in less than three seconds the winner was decided.

The destructive death light was blasted away, and the iron hoof light continued to attack and hit the telepathic earth puppet.

The telepathic soil puppet could not withstand the attack at all and was blown away, hitting a boulder. The boulder shattered instantly. At the same time, the telepathic soil puppet was also severely injured and fell into a coma.

The battle with the other elves ended quickly.

Jiang Dingding nodded and immediately started heading to the next floor.

Floor 52

Lucario waved his fists, and countless fighting energy covered his fists.

It hit the Dragon King Scorpion not far away.

The opponent also waved his pair of pincers to resist.

But Lucario is too fast.

The Dragon King Scorpion was beaten with countless fists and could only defend itself, but it was still of no use.

Just a few seconds later, the armor on it exploded instantly.

It itself was blown away and hit the ground hard.

[Elf]: Dragon King Scorpion

[Attribute]: poison, evil


[Level]: LV86

[Characteristics]: Sharp eyes


In addition to the Dragon King Scorpion, this layer also has poisonous elves such as the Rice Spoon Snake and the Tank Skunk.

Floor 67

Emperor Nabo's body was surrounded by countless currents.

In the next moment, these large whirlpools of water spread out towards the middle, and in a moment, more than twenty level 87 moon rocks and sun rocks were hit by skills.

After three minutes of continuous attack, they were all defeated.

Other elves also quickly eliminated their opponents.

At this time, Jiang Jing had been climbing the tower for five hours.

As time goes by, the level and strength of the elves are increasing, and it is not so easy to get over it so easily.

He now understands that the entire Pillar of the Sky has a hundred layers, a hundred layers.

Level 87 elves have already appeared on the 67th floor. It’s really hard to imagine how powerful the elves behind them will be.

Now even Boscodora feels a little tired.

Still able to hold on, he fed the elves with energy cubes and headed to the next level.

after an hour

Floor 80

"Gengar, use it to bring disaster!"

"Kou Jie~"

Geng Gui's eyes released an astonishing ghostly light.

A steady stream of ghost energy was released from its body.

All the purple energy balls were densely packed and fired out like a machine gun.

Its opponents are also a group of ghost-type elves.

Gengar, Night Demon, Seductive Eye, Cursed Doll.

Facing Gengar's attack, they also launched an attack.

This group of ghost-type elves have suddenly reached level 89. They are not that easy to deal with, especially when they gather in groups.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Countless skills clashed fiercely.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, Gengar was stronger in the end and persisted longer.

Other elves are completely out of control.

In the end, he was defeated by the attacks of countless purple energy groups.

Jiang Jing also threw two elf balls and subdued the strongest Gengar and Night Demon.

The quality of the elves in this Sky Pillar is too high. It would be a waste not to conquer a few of them.

When I go back this time, I will probably have hundreds of elves above level 80 in my back garden.

The entire back garden is a bit unusable.

While thinking about Jiang Jing, he continued to the next floor.

two hours later

At this time, time has changed from day to night.

The moonlight shines through the space of the Sky Pillar.

Sky Pillar 89th Floor

"Double-axe battle dragon, steel-armored crow, you two work well together, and you can take care of them all in one go."



The steel-armored crow and the double-axe battle dragon roared and then devoted themselves to the battle.

They have been fighting intensively for a day now, and their bodies are already feeling exhausted, but they know that the battle is far from over.


The desert dragonflies and red-faced dragons on the opposite side quickly attacked them.

This group of dragon elves are all level 89 beings. It doesn't matter if they are higher than them, there are still more of them.

When more than a dozen of them attack at the same time, ordinary trainers simply cannot withstand it.

Only Jiang Jing and his elves can resist.

The steel-armored crow waved its wings, and the steel energy covered both wings. It circled twice in the air and launched countless feather arrows at the desert dragonfly, which collided with the dragon wave launched by the opponent.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The next moment, the steel-armored crow itself launched an impact like a sharp arrow. Its wings were like two steel wings, striking hard at the energy dragon's body, causing huge damage.


There was a loud noise, the energy dragon exploded, and the steel-armored crow swung its wings and struck the desert dragonfly.


The desert let out a shrill scream before being blasted into the earth.

The whole floor shook slightly.

Among the smoke and dust, the steel-armored crow rushed out again and attacked the other elves.

The Double Ax Battle Dragon is not idle either. It has taken too many precious props in the past few months, and its level has been rising crazily.

Now through fierce fighting, it has completely settled.

It's rare to have a fight of this quality every year.

But today it can fight to its heart's content.

Its body is extremely excited, even after playing for a day.

The majestic dragon energy surged out of it.

These majestic dragon energy turned into dragon waves and shot out.

The red-faced dragon on the opposite side also released dragon waves. It's just a little smaller than the double-axe fighting dragon.

Facing the double ax battle dragon, Dragon Wave is no match at all.


After the giant dragon devoured the opponent, it danced its body and slammed into the red-faced dragon.


The red-faced dragon was devoured and suffered heavy injuries in an instant.

The steel-armored crow and the double-axe dragon attacked with all their strength and quickly eliminated their opponents.

The other elves, Boss Cordora, were also engaged in a fierce battle.

As for the Shuidu brothers and sisters, they did not take action. They were conserving their energy to deal with the elves on the top floor.

The two elves who gave them telepathy were absolutely extremely powerful.

Moreover, the elves above the 90th floor of Jiangjing are becoming more and more powerful.

Soon they arrived at the 91st floor.

Even the height of the first floor is obviously much higher than the one below, and the materials used are also more advanced.

There are a lot of attack marks left on the walls here, but there is no damage.

This level is like a garden.

After they came up, they suddenly lit up, and several huge figures appeared in Jiang Jing's sight.


What appeared in front of Jiang Jing was the extremely large Bulbasaur.

[Elf]: Overlord Bulbasaur

[Attribute]: grass, poison


[Level]: LV91

[Characteristics]: Lush


Jiangjing Secret Channel Sure enough, after reaching the 90th floor, the elf's level also exceeded level 90.

Behind Bulbasaur there are several elves, such as the Great Bamboo Sunflower, the Lizard King, the Earth Turtle, the Monarch Snake, the Thundering King Kong Ape, and the Brikaron.

They are all grass-type imperial families, and their levels have actually reached level 90.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, you take the lead!"


The Wind Speed ​​Dog rushed out first, and blazing flames were released from its body.

A crimson pillar of flame spurted out from its mouth.

Jet flames!

After Overlord Bulbasaur Hanami Fengsu Dog released his skills, it also started to release them.

I saw the stamens behind it suddenly releasing an astonishing white light beam.


The skills of both sides fiercely clashed.

Jet flame VS solar beam!

At the same time, the battle with other elves also started.

An elf finds a rival.

There were seven elves in total, and Metagross and Boscodora did not join them.

One-on-one duel.

Wind Speed ​​Dog is facing off against the Overlord Bulbasaur. It has an advantage in terms of attributes. If it loses even with this, it might as well be killed by a headlong collision.

So the two sides started a fierce confrontation.

Ten minutes later, Overlord Bulbasaur fell to the ground covered in charred black and lost the ability to fight.

At level 90, it is obviously impossible to be the opponent of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Especially the wind speed dog with a complete fireball slate.


Wind Speed ​​Dog looked up to the sky and roared to declare his victory.

It feels that it is too strong now, and the overlord Bulbasaur is no match for it at all.

After defeating several grass-type Yusanjia, Jiang Jing continued to the 91st floor.

This time, they are all from the Water Element Yu San Family, and their levels have also reached level 91.

The strongest one is the Overlord Water Arrow Turtle. Faced with such an opponent, the Crystal Steel Snake takes action.

It is completely immune to water-based skills.

The Water Arrow Turtle's water-based skills are completely useless to it.

So it was another easy battle.

On the 92nd floor are the three fire-based imperial families. Emperor Nabo used his power to defeat the fire-breathing dragon.

On the 93rd floor, the elves of the ground and rock types have reached level 93.

Even if you want to defeat the elves in Jiangjing, the difficulty has skyrocketed.

The 94th floor is for elves with super powers, the 95th floor is for ghosts, the 96th floor is for fairies, and the 97th floor is for steel.

The 98th floor is the dragon-type elves.

And the level has reached the extreme.

Floors 96 and 97 are all level 95 elves.

This seems to be a limit that cannot be exceeded after reaching level 95.

Of course, the dragon-type quasi-gods in front of me bite the land shark, the violent flying dragon, the three-headed evil dragon, the fast dragon...

All the dragon-type quasi-gods from Yishui are here.

Their levels have suddenly reached level 96.

The six dragon-type quasi-gods are all here.

This is only the penultimate floor, there are even more powerful opponents on the 99th floor.

"Boscodora, Metagross, Lucario, Gengar, Crystal Steel Snake, and Wind Speed ​​Dog choose your opponents."


The six elves whose names were called lined up to choose their opponents.

Boss Cordora faced the Tyrannosaurus first, and in its opinion the Tyrannosaurus was the strongest.

Metagross approached the Biting Land Shark, Lucario chose the Staff Tail Scale Armored Dragon, Gengar chose the Sticky Melu Dragon, and the Crystal Steel Snake to deal with the Kuailong. In the end, the Wind Speed ​​Dog could only choose three evil dragons.

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