This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 620: Zygarde Core (please subscribe, please vote)

However, Jiang Jing was a little worried, even if he had repelled them all this time.

These people still won't give up.

After all, no one will give up on Rayquaza easily. Even if they know it is very difficult, there will still be people who will continue to fight.

If you retreat this time, your strength will only be stronger when you come back next time.

Even various black technology weapons will be brought.

Jiang Jing expressed his worries.

The middle-aged man remained calm after hearing this: "You don't have to worry about this problem."

"We have already considered it. The secret realm of the Pillar of the Sky will be exposed sooner or later."

"We are very satisfied that we have been able to hide it until now."

"And they can't capture Lord Dragon God."

"They can never imagine how powerful Lord Dragon God is."

"And they can't succeed with us here."

"After suffering a few losses, they will naturally stop continuing."

The middle-aged man said confidently that he was indeed qualified to be confident.

It was also the first time for him to see the level 98 exotic beast, the Four-jawed Needle Dragon. This was already a strength that only a champion could possess.

Not even the champion has his level of strength.

And I don’t know how many people like him there are.

Jiang Jingding nodded. It seemed that he didn't need to worry about them anymore.

The Alaska Range is already dangerous enough, but now there's Denali.

Metagross tribe, the people of Meteor, the elves of the Pillar of the Sky and the elves in the periphery.

With all the layers of protection, it was surprisingly difficult to capture Rayquaza.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

So he continued: "Then I wish you all the best."

After a few brief chats, it was time to say goodbye.

Jiang Jing said goodbye to the others and left the secret realm.

At this time, there was no trace of the Metagross group around.

Jiang Jing also rode Latias to find a place on the mountainside and started to light a fire to cook.

After a day of fighting, the elves were all tired and had hardly had a good rest.

Jiang Jing himself felt a little tired, and the colored air flow consumed a lot.

The tent was quickly set up, and Jiang Jing was cooking instant noodles.

Not only instant noodles, but also a lot of side dishes.

Eggs and sausages are must-haves, and then there are small side dishes such as pickles, beef tendons, and kelp.

A big bowl of noodles with a variety of side dishes is a perfect match in the cold Denali Mountains.

While he was eating, the other elves were also feasting.

This time they were also exhausted. They rushed up Denali Mountain from the outside in one day, and started fighting again at the Pillar of the Sky without stopping.

From the first floor to the 99th floor in one breath.

If an ordinary elf is beaten halfway, he may not be able to withstand it.

If it were Ji Changkong who came, he would probably be able to reach the 98th floor, but there is a high probability that he will fall on the 98th floor and not be able to go to the 99th floor.

Because the strength of those six quasi-god elves is indeed fierce.

After a quick dinner, everyone got into the Poké Balls and rested.

Jiang Jing lay in the tent, and the warm tent made people fall asleep quickly.

Before going to bed, Jiang Jing briefly summarized what he had gained today.

Four stone fragments made up two stone slabs.

The strength of his ace elf Boscodora and Metagross has been greatly improved.

He himself was very satisfied with this.

Then there are the various precious props, especially the Sun Shine Gold, which is the most precious thing besides the slate fragments.

Due to its scarcity, you can completely remove it in a thumb-sized amount and exchange it for props with other attributes.

With this thing, it is enough to raise the eleven elves to another level.

As for the Zygarde crystal, it was just a side reward for the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

There are also Phoenix Crystals and Moon Crystals, both of which are good.

When you return, you can increase your elves by one level on average.

In this way, I will be more confident when facing Zhou Zunyu.

It's just that the level of my elf is indeed a bit lower.

Zhou Zunyu is very powerful, and he doubts that there will be many elves above level 95.

After all, Zhou Zunyu is also a very hard-working genius.

Suddenly I thought of the slate prop, and then I thought of the previous champion Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng comes from an ordinary family, slightly worse than Jiang Jing, but in the end he defeated countless geniuses and became the champion.

Jiang Jing knew that he was cheating, so he was able to defeat those geniuses.

But as for Ye Zheng, if there was no cheating, no matter how talented he was, it would be impossible to become a champion.

At most, he can become a candidate for the King of Heaven, but he is still far from the champion.

But he succeeded. Jiang Jing had a chat with President Zhou.

He said something very interesting. Ye Zheng's main elves all have one attribute, which is grass.

And their talents are poor, so they have never been replaced.

It wasn't until he became a gold-level trainer that Ye Zheng began to conquer non-grass-type elves.

Moreover, the elf food and energy cubes Ye Zheng used in the early stages of his life were not top-notch, but his growth rate was not slow at all.

When Jiang Jing heard this, he felt that Ye Zheng's sign seemed like he had obtained the green slate.

And the integrity of the stone slab is not small, it may even be complete.

This is a golden finger for an ordinary person.

If you can have a complete slate for grass-type elves to use, the talent of grass-type elves can be improved over time.

There will be no problem with six-star talents for decades.

And with the stone slab, you can quickly level up even if you don't have the top elf food and energy cubes.

If you think about it this way, it's really possible.

It is really possible that Ye Zheng owns a complete slate.

What about Zhou Zunyu?

Could he also have a fragment of the slate?

There should be no complete slate, otherwise given Zhou Zunyu's talent, family background, and his own special abilities.

If you add a complete stone slab, it's hard to imagine what level of strength it will reach. It will probably be able to impact the leader.

Jiang Jing was inclined to believe that Zhou Zunyu had fragments of the stone slab, but they were not complete.

Therefore, the danger of Zhou Zunyu strengthened again in his heart.

But since I have Shuidu brothers and sisters, I will definitely be the one to win in the end.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jing also slowly fell into sleep.

"Damn it, are we just going to leave like this?"

"I didn't get anything, so I took a look at the Pillar of the Sky. I didn't even see Rayquaza."

At this time, we were in a temporarily opened camp at the foot of Denali Mountain.

A group of people were warming themselves by the fire and chatting under the bright lights.

They were one of the organizations that came to capture Rayquaza.

It's just that the current situation is embarrassing. They spent a lot of financial and material resources to enter Denali Mountain.

Even after scrapping a broken mirror cone, Rayquaza was still not seen.

Although he successfully entered the secret realm.

But after just one glance at the Pillar of the Sky, it was gone.

The elves in the secret realm are really too strong.

Not only are they powerful, they are also numerous.

It feels like the Metagross group on the top of the mountain is not as strong as the elves in the secret forest.

Their group of trainers were no match for them in a state of physical and mental exhaustion, and there were even casualties.

The other party's attack was a deadly one.

There was no room for them to fight back at all.

We can only leave the secret realm and find a place to rest for a while before getting up and thinking of a solution.

"How about working together with other organizations and sharing the harvest equally in the end?"

Suddenly someone made a suggestion. As soon as he finished speaking, the leader's eyes lit up and he nodded: "What a good idea."

"There is no other way now but to bring everyone together to cooperate."

"I don't believe it. There are so many of us and we can't even handle a Pillar of the Sky."

The others nodded vigorously, feeling energetic again.

Early the next morning, there was a blanket of white snow on the mountainside.

Jiang Jing opened his tent and felt a cold air blowing on his face as soon as he came out.

"Phew, it's really cold."

"This environment is really not habitable for humans."

Jiang Jing muttered a few words to himself and then started to wash up and make breakfast.


A stream of heat rose from the stove.

Jiang Jing looked at the eggs being fried on the pan.

At the same time, it also started preparing breakfast for the elves.

After a night's rest, Boscodora and the others have completely recovered and can continue to fight.

Soon Jiang Jing's breakfast was finished.

Two poached eggs, a bowl of porridge with meat floss, pickled beans and a large glass of milk, and finally two large loaves of bread.

It can be said to be a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Just as he was eating breakfast, a figure suddenly appeared in Jiang Jing's sight.

He did not let go of the sensory net unless danger approached to alert him.

Therefore, the figure that appeared in his sight was naturally not dangerous.

Jiang Jing was stunned when he saw it, and the movements of his hands stopped.

Jiang Jing was stunned. The figure in front of him was so rare.

It's actually Zygarde's core cell.

This is the initial form of the legendary elf Zygarde.

Zygarde's various forms are formed by the gathering of two cell-like things called "cores" and "cells".

It will have different forms depending on the completeness of cellular synthesis.

A Kigerde cell resembles a green planarian.

And ordinary cells and cores are almost identical.

Except the color of the chest in the middle is different.

The core is like a pink gem inlaid on its chest.

What is in front of him is a Zygarde core cell.

In the anime, Zygarde's cores and cells are distributed in every corner of the Kalos and Alola regions.

"Core" and "Cell" do not have the ability to fight individually, but once they start to gather together, they can show off their skills as "Zigerd".

There are many cells compared to the core, and they form parts other than the brain.

Cells have no will and always follow instructions from the core.

Only a small amount of the core exists, has a will of its own, and is able to act alone.

It becomes the brain, gathering cells to form Zygarde's form.

Jiang Jing's data eye also quickly scanned the past.

[Elf]: Zygarde Core

[Attribute]: dragon, ground

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV1

[Characteristics]: Group deformation


The current Zygarde cells don't even know a single skill.

And there is only one level above the level, which is really ridiculously low.

Then 10% of the status will not be level 10.

But even at level 10, he is still a legendary elf with seven-star talents.

It's no problem to defeat elves with two or three-star talents in the 20s or 30s, and it's not difficult even at level 40.

Is fifty percent equal to level 50?

Jiang Jing didn't know that animation at 50% was already very powerful.

Some gym leaders are no longer opponents, let alone complete ones.

He looked at the core of Zigerd, while the other party's eyes were on the poached eggs on the plate in front of Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing noticed its gaze and came to the front of Zigerd Core with a plate.

"Eat it!"

After hearing Jiang Jing's words, Zigold Core started eating immediately.

Despite its small body, it can swallow a poached egg in one bite.

Jiang Jing felt that Jigeld's core emotion was still joyful.

Zygarde has two cores, but I don’t know where the other core is?

However, Jiang Jing is still a little confused about its sudden appearance.

He is really the emperor of Europe, and he actually met the core of Zigerde so easily.

Now that you have encountered it, there is no reason to miss it.

If you carry it with you and encounter danger, you may be able to directly summon the complete form of Gundam Zygarde.

So he tried to communicate with Zygarde Core.

"Why are you here?"

Zygard Core looked at Jiang Jing and made a unique sound.

It said that it was attracted by the breakfast made by Jiang Jing.

And it plans to follow Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing:? ? ?

Is it that simple? Conquered the core of Zygarde after just one meal of poached eggs?

Zygarde Core continued to express that its instinct told it to stay with Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing felt that his intuition was right.

I will probably face a lot of mythical beasts in the future, and I will really need the help of a boss like Zygarde.

The world is too dangerous now. Who knows when a legendary elf will appear.

There are also the top black technologies in the human world.

Although it has never been beaten by black technology, it knows that it will be absolutely dangerous if faced with it.

Jiang Jing picked up Zygarde Core and saw it quickly running into his coat.

Sticking tightly to Jiang Jing's clothes, Jiang Jing moved a little, but Zigerde's core remained motionless, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Jiang Jing looked happy, he had made a lot of money by harvesting a Zygeld core.

The harvest in these two days has been so great that it is almost unreal.

He needed to get home quickly and take it easy.

Thinking of this, he started to pack his things and start the journey home.

three days later

"Jingshen, you came out so soon?"

In a Chinese restaurant, Gao Guang looked at Jiang Jing with shocked eyes.

He didn't expect Jiang Jing to come out so quickly. It wasn't as long as it took them to enter the Alaska Mountains.

Jiang Dingding nodded and said with a smile: "This trip is finally over."

"My goal has been achieved, and it's time to go back."

"I've been quite happy lately."

"I will come again when I have time."

"At that time I will probably be able to travel with a relaxed mind."

After eating, Jiang Jing took out a metal box the size of a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it over.

"This is a gift for you. Open it after I leave."

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