This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 625 Before reaching the summit (please subscribe, please vote)

The electric shock monster's own body should not continue to absorb it now, and it is not good for its body.

It takes time to settle before it can continue to be absorbed.

It feels that its body has become stronger now, but it is a bit weak and it cannot fully control its body.

Feeling a little bloated.

Jiang Jing couldn't help but nod, the electric monster's strength was now improved.

You can now join the battle.

If it has a complete stone slab on its body, its strength can be improved to another level.

It's a pity that the other half of the slate is still on the Lightning Bird in a secret place.

It is also possible that there is another elf, but there is no news about it until now.

The Electric Shock Monster now has no shortage of props, and Jiang Jing has to start preparing for the improvement of other elves.

It wants the other elves to advance at least one more level.

The Electric Shock Monster needs to be upgraded to level 87 before fighting Zhou Zunyu.

This way you can fight against elves above level 95.

Other elves must also be upgraded to at least one level, at least to level 85, and level 86 is the best.

The three lowest-level ones in Jiang Jing's hands are the Wind Speed ​​Dog Double Ax Battle Dragon and the Crystal Steel Snake.

They are still only level 84, but they are not far from being upgraded.

It just so happened that among the treasures exchanged this time, there were also prepared for Wind Speed ​​Dog and Double Ax Battle Dragon.

"Okay, let's start training."

"We don't have much time, so let's cherish the next training time."

"There are so many~"


Boscado pulled them off to train one by one with great interest.

It requires hard training, absorbing all the props used in the past few days, and allowing the body to completely settle down to continue absorbing the Sun Yao Jin.

Jiang Jing knew that the next battle with Zhou Zunyu was very important.

This would be a turning point, and it would be time for him to become a true champion.

No one can stop him from reaching the top.

three days later


Jiang Jing looked at the countless golden liquids in the cauldron.

The amount this time was twice that of the last time. Jiang Jing used almost all of his Sun Yao Gold.

Only a piece of Sun Yao Jin the size of an egg was left for collection.

Jiang Jing pushed the cauldron to the training ground.

Several bowls were set out and the golden liquid was evenly distributed.

There are six elves in total: Boss Cordora, Metagross, Lucario, Emperor Nabo, Steel Armor Crow, and Crystal Steel Snake.

"let's start!"

"There are so many~"

Boscodora picked up the bowl, poured all the golden liquid in it into his mouth, and drank it quickly.

It disappeared immediately and the taste was just so-so.

But as soon as it entered its belly, it started to react.

The surging heat quickly circulated to every part of its body.

It also felt what Lucario felt that day, which was indeed extraordinary.

The heat made it uncomfortable.

I wanted to jump into the ice water right away.

Emperor Napoleon himself felt the same way.

Jiang Jing was already ready.

The Shuidu brothers and sisters took action at the same time, activating the freezing beam.


Boss Cordora, Metagross, and the other six elves were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

Boss Cordora felt better about herself in the ice sculpture.

This burst of cold air also calmed him down a lot, allowing him to feel his body's condition more clearly.

A strange force combined with the magnetism in its body.

Golden lines appeared on the surface of its body again.

Its lines became brighter and brighter, and at the same time they began to spread, and the lines became more and more complex.

Soon it spread all over the body, and the whole body was filled with golden lines.

Boscodora felt that his ability to control gravity had been strengthened.

The difficulty of activating the hypergravity field was immediately reduced.

And it feels that it has activated the hypergravity field again, and the multiple of gravity can most likely increase the gravity by ten to twenty times.

The suppression of the enemy has also become stronger.

Boscodora is very satisfied with this, and his strength has been improved even before his level has improved.

It will be more confident next time when it faces those legendary elves.

Thinking of this, the body will absorb and transform it faster.

It took less than half an hour to meet the conditions for upgrade.

"There are so many~"

The ice on it has completely melted.

At the same time, it set off a huge energy aftermath that spread towards the surroundings.

Boscodora's eyes released an astonishing light.

It was successfully upgraded from level 88 to level 89.

[Elf]: Boss Cordora (complete steel slate, 1/3 rock slate)

[Attribute]: steel, rock

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★ (Legendary)

[Level]: LV88→LV89

[Characteristics]: Hard head


But this is not the end, because Boscodora itself is not far from being upgraded.

After taking Sun Yao Jin, I quickly upgraded.

Next, its energy fluctuations continue to rise, shortening the distance to level 90.


The Metagross suspended in the air not far away also erupted with strong energy fluctuations.

It has also been upgraded, reaching level 89 like Boscodora.

The two of them have always been like this. Except for the Shuidu brothers and sisters, there is not much difference between the two of them.

After the two of them, the first one to be upgraded is Emperor Nabo, which has the lowest level, only level 84.

This time it was finally upgraded to level 86. No, it should be said that it was originally going to be upgraded to level 86.

The effect of the water drop crystal is still continuing. Once it is completely digested, it will most likely be upgraded to level 86 in a few days, but due to the effect of the sun's glowing gold.

Let the level increase be advanced, so the remaining energy can be used to increase it by another level.

This is very possible because the energy fluctuations on it have been increasing rapidly.

At the same time, its body also began to undergo some changes.

Golden lines appeared on its wings, which had been tempered.

It can explode with stronger power in close combat.

It showed an expression of surprise. This Sun Yao Gold is really a good thing. Everyone who has used it said it is good.

The effect is amazing, but it's a pity that I can only use it this time. I don't know when I will use it next time.

As for other elves, their levels have also been improved one after another.

Lucario, Steel Armor Crow, and Crystal Steel Snake were upgraded successively.

Lucario and Steel Armor Crow have been upgraded to level 87, while the Crystal Steel Snake has been upgraded to level 86.

This speed of improvement is really exaggerated. It took less than two years for them to reach level 80 and they were already almost at level 90.


After the five elves were absorbed, only Emperor Nabo remained.

And half an hour later it completed the upgrade again.

It was directly upgraded to level 87, which is closer to level 90.

This level has surpassed Lucario, and the Steel-Armored Crow has become the highest-level elf after the Water City siblings, Boss Cordora, and Metagross.

It has no super evolution and can only make up for it through levels.

Once the Water Droplet Slate is complete, its level can be improved by another level.

This is only one step away from Boss Cordora and Metagross.

Jiang Jing looked at the elves emitting strong energy fluctuations and couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

This is not his peak strength yet. He will be at his strongest after a while.

In this way, no matter how strong Zhou Zunyu is, he will still have the confidence to defeat the opponent.

Jiang Jing took out his cell phone and glanced at it. At this time, there was less than a month left before the championship campaign.

Each championship campaign is scheduled in May.

At this time, the warm-up has begun, and news and publicity about the championship campaign can be seen everywhere.

As Jiang Jing walked on the street, he could see the electronic screen in the square not far away playing the warm-up for the championship campaign.

The portraits of the 18 kings plus the champion Zhou Zunyu are all on it.

Zhou Zunyu's portrait is at the top, and below are Jiang Jing and the other heavenly kings.

Among them, the heads of Jiang Jing, Ji Changkong, and Qiao Nan are larger and more conspicuous.

There is a VS in the middle, and obviously the officials believe that only Jiang Jing has the strength to challenge for the championship.

Riverview is basking in the sun, and now the weather is getting hotter.

Jiang Jing looked at the sun and felt that it was time to become a real champion this summer.

His small stage goals have not been completed for a long time.

On the way back, Jiang Jing drank milk tea while shopping.

During this period, Boscodora and the others began to settle themselves, trying to adapt to their increased strength.

Gengar, Electric Shock Monster, Double Ax Dragon, and Wind Speed ​​Dog have been upgraded to another level.

At this time, all the precious props exchanged from President Zhou were used up.

If you want to upgrade, you will have to wait a while.

But it won't take long, because Boscodora and Metagross are already level 89.

Once they reach level 90, they will have a lot of opportunities for colored airflow infusion, and their level can also be raised again.

Jiang Jing is ready and waiting for the championship campaign to begin.

League History 2028, April 28, the weather was sunny.

The weather in the entire Fujian Province is extremely sunny, and the weather forecast shows that it will not rain in the next few days.

Jiang Jing stood in front of the floor-length mirror in the living room.

Today he wore a new outfit. He wore his elegant three-quarter hair and black short-sleeved upper body.

There are pictures of eleven of his elves, including Boscodora and Metagross.

He was wearing black trousers and the same black sneakers.

At this time, he was wearing all black, all of which were brands he endorsed.

His own clothes were also specially made, tailor-made just for him.

He will wear this outfit to participate in the championship campaign.

"So handsome!"

After Jiang Jing said something narcissistically, he took his satchel and went out.

He replaced his backpack with a satchel. This was a new one. It was very expensive, but the space inside also became larger.

"Come out, Steel-Armored Crow!"


The steel-armored crow sprang out of the elf ball and landed on the ground.

Jiang Jing jumped to its back and shouted: "Let's go!"


The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and brought up a strong wind before rushing into the sky.

Flying towards the airport in the distance.

The students of Xiamen University naturally also saw the steel-armored crow flying rapidly in the sky.

"It's Senior Jiang Jing's steel-armored crow."

"Is Jingshen going to compete for the championship?"

"It's a pity that the tickets for this championship campaign are too expensive. I really can't watch it. I can only watch the live broadcast."

"You said Jingshen can defeat Zhou Zunyu now and become the new champion."

Jiang Jing's appearance caused countless people to discuss it.

"Come on Jingshen!"

Some fans shouted directly, and others also shouted after hearing it.

In the distant office, Mr. Huang looked at the river view outside through the window and smiled happily.

Due to physical reasons, he is no longer suitable for going out for long periods of time.

He did not choose to go to the venue for this championship campaign, but he will watch the battle in front of the TV.

He felt that once Jiang Jing left, it would be time for him to become the champion when he came back.

It is also a blessing to have such a talent rise under his witness.

The location of the championship campaign is arranged in the Magic City this time.

But this time the location was arranged in another gymnasium.

Tenglong Stadium

This is a stadium that was built a few years ago to surpass the Bird's Nest in the Imperial Capital.

The stadium was also completed this year, and the first grand event completed was the championship campaign.

In the week before the championship campaign, countless people from all over the country rushed to the Magic City.

The number of people in the Magic City is increasing every day, and it is bustling.

Trainers not only from across the country, but also from all over the world are coming to watch this event, and naturally there are also people from the alliance headquarters among them.

"Wow, there are so many people!"

Su Wei looked at the dense crowd on the street and sighed.

Su Jincheng beside him also expressed emotion:

"There are more and more people here these days."

“We didn’t have this many people when we competed before.”

"The campaign hasn't started yet. When the championship campaign starts, there will be more people." Liu Bin said while admiring the young ladies on the street.

Su Wei, Su Jincheng, and Liu Bin have matured a lot over the past few years.

They are about the same age as Jiang Jing and Jiang Jing, and they are already in their third year.

The boyishness about him is gone.

Even Su Wei has started to grow a beard.

"By the way, when did that guy from Jiang Jing say he'll arrive?"

Su Wei suddenly asked.

"It's said to be arriving in the afternoon, so we can go to the airport in time now."


Half an hour later, at the entrance of Hongqiao Airport, Su Wei and Su Jincheng finally saw Jiang Jing.

"Awei, Jincheng, Abin, long time no see."

Jiang Jing came out of the airport and looked at the familiar two people and smiled.

Although he has many friends, there are only a few who are truly good friends.

"Hey, Jiang Jing, you're still the same as before."

After a few people hugged each other, Su Wei laughed.

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "That's natural, I'll always be 18."

"Let's go, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's find a place to eat."

"No problem, I know a pretty good restaurant and I've always wanted to try it."

They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were very excited to get together again, as if they had endless topics to talk about.

We arrived at an antique restaurant and started chatting while eating.

The first thing is to chat with each other about their current situation.

Although Liu Bin has good talent, he is still not good enough compared to Su Wei and Jiang Jing.

Start a business and become a boss now.

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