This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 659 Giratina (Subscribe, monthly pass)

Unfortunately, he has no time to challenge the headmaster now. He has to invest all his time in upgrading the level of his elves.

Every time he upgrades a level, his elves can get a huge improvement.

And this is not the end, but just the beginning.

Windy Dog, Double Axe War Dragon, Crystal Steelix are still at level 94.

Once they are upgraded to level 95, they can be infused with another wave of colored airflow.

Maybe they can continue to improve.

However, his current strength is strong enough. The highest level Latios is already level 98, and there is only a gap of two levels from the maximum level.

Once it is upgraded to the maximum level, plus the super evolution and the increase of colored airflow, it will have the strength of the second tier.

Now it has the strength of the first tier.

Looking at the elves who are almost in a deep sleep.

Jiang Jing is also thinking about what to do next.

He suddenly thought of Dynamax, which requires the power of the Infinite.

And in the previous battle, it also collected the power factor of the Infinite.

He wanted to use it to make Gigantamax, so that his own elves could also have the ability of Gigantamax.

This ability is usually not used because it can only be used in special areas.

But if the Infinite Taina also appears in the battle of the mythical beasts, then Gigantamax can be used within the coverage of its power.

As long as all his elves can Gigantamax, then the strength will still be greatly improved.

But Mega Evolution and Gigantamax cannot be used at the same time.

These are two completely different powers.

But it is just right for Emperor Nabo and the others to use.

They did not have Mega Evolution, so Gigantamax can make up for it.

Thinking of this, he began to buy the materials needed for Gigantamax.

The money for this material is nothing to him.

Soon he bought a portion for all the elves.

It is nothing to him, but it is not cheap for other elves.

A portion of Gigantamax soup costs at least tens of millions of yuan.

Several hundred million Jiangjing spent it with a click of a finger.

Money has completely become a string of numbers for him.

With his strength, he can earn billions in a trip to the wild.

But it is difficult to convert this money into strength, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to improve his Pokémon.

At the same time, there are also slate skills, which have now made some progress.

Especially Boskodora, Metagross, and Lucario, have already comprehended them.

Unfortunately, it did not use it during the battle with Infinite.

The main reason is that it is not very skilled and needs time to continue training.

A few days later, all the materials have arrived, and Jiang Jing began to boil the materials.

Soon, bowls of Dynamax were all drunk by the Pokémon.

And Jiang Jing also wore a bracelet with Dynamax ability.

After throwing the Poké Ball, the size of each Pokémon has changed dramatically.

The original size of each Pokémon, which was only two or three meters in size, has expanded and at least become ten times larger.

With a size of dozens of meters, it is not a disadvantage even when facing the legendary Pokémon.

Especially looking at the huge Boskodora, with the blessing of its huge size, the power it will form when launching close combat will be even more terrifying.

Jiang Jing roughly checked it out, and found that his strength was greatly improved after the super-giantization.

The power of the skills was also the same, but the energy consumption was also huge.

It was equivalent to an alternative super evolution, but it had a fatal flaw, that is, the speed slowed down.

It was ridiculously slow, and it was completely a living target in the battle.

It could only output by standing still, and it was impossible to avoid the opponent's attack.

So it had to be used at the critical moment to perform the strongest output and strive to take away the opponent with a wave of output.

And it could only last for a very short time, about three minutes.

It would degenerate into a normal form after consumption.

Jiang Jing found that he could not use the colored airflow to maintain the super-giantization all the time.

It had to be degraded back and buffered before it could be used again.

This was similar to using a Z move.

But this was also pretty good, and being able to improve strength was a good thing.

Jiang Jing could no longer imagine how powerful he was now.

Even if he faced a Pokémon of the level of the Infinite Tai, it could still escape unscathed.

As for fighting more legendary Pokémons, he had not fought them yet and did not know what the situation would be.

After Jiang Jing became the champion, he had no time to rest and often went on missions.

However, he was able to complete the mission perfectly every time.

The other kings were not idle either. After the championship campaign ended, they almost all had their own missions and had almost no time to rest.

As for Zhou Zunyu, he went out to relax for two months and then came back.

The steel king who inherited Jiang Jing was also constantly on missions.

Many people in China felt that the legendary elves had appeared too frequently in recent years.

There was an illusion that a storm was coming.

China was very peaceful, but it did not mean that foreign countries were very peaceful.

Other countries are now in chaos, and the elves attacking the city is not uncommon.

It seems that there are countless pairs of people behind the scenes controlling everything.

There was even the legendary elf attacking the city.

But soon something happened that made the whole of China no longer peaceful.

Henan Province, SQ City

This is one of the cities in Henan Province with a strong ancient cultural charm.

Although the development is not particularly good, it is still pretty good.

But today it suffered an almost devastating blow.


"Can you go faster!"

Jiang Jing was riding on the Steel-Armored Crow, and the remaining Steel-Armored Crow had already reached its fastest speed.

Several other heavenly kings around him also rode flying elves towards their destination.

Flying elves above level 90 will not be slow.

Especially the flying elf of the King of Heaven is already faster than any aircraft.

Jiang Jing was exchanging materials in the Imperial Capital today and chatting with Chairman Zhou at the same time.

As a result, I suddenly received a notification that the secret realm outside SQ City was destroyed and all the elves inside ran out.

The Shangqiu secret realm was discovered only two years ago. The area inside is so huge that it is the size of two provinces today.

It is full of powerful elves, and it has not been fully explored in two years.

Now the elves inside have broken out through the entrance to the secret realm, causing damage to the city.

After receiving the news, President Zhou arranged for Jiang Jing and the other kings to go to SQ City immediately.

Fortunately, the distance was not too far. If it had happened in Fujian Province, the day lilies would have been cold by the time they arrived.

And this Jiang Jing is used to using the steel-armored crow, although its speed is extremely fast.

No other king can match its speed.

But Jiang Jing was still not satisfied.

If you arrive at the scene earlier, you can save one more person, and the damage caused by the other party can be smaller.

Thinking of this, he took back the steel-armored crow.

"Latios, Mega Evolution, full speed ahead!"


Latios completed his Mega Evolution one second after being released!

Super Latios also felt the seriousness of the matter, and his body surged with majestic power and accelerated with all his strength.

This wasn't the end yet, Jiang Jing also activated colored airflow to cover Super Latios' body.

Its speed has increased a lot again, and its level has almost exceeded level 100.

It rushed out like a rocket being launched.


It disappeared in an instant.

There was a violent roar in the air, several times faster than before.

It has reached an unprecedented speed. Jiang Jing can be sure that this is definitely the fastest speed in the world.

Even other legendary elves cannot explode at such speed.

However, at the same time, the breeze around the body turned into violent wind blades at an extremely fast speed and wreaked havoc on Jiang Jing's body.

However, Jiang Jing's physical fitness is extraordinary, and these hurricanes cannot cause much harm to him.

At this time, Su Yao and others who were behind watched Jiang Jing disappear from their sight in an instant.

"Good guy, this speed is too fast."

"This guy Jiang Jing's strength has improved again. It's really terrifying."

Several people can clearly feel that Jiang Jing's strength has increased a lot since a few months ago.

How strong is Jiang Jing now?

Can you challenge the leader?

But now is no longer the time to think about it. What they need to do is rush to the scene.

Although their physical fitness is also very good, they still feel uncomfortable when flying at high speed.






I saw tall buildings shattered and countless pieces of rubble quickly falling to the ground.

Countless people were running away everywhere, and various sounds filled the air.

At the same time, the air was filled with flames and thick smoke, giving it a completely apocalyptic look.

There are people and elves everywhere, and most of the elves are wild elves.

Their levels are not low, even very high.

The destructive power caused by appearing in the city is still very shocking.

At this time, a group of trainers were engaged in a fierce battle.

"Damn it, the level of these elves is too high, I can't resist them at all."

"Yes, we are just gold-level trainers. The level of these elves is at least level 80. How can we resist?"

"Where is the diamond level trainer?"

"The opponents of diamond-level trainers are stronger. Their opponents are even stronger. I even suspect that they are all elves above level 90."

"It's over. I can't resist it anymore."

"We can only hope that the King of Heaven and the others will come over quickly."

"Shut up and hold it back."

The scene was chaotic. Although there were many trainers, they were not strong enough.

Maybe only a few gold-level trainers can barely resist a level 80 elf.

The number of trainers is not enough because there are too many wild elves.

"Fuck, come here and help me, I can't stand it anymore."

I saw a big wolf dog accompanying him on the street being blasted away by the super-armored rhinoceros.

All the elves of that trainer have lost their ability to fight.

He looked despairingly at the ferocious Super Armored Rhinoceros not far away.

But the next second, an energy dragon was released from above his head and hit the Super Armored Rhinoceros.


With a loud noise and the roar of the super-armored rhinoceros, it was instantly killed with one move.

A deep pit appeared on the ground, and the super-armored rhinoceros was embedded in it and lost its ability to fight.

The man turned around and saw Super Latios in the sky.

That is one of the exclusive elves of the Chinese river scene.



"The champion is here!!"

"So fast, Jingshen came too quickly."

The trainer became excited instantly. With Jiang Jing coming, there was hope for their SQ city.

Jiang Jing arrived at SQ City in less than half an hour.

At this time, it had only been half an hour since the elves attacked the city.

"21 minutes, it could be shorter if we use Super Latios from the beginning."

"Everyone, come out, attack with the whole army, and deal with them."

After Jiang Jing took a breath in the air, he released all the elves and dispersed them in all directions.

Kill a dozen elves in the first instant.

I don’t know how many trainers I saved.

However, he had no time to reminisce about the past, so he quickly opened the Eye of Data to look for the strongest wild overlord elf.

As long as the leader is dealt with, the other elves will naturally not be in trouble.

Soon he found a lot of overlord elves, all of whom were level 90 or above.

Ordinary trainers are no match at all, and only diamond-level trainers can barely cope with it.

But these are just minor problems, and they can be solved if you give him some time.

But a terrible breath suddenly appeared not far away.

And it was approaching quickly, and soon its figure appeared in Jiang Jing's sight.

Jiang Jing also saw the other party.

And now the only ones that can make it feel powerful are some legendary elves.

"Why is Giratina here?"

Yes, the elf that suddenly appeared was Giratina.

In his alternate form, Giratina is a large, gray, dragon-like elf with a golden half-ring surrounding his neck from his back.

Black and red stripes run horizontally across the front of the neck. It has two large ghostly wings with red claw-like structures on the tips.

This pair of wings can change shape like liquid or gas. Giratina has six thick legs with claws at the end.

In its original form, Giratina takes on a form similar to that of an annelid polychaete.

Its wings transform into six ghostly, band-like wings floating behind it, with red wingtips.

At the same time, its legs retracted into golden spikes, and four more spikes appeared near the end of its tail.

It is said that Giratina was expelled because of his violent personality and lived in a ruined world on the backside of this world where there is no distinction between heaven and earth, where all the rules are different from this world.

It has been staying in the destroyed world, quietly looking at the original world, and sometimes appearing in ancient cemeteries.

There has been a saying in the Xicui area since ancient times: Strong light creates shadows. Shadow may be referring to another form of Giratina.

Various data about Giratina also quickly appeared in the Eye of Data.

[Elf]: Giratina

[Attribute]: ghost, dragon

【Talent】: ★★★★★★★

[Level]: LV100

[Characteristics]: Feeling of oppression

[Skills]:..., Shadow Sneak (Legend), Share the Pain (Legend), Scary Face (Legend), Dragon Wave (Legend), Shadow Ball (Legend), Destroying Death Light (Legend), Nature Control·Ghost (Legend), Control of Nature·Dragon (Legend)


Giratina continued to activate his skills as he approached, and a destructive death light continued to straf and destroy the surrounding buildings.

Jiang Jing was immediately angry when he saw it.

It happened that the other party also locked onto Jiang Jing, and in the next moment, the destructive death light was fired at it.

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