This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 92 Ranking (seeking favorites, recommended tickets, monthly tickets!)

"Our class is second in grade in a single subject, only 0.1 point away from the average score of the first place." Speaking of this, Teacher Lin Kai also smiled.

"So our next goal is to be the first in the grade, and I believe everyone can do it."

"Papa papa!"

Hearing the sound of the whole class here also rang in due time.

Hearing this, everyone showed a look of surprise, and they didn't expect their class's grades to be so good.

At the same time, they began to discuss, their voices buzzing like flies.

Teacher Lin Kai continued: "Be quiet, I have something to say."

"The theoretical report card will come out in the afternoon, and I will ask someone to post it on the wall. Everyone can take a look at it when they have time."

"And the results of the actual combat assessment will be released tomorrow, and I will notify you when the time comes."

"Jingling!" The get out of class bell rang.

Teacher Lin Kai waved his hand and said, "Okay, get out of class is over!"

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Jing and said, "By the way, Jiang Jing, come out for a while, I have something to ask you."

After speaking, he picked up the test paper and thermos cup and turned to leave, standing at the door and waiting.

Liu Bin turned his head and asked curiously, "Brother Jing, what does Lao Lin want from you?"

Cheng Cheng also turned to look at him curiously.

Jiang Jing smiled mysteriously and said, "I'll tell you guys when I get back."

Then he got up and left the classroom, and came to the corridor at the door.

Teacher Lin Kai glanced at Jiang Jing, eyes filled with relief, and then said seriously: "Yesterday you reported to me about the illegal operation of the assessors, and I went to the chief assessment officer to report it."

"At the same time, I also told the principal that your assessment teacher is Lin Hongyang, the deputy director of the assessment personnel."

"After all, this matter involves the deputy director, so the investigation will take some time. It will take two days at the fastest, and a week at the slowest."

Jiang Jing nodded to express his understanding.

Teacher Lin Kai continued: "There is one thing you need to be mentally prepared for."

Jiang Jing said seriously, "You say it."

Teacher Lin Kai said regretfully: "Even if you are found to have a problem, your test results will not be changed."

"After all, there were dozens of students who passed Lin Hongyang's hands two days ago. It is impossible for so many people to re-examine."

So I can only wrong you to accept the current results.

Jiang Jing said: "It's okay, I don't mind, as long as I can find out."

He had already considered this matter before reporting it, so there was basically no need to think about the re-examination, and there was no need to get angry with this issue.

But the assessment results can be ignored, but you, Lin Hongyang, must die.

If it weren't for this bet, I don't know how much I would have lost.

Teacher Lin Kai nodded in satisfaction and assured, "Don't worry, the school promises to deal with it fairly and will never let you suffer any grievances."

"It is estimated that some compensation will be given to you during the midterm exam. You can look forward to it."

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

Teacher Lin Kai said: "I am your class teacher, this is what I should do."


After Liu Bin left the classroom from Jiang Jing, he was as curious as if he had been pawed by a cat. His heart was itchy, and he wanted to know what happened.

As soon as Jiang Jing came back, he asked, "Brother Jing, please tell us what's going on."

Jiang Jing looked at Liu Bin, Cheng Cheng, and Sun Le. They looked at him with curiosity in their eyes.

So Jiang Jing sat down and explained the matter in general.

After listening, Liu Bin said: "My Zhuo, is that Lin Hongyang a sb? He dared to target you."


He suddenly thought of something and said: "The thing about the bet..."

"No! I'll go, Brother Jing, you are awesome, what the hell."

He suddenly remembered that Jing Ge who was targeted not only did not lose, but still defeated his opponent, so how strong is he?

He suddenly found that the gap between him and Brother Jing had widened again.

Liu Bin patted Jiang Jing's shoulder and said, "Brother Jing, you are my God!"

Sun Le said: "Brother Jing is really good. If it weren't for that teacher, we would have a 90% chance of winning the bet."

Cheng Cheng asked suspiciously after hearing this: "What bet, I feel like I missed 100 million?"

So Liu Bin recounted the bet yesterday.

After hearing this, Cheng Cheng opened his mouth wide, looked around, slapped Jiang Jing heavily, and said, "Damn, Jiang Jing, you are so unkind, you didn't call me about this matter."

"It caused me to lose tens of thousands of dollars in vain. How can you compensate me?"

"You can eat as much delicious food for 20,000 yuan, don't take it for nothing."

Jiang Jing secretly glanced at Cheng Cheng's chest and said, "You still eat, and you don't want to see how fat you are?"

Cheng Cheng followed Jiang Jing's gaze and found that he was looking at his chest, his face turned red, he patted Jiang Jing's shoulder hard and turned his head away.

Jiang Jing was a little confused, wasn't he just joking, "Hey, what happened?" what happened?


After returning from physical education class in the afternoon, someone found the report card posted on the classroom wall.

"I'll go, the report card is out." A boy shouted.

In an instant, countless people rushed over, crowding, desperately squeezing inside, their eyes seemed to be stuck on the report card.

After Liu Bin heard the report card came out, he rushed over without saying a word, and squeezed in with amazing strength. No matter how crowded the surroundings were, he remained motionless.

Although Jiang Jing was curious, it was impossible for him to squeeze in to see, so he could only return to his seat and wait for news from Liu Bin.

After a while, Liu Bin ran back and said with a smile on his face, "Haha, great news."

"Xueba lived up to everyone's expectations, this monthly exam took the first place in the class!"

Sun Le breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a happy smile.

Jiang Jing said: "Congratulations! Xueba!"

Liu Bin said: "I haven't finished yet, Brother Jing, you are the third in the class!"

Jiang Jing was also surprised by his grades, he did so well in the exam.

Liu Bin complained: "Brother Jing, you are really a blockbuster!"

"It looks like I'm only the eleventh in the class." Speaking of this, Liu Bin's mood was a little depressed.

Cheng Cheng didn't see the change in Liu Bin's face, pointed at himself and asked curiously, "What about me?"

Liu Bin said: "You are exactly tenth, one place higher than me."

"Wang Yichang also did well in the exam, ranking fourth in the class, behind Brother Jing."

Then he saw Zhang Haocheng in the corner and said, "Haocheng, you are seventh in the class."

Zhang Haocheng nodded and said, "Understood!"

Liu Bin sat down and said, "Thinking about it now, the six of us are awesome, and the top ten directly accounted for half of them."

"Sure enough, people are divided into groups, and we are indeed the most dick."

Cheng Cheng said beside him: "Then you have to work hard, you are the only one holding back."

Liu Bin covered his face and said, "Don't say it, don't say it, it's impolite to say it again."


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