This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 55 The Girl Who Understands Dragon Heart

North of the seventh island, trainer's tower.

The towering solitary tower stands tall and straight in the vacant area at the northernmost point of the island. It is the deadline for registration and team changes in the Winter Embrace Doubles Competition. Nearly a hundred trainers are gathering in front of the tower to make final adjustments before the competition.

Although it is midsummer now, due to the rise of the Four Heavenly Kings Kona, the seven-island island group is very popular in the ice system, making this place close to the southern country completely opposite to the image in the public mind.

The Winter Embrace Cup is a small competition held every summer on the Seven Islands. At that time, the broad and sturdy eight-story tower will turn into a cold cave, becoming a summer resort for ice and water trainers and ordinary spectators.

"There are quite a lot of people. I don't know if we can win the championship without sending Eden to play."

Eden's strength has reached a bottleneck period, and it is better to train Arthur and Leftover at this time. However, the frosty environment in the trainer's tower makes it not only the ice trainers who appear most frequently, but also the water trainers.

Fire→Ice→Water→Fire, the relationship between restraint and restraint is quite obvious.

Just as Zhou You was about to go to the registration office for final confirmation of arrival, he heard a dispute between a trainer and a staff member not far away.

"So, I obviously signed up a long time ago, why don't you let us in?"

A petite girl with brown skin, a sea of ​​hair like a dragon's jaw, and waist-length hair as wide and fluffy as a dragon's tail, which is not inferior to Musashi's, is complaining to the staff in front of her:

"Isn't this just a doubles competition? I have three elves: Yaya, Red-faced Dragon and Dragon-headed Gopher. Why can't I participate?"

"I'm really sorry, little sister." The staff explained with a smile, "The most basic rule of the doubles competition is to choose 4 elves from 6 to participate. Therefore, if you have less than 4 elves, you cannot participate. of."

"Can't you really be accommodating? I'm using a dragon type elf, and one can defeat two others!" The little girl was still arguing.

Zhou You, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but have a dark look on his face when he saw this.

Yaya is not much stronger than other elves in its initial form. The red-faced dragon is the shame of the dragon clan. Only the rat-headed earth dragon in your team has the strength to fight, and even though it is called a rat-headed earth dragon, it is not a dragon. Yeah?

Facing the little girl's offensive, the staff still smiled like robots: "I'm really sorry, there are less than 4 elves and we can't participate in the Winter Embrace Cup doubles match."

Seeing this, the little girl who was shocked showed a lonely look.

She is Alice, who comes from the Dragon Village in Yanmo City and grew up with wild elves.

His potential was discovered by an old man named Shaka and he was taken to the distant United States to study. However, he was temporarily suspended from school because he got into trouble. He returned to his hometown of Kanto and restarted the practice of dragon power.

In order to specifically enhance her resistance to the ice element, Alice came to the Seven Islands where the legend of Kona, the king of the ice element, was spread. She planned to participate in the doubles competition of the Winter Embrace Cup.

But he was blocked from the outside at the beginning because he didn't have enough elves...

Grandpa Xia Ka used to say that she would become reckless once she got interested, but she didn't expect that she would suffer the consequences of her carelessness.

Alice sighed lonely, thinking that she really had to continue practicing before she could inherit Grandpa Shaka's gym in Shuangyong City.

"Hey, let's go Yaya, let's go adventure in the ruins on the south side of the island."

"Ya!" The elf's cry came from the girl's fluffy hair.

And just when Alice was about to leave, Zhou You, who had been watching the show for a long time, came to her.

"Since you must have 4 elves to register for the doubles competition, wouldn't it be great if only 2 people form a team to participate?"

He said to Alice, who was neither the gym leader nor the champion at the moment: "Hello, I am Zhou You, a new trainer from Zhenxin Town. You can also call me Qiao Qiao. I am currently training to participate in the Quartz Conference. Xiuxian, do you want to form a team with me and sign up for the doubles competition?”

Faced with the sudden invitation to form a team, Alice was stunned.

Is this the legendary dream come true? ?

Although her nature is a bit shy when it comes to strangers, the handsome young man in front of her is very kind, and in order to overcome her weakness of being afraid of the cold, she endured it this time!

"Well! I am Alice from the Dragon's Realm, and I am currently training to gain the power of the dragon!" The little girl said with a smile, "This is my partner Yaya, let's win the Winter Embrace Cup together!"

"Ya Ya!" the young dragon jumped out from the girl's hair and said calmly.

"Ya Ya, is this a dragon elf from the Hezhong area?"

Zhou You pretended to be surprised and took out his illustrated book:

"Didi~ Fang, the Fang Pokémon. Its biggest feature is the teeth that grow horizontally on both sides. Even if it breaks, it can grow back immediately. As the teeth continue to be replaced, they will become hard and sharp."

"Didi~ It's time to fight,

"Ya Ya works hard,

"Gloss your teeth."

"Wow, is this the legendary illustrated book?"

Alice heard that the current illustrated book was only produced in a small scale and tens of thousands of units were given to some trainers around the world for testing. She felt that she might have found a treasure this time.

After Zhou You listened to the introduction to the illustrated book, he glanced at Yaya's relatively round teeth not long after he was born, and then stared at Alice's long, fluffy dark blue hair reaching her waist with complex eyes.

He hesitates to speak.jpg

Yaya: The average weight is 18.0kg.

Can this thing be hidden in the hair! ?


Alice smoothed her messy hair and said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go sign up for the competition!"

After that, she pulled Zhou You back to the staff who had repeatedly refused her participation, intending to get back at her!

The Winter Embrace Doubles Competition is a doubles + unofficial competition, and the rules are different from the Quartz Conference.

1. Trainers can sign up alone or in a team of two.

2. The prerequisite for registration is to have 4 Pokémons, and the upper limit is 6 regardless of single or team.

3. The competition mode is 6 out of 4. From the 6 registered Pokémons, a maximum of 4 will be sent to doubles battles. If all lose their combat ability, they will lose.

4. During the cup competition, trainers cannot refuse challenges, and can use recovery items on Pokémons outside of battles.

5. Only after completing the task requirements of each level within the time limit can you climb up, and you can no longer initiate or accept battles after the time limit.

6. The Trainer Tower has 8 floors, and the two pairs that finally reach the top will compete for the championship.

7. Since it is an unofficial competition, the Winter Embrace Doubles Tournament does not restrict the types of skills used by Pokémon, and can exceed the official requirement of 4.

After confirming the rules of the doubles competition, Zhou You and Alice walked into the Trainer Tower together with confidence.

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