This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 69 The Brave of Waveguide

Yaxuan was also quite pleased to see Zhou You's unreserved trust in his elf and the bond between an ordinary trainer and elf.

Elves like (domestic) Riolu will evolve into Lucario only when they are extremely close to their trainer, so there is no doubt that Yaxuan is also a very friendly person to elves.

He did not fully believe in the story he had heard.

"I can see that your Eevee trusts you very much, and you must heal the hurt it has suffered."

Realizing that the young man in front of him would treat the elves well without any advice from him, Yaxuan felt that there was no need to waste any more words. After chatting for a while, exchanging training experiences and reviewing the battle, Yaxuan planned to leave.

After Zhou You hesitated for a moment, he opened his illustrated book and pulled out a picture that he had downloaded from the Internet and saved to his photo album.

"Mr. Yaxuan, has your family started to inherit waveguides a long time ago? Can ordinary people like me without talent learn this technique?" He asked curiously.

Waveguide is a skill that can be learned later in life. It can achieve effects similar to superpowers such as telepathy, which will revolutionize the battle.

for example.

Like an ordinary trainer, the shout of "get out of the way" is just to cheer him up from behind.

But if a trainer like Xiaozhi is gifted with the power of wave guide, the "dodge" they shout is not just a simple encouragement, but can even combine the "timing of evasion", "direction of evasion", "avoidance" "Methods", "How to counterattack after evading" and other information are all transmitted to one's own elves with the help of the power of the waveguide.

There is a high wall between talented people who can conduct waves/superpowers and ordinary mortals. They are not on the same level at all.

Once you master this skill, when playing against ordinary people, it can almost be said to be a mixed doubles match. Two against one will naturally have the advantage.

When used skillfully, it can be easily accomplished whether it is defeating the weak against the strong, counter-restraining the enemy, or rejuvenating the roar, or even fighting together with the elves!

Unfortunately, although Eden has some talent in waveguides and has mastered it, Zhou You is an ordinary person without any talent at all.

As a hybrid of Tianxia and Earth, although he inherited his mother's bloodline, he also inherited his father's salty talent. In addition, his body that had grown through training also returned to his childhood when he was 10 years old. stage……

All in all, they are very ordinary, even weaker than normal humans (referring to humans in the Pokémon world).

Although it is still much stronger than ordinary earthlings.

Hearing his question, Yaxuan thought for a moment and gave a rather regretful answer: "Sorry, our family's family knowledge has been lost long ago. I don't know whether the power of wave guide is a skill passed down from ancient times. And I don’t know how to teach ordinary people to master this special ability.”

All Yaxuan can do is to inspire himself and some of the elves who already have waveguide talents.

So Zhou You handed over his illustrated book.

Yaxuan: "?"

After taking the illustrated book, he turned it over and looked at it carefully. What appeared to be an ancient mural appeared on it.

And the thing depicted above... is himself! ?

No, no, no, although the face, height, and temperament look similar, there are still differences. For example, the styles of clothes are different?

"Isn't the person up here Mr. Yaxuan!" Alice, who was watching from the sidelines, gave the same conclusion that anyone could only draw.

"No, this person is not me. I have never been painted on a mural." The shocked Yaxuan couldn't help but shed a cold sweat and looked doubtfully at Zhou You who asked him to hand over the painting.

"This is……?"

"This is the knight who used the power of waveguide to quell the war in Orudran City a thousand years ago. His name is Yalang, and he is called the brave man of waveguide by later generations."

Seeing that Yaxuan looked like he had seen a ghost, Zhou You continued to add: "Anyone who looks at him will think that he is your ancestor. By the way, this legendary wave guide hero also has a Lucario as a companion. "

Hundreds of years ago in Xicui, there was also a wave guide named Yabai who looked similar to Yaxuan and drove Lucario.

In the Pokémon world, Waveguides all seem to have similar looks, and the Pokémon they use are basically the standard Lucario - Waveguides always appear in pairs with Lucario.

"I don't know...I might have to go home and ask the old man."

A portrait that might be one of his ancestors suddenly popped up, and Yaxuan started to have a headache. Orudran City is in the northern part of the Kanto region. Could it be that his ancestral home is actually in Kanto and not Sinnoh?

"Oludelang City holds a celebration every year to commemorate the brave men of Wave. Originally, I wanted to go on vacation after the Quartz Conference and look for ways to exercise for the brave men of Wave."

In addition, Xiaozhi is also one of the necessary keys. Only he who has the same waveguide as the legendary hero is the key to awakening Lucario.

However, Zhou You was also curious as to whether these "Ya" generations had any connection at all, so he decisively invited him, "Mr. Yaxuan, do you want to go to the celebration together and investigate the heroes of Wave Guide by the way?"

"Thank you for your information. I will definitely go to this year's celebration. We will see you at the celebration then!"

After absent-mindedly thanking Zhou You, Yaxuan left the trainer's tower in a hurry without staying too long.

He wanted to return to the Sinnoh region as quickly as possible and ask the elderly at home what was going on.

Some of the history of the Pokémon world has been sealed away with great secrecy, and many things in the past have been lost. It is so precious to still be able to obtain information about one's suspected ancestors that has been lost for a long time!

After bidding farewell to Yaxuan, who was a little distracted, Zhou You and Alice left the trainer's tower unhurriedly.

"Qiaoqiao, you are going to attend the Quartz Conference. What are you going to do during this period?" Alice suddenly asked.

"Anyway, I'll collect 8 badges. Although I have passed the extremely difficult exam to qualify, I can still gain experience by fighting against the gym owners."

Zhou You thought for a moment, then added: "But I have to go to Yuhong City first. The Kanto PTCG regional competition will be held there in the next week. I will win the championship and sell the prizes for gold."

Life is not easy, and the self-charged fire stone cannot be sold at all, so he can only support his family by winning prizes from various competitions.

"Are you a trainer or a card player..."

Alice shook her head helplessly, and then seemed to hesitate for a long time before finally making up her mind: "Since you also want to practice as a trainer, before I return to Hezhong to study next year, should we travel together? ?”

"I refused."


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