Kuye City is not far from Honglian Island. We traveled around early the next morning and arrived at this island and town famous for its volcanic hot springs.

Red Lotus is the bright red color of passion and fire.

It's just that the city on this volcanic island is actually not what it used to be.

The extinct volcano on Honglian Island has reawakened due to unknown reasons. People in nearby areas are keen to travel here and visit the site to witness the only active volcano in the Kanto region and the hot springs generated by its resurrection.

This island once had the largest research institute and the largest Pokémon mansion in the Kanto region. Xia Bo of the Red Lotus Gym was also considered by many to have strength comparable to the King of Heaven, and it was one of the holy places in the eyes of trainers.

But now, with the resurrection of the volcano, an endless stream of tourists are arriving. At the same time, certain accidents have gradually buried the past of Honglian Town, and eventually it has become a famous tourist city.

The gym owner, Xia Bo, closed the gym unbearably and has not received challengers for a long time.

Because of this, few trainers now cross the sea and come to this resort town.

As soon as he got off the boat, he felt the enthusiastic atmosphere of the tourist attractions around, which made him feel a little bit PTSD.

When he went to various scenic spots on Earth, there were huge crowds of people. Rather than looking at the scenery, it was more like looking at the people - he had already tasted enough of the densely packed human beings in the scenic spots.

Fortunately, the Pokémon world is vast and sparsely populated, so the scene on Earth will definitely not happen.

Having said that, he had lived in the economic circle for a long time and was not interested in this kind of Internet celebrity attraction that became popular due to temporary traffic. He had no plans to visit it from the beginning.


As a newly born elf, Fairy Milk loves the excitement when it comes to excitement. It can feel the waves of happiness emitted by the tourists, and this is the most preferred food of their species.

After spending a day to master "meditation" perfectly, it can now easily sense the fluctuations of happiness emanating from humans within a dozen meters. After arriving on this island, it started playing without stopping for a moment.

Because the Fairy Milk was outside the Poké Ball, Zhanfan, who usually refused to stay in the Poké Ball for a second longer, ended up being autistic.

"Qiaoqiao, the tourist brochure says that the extinct volcano on Honglian Island has become active again, but where is this active volcano?"

Next to Zhou Youyou was a brown-haired boy who looked exactly like him except for his clothes. Anyone would have guessed that they were twins and said excitedly: "Let's go there for sightseeing too!"

Zhou You: "..."

There is no doubt that this is Eden who has returned from school and has overcome the racial defect of having his tail exposed after transforming.

Having lived in the Oak Research Institute for five years, it has long been looking forward to those novel things on TV, but the flaw of its tail has always made it difficult to show its face outside.

Now that it has become more sophisticated in its illusion skills, it no longer easily leaks out flaws. Naturally, it wants to realize all the whims and wishes that it has suppressed for 5 years!

"Don't look at me like that, stupid Ou Doudou. My magical power can discover and search for natural products under the magma that humans can't grab. Maybe I can pick up a fire stone?" Eden, who had the appearance of his twin brother, spontaneously defended himself.

Seeing Eden trying to make excuses, Wan You looked thoughtful.

This is really like the way I tried my best to rationalize my demands when I was a child and wanted to ask my parents for something.

Are all children the same in the world?

Although Eden suffered so much when he was a child, making him mentally more mature than the average Zoroa, he is still only a 6-year-old child after all.

"You're here, let's have some fun." Zhou You said, completely forgetting that he was too lazy to visit internet celebrity attractions. "But active volcanoes are very dangerous. There must be people guarding them during the day, so let's wait until night. ”

Active volcanoes are volcanoes that have the potential to erupt. If this were the case on Earth, residents would probably have to move away to avoid it.

However, the people of Honglian Island will use many fire elves to absorb the energy of the volcano, which can not only increase the strength of the elves, but also suppress the volcanic eruption, and forcibly maintain an active and safe state to create a popular attraction.

In addition, Xia Bo from the Red Lotus Gym is guarding the volcano, so he can detect any changes immediately.

In fact, if Xiaozhi hadn't come to Red Lotus Island and attracted Team Arrow to mess with the volcano, there would have been no chance of a hasty eruption of this volcano maintained by humans and elves...

"So do you have any sightseeing plans?"

"Our first task is to challenge the Red Lotus Gym, then go to the research institute to see if anyone can resurrect fossils, then go to the Pokémon Hall to explore, and stay in a hotel to soak in the hot springs at night." Zhou You thought.

Apart from the closed Red Lotus Gym, for trainers, the most famous places in Red Lotus Town are the Red Lotus Research Institute and the Pokémon Center.

The former was the former research institute of Dr. Fuji and Xia Bo, and the latter was the mansion where Dr. Fuji lived at that time.

It's a pity that time has changed. After a certain incident, Dr. Fuji gave up scientific research, and both places gradually fell into ruin. The Pokémon Museum was even burned to ruins.

After deciding on today's itinerary, Zhou You and Eden followed the map to the Red Lotus Gym.

But when they arrived, all they saw was collapsed ruins.

To be in such a state due to disrepair, Xia Bo probably hasn't received a challenger for many years, as the rumors say.

"This gym is incompatible with the lively atmosphere of the whole town. It makes me question the taste of that Uncle Xia. Maybe he is more suitable for the ghost type than the fire type."

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Eden sighed in disappointment: "It's hard to imagine that a gym that hasn't been open for many years has not been revoked by the alliance. It feels like this is even more outrageous than the gym in Cerulean City that gives away badges to everyone. ”

Zhou You shook his head and was noncommittal about Eden's opinion: "Uncle Xia is very powerful and senior, so it's understandable for him to show off. When I become the owner of the museum in the future, I will definitely do even more than him."

What could be worse than giving away the badge for free, leaving it unopened for several years? ?

Eden was shocked. Could it be that the elves were allowed to work in the gym while you went out to play, but this didn't seem to be a problem?

At least he's fulfilling his duties.

"I plan to take the gym owner's assessment every year for 8 consecutive years, and then design 8 different badges and issue them to challengers depending on their mood."

As for which eight kinds of badges they are, it is naturally self-evident to the time traveler.

"In other words, as long as you graduate from me perfectly, it is equivalent to being directly admitted to the league competition. It is not impossible to just give away 8 badges for free if you meet someone you like."

Eden: "..."

The three shameful sisters in Cerulean City can only give you one badge for free at most. It would be better for you to give away eight badges, right?

That is indeed a bit too much on your part.

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