This Uchiha is too cautious

Chapter 240 Planning (Additional update for Xiaomi Xiaochong)

"Are you the Uchiha Liukage?"

Near dusk, Uchiha Chuan walked into the office with a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old.

This boy is very handsome. In fact, there are very few people in the Uchiha clan who are handsome enough to disappoint the audience.

This is probably an advantage brought by genes. Apart from his face, this boy gives Uchiha a good impression.

Calm and steady, he is a good prospect.

"Mr. Buchou." Uchiha Liuying bowed slightly to Uchiha Kei: "I wonder what Mr. Buchou has planned."

Uchiha Liuying's attitude is very respectful. To be precise, all Uchiha members who have entered the security department have a very good attitude towards Uchiha Kei.

Because Uchiha Keiko has the same origin and the same experience as them.

And Uchiha Kai's success gave them great encouragement and motivation.

Although Uchiha Liuying had heard Uchiha Chuan say before he came, I am afraid that this minister will give him a very difficult task. If he finds it difficult, he can refuse.

But Uchiha Liuying still came here, which already said the problem.

He did not give up this opportunity because of the so-called difficult task.

I'm afraid this seems to him to be a very good opportunity, an opportunity that will allow him to reach a higher level.

Uchiha Liuying and Uchiha River are brothers who have known each other since childhood.

And now Uchiha River's status has risen, and he has opened the Sharingan inexplicably. Uchiha Liuying is very envious of all this.

But envy is envy, and he is not jealous.

When Uchiha Kei was not a minister, Uchiha Chuan's father got to know Uchiha Kei. It can only be said that they were very lucky.

Moreover, at that time, the minister was confronting members of his own team, and there were even two other team captains standing opposite him.

Uchiha and his son didn't waver too much. It could be seen that in addition to being lucky, they were also very discerning.

"There is indeed a very important task." Uchiha Kai nodded. He took out a report and put it on the table: "Read it for yourself."

"Yes, Mr. Buchou." Uchiha Liuying nodded, then he picked up the report and read it, but his heart beat faster just after taking a look at it.

This is a transfer order, recommended by Uchiha Chuan as a guarantor, allowing him to serve as the deputy captain of the third team!

This can be said to have improved his status and is also a huge promotion!

Although Uchiha Liuying was very excited, he did not get carried away.

He had not forgotten the 'difficult' task that Uchiha Kai said.

Moreover, there is no signature on the document in hand, which means that this document has no effect at all. This can only mean that the minister has other requirements.

"Have you finished reading?" After about a few minutes, Uchiha Keicai slowly asked.

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Uchiha Liuying nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Minister, for your trust."

"Let's talk about trust later." Uchiha Kei stood up: "Now it's time to test you. First, can you guess my purpose? Second, what should you do?"


Uchiha Liuying secretly thought that he knew this matter was not simple, but this did not hinder his determination to move forward.

Putting down the document, he began to think seriously.

He had to think about what Uchiha Kei wanted him to do, and the value this position could bring to Uchiha Kei.

The current captain of the third team is Uchiha Jun. This woman is somewhat famous in the family, and Uchiha Liuying also knows a little bit about her.

Now it seems that the Uchiha Jun squad leader may not be the same person as the minister.

Just from the perspective of origin, there seems to be some problems.

The minister did not trust the squad leader, although it was unclear why he allowed this woman to take office. Maybe there were some other connections.

Uchiha Liuying is very smart. He can think of these things but he can't say anything more.

As long as you can figure it out where the identity gap is.

With this foundation, Uchiha Liuying seemed to know what the minister wanted him to do.

I am afraid that the minister wants to strengthen the control over the Security Department, and if he goes in by himself, he will be busy.

Not only must he assist the squad leader in his work, but he must also report many things to the minister.

This is a kind of surveillance work, and Uchiha Liuying feels that he may have to find a way to win over many small teams.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Liuying sighed, but his expression soon became firm.

This is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He had to grasp it, otherwise he felt that he might regret it.

The task given by Uchiha Kei was very difficult, but in his opinion it was not bad, at least much better than on the battlefield.

He has endured so many dangers on the battlefield, is he still afraid of this mission?

"The minister hopes that I will help you supervise and control the third detachment, and at the same time gain a certain say in the third detachment."

Uchiha Liuying said confidently: "I will assist Captain Jun in his work and report the matters that need to be reported to the minister."

"Very good." Uchiha Kei smiled: "It seems that you have made a decision."

"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Liuying lowered his head slightly.

"Do a good job, I look forward to your performance." Uchiha Kai patted his shoulder: "If you do well, then I can give you a big gift."

"No need, Master Qi, my subordinates are willing to serve Master Qi."

"Are you sure? Don't deny this in a hurry. Think about the changes in Sichuan, think about it carefully, and then think about it. However, let's complete your mission first."

"Is there no news about Ryoma yet?"

In an underground laboratory in Konoha, Danzo Shimura was sitting in his seat, looking at a root ninja half-kneeling on the ground below and asked in a deep voice.

It has been nearly a month since You Rulongma left. If you count after he received the mission, it has been more than a month and a half since he left.

The basic mission rules are that the mission progress must be reported every month, no later than one and a half months.

As an old member of the Roots and Danzo's most trustworthy subordinate, Yuru Ryoma naturally cannot violate such a rule.

From Danzo's point of view, there are probably only two situations that can happen to Yuru Ryoma.

The first is that he is following up on the mission and has no way to pass on information to the outside world.

This is not impossible, but the problem is that this can only be encountered by sneaking into some secret laboratory or something.

Then, I am afraid that what Youru Longma encountered is the second situation. He has been exposed and may even be dead!

Danzo was unwilling to accept the second scenario, but as a ninja. Danzo's natural psychological quality and receptive ability are very strong.

Now, while he is seeing whether he can receive information from You Rulongma, he is also actively investigating his whereabouts.

What made Shimura Danzo angry was that the Uchiha clan actually dared to kill his own people?

These damn guys are exactly what their teacher said, they are just a bunch of arrogant lunatics!

"Sorry, Lord Danzo, we still haven't received any information yet."

The root in front of Danzo whispered: "And we have not found a body. Although we cannot rule out the death of Lord Ryoma, we cannot prove that he is dead."

"Stop talking nonsense like this." Danzo said indifferently: "Do you have any information about the barrier class and the perception class?"

Each ninja village has its own barrier class and perception class. They are the backbone of the village to protect it from invasion.

The barrier class is responsible for the layout of the barrier, while the perception class is responsible for detecting some special chakra fluctuations inside and outside the village.

If there is a relatively intense battle in the village, the perception class can play its role.

Danzo didn't have high hopes, he could only give it a try.

"The perception class did find something. They sensed a terrifying chakra burst a month ago."

The ANBU lowered his head and said, "But they couldn't lock on to it because it was too fast. By the time they realized that the chakra had disappeared."

"What a bunch of useless trash!" Danzo Shimura snorted, and then he didn't say anything more.

He knew that this kind of thing could not be blamed on the perception class, but he was indeed extremely angry.

This incident basically shows that his subordinates are probably dead!

High-intensity chakra burst out instantly, and then disappeared without a trace. This was probably the end of a battle.

His subordinates may have been eliminated, but he didn't know who did it. It can be said that this mission has been a complete failure!

"The Uchiha clan." Shimura Danzo's eyes were a little dangerous. He could only say that he had made a mistake: "Huh, you are good this time, but next time."

Although Danzo felt very uncomfortable inside, he knew that he could only stop here.

He rectified his mistake first and arranged for the "roots" to investigate the wealthy families in the village.

It would be fine if there were any results, but if there were no results, the only one who would be unlucky if he brought it up was himself!

Although what the Uchiha clan did was not good, after all, they killed a member of the village.

But you have bullied me, and the person investigating is still the head of the security department!

"Go down." Shimura Danzo said calmly: "Destroy all the information on Yuru Malong. From now on, you should never talk about this person again. We don't have this person here."

"Yes, Lord Danzo." The root showed no surprise or hesitation at all. He calmly accepted the decision.

To their roots, failure in a mission is a shame, and having their traces erased in this world is nothing but normal.

They are the roots, they are the darkness hidden under the leaves, they are all nameless ones.

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