After leaving the Hokage's office, Uchiha Kei was thinking about whether he should go home or go to the laboratory.

After all, he had been away for so long. On the one hand, he felt that he should take a good rest.

But on the other hand, he also wanted to follow up on his current integration situation and the placement of Kimimaro.

He didn't consider going to the security department at all, and he didn't want to touch the work at all now.

It’s not that I have no energy, it’s that I have no interest.

Anyway, now the security department can run very normally even without him.

And the current performance of the four teams must not be too bad.

In this case, it's not a big deal to deal with it after a few days of 'rest'.

What surprised him was that he met Nara Shikaku just after he came out.

This guy was walking towards the Hokage's office with documents in hand.

And what's even more interesting is that this guy's expression became even more exaggerated after seeing Uchiha Kai, which made Uchiha Kai feel a little playful.

Nara Shikaku, this guy probably knows his mission, right?

Otherwise, he wouldn't show such an expression.

The distance between the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire is already far enough.

There is a considerable distance between Konoha, who is in the land of fire, and Kirigakure, who is in the land of water.

The Minister of Political Affairs was probably really shocked when he suddenly appeared in Konoha.

However, Nara Shikaku's reaction speed was also very fast. After thinking for a while, he seemed to guess what the situation was.

"Hello, Minister Kei." Shikaku Nara smiled: "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello, Minister Shikaku." Uchiha Keiya showed a slight smile: "It was Hokage-sama who asked me to come here, but I should be on vacation now."

Sure enough!

Nara Shikaku nodded. No wonder he came back so quickly. It turned out that Lord Hokage personally took action and brought him back.

Uchiha Kei had always had Namikaze Minato's kunai, and Nara Shikaku knew this very well.

But Minato Namikaze actually went to the Kingdom of Water for Uchiha Kai. As the Hokage, he personally went to the Kingdom of Water and brought back the head of the Security Department.

The relationship revealed here is really enviable!

And Nara Shikaku is now also curious about how Uchiha Kei's mission in the Kingdom of Water has been completed.

It should be successful, but to what extent it was successful and how it was accomplished, this matter is worthy of Nara Shikaku's thinking and exploration.

With such information, he can make judgments and specific plans that are most beneficial to Konoha based on what Uchiha Kei has done and the current situation in Kirigakure Village.

"Minister Shikaku should ask for the Hokage, right?" While Nara Shikaku was thinking, Uchiha Kei suddenly said: "Then, I won't bother Minister Shikaku."

"Ah, yes." Nara Shikaku nodded.

But when he saw Uchiha Kei turning around and leaving, he suddenly said: "Minister Kei, I think we can get together if we have time."

"Let's get together?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a relatively bright smile: "Ah, I understand. Indeed, I also think there are some things that I should ask Minister Shikaku for advice."

"Then I will wait for the good news from Director Kei." Nara Shikaku nodded with a smile, and then he turned and walked towards the Hokage's office.

Uchiha Kei looked at Nara Shikaku's back. Isn't this guy completely on Minato Namikaze's side?

Throw an olive branch towards yourself, or in other words, they take the initiative to ask for an olive branch.

This can be regarded as a very practical and very obvious signal.

No matter how you look at it, the Nara clan's initiative to get closer is a good thing.

Although there have been similar moves to get closer before, even Nara Shikaku also made suggestions for Namikaze Minato, and also provided many talents to join the security department.

But seriously speaking, this can only be regarded as a real internal talent flow.

Uchiha Kei asked his department to have such a need, and the Nara clan was able to meet his needs. This can be regarded as an act of creating job opportunities.

Nara Shikaku himself is also very cautious in doing things. He will almost never come into contact with the real behind-the-scenes team of Namikaze Minato unless necessary.

Although I still try my best in life and work, there is a feeling of detachment when I do it.

But now he is doing this for reasons that Uchiha Kei doesn't know clearly.

Probably because he felt that Namikaze Minato did have the ability to control Konoha.

Or maybe he recognized Namikaze Minato's ability?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kei was too lazy to think about these problems. No matter how he looked at it, this was a good thing.

It was Uchiha Kei's plan and strategy to push Minato Namikaze to power, save his life, and continue to support him.

Their interests are almost tied together, and it would be great if more people come to support them.

"If necessary, bring that boy Kenta Imai with you when the time comes."

Slowly walking out of the Hokage building, Uchiha Kei thought silently: "The head of the mission department is still Nara Shikaku's father. It would be a good thing for that boy to have more contact with them."

To say that in the entire Konoha, the only two guys who are likely to become Kei Uchiha's close friends are Hinata Aya and Kenta Imai.

But this is just a fear. The relationship between them is indeed very good now, but this relationship is still centered around a circle of interests.

Maybe their relationship will gradually improve in the future, but for now they are still maintaining their current relationship mainly for the purpose of common interests.

However, even if the relationship is maintained based on profit, the help that should be provided still needs to be provided.

The Senju clan will completely control the mission department in the future, which is very beneficial to Uchiha Qi's future plans.

No matter how he looked at it, he needed to help the Senju clan and Kenta Imai.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kei decided to just go to the laboratory and have a look.

If Kenta Imai is there, Uchiha Kei can tell him about it, but if he's not there, forget it.

Anyway, Uchiha Keiya can meet Hinata Aya, and it would be good to meet Kimimaro who should be taken to the laboratory now.

Uchiha Keiya was quite curious about Hinata Aya's plan, and by the way, Uchiha Keiya wanted to tell her the result of his discussion with Namikaze Minato.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai walked directly towards the laboratory.

The feeling of returning to Konoha was indeed much better than in Kirigakure Village. He really didn't like the depressing atmosphere in Kirigakure Village.

Although he felt that he might be quite suitable for that kind of atmosphere, people's hearts yearned for light.

Although Uchiha Kaicheng is like this, it is a natural choice and he is forced to be like this by the current era and environment, and he has gradually become accustomed to his current state.

But being able to see light, even if it has little to do with oneself, is definitely not comparable to being in darkness and surrounded by darkness.

Uchiha Kai's speed is not very fast. No matter whether they are ninjas or ordinary people along the way, they will greet Uchiha Kai warmly after seeing him.

Faced with this situation, Uchiha Keiya responded with a smile. The character he created for himself in Konoha was very important.

Of course he knows how the residents of Konoha view him now.

Although he looks like Danzo on the surface, he is completely different from Danzo in essence.

He will never become like that, neither in terms of human nature nor in terms of character creation.

At least he wanted to leave an image of himself as a 'gentle and kind superior' to everyone else in Konoha.

We walked all the way to the forest behind the Uchiha clan. This forest still looked so prosperous.

But Uchiha Kei clearly noticed that the prevention and control measures here seemed to be better.

It seems that in the past few months since his absence, Uchiha Fugaku has taken a serious rest here.

This underground laboratory may have lost its value to Uchiha Fugaku.

After all, the Eternal Eye has been completely integrated, but Keiji Uchiha may still have many important functions.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't know what Uchiha was going to do, but he could help Uchiha Kai to complete some basic facility construction.

The relationship between the two of them has become more harmonious after Uchiha Kei handed over the pair of Sharingan.

Ignoring the ninjas guarding here, Uchiha Kai went directly into the underground laboratory.

The laboratory seemed very cold, and the sounds from the previous equipment had disappeared, but he was still keenly aware that there were people inside.

"It seems that my premonition was very accurate. You are indeed here." Pushing open the familiar door, Uchiha Kei smiled and looked at the people inside.

That's right, it's Hinata Aya.

Uchiha Qi had a hunch before he arrived that Hinata Aya would be here, and sure enough, his hunch was correct.

Not only Hinata Aya is here, but that kid Kimimaro is also here.

It's just that the kid is still sleeping and has no intention of waking up.

I don’t know what methods Kenta Imai or Aya Hinata used to make this kid sleep for a whole day.

"Are you surprised that I'm here?" Hinata Ling tilted her head and then said.

"After I brought him back, I really didn't want to wait for a day. If the clan leader hadn't come to talk to me about something important, I probably would have rested here last night."

"There's no need to be so anxious." Uchiha Kei sat next to her. Looking at the woman in front of him, he shook his head: "Actually, there must be a way to solve these problems."

"For you, you did find it. For Kenta Imai, maybe he found it."

Hinata Aya didn't pay too much attention to Uchiha Kei's words, she continued the work in her hands.

"But for me, although I have sufficient data and some practice accumulation, my starting point is almost zero. I..."

"Are you worried that you can't keep up?" Uchiha Kei smiled, and then his expression became slightly serious: "So, as an emergency alternative, I have also prepared something for you."

"Oh? What other preparations has Qijun made?"

"It's just a small gift, something that can only be used by you."

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