This Uchiha is too cautious

Chapter 343 Guidance

At the party that night, everything seemed very harmonious.

Nara Shikaku not only brought his father who was the head of the mission department with him.

In addition, just as Uchiha Kei thought, he also invited Akimichi Dingza and Yamanaka Haiichi.

Uchiha Kei came here alone this time. In addition to bringing Kenta Imai, who represented the Senju clan, he also did not forget to call Uchiha Fugaku.

During this period of time, Uchiha Fugaku had been living in seclusion and training his new eyes extremely hard.

However, after receiving the invitation from Uchiha Kei and understanding the significance of this dinner party, he temporarily put down his work and came to the restaurant with Uchiha Kei.

The only pity is that this guy Uchiha Kei has not yet reached the age of drinking, so everyone present did not choose to drink out of respect for him.

The atmosphere may be a little worse, but overall the effect is not bad.

At least they made a clear stance and sent a collective signal.

That is the current Uchiha and Senju, who are considered 'allies' to a certain extent.

With this signal, it is obvious that these three companies understand what it means, and at the same time understand how to face it and how to operate it.

This dinner lasted until about ten o'clock in the evening and ended relatively early. It was probably because everyone had work to do the next day, so it ended relatively early.

"It seems that the three families of Ino, Luka and Die have turned to Minato, or in other words are under the control of Minato-kun."

Walking on the road back to the tribe, Uchiha Fugaku said with some emotion: "It's really amazing. I can still vividly remember what he was like a year ago, if it weren't for you."

"Do you regret not becoming Hokage?" Uchiha Kai raised his head and glanced at the moonlight, then looked at him with some amusement.

"Stop joking, Kai-kun, about this kind of thing." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head helplessly.

"Let's not talk about whether I had the opportunity at that time. Even if I had the opportunity, I might not be so comfortable now and have so much time to teach and accompany my children and my wife."

Uchiha Fugaku obviously thought clearly and saw everything thoroughly from beginning to end. He didn't have any thoughts of being jealous of Namikaze Minato.

The situation of the Uchiha clan back then had no chance at all, and many things might not go as expected after becoming Hokage.

Because in most cases, you are not able to do what you want, so you have to compromise in all aspects.

Once you don't act according to some established rules, no matter how strong you are, you will only get a group of subordinates who are always looking for opportunities and ready to resist you.

Too tiring and too boring.

The Uchiha clan is very good now. Under Uchiha Kei's external control and Uchiha Fugaku's internal control, everything has become very good.

And now that they have begun to deal with future changes, they will inevitably gain more from such changes.

So why bother looking for a higher position with your not-so-good ones?

Sometimes you can gain more by taking a step back than you can by moving forward.

"Indeed, it is much better to spend more time with your family and stabilize everything within the clan than to coordinate the overall situation as Hokage and be troubled by the thoughts of the 'clan' from time to time."

Uchiha Kei smiled and nodded: "By the way, how are your eyes now?"

"Very good, I have basically adapted to those eyes now." Uchiha Fugaku smiled.

"I have to say that those eyes give me a great feeling. I have never experienced such power and intensity. But, Qijun, how are your eyes now?"

"I, I thought of some special methods, and my eyes are in good condition now." Uchiha Kei replied vaguely.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded, he already understood what Uchiha Kei meant.

Although Uchiha Kei did not want to say more about this matter, he also knew that when he fused the eternal eyes, Uchiha Kei also did a lot of experiments from them.

I'm afraid, he is preparing his eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't know exactly what he did, and he didn't want to know.

Uchiha Qineng had his own methods, and he must have paid a lot of price.

Although Uchiha Kei gave him these eternal eyes, it also caused some evil thoughts in his mind.

However, such evil thoughts did not interfere with his obsession that 'the Uchiha clan would be better' and 'the Uchiha clan could be peaceful and compatible with Konoha'.

Even calmly, he thought that Uchiha Kei would definitely have countermeasures.

Therefore, he also hopes that Uchiha Kai can be better, so that the Uchiha clan can obviously be better.

"That's good." Uchiha Fugaku smiled, and then his eyes stared at Uchiha Kei: "Kei-kun, you are fifteen years old, right?"

"Please, you're not going to ask some incomprehensible questions again, are you?" Uchiha Kai suddenly felt a big headache when he heard Uchiha Fugaku turning around and asking about his age.

"Didn't I say that I hope to find a woman I like more? Please don't embarrass me on this matter again."

"I understand what Qijun means. After all, an arranged marriage may not necessarily be perfect, especially with someone like Qijun, you can actually make your own decision, but..."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and then said with great seriousness but sincerity: "Don't worry, the elders in the family dare not say anything about you. These only represent my opinions. Maybe the people of the Hyuga clan are more in line with your aesthetics, or maybe you I do have a different relationship with that girl, but"

"But what?" Uchiha Kei rubbed his eyebrows: "You didn't believe the rumors, did you?"

“Rumors stop with wise men, but I just give you some reminders, although I feel that the women of the Hyuga clan are not as good as those of the Uchiha clan.

But whether you are considering aesthetics or interests, you really should find a clan, right? "

"Please, me."

Uchiha Keizhen was too lazy to say anything. He really regretted it now. He regretted why he didn't explain a word or two in the first place.

But soon Uchiha Kei calmed down again. The more you explain this kind of thing, the more people will feel that you are covering up.

It's better not to say anything than to make such a mess.

Unfortunately, this matter does not seem to be calming down at all.

Uchiha Kei now seems to have realized the feeling of Orochimaru who was secretly attacked by him back then. This feeling is indeed not a good one.

What's more, Uchiha Keiya felt that if he was asked to explain something, he might not be able to explain it.

After all, even Hinata Aya, a woman like her, doesn't bother to explain. Doesn't it make him look too classless if he wants to explain a few words?

Sighing slightly, it seemed that Konoha didn't look like a 'wise man', or was there someone behind this incident?

Uchiha Kai raised his eyebrows, wondering if someone was really deliberately fanning the flames.

This caused some people who were indifferent to him to worry that he and Hinata Ayama would come together and create some kind of interest group, right?

"I don't know if I'm too sensitive, or if someone really did this." Uchiha Kei suddenly said, "I feel like something is not right about this."

"You mean?" Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to realize something, and his face became serious.

"Is someone deliberately manipulating your relationship with Hinata Aya? Is it hoping to attract everyone's attention and then make them alert and fearful, thereby preventing something from happening?"

"Probably." Uchiha Kai nodded, whether it was him or not.

Although he felt that things might not really be that simple.

But who knows if it's because he's too dark in his heart, or because he's too sensitive, or maybe the villagers are really interested.

But in any case, it was enough for Uchiha Kei to distort Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts and make him stop thinking about it.

He doesn't want to talk about it at all now because he doesn't know what his true thoughts are.

After all, people need emotions, and all kinds of emotions can create something as complex as human nature.

Uchiha Kei and Hinata Aya are really familiar with each other, and they have seen what each other is like "under the mask". More importantly, they have a high tacit understanding.

As for status and other things, Uchiha Kei has never cared too much about these.

After all, what they are doing now is to solve Hinata Ling's problem.

"Forget it, if we don't talk about it, I might have to leave for a while." His thoughts returned, and Uchiha Kai turned to look at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Are you leaving again?" Uchiha Fugaku frowned: "Did something happen?"

"Ah, it's not serious, but it's not easy either." Uchiha Kai raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky with a sneer.

"I received some news that someone is collecting the Nine-Tails' chakra, and those people may have something to do with the Daimyo."

"Daimyo?" Uchiha Fugaku's face became more serious: "Those twelve so-called 'voluntarily organized' guys to protect the daimyo? Are they crazy?"

Obviously Uchiha Fugaku also knew what those twelve ninjas were.

And it can be seen that he doesn't take the name of the name too seriously.

Really, what those guys did really had nothing to do with being crazy.

This is really provoking Konoha, and it is no different from seeking death.

The only thing that needs to be considered is what role the daimyo plays in this matter.

However, the name of the Kingdom of Fire is not the name of the Kingdom of Wind.

"I don't know, I'm still waiting for the news." Uchiha Kei shook his head slightly: "But no matter what, I will probably set off once it is confirmed."

"Who are your teammates in this operation?" Uchiha Fugaku asked curiously: "They are still your old teammates."

"No, Kenta Imai is not involved. He has been busy recently." Uchiha Kei replied directly: "The candidate to replace him is Kakashi. I think you should know the reason."

"Of course, it seems that if this matter is handled well, we will also congratulate your classmate." Uchiha Fugaku immediately understood what Uchiha Kei meant: "But, can the news be confirmed?"

"I'll know it soon, because he's here."

As soon as Uchiha Kai finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly became distorted.

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