This Uchiha is too cautious

Chapter 361 The troubled Konoha forty-nine years

Keiko Uchiha didn't feel the slightest burden about deceiving Hinata Aya.

To be precise, everything he said was true.

It's just that he used other ways to express this degree of reality.

But no matter what, he can be regarded as broadening Hinata Ling's horizons.

Let this woman know how she can really change after rolling her eyes.

As for the so-called full attribute chakra, he is really deceiving people about this.

Although Uchiha Kei doesn't think that Hinata Aya can really go that far.

But since he has already told this information, shouldn't he be more comprehensive?

Although his statement was full of inducement, and Uchiha Kei himself didn't know whether having the reincarnation eye would automatically give him full chakra attributes.

But this does not prevent Uchiha Kei from saying these words.

And it's not a bad thing to let this woman make some preparations on her own.

How bad was Toneri Otsutsuki's performance? Although he didn't remember the plot that much, this incident was really unforgettable for him.

So can it be understood that Otsutsuki Toneri actually has his essential strength, or that his foundation is really too poor.

As a result, his reincarnated eye did not perform up to standard, which was equivalent to "temporarily" gaining terrifying power.

Of course, it does not rule out that his eyes are not his own, but belong to Hinata Hanabi.

This resulted in him being very unadaptable, and in addition, his reincarnated eye movement was not completed, and finally dissipated directly.

"Anyway, various situations are possible. Although it may not be successful to explore the so-called full attribute chakra, and it will also consume a lot of her concentration and time, but..."

Uchiha Kei was sitting in the office of the Security Department, holding a chakra test paper in his hand and thinking silently.

"But having laid such a foundation, I'm afraid her future benefits will be far greater than now. I just don't know how well she can perform."

There are indeed too many unknowns, but the benefits are also obvious, but Hinata Aya needs to make her own choices about these things.

Regardless of whether she chooses to intensify her exploration and learning of chakra attributes, or to focus more on unlocking her genes.

Uchiha Kai will give great support.

He lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand, and suddenly blue chakra burst out from his hand.

Then the chakra test paper in his hand immediately showed the manifestations of different states of the species.

If you look carefully, you can find that this piece of paper has five completely different states of damage.

Uchiha Kei threw all the papers on the ground, and then burned them all with a fire.

It's not that he's afraid of these things being exposed. As a Sharingan owner, it's normal no matter how many ninjutsu he copies.

How many attributes of chakra he can display depends purely on his talent.

Kakashi is basically an all-round warrior, and as the biggest genius in the Uchiha clan, it is not surprising that he performs like this.

"Let's try it out sometime." Uchiha Kei thought with a smile.

Looking up at the dissipating snow outside the window, he knew that spring had come.

Time flies really fast, and before you know it, you have been in Konoha forty-nine years.

Uchiha Keiya has moved from fifteen years old to sixteen years old. At the age of sixteen, he can almost be regarded as an adult in this world.

Even though the ninja world is very peaceful now, there are actually a lot of overt and covert struggles.

The casualty rate of ninjas has never truly decreased.

Standing up slowly, Uchiha Kei walked to the window, his thoughts drifting away at this moment.

The forty-nine year of Konoha is actually not a big year.

Because in this year, all the Xiaoqiang are only two or three years old.

Uchiha Kei had the honor to attend the first birthdays of Hyuga Hinata, Uchiha Sasuke, and Namikaze Naruto, but he was not invited by Ino Shikacho.

Moreover, in certain political matters, their performance seemed to sound different from that of Uchiha Kei.

Although in most cases we still stand together, there are only a few cases where there is a rebuttal.

But this also allowed many people to see something different.

Namikaze Minato had long seen through Inogacho's thoughts, but like Uchiha Kei, he would not reject different voices even though he didn't like them.

And he was worried that Uchiha Kei would be dissatisfied in his heart, which would lead to him becoming angry and deliberately going against the grain.

Therefore, he specially pulled out Uchiha Kei and explained it.

This incident made Uchiha Kei dumbfounded. In the end, he could only tell Namikaze Minato that he actually understood what they meant and there was no need to worry about this matter.

Minato Namikaze was completely relieved when he heard Uchiha Kei explain the matter so logically and orderly.

He is really worried about his most trusted and most closely connected collaborator.

There were irreconcilable conflicts with the traditional political elites of Konoha.

This is definitely not what he wants to see, because it will definitely cause some problems within Konoha.

Namikaze Minato even decided that if Uchiha Keizhen didn't want this approach, he would try to communicate with Nara Shikaku and the others.

But since Uchiha Kei fully understood, this made him relieved and at the same time extremely worry-free.

The role of the Security Department in Konoha is really growing.

In addition, Uchiha Kei himself is extremely capable and logical, and he is one of the people who single-handedly pushed Namikaze Minato up.

Therefore, in terms of closeness and distance, I am afraid that Uchiha Kei will only be slightly worse than Namikaze Minato's family and Jiraiya.

Moreover, Uchiha Kei is the same age as Kakashi and Obito. Although they are not his disciples, they are closer than his disciples.

Moreover, he also saved two of his disciples.

If he really had to make a choice, Namikaze Minato thought that he might not think too much at all and would side with Uchiha Kei.

Uchiha Keiya couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of the scene where Minato Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief and dragged himself directly to his house to see little Naruto and enjoy a dinner at the same time.

The relationship between Namikaze Minato and him was very good, and now it was developing in a better direction. He really didn't need to worry about too many problems.

Moreover, in the final outcome of the daimyo incident, Namikaze Minato favored Nara Shikaku in some options.

This was his inner thought, and he didn't want to go too far.

However, he completely used the report content provided by Uchiha Kei in the official announcement of the matter.

The words used are also relatively condescending.

The tone set throughout the article is almost always 'condemnation' and 'regret', and it ends with words such as 'warning'.

Those who can understand will naturally know what it means, and those who cannot understand will also know that the daimyo did something he shouldn't have done.

The daimyo's matter was completely finalized, and with the funds promised by the daimyo being in place, the economic vitality within Konoha was immediately greatly stimulated.

With this money in place, Namikaze Minato has more confidence to promote the reform of Konoha's genin.

With the huge outpouring of actual benefits and resources, those original special jonins have made their voices heard.

But these voices were attracted by the Kirigakure incident on the one hand, and the Daimyo incident on the other.

The middle and lower ninjas also received actual benefits.

Including them, they have also shared these benefits after being stripped of their 'special jounin' garb and becoming chuunin.

Naturally, their voices began to fade away, and they even began to accept these things fully.

It can be said that the daimyo matter was not originally within the scope of Uchiha Kei's plan.

But this incident has greatly accelerated their progress in reforming Konoha.

Through the huge impact of this incident, and also through the benefits gained from this reform.

The hidden benefits Kakashi gained were beyond imagination.

Although he has not yet made a final decision and is officially promoted to the head of ANBU.

But in fact, his voice in ANBU has reached a peak.

At the request of Uchiha Kei and Uchiha Fugaku, the members of the Uchiha clan in the ANBU firmly supported Kakashi.

Although there are few of them, they also represent an attitude.

Although some members of other groups who had thoughts about the ANBU minister were not convinced, they could only lament that Kakashi's benefits in this matter really surpassed all of them.

In addition, they are not brainless guys.

Even if they really can't understand it, there are people behind them who will help them analyze it.

Therefore, they gradually began to restrain some of their ideas and began to openly or covertly choose to support Kakashi.

"Things with Kakashi have stabilized. We're just waiting for the election in December this year."

Uchiha Kei looked at the bustling crowd outside the window, and then his eyes turned involuntarily to the mission department building.

"Kenta Imai, maybe after December this year, he will also be the head of the mission department."

Imai Kenta is taking over more and more things. Perhaps Namikaze Minato doesn't want two ministers in a family to occupy the core position of Konoha at the same time.

The Nara clan also understands this very well, so the current head of the mission department has been delegating power, and now it has almost reached its limit.

If Kenta Imai and Kakashi work together, they will successfully ascend to the stage where the old and new powers change.

This can be regarded as a continuation of the adjustment of the core power within Konoha, and it also means that Namikaze Minato has more complete control of his own rights.

He had no one before, but now there is a huge change.

Although the people he trains and selects are still young, no one dares to deny the abilities of these young people.

Just look at Kei Uchiha, the head of the security department, and you will know that young people like him are probably the future of Konoha!

But thinking of this, Uchiha Kei shook his head silently.

The forty-nine year of Konoha is indeed not a special year.

But for Uchiha Kai, for Namifeng Minato, for Hinata

It was definitely a different year even for Konoha, definitely a troubled year.

"If there are no accidents, this year should be the year when Yun Ninja and his group are going to cause trouble."

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