This Uchiha is too cautious

Chapter 707 Sixty Years of Konoha

"Time flies so fast."

Standing in the office of the Minister of Security, looking at the long queue outside the Hokage Building not far away, Uchiha Kei couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

In this long queue, there are almost all combinations of adults and children, except for some relatively independent little guys and children who grew up in orphanages.

Today is really a special day, because it is now the sixtyth year of Konoha.

To put it simply, the baby boomers born after World War III have basically graduated from ninja schools!

Earlier there was this guy Hyuga Neji, this guy graduated last year.

With the caged bird removed, his father is still alive and he has been taught by Hinata Aya. He is not the ghost at the beginning of the original work who looks like his "fate has been arranged long ago".

Confident and proud, but never bullying others. It can be said that this guy is full of advantages now, and his strength is quite good.

The only regret is that this guy respects Hinata Aya and Hinata too much.

In fact, after graduation, he wanted to report to the Security Department. After all, his father was one of the five giants in the Security Department and controlled a brigade.

But Hyuga Hizashi has no such idea at all. He prefers to let his child be trained from the basics, even if his strength is already strong enough.

Therefore, even in the friendship test, he failed.

Fortunately, it was Neji. If it were Naruto, he would have come looking for Uchiha Kai.

The Hyuga clan's family education is still very strict, even if the distinction of 'clan division' has been eliminated.

But Hinata Hizashi suggested adding something like 'must respect everyone in the family' and 'respect people from the same village'.

In addition, Uchiha holds a high position and has the title of Acting Hokage. In addition, he is Hinata Aya's fiancé.

Although these two people have never been married, or even engaged, the whole of Konoha knows that these two people must be together.

So Hyuga Neji had no choice but to obey the arrangements honestly.

The only good thing is that his teacher is Metkai, and this guy was once his father's subordinate and a member of the security department.

This kid Akai has always wanted to become a Jonin, and he worked very hard for this. In the end, his efforts paid off, and he successfully became a Jonin.

But after becoming a jounin, he had no choice but to leave the security department.

Because among the squad leaders in the security department, there is really no one who is not a jounin.

Now the security department is a carrot and a pit. In addition to the carrots buried in the soil, there are a lot of people waiting outside hoping to bury them in it.

But it is a pity that those jounin will not be able to take their turn unless they make no mistakes, their term is up, or they die unexpectedly.

In order to retain the title of Jonin, Akai could only leave the security department to become a teacher and train students, in order to obtain the ninja rating he had done.

There is no difference from the original work. Akai's students are still the same three - one is Xiao Li whom he chose, the other is the daughter of Konoha's largest weapons dealer, and the last one is Neji.

In fact, Xiao Li's situation is somewhat special. He did not give up on himself because he failed the exam.

With Konoha's reforms, this kid became a special student, and he had a special teacher to teach him how to use Taijutsu better.

And because of his hard work, he was spotted by Akai early on and gave him a lot of help.

Therefore, when Akai became a Jonin and was preparing to lead students, he chose him without any hesitation.

Everyone knew each other and had a very good relationship with each other. Akai even saw his own reflection in this boy.

It is not strange for this hard-working child who is only good at physical skills to teach him a good lesson.

Neji was last year, but there are more little guys graduating this year.

The Namikaze family, the Uchiha family, the Nara family, the Akimichi family, and so on.

In addition to the twelve little heroes in the original book, there are also many from these famous families. In addition, there are also a lot of civilian ninjas. You can imagine what kind of grand occasion this is.

However, this scene also put some pressure on the top management of Konoha, because there were so many young guys who graduated and were worthy of training, and the number of jounin was a bit overwhelming.

It's not like no one has suggested relaxing the number limit on jounin.

Unfortunately, this proposal was rejected outright.

It wasn't Uchiha Kei who took the lead in vetoing it, but the result obtained through everyone's vote.

Of course, it was not that Uchiha Keiya had never thought about rejecting this matter, but he was a person with vested interests and it was hard for him to take the lead.

However, he also proposed a plan, that is, there would be chuunin who failed the jounin assessment, but whose ability had reached the jounin standard, to lead the students together.

Letting chuunin lead students was originally a characteristic of Konoha.

You must know that those guys who are not worthy of training are basically left to the chuunin to take care of them.

But now, in order to allow more students to be trained, and to give the chunin with fighting spirit and strength an additional upward path.

If some policies are relaxed so that they can also participate in the assessment and scoring, these chunin will naturally not miss it.

Although they also know that it is really difficult to grab any high-quality resources if they and Jonin compete for students, but after all, this is a way, right?

"I don't know if Naruto will come up with such a weird photo this time." Looking at the figures that kept entering and then walking out, Uchiha Kai touched his chin and thought secretly: "Also, who are the teachers of these little guys?"

Uchiha Kei is really curious. The incident with Naruto's photo probably won't happen. As for the kiss of the century, I'm afraid it has basically been blown away.

Of course, it’s not necessarily true.

The relationship between these two brats is inexplicable, especially after the Uchiha Shisui incident caused some troubles, their relationship really became better.

Although Sasuke has always disliked Naruto, it is said that after returning home, he could not say a word without the boy.

Naruto was similar. Although he always tried to persuade him with good intentions, he would go toe-to-toe with Sasuke when his temper got angry. The two of them would not fight once or twice.

If they really get upset over some minor issue, it might not happen if the two of them go toe-to-toe in the classroom and someone bumps into them from behind.

But what makes Uchiha Kei most curious is who the teachers of these little guys will be.

Because the graduates this time are almost the descendants of a group of powerful people in Konoha.

The eight people were divided into three groups, and seven of these eight people were direct descendants of the family's ninjas, and might even be the clan leader in the future.

The most terrible thing is that among these seven people, there are two others, one from Hinata and one from Uchiha. Who is not afraid of this posture?

But the only pity is that the so-called twelve strong ones in the future may not be able to gather together. After all, Haruno Sakura may not be able to join them.

This little girl does like Sasuke, but Sasuke is not interested in her, and Naruto inexplicably does not have close contact with her.

In the original work, this key figure who bonded Naruto and Sasuke became a transparent person, which is quite confusing when you think about it.

Of course, it doesn't matter. After all, the classes haven't been released yet. Who knows who will be like who by then, and who will take care of whom.

Just when Uchiha Kei was meditating, there was a knock on the door suddenly, which forced him to come to his senses, and then directly asked people to come in.

"Mr. Minister." A young woman came in and bowed slightly to him.

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Kei looked at the woman in front of him. He suddenly forgot what her name was.

However, he did remember that this woman was his current secretary, and she should do what Hinata Ling did in the past.

Ever since Hinata Aya left the security department and went to the medical department, Uchiha Kai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, one less person who could help him a lot left suddenly, and he was a little confused.

He had no choice but to find someone with excellent internal affairs abilities, either male or female.

This incident also excited Uchiha Fugaku. He immediately found Uchiha Kai and strongly recommended Uchiha Jun to go there.

At first, Uchiha Keiya agreed, but when he saw the brigade report, which was the situation of the brigade that Uchiha Jun now commanded, he immediately gave up the idea.

This woman did a very good job in the brigade she controlled, especially in the area she was responsible for, which had the least civil disputes.

How could he inexplicably transfer such a talent and let her enter the headquarters?

So he rejected Uchiha Fugaku and then chose someone else.

This incident disappointed Uchiha Fugaku, but Uchiha Kei received a lot of praise from Hyuga Aya, and also received a lot of benefits.

Now this woman is Uchiha Kei's secretary, a ninja from a civilian family.

"That's right, Minister. The Hokage's ANBU sent a message to ask you to go to the Hokage's office." The secretary lowered his head and said quickly.

"Is that so? I understand." Uchiha Kai nodded, then he stood up and walked directly towards the door: "Thank you for your hard work."

"This is what I should do, Mr. Minister." The secretary bowed again.

With the development of Konoha, there are more and more such government and internal affairs talents, which is a good thing for Konoha and also a good thing for Uchiha Kei.

At least, he can feel more relaxed.

Namikaze Minato is looking for him, I'm afraid Konoha is also very simple, that is to discuss the issue of these little guys leading the Jonin, right?

After all, these little guys, one by one, are very important guys, and their potential is worthy of recognition.

In fact, Konoha has trained many outstanding ninjas over the years, and there are countless outstanding talents in various fields.

It has to be said that after the reforms of the middle, lower and even jounin, plus the removal of the last obstacle by Uchiha Kei, Konoha has now had a good harvest.

A large number of outstanding ninjas have emerged, and it can be said that Konoha has almost surpassed the peak period of Cloud Hidden Village.

Even if this does not include cutting-edge combat capabilities, there are even a lot of political talents in Konoha.

And with the completion of the transformation of the Land of Waves and the Land of Tea, Konoha has begun to benefit from them.

The establishment of Ha Yin Village and Cha Yin Village shocked the remaining fallen warrior groups and thieves groups in these two countries, and because of the successful road construction, more traders were able to transport goods.

The resources of the Country of Tea are not small. After all, it is close to the Country of Fire and is on the coast. Whether it is mining or fishery, it has great development prospects.

However, Konoha basically took away the mining rights for these things. Although they jointly developed them with Chagakure Village, Konoha also took the majority.

I helped you build the roads, I helped you build the Ninja Village, and I helped you train the ninjas. If you don’t have the money to pay me back, you can use the things in the country to pay off your debts.

Beyond that, it’s the share of tasks.

After the Kingdom of Tea was opened, the flow of people began to increase. In order to avoid trouble, traders passing by would naturally ask ninjas to escort them.

The ninjas in Chayin Village have just been established, and Konoha will also take them to do tasks together, so that they can get a lot of share of the tasks.

Even if Konoha doesn't need to take action, he can still take a part of the share. Anyone who sees such a value-for-money deal will be tempted.

And the country of waves?

Although there are not many mining resources there, it is an important place connecting the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and it also has rich fishery resources.

In addition to its strategic location and fishery resources, the tourism environment of Wave Country is also pretty good.

It can be said that with the development of these two countries, other ninja villages are becoming more and more aware of Konoha's purpose.

This basically creates two younger brothers, and then obtains a lot of economic benefits, and helps them build weapons to face possible battles together.

Although the initial investment is really large, for now, the political, military and economic benefits that Konoha has gained are really even greater!

Once these two allies were established, they formed a natural alliance with Konoha.

Even if there is a ninja war now, and it is still four against one, Konoha will probably be able to cope with it. It is said that Konoha has set its sights on the country of Uzumaki.

What's more, can a four-on-one situation really be formed?

Konoha and Kumogakure also signed an alliance, and were inspired by Konoha. Kumogakure was also ready to move against the country of Yu, and Konoha seemed to have no objection.

And Kirigakure Village is now completely locked up, and no one knows what is going on inside.

Want them to come out and fight Konoha?

Konoha only needs to deploy troops in the Land of Waves and use it as an outpost to make Kirigakure Village very difficult.

Therefore, just relying on Iwagakure and Sunagakure, these two villages will face Kumogakure and Konoha?

Is it possible that there is something wrong with his brain and that he has gone completely crazy?

It can be said that Konoha is now completely at the top of the ninja world, and has returned to the top after Senju Hashirama.

Whether it is the quantity, quality, or high-end power of ninjas, they are the well-deserved number one in the ninja world!

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