This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 174 \"Didn't I Just Say It All, Are You Weak Now!?

Chapter 174 "Didn't I just say it all, are you very weak now!?

There was a desire to vomit blood in Orochimaru's heart.

And he did vomit blood, being slapped by Nine Tails demon fox, he vomited blood, almost staining the ground in front of him red.

"Uzumaki bastard.......I didn't move at all......"

Orochimaru looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was as high as a mountain with grief and indignation.

After Uzumaki Naruto spoke, he just stood aside and watched the excitement quietly, not to mention moving, even the weather didn't make a sound.

The results of it.

Nine Tails slapped it down with a paw, almost slapping himself to death.

Uzumaki Naruto in the Nine Tails state retracted his claws, glanced at Orochimaru indifferently, and then looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade.

"did you see that!?"

"I beat him like this even if he didn't move. If you dare to move again, this place... will be the end of your life."

Orochimaru: "........."

Jiraiya and Tsunade's eyelids twitched wildly.

In their line of sight, on the ground that Nine Tails slapped just now, huge cracks resembling an earthquake suddenly appeared.

This is Orochimaru, who has a software Technique that is immune to most physical attacks.

But if another ninja comes, let alone alive, the bone dregs may be smashed into powder.

Now, Jiraiya and Tsunade are really caught in a dilemma. They dare not move, but they agree... It is absolutely impossible.

Jiraiya and Tsunade's faces were extremely ugly, their hearts were overwhelmed, and they only felt a cold air rushing straight to the spirit cap of 807.

Unify the ninja world by force!?

This is not just talk, but a real all-out war, and even the most tragic ninja war.

At that time, the entire ninja world will be in a melee.

Cloud Shinobi Village!




These four powerful hidden villages will definitely not ignore them, let alone agree to Uzumaki Naruto's plan.

And it's not just the four hidden villages.

In the ninja world, all powerful countries will launch wars against Uzumaki Naruto.

That would be a war more terrifying than the ninja war.

Just thinking about the consequences, Jiraiya and Tsunade shuddered, and they didn't want to agree to Uzumaki Naruto's horrible plan even more.

"This, Naruto, isn't this plan a bit too radical!?"

Jiraiya didn't care to wipe off the cold sweat, and said dryly: "If you want to realize this plan, do you know what you will face!?"

"Not just Konoha Village, your enemy will be the whole ninja world!"

Jiraiya earnestly wants to dissuade Uzumaki Naruto.

But Uzumaki Naruto had already made up his mind, he just looked at Jiraiya indifferently and said:

"An enemy of the ninja world!?"

"Of course I knew there would be consequences, and I was prepared to suffer them.

"It's just an enemy of the whole world. In the following battles, my enemies will be at the level of destroying the world."

"It's just a few shadows, it's nothing compared to those monsters."

After hearing Uzumaki Naruto's words, the corners of Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru's mouths twitched.

The Strong Who Destroys the World!?

What are you kidding!?

Is there such a strong man in the world!?

Could it be that you have lost your mind!?

"Crazy, Uzumaki Naruto, you are really crazy...."

Jiraiya looked at Uzumaki Naruto in disbelief: "I thought you just wanted revenge, but what you're doing now... isn't it mentally insane!?"

Uzumaki Naruto sighed slightly, and said indifferently:

"So... I don't want to explain anything... because Jiraiya-sensei, you don't know anything."

"I don't know my past sufferings, and I don't know my next enemies. I just stand high as a righteous party."

"Even if I explain it to you, you won't believe it..."

"never mind!"

Uzumaki Naruto's expression gradually became indifferent, and four Gold chains spread from his body, winding straight towards Jiraiya.

He gave up on a peaceful solution.

Even if they tell Jiraiya that Uchiha Madara will be resurrected, they will definitely not believe it.

As for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Yuyi, and even the scarier Ōtsutsuki clan...they'll just think they're talking nonsense.

"Everyone is drunk and I am sober... It turns out that I am not so chic..."

With a sneer, the Adamantine Sealing Chains controlled by Uzumaki Naruto crossed a gold arc in the sky and rushed towards Jiraiya at an extremely fast speed.




Straight towards his own Gold chain, Jiraiya's scalp tingled, he didn't dare to let the chain touch his body.

"Summoning Technique · Toad's Mouth Bondage Technique!"

As Jiraiya's voice fell, Uzumaki Naruto was surprised to find that the terrain around him changed.

The ice surface, which was originally a ruin, is being covered by fleshy red flesh (affe), and the flesh is jumping and jumping, as if in the stomach of a monster.

Just for a moment.

The surrounding area has completely turned into a monster's stomach, with twists and turns, and Jiraiya's figure has disappeared into it.

"This is... Jiraiya's ninjutsu used against Uchiha Itachi and Kisame... so toad's belly looks like this..."

Muttering to himself, the surprise in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes gradually disappeared, and he waved his hand indifferently.

"Do you think you can stop it with this kind of thing!?"

The Gold chains turned into javelins, crazily piercing through the tough stomach wall of the Yansu giant toad, blasting out big holes one after another.

The big toad in Yansu was in pain, and the intestines in the stomach twisted quickly, but no matter how twisted, the Gold chain that turned into a javelin was still rampaging.

In just three seconds, the Gold chain rushed to Jiraiya's side, and the golden chain suddenly wrapped around it.

"Impossible, Yansu Toad's stomach wall can't stop it!?"

"How many holes have been drilled!?"

Jiraiya's pupils shrank, and he yelled without saying a word: "Ninja Jizo!"

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The white hair of the shawl behind Jiraiya's back, like the needles of a porcupine, stood upright, blocking the entanglement of Gold's chains.

But Jiraiya was not happy for a second.

A deafening roar was heard.

With a bang, the claws of Nine Tails Gold blasted in from the outside world, piercing through the stomach wall of Yansu Toad like a dead man.

Gold's claws were like a Gold meteor, and Jiraiya was thrown flying with a bang, without giving anyone time to react.


Jiraiya's body was like a shell that was blown away, drawing an arc in mid-air, and slammed into the icy forest fiercely.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

After smashing dozens of ice trees one after another, Jiraiya's speed gradually decreased, and finally hit the ruins with a bang.


Suffering such a serious injury, even Jiraiya couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Not caring about wiping off the blood, Jiraiya propped up her body and looked at the high platform in shock.

The stomach wall of the giant toad covering the land gradually disappeared, and Uzumaki Naruto, who was like a mountain, lowered his head and looked at himself indifferently.

"There is no way to fight back..."

Naturally, he also gave a bitter smile. If he was in the state of a fairy, he might fight back, but... there is no such time at all.

With a thought in Uzumaki Naruto's mind, the four Gold chains quickly wrapped around Jiraiya's chest.

It is different from imprisoning First Hokage.

It only took Adamantine Sealing Chains a split second to overwhelm Jiraiya's Chakra.

"it's over!"

Uzumaki Naruto said lightly.

Four Gold chains shuttled quickly around Jiraiya's body, and in the blink of an eye, Jiraiya was tied up like a pig on the ground.

With Jiraiya under control, the rest of Tsunade and Orochimaru are like fish on a sticky board, not much of a threat at all.

The same goes for the other Konoha Village ninjas.

And at this very moment.

Silver light flickered.


Senju Tobirama, who had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared on the back of Uzumaki Naruto Nine Tails state.

Senju Tobirama maintained the state of a big hole in his chest, and slapped his hands on Chakra in Nine Tails state fiercely, roaring angrily:

"Stop thinking of hurting people, Uzumaki Naruto, go to hell!!!"

"Tandem Paper Bombs!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes moved slightly, a golden tail waved, and sent Senju Tobirama flying with a bang.

"Didn't I just say that you are...very weak now!!!".

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