This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 186: The Endless Black Desert

Chapter 186: The Endless Black Desert


Deidara's body froze instantly, and the movement of chewing clay with his chest and mouth also stopped.

voice behind...

Definitely that Uzumaki Naruto voice.....

He actually came behind him when he didn't realize it.

Deidara's eyes moved slightly, and he caught a glimpse of a ray of Gold light behind him, and his heart suddenly sank.

Not some fancy ninjutsu.

That's Uzumaki Naruto, right behind him.


Deidara swallowed, and moved her fingers undetectably.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Four gold chains spread out from Uzumaki Naruto's back, directly tied Deidara in five flowers, and fell to the ground like maggots.

"I told you not to move."

Uzumaki Naruto sat down on Deidara's body, and said lightly: "Is your perception of Nine Tails Jinchūriki a vegetarian!?"

"let me go!!!"

Deidara struggled desperately, but her heart sank to the bottom.

There is no way to blew up. 05

If he blew himself up just now, although he couldn't exert the full power of the self-detonation, he could still exert at least 60% of it.

can now.

The Chakra all over his body was imprisoned, and the chakra on his chest and mouth turned into Common clay.

Not to mention self-explosion, now my mouth is covered with clay, and I can't even open it. I have become a useless person.

"It's a lot of chatter."

Uzumaki Naruto was a little impatient, and with a thought, the end of the golden lock was stuffed directly into Deidara's mouth.


Deidara's eyes were bigger than a copper bell, and he retched continuously in his mouth, but all the vomit was pushed back.

What a miserable word.

"That idiot..."

Seeing this scene, the red sand scorpion in the distance almost gritted his teeth, wanting to kill Deidara.

I thought you were going to die with honor.

It turned out well.

Proud to be Uzumaki Naruto's captive.

"I knew that guy was an early death, and I was an idiot who would count on him."

The Red Sand Scorpion snorted coldly, took out a scroll from the puppet again, slapped it, and said hoarsely:

"Red Secret Technique·Performance with Hundred Machines!"

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Visible to the naked eye, a large number of puppets dressed in dark red flew out of the scroll, and were connected to the Blue Chakra line floating in mid-air.

After doing all this, the human puppet of Third Kazekage also floated into the sky.

The Red Sand Scorpion controls hundreds of Chakra threads, looked at Uzumaki Naruto indifferently, and said hoarsely:

"Uzumaki Naruto, I admit that you are very strong, but in other places, I can't be your opponent.


"This is the desert, and it is my home field. If you fight me here, even if you are strong, you will die at my hands."

As soon as the words fell, the ten fingers of the Red Sand Scorpion moved slightly, and the puppet of Third Kazekage suddenly moved.

The human puppet of Third Kazekage floated to the desert, but they did not see any movement, but set off a stormy sea in the desert out of thin air.

"Magnet Style·Iron Sand Great Burial!!!"

The roar of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion resounded.

"Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!"

Accompanied by a series of explosions, a large piece of black iron sand poured out of the yellow sand like a volcanic eruption.

The scale is dozens of times larger than in the original work.

In just a few seconds, the surrounding yellow sand desert has turned into black, and the blackness is covered with iron sand.

"This is...………"

Uzumaki Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly, slightly surprised:

"This scale is bigger than the Sands of Fourth Kazekage, and almost comparable to Gaara in its heyday."

After thinking about it, Uzumaki Naruto understood.

The yellow sand is rich in iron, fighting on the yellow sand is equivalent to the Water Style ninja fighting on the sea.

"No wonder you said this is your home field."

While Uzumaki Naruto muttered to himself, the red sand scorpion made a movement, and the overwhelming iron sand formed sharp thorns and pierced towards the sky.

The iron sand spikes all over the sky are almost like drizzle in the sky, but the rain flows backwards.

Deidara's eyes widened sharply, and he shouted loudly: "Scorpion, you bastard, do you want to kill me too!?"

The Red Sand Scorpion snorted coldly: "An idiot like you who doesn't understand art at all, if you die, I can just make it into eternal art."

It was an emergency, but Deidara couldn't help retorting: "Brother Scorpion, I respect your art, but the real art is only the momentary beauty [a puppet is just a piece of wood...


Uzumaki Naruto interrupted Deidara's words, and stretched out his right hand in a dark and indifferent way, aiming at the iron sand piercing the sky below.

A circular, textured magma Rasengan appears in the hand.

"Sage Art Lava Style Spiral Shuriken!!!"

The Lava Style spiral shuriken slammed down like a meteor, only to hear a bang, and the billowing magma fell from the sky.

not only that.

Uzumaki Naruto's hands were still boiling with hot flames, as if the fire fell from the sky, igniting the entire desert in the blink of an eye.

Lava and fire combined.

It was as if the black desert had been turned into a flaming mountain. The high temperature shot straight into the sky, and all the clouds in the sky were evaporated in an instant.

Deidara in mid-air almost turned Deidara dry.

"Woo woo woo..."


Deidara whimpered loudly.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't even look at him, but just stared at the red sand scorpion in the distance indifferently.

The red sand scorpion sneered: "Idiot 050, iron sand cannot be destroyed by fire alone, do you even understand this truth!?"

After the words fell, the red sand scorpion controlled the Chakra line again.


"There is no way to control the iron sand!?"

The red sand scorpion's face changed drastically: "How could this happen!? What did you do!?"

The puppet of Third Kazekage is my strongest weapon, how could it suddenly lose the original blood inheritance limit!?


Uzumaki Naruto said indifferently: "High temperature can demagnetize, don't you know this!?"

Unlike the yellow sand of Gaara, the iron sand of Third Kazekage is magnetic, and it becomes waste as long as the magnetic force is removed.

After the words fell, Uzumaki Naruto's figure was like a golden light, rushing straight to the red sand scorpion in the distance.

The Crimson Sand Scorpion, whose IQ was crushed, gritted his teeth, ignored Third Kazekage, and concentrated on manipulating the hundreds of puppets.

"Even if there is no Third Kazekage, I still have a hundred machine skills, you can't easily defeat..."

"Boom boom boom......"

Before the Scarlet Sand Scorpion finished speaking, he stared dully at the hundreds of puppets in the sky being scrapped one by one.

Dozens of golden claws branched out from Uzumaki Naruto's back, extending infinitely, smashing hundreds of puppets into pieces with ease.

Holding the last puppet in his hand, Uzumaki Naruto threw him into the flames after easily pinching the puppet's neck.

"So, Red Sand Scorpion, what is your choice!?"

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