This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 197 This Attack Is Ineffective

Chapter 197 This Attack Is Ineffective


Konoha Village and other ninjas changed their faces drastically.

"Who invaded Konoha, is it treason!?"

Yuhihong looked at the entrance of Konoha Village with an ugly face, frowned, and clenched the Kunai-wai weapon in his hand.

"Damn it, who the hell is taking advantage of this time to invade Konoha Village...

Mitarashi Anko gritted his teeth and glanced at the battle of Uzumaki Naruto and others, clenched his fists, and looked at the gate of Konoha Village.

"These counts as one, how can Konoha Village be underestimated!?"

The Konoha Village ninja walked towards the gate of Konoha Village~ angrily.

They can't intervene in the battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Hokage, but some intruders really treat their Konoha as soft persimmons?

"It's rebellion!"

Nara Shijiu recognized the ninja at the door at a glance.

"It's the rebellious ninja Kakuzu of Longyin Village, an S-rank rebellious nin..."


Hyuga Hiashi snorted coldly, stepped forward and said in a cold voice: "Several S-rank rebels [Are you trying to invade Konoha Village!?"

Kakashi took a step forward and said helplessly: "Clan Chief Hyuga, Chief Nara, these rebels are our allies now."

"We are here to help Lord Hokage, please step aside, we have no malice towards Konoha Village."

The Konoha Village ninjas all showed expressions of astonishment.

"Kakashi, you teamed up with Rebel Ninja!?"

Yamanaka couldn't help asking.

Who are the rebels? They are a group of criminals who commit all kinds of crimes, and they are the existences that all the hidden villages want to exterminate.


Rebellion and Hokage teamed up... It's a joke in the world.

Kakashi's face was flushed, but he didn't know what to say.

Might Guy also blushed.

But no matter how humiliating it felt, they didn't take a step back and had to deal with Uzumaki Naruto.

Uchiha Shisui took a step forward, Mangekyō Sharingan turned slightly, looked at Tiandao Payne and said indifferently: "Give up, I'm here, I won't let you pass.

Tiandao Payne's pupils flickered twice, ignored Uchiha Shisui, and slightly turned his head to look at Deidara and the red sand scorpion.

"What about you? Have you also betrayed the Akatsuki organization!?"

Deidara was a little embarrassed, and joined the opponent after being defeated once, which was indeed a bit embarrassing.

The Red Sand Scorpion didn't take it seriously, and said flatly: "Well, we betrayed the Akatsuki organization, and we don't think you can defeat that monster."

Uzumaki Naruto's strength convinced them, it was the strongest strength they had ever seen.

To be an enemy with Uzumaki Naruto is not an enemy, it can only be regarded as hitting a stone with a pebble and asking for a dead end.

Tiandao Payne's expression was indifferent, and his body slowly lifted into the air.

"Oh well!"

"They're all here, it's really lively."

Uzumaki Naruto withdrew his gaze and said in a cold voice.

Not only the four Hokages, but also some members from the Akatsuki organization. It is a lineup comparable to a ninja war.

Senju Tobirama's eyes lit up: "Kakashi and the others are coming."

Although the strength of Kakashi and others is not strong, Senju Tobirama is still sure of the strength of those rebels organized by Akatsuki.

And don't worry about their lives.

It would be good to stop Uzumaki Naruto with their lives, even for a second.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto said coldly:

"Then... let's clean up together!"

"Susanoo Complete Body!!!"

As Uzumaki Naruto's voice fell, Susanoo, who was already in the third stage, swelled up again.

Wings grew from Susanoo's back, holding a big knife, and her body floated up like an ancient Valkyrie, standing in mid-air.

"Susanoo...and a full body..."

Senju Hashirama couldn't help swallowing.

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto's Susanoo, he somehow thought of his old opponent for many years.


"I didn't expect to see Susanoo in full body after so many years......

Senju Hashirama took a deep breath, clapped his hands together and shouted loudly:

"Wood Style Wooden Golem Jutsu!"


The Wooden Golem, the same size as Susanoo, stood up, opened his arms, and slammed into Susanoo fiercely.


Two Valkyries as huge as mountains collided together, just the collision made the ground tremble and houses collapsed, and the whole Konoha Village trembled accordingly.




Susanoo and Wooden Golem punch each other.

Now and then a wooden dragon soars into the sky, or Susanoo's sword flashes, and the impact is almost loud.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Senju Tobirama used Flying Thunder God again, preparing to sneak attack Uzumaki Naruto.


Gold's figure disappeared in a flash, and Senju Hashirama's figure flew out again, hitting the distant mountain wall with a bang.

It wasn't just Senju Hashirama who went flying, but also Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Dozens of Uzumaki Naruto, burning White Chakra, stood high in the sky, watching Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen indifferently.

0...seeking flowers0

"Shadow Clone!"

Senju Tobirama gritted his teeth.

Facing his Second Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto actually only used one Shadow Clone.

"I'm here to seal him directly!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was livid, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and quickly crossed his hands in a seal.

"Ghoul seal!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen roared, and a phantom of Shinigami appeared behind him out of thin air. Shinigami stretched out his hand and was about to grab Sarutobi Hiruzen's soul.

As long as Uzumaki Naruto can be dealt with, Orochimaru can undo the ghoul seal, and he can still go to the net field.

"it's useless!"

Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone said indifferently: "Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you think........this attack is still effective against me!?"

"Excuse me!"


Four Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone flickered, like four Gold lightning bolts, rushing towards Sarutobi Hiruzen head-on.

A Shadow Clone took the Shinigami's hand.

A Shadow Clone blocks Senju Tobirama.

A Shadow Clone blocks Namikaze Minato.

The last Shadow Clone appeared behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Black Fairway Jade appeared on the right hand, heading towards Sarutobi Hiruzen's chest.

"not good!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face changed, and when he turned around, a mouthful of scorching flames spewed out.

"Fire Style Flame Bomb!"

"Dark Style!"

Uzumaki Naruto aimed his left hand at the oncoming flame, Black's gravitational force emerged, and directly sucked the flame into the memory of love in his left hand.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Sarutobi Hiruzen snarled and picked up the Vajra Omnistick and threw it at Uzumaki Naruto's head.

"Dead Bone Pulse!"

Uzumaki Naruto's indifferent opening.

Two sharp bones protruded from the ground, interlaced with each other, firmly blocking the Vajra Wishful Stick.

"Steel escape!"

Uzumaki Naruto spoke again, his left hand turned pure black, he held the end of the vajra wish stick, and exerted a little force.


The Vajra Wishful Stick that the ape demon turned into was snapped in two, turned into white smoke and disappeared into Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands with a bang.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pupil dilated.

"Ape Devil!!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen roared in pain.

The vajra wish stick is the incarnation of the ape demon, if the vajra wish stick is broken, it means that... the ape demon is also dead.

"Do you still have time to care about others!?"

Uzumaki Naruto stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen indifferently, the Black Truth-Seeking Ball in his right hand swallowed Sarutobi Hiruzen's chest in an instant.

"Ginlun Reincarnation Explosive Power!".

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