This Uzumaki Naruto Is Super Strong

Chapter 202 Lava Style Scorch Style Steel Escape Ice Escape...

Chapter 202 Lava Style Scorch Style Steel Escape Ice Escape...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thousands of wooden fists, like torrential rain falling from the sky, but the violent power in them is comparable to meteorites.

Every fist hit has the destructive power of a meteorite.

The bombardment on the surface of Susanoo's armor made a deafening noise, like a giant hammer that destroyed the world.


Even in the face of such a violent attack, although Susanoo's attack power was limited, countless ninjas were amazed by her strong defense power.

"It's really a powerful defense. That kind of fist can smash even a mountain."

"No, I've heard that Susanoo of the Uchiha family is the strongest defense, but now I see that it is true.

"But if this continues, even the hardest armor will be crushed."

"Almost, Susanoo consumed not only Chakra, but also Sharingan's pupil power...

"Master Naruto..."

Uchiha Shisui looked anxiously at Susanoo who was at a disadvantage.

He really didn't expect that First Hokage, who was like a candle in the wind before, could release such a terrifying ninjutsu.

Master Naruto, who is comparable to a god, can only be beaten.

"Should I also make a move!?"

Uchiha Shisui's complexion became extremely tangled, and he couldn't help touching his eyes with his right hand.

"This pair of Mangekyō Sharingan consumes too much pupil power, if I use it again... I'm almost blind..."

"Uchiha Shisui!"

Uchiha Obito appeared in front of Uchiha Shisui, and said coldly: "I won't let you bother.

Uchiha Shisui frowned.

"Who are you!?"

Inexplicably, he felt that the ninja in front of him was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Uchiha Obito didn't answer, watching the confrontation between Uzumaki Naruto and Senju Hashirama with an extremely gloomy face.

These two... he can't beat either of them.

"Uzumaki Naruto, it is better for you to die here. If you are alive... you are definitely my powerful enemy."

Uchiha Obito muttered sullenly.

"This is really..."

"It was pressed to the ground and rubbed..."

Uzumaki Naruto was in Susanoo, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his eye, but a crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That guy Uchiha Madara should be very unwilling, he is obviously his strongest strength, but he can't even counterattack.


"I'm not Uchiha Madara!"

Above Susanoo's head, Uzumaki Naruto puts his index and middle fingers together in a cross gesture.

"This is... the seal of the Shadow Clone Technique!?"

Senju Hashirama stood on top of True Several Thousand Hands, watching Uzumaki Naruto's gesture, couldn't help frowning.

"Is it still meaningful to use Shadow Clone at this time!?"

Even if there are hundreds of clones, but facing the thousands of fists painted on the top of the Buddha, they will still be crushed and defeated.

Just when Senju Hashirama was puzzled, Uzumaki Naruto's lips parted slightly.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

On the ruins of the Valley of the End, a series of white smoke rose suddenly, and a Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto came out of each white smoke.

On a broken waterfall, on the ruins of a statue, on a broken tree, or even on a cliff...

All appeared Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone are all over the ruins of the Valley of the End.

Thousands of Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone looked at the center, looking indifferently at the True Several Thousand Hands · Top Buddha.

"What the hell is the point of this!?"

Senju Hashirama's brows were furrowed, more and more unaware of Uzumaki Naruto's thoughts.

at this time.

A Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto standing on the statue of Uchiha Madara clapped his hands on the ground and said coldly: "Dead Bone Pulse Dance of Early Fern!"

"Bah! Py! Py!"

Three huge sharp bones broke through the ground, and interlaced with each other, forming a sharp spiral bone.


In the process of the white bone piercing out quickly, its sharp end bone ruthlessly broke a big hand of the wooden statue.


Senju Hashirama froze for a moment, and then thought of something, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"No way!?"

"It's not what I thought it was!?"

"Uzumaki Naruto...he...."

Uchiha Obito stared blankly at the ruins of the Valley of the End, couldn't help swallowing, and said dryly: "Could it be possible...he wants Shadow destroy all fist!?"

0...seeking flowers0

"Isn't this crazy!?"

Not just Uchiha Obito, but all the ninjas who guessed what Uzumaki Naruto was thinking were all frightened into cold sweat.

"To destroy a Wood Style that big..."

"Thousands of clones, how many Chakras does Uzumaki Naruto have!?"

"Could it be...he wants thousands of Shadow Clones to use that blood succession limit!?"

"Don't be kidding, he doesn't have Nine Tails in his body anymore, how could it be possible to do this with a human Chakra alone!?"

The ninjas watching were so frightened that their mouths were parched.

It is really that Uzumaki Naruto's idea is too crazy, almost a fantasy.


If you are still Nine Tails Jinchūriki, then you have thousands of clones, and it is barely acceptable for Shadow Clone to use ninjutsu.

But you are not Jinchūriki anymore, is it true that human Chakra will not be drained?

Under everyone's gaze, thousands of Uzumaki Naruto's Shadow Clone moved, and the figures appeared around Susanoo like Gold lightning.

Thousands of Shadow Clone shot at the same time.

A Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto, hot magma boiled on his right hand, and the red magma converged into a big fist.

"Lava Style·Great Eruption!!!"

The billowing magma swallowed a wooden fist that hit him head-on, burning it to ashes in a short time.

A Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto had a terrifying chill in his hand, and the pure white ice spread along the palm of his hand.

"Ice Escape · Ice Age!"

White's ice swallowed upwards along a wooden fist, completely turning that arm into an ice sculpture.

A Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto, with a hot flame boiling in his hand, as if holding a scorching sun in his hand.

"Scorch Style Entei!"

The scorching little sun hit the wooden arm head-on, instantly igniting the fire, almost igniting the entire True Several Thousand Hands.

A Shadow Clone of Uzumaki Naruto aimed at the wooden fist that was coming at him, and smashed it without any fear.

"Steel Dun·Iron!"


The huge wooden arm of True Several Thousand Hands was completely shattered by this punch. .

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