This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 122 Kill the Green Eyes! Dragon lizard steals home!

The ancient city of Shansang has once again sounded the alarm.

"Enemy attack!"

"Ready to fight!"

The generals and officers led by Feng Yi led more than a thousand soldiers and nearly two thousand militiamen, using the city wall arrow tower as a stronghold to prepare for the battle. All players were online immediately and rushed to the front line to prepare for the battle.

These elite members of the Scourge Army are not experienced in hundreds of battles, but they are at least rich in experience.

But at this moment, facing the siege of Dragon Lizard, we are still very nervous. The main reason is that the scale of this war is not at all the same order of magnitude as the previous ones. The total number of combatants on both sides of the attack and defense reaches thousands. Any mistake may lead to collapse.

"Is it finally going to officially begin?"

"What's going on? Why is there such a heavy fog!"

Ye Limeng stood on the city wall and found that the surroundings were shrouded in thick fog. Even if he released the Thunderhorn Eagle, he could not see clearly what was going on inside.

Brother Rui with black eyes said: "This must be the cover method of the dragon lizards. By creating fog to obscure their sight, they can not only cover their actions and facilitate the battle, but also interfere with our arrow towers or defenders' counterattacks."

Xianyu stabbed: "We have to find a way to break this trick!"

Don't wait for players to discuss solutions.

Suddenly several whistles broke through the air.

Several huge burning fireballs fell from the sky.

With a loud bang, the fireball hit the city barrier and exploded. The entire city shook, causing many unprepared soldiers to lose their balance and fall to the ground.


"Scared me!"

"Trebuchet! It's a trebuchet!"

"These lizardmen also have this kind of siege equipment!"

After the dragon lizard army arrived near Shansang Ancient City, they prepared for about one day before launching the attack. In this day, they obviously not only tried to exert pressure to force a surrender, but also prepared many tools and tactics for attacking the city.

At least seven or eight trebuchets hurled huge boulders at Shansang City from all directions. These boulders were also specially made. Not only were they massive enough to cause a huge impact, they could also cause explosions in violent impacts.

Boulder bombardment.

The city keeps shaking.

The barrier has been significantly weakened.

It was only at this time that the dragon lizards launched their offensive.

There were about hundreds of archers or mages attacking under the cover of fog. Arrows and fireballs kept falling on the barrier, trying to open a hole that could be used to attack.

"Fight back quickly!"

The defenders sprang into action.

The vengeful spirits released by the four vengeful spirit blood towers began to take effect, and dense arrows were sprayed from the arrow towers and city walls. However, because of the fog blocking the sight, they could only shoot blindly and could not attack accurately. The damage caused was naturally very limited!

Boom boom boom!

The boulder-bashing continues!

I saw that the light of the city protection barrier quickly dimmed.

A huge boulder directly smashed through the barrier. The explosion in the air produced countless rubbles, which were scattered into the city like raindrops. Many militiamen were smashed and bleeding, and the falling flames also ignited several houses.

Zhou Ji shouted: "The catapult is too powerful. We must find a way to destroy the catapult, otherwise the city protection barrier will be completely destroyed by them soon!"

"Let's do it!"

"Old Zhou, you stay in the city and take care of the cover!"

The players of the Scourge Army acted quickly and took the initiative. They had roughly determined the location of the stone-trebuchet by calculating the trajectory of the stone-throwing machine, and then started the operation in a combat group of five to six people.

Although once you leave the city, you will inevitably be fiercely attacked by the dragon lizards, but most of the dragon lizards are targeting the city in front of you. The defenders such as Zhou Ji and Fengyi are also doing their best to cover it, which is enough to create opportunities for them to attack the rear.

[Player "Hua Mulan" is dead, energy +1600! 】

[Player "Dumb" is dead, energy +1250! 】

[Player "Chen Xi" is dead, energy +3000! 】

[Player "Brother Xiaoma" is dead, energy +3000! 】


Hang Yu noticed that the energy began to grow crazily.

The battlefield is indeed a good place to cut leeks.

Player casualties are increasing rapidly.

Because the trebuchet of the dragon lizard was at the rear of the team, it was not easy to carry out the task of destruction. Players fell under siege one after another, but also killed many dragon lizards in the process.

Once players die in battle, they are immediately resurrected and then assemble again to join the battlefield.

Hang Yu found that this group of players had grown up a lot compared to the beginning. Their actions were not all reckless, but included probing, feinting, covering, and cooperating. They played well.

No death threats.

No worries about pain.

Players are more flexible than command-and-control soldiers.

Everything they do is to achieve their goals at any cost.

In the end, at the cost of huge casualties, the player successfully reached the location of the slings, destroyed the slinging facilities with a round of suicide attacks, and successfully achieved the goal.

"It's done!"

Players cheer!

They are very happy!

And Hang Yu was also very happy.

The energy harvested in this war has reached about 500,000!

Hang Yu was very satisfied with the speed of the players' deaths, but during the process he also noticed that Chi Lin didn't take any action from beginning to end, and he didn't know what the dragon lizard lord was planning.

Hang Yu was not the only one who noticed something was wrong.

Players also began to communicate with each other at this moment.

"Has any of you seen Red Scale?"

"Didn't see it!"

"Neither do we!"

"This guy didn't personally guard the rear, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to destroy the catapult!"

"But he didn't attack the city from the front. The ones attacking the city now are just ordinary soldiers led by two dragon lizard generals!"

"Is this guy just so calm, or does he have some bigger conspiracy!"

"Don't be careless!"

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

“It’s so foggy that you can’t see anything!”

"Is there any way to break this thing?"

Guzhou said at this time: "Although I didn't see Red Scale, I discovered the facility to create the fog during the operation just now!"

Others were immediately interested.

Because at this moment, there have been many damages and loopholes in the city protection barrier.

Some dragon lizards have already reached the corner. Although the defenders are outnumbered and can still hold the city wall, and experts including Zhou Ji and Fengyi have intervened to block the attack, the dragon lizards pouring in through a few small gaps are not yet able to form a stronghold. threaten.


The gaps will surely increase.

A city wall more than ten meters high may not be able to stop the agile dragon lizard people.

No one knows from which direction Dragon Lizard Lord Red Scale will attack the city. Once he personally attacks the city, the consequences will be disastrous. It is best to dispel the battlefield fog as soon as possible. Only in this way can the situation on the scene be grasped in time.

I saw Zhou Ji, Feng Yi and others desperately plugging the gap.

The players did not participate in the defense but gathered again to leave the city through a secret passage. Finally, under the leadership of Gu Zhou, they went around to the back of the dragon lizard again and found a movable tower-like building.

[War Fog Tower], a first-level special creation... Introduction: A war building that can release the fog of war on the battlefield.

"that's it!"

"Everyone, hurry up!"

"This is where the fog comes from!"

"As long as we destroy this piece of shit, we can see clearly what's going on on the battlefield."

Although the players immediately discovered and surrounded the fog tower, there was a group of high-level dragon lizard soldiers guarding the fog tower, so it was not easy to destroy this special building.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Ye Limeng violently swung the giant hammer and hit the ground in front of him. The shock wave shook the five level 10 dragon lizard warriors in front of him into the air. Each of them suffered at least a hundred or dozens of points of damage.

His Earthquake Wave has been trained to the full level!

The attack power and attack range of this skill are not only affected by the skill level, but also by the attribute equipment.

Ye Limeng's Thousand Skull Demonic Hammer not only broke through to the second level, but its enhancement level has reached level 5. Even a level 10 elite will be killed or disabled with one hammer, which shows how strong he is now.

Other players swarmed up to harvest the remaining soldiers.

At this time, an old dragon lizard man with a long staff appeared in front of the players. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a dozen wind blades that were extremely fast and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The seven or eight players in front who did not stop were cut into pieces. A few pieces.

"It's green eyes!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"This is the second-in-command of the dragon lizard people!"

Green Eyes recognized the player and felt very shocked and even horrified.

Even if these guys can't be killed, their resurrection speed is too fast.

It doesn't matter if he is just resurrected, but he can actually be resurrected directly in Shanmulg City.

In this way, the enemy that the dragon lizard tribe has to face is an endless elite force that cannot be killed at all? This powerful ability can be said to be far beyond imagination!

Whether it's green eyes or red scales.

I've heard of many ways to resurrect soldiers.

These methods are either very expensive, the threshold is extremely high, or other huge costs have to be paid. I have never seen such a resurrection without blinking an eye, and I don’t know what kind of heaven-defying treasure the opposite lord holds in his hands!

"This guy is the second level!"

"And it's a lord unit!"

"The strength is similar to that of the Scarlet Blessed One!"

"Let's split up and take him down in one fell swoop!"

Several second-level players such as Ye Limeng, Demon Demon Demon, Gu Zhou, and Brother Heitongrui, as well as twenty or thirty top players were responsible for dealing with this powerful dragon lizard that had reached the commander level, while the remaining players were responsible for containing other nearby soldiers to fight for it. time.

"go to hell!"

"The troublesome guy!"

Little bells, demons, monsters, and artists all release fire or lightning attacks.

Green Eyes summoned a layer of aqua blue shield to block them all, and then used the wind attribute wind cone or wind blade to counterattack, but was blocked by the weapons or shields of Mad Knife King and Salty Fish Thrust.

All of a sudden.

The fight was back and forth.

Gu Zhou and Brother Heitongrui used the Wind Step and the Hidden Shadow Step to go around behind them.

Green Eyes sensed the dangerous aura and immediately summoned a large number of wind blades to surround the body, tearing the enemy apart as long as they got close.

The two rangers looked at each other, and the black-eyed Rui brother took the lead in attacking. He slashed at the green-eyed body with a gas-gathering slash, instantly shattering part of the wind blade, and was finally blocked by the aqua-blue shield.

There is a flaw!

Gu Zhou took the opportunity to pierce the weakened shield with a sword, and finally cut off the arm holding the staff with Green Eyes. Then, before being torn into pieces by the wind blade, he instantly activated his latest skill.

"Instant Shadow Step!"

Instantly turned into an afterimage and fell back ten meters. Although there were many cuts on his body, they were not life-threatening.

"Good job!" Brother Rui with black eyes gave a thumbs up.

Gu Zhou and Brother Rui looked at each other: "You cooperate well!"

The two top rangers of the Scourge had some sympathy for each other.

"Hahaha, this guy is no match for us!"

"Today is the day he dies!"

"Everyone come together!"

Green Eyes did not expect that this group of players would be so difficult to deal with. He immediately changed his hand to hold the staff and once again activated the spell to attack wildly. Five or six more players were killed in one encounter.

But players are like bloodthirsty ants.

They are like insidious and cunning snakes.

They are unafraid of death and exploit every possible opportunity.

Green Eyes had to admit that he had greatly underestimated the horror of the players!

Although the number of this strange army is not large, its combat effectiveness is not inferior to the elite dragon lizard troops. And because it has the characteristics of resurrection from the dead, the combat power and role it can exert are at least three to five times higher!

"Die to me!"

Ye Limeng sent out a charged earthquake wave

The wind blade and shield around Green Eyes were completely shattered!

The demons, demons, and little bells simultaneously activated the thunder control spell to paralyze them.

The Crazy Knife Old King and Xianyu Tujian advanced with their shields against the scattered wind blades. One of them swung the sword straight to the neck, and the other swung a spear straight to the heart. Green Tong barely used a long staff to block the blade, but was struck by Xianyu Tu's scarlet snake spear. Through the heart.


523 (fatal critical hit!)

Xianyu was overjoyed: "The green-eyed dog is finished!"

Green eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He obviously couldn't believe that he would die here.

Can be followed.

But he laughed.

The Crazy Sword Old King said in confusion: "Why are you laughing!"

Green Eyes used his last strength to say: "I fell into the trap... You all fell into the trap... Even if you kill me... the final winner will be our dragon lizard clan!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Bah, who are you trying to scare?"

"You are so stubborn even when you are about to die!"

The player successfully killed the Dragon Lizard Lord's number one henchman.

This battle has yielded a lot.

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 800 contribution points! 】

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 800 contribution points! 】

[You killed the dragon lizard people and received a reward of 800 contribution points! 】


[You killed the dragon lizard hero unit and received a reward of 30,000 contribution points! 】

Every dragon lizard has an extra reward, especially for special units like Green Eyes. The reward is much higher than that of ordinary people. He alone has a reward of 30,000 contribution points!

And that’s not counting other trophies!

Players feel like they are going to make a lot of money this round.

The Crazy Knife King quickly picked up the loot dropped by Green Eyes.

[You picked up trophies, magic crystal +900, abyss essence +50000, wind blade staff +1, mithril robe +1, aqua necklace +1, magic bracelet +1! 】

"It's great!"

"The equipment this guy drops is all green!"

“This operation has really yielded a lot!”

Players first distribute the essence settlement in the essence contract. Even if the upgrade cannot be upgraded, it can at least add fuel to the experience tank to prevent the strength from being affected due to death and level loss in the following battles.


With a loud noise!

The War Fog Tower was successfully destroyed!

The fog created by the dragon lizards disappeared.

When the situation on the battlefield appeared in front of everyone, everyone showed expressions of confusion and even disbelief. There were only four to five hundred dragon lizards fighting in front of Shansang Ancient City. The situation was completely different from what they had imagined.

"what happened?"

"The commotion is so big!"

"Did we only use this small amount of troops in the end?"

"Where are Red Scales and the other troops under his command going!"

The players couldn't help but think of what Green Eyes said before he died. Everyone's face gradually showed a solemn look. No wonder they always felt something was wrong. Only now did they know that the main force of the dragon lizards didn't seem to be here at all.

at the same time.

Hang Yu received a reminder.

[Ding, your time of protection from the stars has ended! 】

Hang Yu felt a little surprised: "Hey, so that's how it is, is it to attack the east and attack the west? A simple-minded creature like the dragon lizard seems to have some strategic abilities!"

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