Finally won.

Hang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Chi Lin is not a powerful lord, there is no chance in this lord war. On the contrary, he actually has many opportunities and many ways to pose a threat to himself.

The biggest mistake why the Dragon Lizard Lord was defeated so quickly when he had an advantage was not his mentality of underestimating the enemy and impetuosity, nor was it his tactical miscalculation and misjudgment.

His defeat.

Mainly lost in intelligence.

Red Scale had no idea about the Scourge's immortality at first.

And until the end, he didn't know that hunting down the Scourge Army was essentially frantically subsidizing the enemy.

This is very deadly!

If you don't spare no effort to hunt down players.

How could Hang Yu grow so fast?

Of course, being too strong and too confident, Chi Lin’s own mentality is also a major cause of failure!

If Hang Yu is Red Scale, after discovering that the opponent's soldiers have the ability to quickly resurrect, he should give up encirclement and hunting, and instead choose the means of capturing, controlling, and imprisoning to prevent his own troops from being endlessly harassment and attrition.

Maybe the time is too short.

Or it could be an absolute advantage in military strength.

Red Scale did not adjust its strategy as quickly as possible at the critical moment.

Otherwise, once he successfully limits the development of the Scourge Army, waits until the seven-day buffer zone passes, and immediately assembles an army to attack the base camp, it will be very difficult for Hang Yu to deal with it!

But hindsight is meaningless.

No one has an absolutely omniscient view of God.

In fact, from the perspective of Red Scale, whether it is to discover and block it immediately, or to attack the base camp in an attempt to sneak attack, these tactics themselves are tenable and feasible.

This battle made Hang Yu deeply realize that no enemy should be underestimated. After all, there are countless lords among the stars who are more talented, more terrifying, and have deeper strategies than the lizard people.

Hang Yu is a human lord.

Born into an extremely disadvantaged situation.

Although he is assisted by the powerful Scourge Legion, he cannot be arrogant because of this.

In addition, intelligence confidentiality is also very important, especially the ability to obtain essence through the death of Scourge players. This can be said to be his top secret and most core ability.

"Thank you, Lord, for your help!"

"Otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for us to kill him!"

Players came to Hang Yu one after another to express their gratitude.

Although the lord still bothered to take action in the end, if he had not taken action under the circumstances at that time, Red Scale would definitely have escaped, thus causing complications and increasing the risk of uncertainty.

Compared to territorial security.

A drop in task evaluation is nothing.

Players quickly picked up the loot dropped on the spot.

The first thing to take away is of course the dragon lizard lord and the earth dragon beast mount, the items dropped by these two commander-level units.

[You picked up trophies, energy +62000, magic crystal +1000, red dragon lizard breastplate +1, red dragon lizard pants and armor +1, red dragon lizard helmet +1, red dragon lizard cloak +1, red dragon lizard battle Boots +1! 】

[You have picked up trophies, including Essence +16000, Magic Crystal +120, Flame Earth Dragon Meat +200, Earth Dragon Flame Scales +200, Earth Dragon Tendons +200, Earth Dragon Bones +200, Earth Dragon Essence +200! 】

The players were immediately stunned.

Red Scale not only dropped a lot of magic crystals and essence, but also a whole set of green equipment.

The red dragon lizard set is not only a green quality set, but also a second-level set. The attributes and quality of the individual components are not inferior to Hang Yu's upgraded Huang Tian Commander set.

Regardless of quality level.

Or the effect of suit attributes.

All players are stunned.

This set of equipment was obviously built by Red Scale for himself.

Now with his death it all came out in one breath.

However, it is very regrettable for players that although the equipment exploded from the alien races in the stars is large in quantity and high in quality, it is usually bound to the race, so it cannot be used directly.

This red dragon lizard five-piece set is no exception.

If players want to use it, they have to make refinement modifications.

The price of transforming a set of second-level green quality equipment is extremely high, which is roughly equivalent to buying a set of equipment at half price, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

In fact, modifying the equipment itself does not cost much material.

The reason why Hang Yu charges so much is purely to cut leeks, recover the contribution points distributed, and also allow players to hand over some unused equipment, thereby expanding the territory's equipment reserves.

The falling of red scales is inspiring.

What's even more surprising is the Earthdramon mount.

This mount is a level 10 commander monster. Its strength will not be inferior to that of Ma Yuanyi or Pei Yuanshao. As a beast monster, although it never explodes equipment and does not drop a lot of magic crystals, it is a high-yielding sow of various materials!

Earth Dragon Beast is even more valuable.

The meat can be eaten, while the scales, tendons, bones, and blood are materials for refining weapons or medicine, which are enough to create astonishing value.

Players are under the influence of heaven's blessing.

A total of one thousand copies of the precious materials alone were obtained!

"Get rich!"

"This wave is really profitable!"

All the players were excited after learning that the monsters had been dropped. Not only did they defeat the most powerful enemy in the territory, but they also received super generous rewards.


"Don't open the champagne yet!"

"Our fight is not over yet!"

"Chilin is just acting as the vanguard himself. He also has hundreds of subordinates operating in the Luoshui area!"

"These are all moving vaults and treasures. We have to destroy them all as soon as possible!"

"After destroying these invaders."

"Let us liberate the villages in the Woniushan area again!"

"Finally, we have to counterattack to the dragon lizard people's base camp and completely overthrow their lair in one fell swoop!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Long live the natural disaster!"

"This one is sure to win!"

All players are very excited.

Even level 1 players have to rush to participate in the next operation to annihilate the dragon lizard troops.

Because during the large-scale task event, all participants can obtain free energy contracts, and finally can receive at least one energy share and reward after the task is over.

There are at least seven to eight hundred dragon lizard soldiers left.

What an amazing profit it would be if they could all be wiped out!

The players immediately regrouped and began a mighty campaign to suppress the bandits.

Hang Yu followed the whole process from the perspective of the lord. The Luoshui execution ground area was only this large. The players soon encountered the remnants of the dragon lizard people, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides on the banks of the Luoshui River.

[The player "Dark Crawling" has died, and his energy is +100...]

[The player "King Arthur" is dead, energy +100...]

[The player "Big Head Brother" has died, his energy +100...]


Another wave of player deaths.

Although the dragon lizard crowd is leaderless, the remaining combat power is still not weak. Ordinary players are basically human shields and cannon fodder. Even advanced players are bound to die again.

In this process, he once again contributed a lot of energy to the territory.

In the process of killing the dragon lizard soldiers one after another, the players received a lot of contribution points and trophies as rewards. Everyone was as excited as if they had a chicken blood. After all, such good things will be hard to come by after the dragon lizard lord is defeated. Not anymore.

This war of lords.

Players feel like they are making a fortune.

Hang Yu's harvest is even more abundant.

Although the war cannot end immediately in a short period of time, it will take at least two to three days from annihilating the remaining dragon lizards, recapturing various strongholds in Woniu Mountain, to completely capturing the dragon lizard people's base camp.

The total gain from this war.

There is no precise number yet.

Hang Yu estimates that there will be at least 3 million in direct energy income.

Earn more though.

But it also costs a lot.

First, he spent 1 million energy to upgrade all the personal guards to the second level.

Secondly, Hang Yu needs to take out a large amount of energy as a task reward to feed back to the players. Among them, the top 180 players will receive rewards ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 energy. Other players will be given some participation awards based on their actual contributions. As for pure It's enough to give a low-level player who is cannon fodder one or two hundred energy.

This expenditure is expected to cost 1.8 million yuan.

Although the expenditure is not small, it is very necessary. Not only can the strength of top players be improved to a higher level, but also the level of low-level players can be quickly improved, so that players can get positive feedback.

Hang Yu still has at least one million yuan in net energy income, which can be used as territorial reserves to improve his own strength or other expenses.

To know.

The essence gained by Hang Yu.

It's just part of the territory's energy income.

Players can gain considerable amounts of energy by killing dragon lizard soldiers.

Not only are these star soldiers numerous in number, but they are all elite monsters, and their energy drops are at least twice as high as those of abyssal creatures of the same level. With the player's further amplification of the tenfold explosion rate, it will be very astonishing.

The total strength of the dragon lizards is about 1,300.

Although it is impossible for all of them to die in the hands of players, the effective kills that trigger Heaven's Blessing are expected to be close to a thousand. Each dragon lizard soldier will drop between 3,000-6,000 essence depending on its level and strength!

Of course, in the middle of a large-scale battle.

The loss of energy will be more serious.

For example, some targets that are killed remotely do not have time to collect the loot, or the battlefield battles are too fierce and they often die together. In this process, some energy will definitely be wasted.

According to Xiaoba's calculations, simulations and predictions of battlefield conditions, the attrition rate in this war is about 18%. This ratio is not high and falls within the normal and reasonable range.

Finally, it is calculated based on all aspects of the elements.

The Scourge Legion can obtain about 3,500 essence per person.

This is the average per capita, including the four to five hundred newbies. These low-level players will receive a basic share of at most five to eight hundred essences from the essence contract. Most of the other essences will be concentrated in the top three hundred players. body.

Especially the top dozens of players.

It's no big deal if each person has tens of thousands of energy.

And because I got enough contribution points from this mission.

Hang Yu believes that this group of players will definitely use most of their energy to practice and learn skills, thereby further enhancing their own heritage and strength. The number of second-level players will also grow tremendously after this battle.

After talking about the essence.

Let’s talk about the magic crystal.

Players have the blessing of ten times the drop.

This battle is expected to increase the territory's magic crystal income by more than 35,000!

Although these magic crystals will not appear directly in Hang Yu's hands, players have recognized that contribution points are hard currency. After obtaining the magic crystals, most players will hand over their territory and directly exchange them for contribution points.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some players will leave a sum of magic crystals and magic stones, because magic crystals and magic stones can be directly exchanged for contribution points, and it is also suitable to be a token that does not require handling fees.

This part shouldn't be too much.

Because Hang Yu has issued player-specific game currency.

Although seigniorage will be charged when these game coins are converted into contribution points, the advantage is that they will not be dropped due to the binding function. Magic crystals can indeed be used as hard currency, and there is no need to pay handling fees, but there are huge security risks.

35,000 magic crystals!

That's at least conservative income.

I wouldn't have dared to think about it before!

Hang Yu has never seen such a huge amount of wealth!

When he was still in the Lord's Academy, although he also received an investment intention of 30,000 to 20,000 magic crystals from various star forces, the premise was that he would sell the sovereignty of the territory and have to work for them in the territory for many years in the future.

Nowadays, so much money can be made from just one war!

Hang Yu couldn't help but be glad that all the investments negotiated at that time were withdrawn.

Of course, his feelings did not represent those of other lords. Without the Scourge Legion, 30,000 would have shrunk to 3,000. Although it was still a large amount of income, it was barely enough compared to the price paid.

Hang Yu will think that lord war is profitable.

Simply because his investment is too small and the return is too great.

What most lords fear most during the map creation process is triggering a lord war.

Because whenever a war breaks out, it will inevitably bring a large number of casualties and unpredictable risks.

Although the magic crystal essence dropped by the Star Familia soldiers is higher than that of ordinary monsters, it is far from enough to make up for their own losses. Not only is it not a good business to make money, but it is also a giant beast that swallows gold.

“There’s plenty of money now!”

"It's time to further build and upgrade the territory!"

Hang Yu has never been so rich and generous as now.

Not only does he have an expected income of up to 35,000 magic crystals, but after completely occupying the dragon lizard territory and seizing the core, he can also receive a treasure chest reward, so he has sufficient funds for territory development and construction in a short period of time.

That being the case.

No need to search and search again.

Buildings that were previously reluctant to be upgraded can now be upgraded.

Buildings that were previously reluctant to be built can now be built.

The first two buildings Hang Yu needs to build are the "Tower of Enlightenment" and the "Star Teleportation Station".

The former is a construction drawing that was just received not long ago, which can be used to strengthen and integrate skills, which is of great help in improving strength.

The latter is a necessary infrastructure in most territories. Its main function is to travel to and from the land of stars at a specific time. It can not only be used for collecting the latest intelligence and trading special items, but can also be used to save lives at critical moments.

The common feature of both buildings is that they are expensive!

A few minutes later, following a slight earthquake, two brand new tower-like buildings appeared in the territory.

Hang Yu placed the Star Teleportation Station near the castle hall of the territory, and the Tower of Enlightenment was placed in the center of the two skill towers. The appearance of these two buildings means that the territory's functions have been further improved.

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