This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 138 The mystery of the identity of the pollution source in Woniu Mountain

Hang Yu continued to pay attention.

The battle is not over yet.

The result is still in doubt.

Although this Scourge Legion is more than enough to hunt down a Level 13 Abyss Commander, the real battle does not entirely depend on the strength of the book. Intelligence information, on-the-spot performance, teamwork, etc. are also important factors.


"It's too high!"

"Flying around!"

"We can't fight!"

After clearing out the mobs, the players attacked the Evil Twins with all their strength. However, the flying height of this monster was too high and it was very flexible. Players' attacks either failed to hit or were easily dodged.

Brother Heitongrui saw that everyone was becoming increasingly impetuous and comforted him quickly: "Don't be anxious, stay patient. Although we can't hit it, it also lacks efficient remote output means. As long as we stay steady and don't mess up, we will definitely have a chance."

Another mental attack erupted.

This attack with a wide range of effects swept the entire area.

The player only feels that the howling sound is like a steel needle, piercing into the brain and stirring vigorously, destroying the five senses and perception.

The Evil Fall let out a scream full of mental pollution while swooping down at super speed. The six arms woven with tentacles dragged the bone blade, instantly taking away several players and trying to attack several threatening high-level warlocks.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ye Limeng quickly woke up with his super high resistance. He immediately roared and launched another charge to break the army. He quickly got close to block the front and raised the Thousand-Skull Magic Hammer to hit them head-on.


A huge boulder was hammered into pieces.

Evil Fall ducked and avoided the moment he swung the hammer.

Simultaneously control three bone blades to stab the body from different directions.

Fortunately, thanks to the blessing of the amulet and the armor that Po Jun came with, he didn't suffer too much damage.

too fast!

The speed difference is too big!

"Earthquake wave!" Ye Li roared and swung his second hammer to the ground, immediately creating a shock wave that pushed the evil twins several meters away. Although it did not cause too much damage, it prevented him from being fatally attacked.

This guy is so strong!

Ye Limeng believed that with his current strength, he could at least fight against high-level second-level elite monsters.

But there is still a big gap compared with this second-level commander. At least in a one-on-one situation, there is no chance of winning, but even if he cannot be beaten, he has achieved the purpose of containing him.

All this preparation before the war was not in vain.

Everyone's current mental resistance is generally very high.

So I quickly regained consciousness and mobility.

Flame knife! Wind rocket! Explosive Flame Curse! Thunder Taming Talisman... The Warlocks of the Scourge Army began to brew powerful spells!

Although the Evil Twins no longer have intelligence and are just abyss monsters created by chance, they have a sense of danger and instinct, so they flap their wings decisively and quickly in an attempt to fly into the sky.

Just keep your distance!

The Scourge has nothing to do with it.

Just use mental attacks to control the field again to launch a new round of offensive.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice, and if it doesn't work twice, do it three times. The Scourge Army will be depleted repeatedly, and finally a unilateral massacre will be achieved.

"Want to run?"

The black-eyed Brother Rui's eyes flashed.

He realized an opportunity had presented itself.

"Now! Release the eagle to trap it!"

Players have long been prepared and ambushed. Just as the Evil Twins were preparing to take off, the Midnight Pig Killer, Dawn, Glory Years and other monks immediately controlled several Thunderhorn Eagles to descend from the sky and launch a suicidal attack.

no doubt.

This level of summoned spirit is far from enough to deal with a level 13 abyss commander!

But it was enough to form a restraint at a critical moment, preventing him from closing the distance in time, creating loopholes and opportunities for the Scourge Army.

"good chance!"

"Do it quickly!"

Dozens of rangers, warriors, and even several monks each took out their prepared long bows, drew the bows, and shot out arrows with black feathers or fire feathers.

When the Evil Twins tore several Thunder Horned Eagles into pieces, it had no time to dodge these arrows. It was hit by at least thirty or forty arrows in an instant, and its whole body and fleshy wings were covered with arrows.

next moment.

Demon Demon Demon and Artist Pai Zong, both of them threw a burst of flames at the same time, like two missiles that exploded after hitting the target.

Boom boom!

Amidst the fire and shock waves.

A large number of broken arrows and flesh and blood fell down.

The evil twins were severely injured, one of their wings was completely blown away, and they eventually lost their balance and fell from the air.

"Well done!"

"It's hard for you to escape now!"

"It's not easy to kill this guy on the ground!"


The Evil Twins once again emitted mental waves when they landed. Although it caused interference to the surrounding players, the impact in just a few seconds allowed them to kill a few more players at most, but it was too late to repair the wounds and break out of the encirclement.


"Natural disasters will surely prevail!"

There are nearly a hundred players at the scene, especially second-level players, who account for a large proportion. Currently, about 20 people are killed, and most of them are level 10, which also means that the combat power of the Scourge Army is very well preserved.

Don't say that this is an abyss monster that is good at mental attacks and not very powerful in frontal destructive power. Even if it encounters a level 13 commander who is good at destruction and has a strong physical body, it cannot withstand the siege of so many high-level players.

Arrows flew one after another.

The flesh and blood of the evil twins continued to squirm and repair, ejecting the arrows inserted into their bodies, but new arrows were constantly inserted into them, and the continuous spell attacks caused the blood volume to continuously decrease.

victory is in sight!

Work harder!

This one is stable!

At this time, an invisible energy enveloped the BOSS in all directions, and the players felt an invisible wall appeared in front of them, blocking arrows and spells, and pushing away approaching players.

"Resist tenaciously!" Brother Black Eyed Rui sneered: "Everyone, attack with all your strength and don't stop. Even the big BOSS's magic power is limited. I don't believe it can maintain this magic barrier alone!"


Players are constantly attacking.

The scope of the telepathic air wall is constantly shrinking.

The evil twin's mana is obviously exhausted. If it persists for ten seconds at most, it will be completely exhausted and fall under the siege of the players.

But at this moment.

Something unexpected happened.

The bodies of the fallen twins suddenly underwent strange changes. Countless flesh and roots bloomed from their bodies, not only taking root on the nearby ground, but also wrapping their bodies and turning it into a deformed flesh and blood bud.

"What is it going to do?"

"Do you want to activate the second form?"

"Don't worry so much, attack with all your strength!"


Brother Rui, with black eyes, had a vague premonition. The most taboo thing about this kind of game is the unknown mechanism. After all, no one knows what weird tricks these monsters have.


It got to this point.

It is obviously unrealistic to ask everyone to retreat.

Because of this, instead of retreating, players accelerated their offensive.

In about ten seconds, the barrier had shrunk to the extreme, and the bodies of the evil twins were about to be exposed to the stormy attack.

That's when.

The flesh and blood buds of the twin incarnations have also fully grown.

The moment the player is about to attack this strange flower bud, the flower bud bursts and blooms on its own initiative.

next moment!

A vigorous, filthy, crazy spiritual force.

With lightning speed, it instantly covered hundreds of meters in radius.

"not good!"

Brother Black Eyed Rui realized at this moment that the evil monster was not transforming into its second state, but was unleashing a powerful trick.

Too late!

The moment when the buds of flesh and blood bloom.

It's too late for the player to retreat!

Brother Rui with black eyes instantly felt as if there were millions or tens of millions of screams ringing in his ears at the same time. He felt that the whole world in front of him turned scarlet, the light and images became distorted, and all his perceptions were at this moment. lost.

What a powerful spiritual force?

He seemed to have seen his own breasts! -






This is a large-scale indiscriminate attack.

All players present will receive more than two to three hundred health points in an instant.

At this stage, even if equipment and various BUFF bonuses are taken into account, there are not many players with health attributes exceeding 300, not to mention that most players who have experienced continuous battles are not at full status.

Only this wave of attacks.

Almost all first-level players were dropped instantly!

[You are affected by "Despair Bloom" and you fall into a state of madness, lasting 25 seconds! 】

Although there are still a small number of players who have not been killed, their vision is blood red at the moment, all perception and perception abilities are deprived, their eyes are red and they start to attack the targets around them indiscriminately.

Xianyu thrust his spear into the Midnight Pig Killer's ass.

He slashed across the street and chopped down the black-eyed Rui brother with one knife.

Demon Demon Demon fired a flaming knife, killing Xiao Ling Ding and Mr. Pai instantly on the spot, and she was killed instantly by Gu Zhou's secret attack.

Hang Yu was also shocked when he saw this scene through the lord's vision.

All players fell into a state of madness and chaos.

The surviving players are killing each other.

The energy starts to grow like crazy!


[The player "Midnight Pig Killer Man" is dead, with energy +6400...]

[The player "Salted Fish Thrust" is dead, with energy +6400...]

[The player "Brother Black Eyed Rui" is dead, with energy +6400...]

[The player "Monster" has died, and his energy is +6400...]


"Okay, just now I thought that these leeks were too hard to cut. But in less than a minute, such an astonishing reversal happened. The abyss world is indeed more dangerous than I imagined!"

The Scourge Army fell one by one.

Not only was Hang Yu not displeased.

On the contrary, I think this is really great!

If all the players in this group were wiped out, he would be able to gain at least 460,000 essence. Not only would he be able to recoup what he had consumed in the Tower of Enlightenment, it could be said to be a huge windfall.

But the battle is not over yet.

Hang Yu noticed that Ye Limeng, Chen Xi and other players quickly returned to normal.

Their vision is no longer blood-red, and their bodies have regained control, but they are still weak.

Ye Limeng was able to recover so quickly because he wore many pieces of armor and accessories that increased his mental resistance, and also used super foods such as secret earth dragon meat.

Chen Xi and others were able to recover quickly, mainly because the monks had a relatively high will attribute and were born with strong anti-mind control abilities.

"what's the situation?"

Ye Limeng and others were stunned by the situation in front of them.

The situation was great one moment, but completely reversed the next second. Only less than ten people including himself, Crazy Blade Old King, Chen Xi, Gu Zhou, etc. survived, and each of them was in a state of residual health. Guzhou, Crazy Blade Old King The others have not fully recovered from the madness.


"What the hell skill!"

"This ability is so disgusting!"

Although the power of this "Despair Bloom" is extremely terrifying, the price paid is also extremely huge. After the evil twins used this move, their bodies had completely shriveled into skeletons, and their health bar had completely bottomed out with only 1 point left. Almost lost the ability to fight!


It's not a transformation at all!

This is a great trick to keep the bottom of the box!

Although "Despair Bloom" can cover a range of two to three hundred meters and can be called a super killer, this skill is extremely expensive and is not impossible to crack, because the forward swing of the skill alone lasts for more than ten seconds, which is completely enough for most players. Temporarily evacuated.

The reason for such a big failure this time.

It’s definitely not a question of strength!

The strength of the Scourge Army in this battle is far superior to that of the enemy, and there is no problem with the coordination and deployment of the players.

The main reason is still not understanding the skill mechanism!

When the BOSS transformed into a flesh-and-blood bud, the players thought he was preparing to activate his second form, so instead of retreating, they swarmed forward. In the end, the player was almost defeated by the boss!

The recovery speed of the Evil Twins is astonishing. At this point in time when the players are killing each other, the dry flesh and blood has been partially repaired, and the blood volume is also beginning to recover. They are recovering from extreme weakness.

"We still have a chance!"

Chen Xi used a healing technique on Ye Limeng.

Her meaning is obvious, the BOSS has no blood or mana, and now is the best time to kill it.

Before Chen Xi could use the rejuvenation talisman, he was hacked to death by the Crazy Sword Old King the next moment. Then the Crazy Sword Old King and Guzhou fought together. The two of them had not fully recovered from the madness, and were now in a situation where they could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. A state of out-of-control killing.

I can’t care about so much anymore!

Ye Limeng roared and launched an army-breaking charge towards the evil fallen twins.

Although the opponent's recovery speed is very fast, in just a few seconds, he has recovered dozens of points of blood volume. He only needs one frontal hit to kill it with his own attack power!

Although the evil twins were weak, they did not retreat at all. Tentacles grew again from both sides of the body and were woven into an arm holding only bone blades. They swung out attacks at a faster speed and quickly slashed at Ye Limeng's body.

Dang Dang Dang!

In the state of breaking the army, it is almost hegemonic.

Sparks burst out as the bone blade hit the skin.

He struck back with a hammer, but it was blocked by several bone blades. The shock wave shattered the bone blades and tore off the tentacles.



Not even close!

He only had less than 10 health points left.

Ye Limeng raised the giant hammer in an attempt to deliver a decisive final blow. Unexpectedly, a bone blade struck again, this time successfully breaking through the armor's defense and piercing the neck.


174 (critical hit)!

Ye Limeng's eyes widened.

He fell down with a look of unwillingness.

The Crazy Sword King had already chopped down the lone boat with Qi Gathering Slash, and he woke up at the same time. When he saw the battlefield where almost the entire army was wiped out, he was first shocked, horrified, and finally showed anger.

The evil twins grew wings of flesh and blood again.

It flaps its wings and is about to fly into the sky.

There are not many players left.

Once this monster flies away, it will completely fail.

The Crazy Knife King had only a trace of blood at this moment. No matter his condition or speed, he had no time to step forward to stop him. He immediately calmed down and took a deep breath and concentrated all the remaining mana on the long knife. Then he saw the flaming sword energy on the blade. It boils and burns.

The fierce tiger roars and slashes!

A burning tiger-shaped sword roared out.

The evil twins were hit just before they flew up.

This powerful commander of the abyss let out a mournful cry, and its body was quickly torn and shattered, turning into a firework of flesh and blood and blooming, and it died completely in the hands of the Scourge Army.

"So... so dangerous!"

The Crazy Sword King was still frightened.

Several other advanced players were using the Enlightenment Tower to study new skills.

Lao Wang did not follow the trend because he felt that instead of exploring new skills that were full of randomness and whose effects were unknown, it would be more cost-effective to spend a lot of energy on learning existing skills!

So he spent tens of thousands of energy to learn the green skill "Fierce Tiger Roaring Slash" from Zhou Ji!

He is currently the only player in the Scourge who has mastered this skill.

Fortunately, I have this skill.

Finally, I didn’t fall short.

The Crazy Knife King picked up the loot dropped by the BOSS.

[You picked up the trophies, Essence +60000, Magic Crystal +240, Forging Essence +20, Second-level Evil Fallen Gem +20, Wailing Short Blade +1, Despair Long Sword +1, Telekinesis Protection Necklace +1! 】

Although this battle was very hard!

But the loot drops didn’t disappoint!

At the same time, Hang Yu, who was watching the show behind the scenes, also received relevant reminders.

[Ding, you have obtained the "Second Abyss Fragment", do you want to annex it immediately? whether! 】

As expected.

This BOSS is the carrier of an abyss of evil.

Hang Yu made his choice immediately without any hesitation.


【Annexation successful! Your second-level talent points +3! 】

not bad.

This battle not only brought Hang Yu 440,000 energy points, but also allowed him to obtain 3 second-level talent points at once. You must know that one second-level talent point is equivalent to ten first-level talent points, so no matter Both the rarity and the difficulty of obtaining it are quite high.

Soon after.

All players are resurrected.

The resurrection point they chose was Shansang City.

This is because resurrecting in Shansang City can shorten the map running distance, and it only took more than an hour to return to the depths of Woniu Mountain.

"It's so dangerous this time!"

"We still underestimated the strength of this wild boss!"

"The second-level commander is so terrifying. Although we are no longer what we used to be, we can still capsize if we are not careful!"

Although the price of this battle is not small.

But the rewards are worth it.

The player only lost a sum of experience points, but gained a lot of precious materials. In addition, this BOSS revealed three rare and rare green equipment.

[Wailing Short Blade], second-level equipment, low-grade green, attack +28, strength +6, agility +16, attack speed +12, attached skill "Wailing Impact", durability 15/50.

[Long Sword of Despair], second-level equipment, low-grade green, attack +38, strength +9, agility +9, attack speed +5, attached skill "life-saving blow", durability 20/50.

[Psychic Protection Necklace], second-level equipment, green medium grade, spirit +10, will +10, mental resistance +20, attached skill "Psychic Barrier", durability 30/50.

All three pieces of equipment are top quality!

After Brother Rui with black eyes saw the properties of the Wailing Short Blade and the Despair Long Sword, his eyes suddenly felt like he couldn't move away. These two weapons were simply made for him.

The Three Kingdoms is not a rigid numerical game.

Players can hold multiple weapons and wear multiple pieces of armor at the same time.

No matter how many layers of armor are stacked on the body, in the end, only the extraordinary attributes and damage immunity effects of one piece of armor can take effect, so in most cases it is not necessary to wear two or even three layers of armor.

Although the defense of high-end armor itself is also good, it has no attribute and saving throw bonuses and is of little significance. On the contrary, it will affect the movement and make it easier for the enemy to hit the vital points.

As for weapons?

One-handed weapons can be dual-wielded.

Moreover, the attribute bonus of the off-hand weapon can be effective by 30%.

However, the attack power of weapons is independent, and the attack power of one-handed weapons is usually lower, so dual-wielding weapons has advantages and disadvantages.

Among the players, Brother Heitongrui, Kuangzai Yijie and others are dual-wielding weapons. Ye Limeng, Niu Shisan and others use two-handed weapons, while Crazy Knife Laowang and Xianyu Tuxi have both two-handed weapons. Equip a shield and a one-handed weapon.

Mainly depends on personal habits.

Or the equipment on hand

Now the two weapons, long and short, are of high quality. The Wailing Short Blade has high attributes and comes with mental interference skills, while the Despair Long Sword has high attack power and comes with skills to enhance output. If equipped at the same time, it can greatly increase the combat power.

Finally after some discussion.

Brother Black Eyed Rui gave up the distribution of other trophies, and at the same time gave up part of the price of the essence ratio, and got these two second-level green weapons as he wished.

In fact, among the players.

There are also some who are interested in two weapons.

It's just that Brother Heitong Rui has a high status and prestige among players.

Not only is he popular and prestigious, he is also the initiator, commander and major contributor to this operation.

Under this situation, unless a few top bosses come out to compete, others will definitely not be able to compete with Brother Rui, and the top bosses have a good relationship with Brother Rui, so they all did not do it to save face. The act of ruthlessly seizing love.

As for the psychic protection necklace.

Another hero of this battle was given to the Crazy Sword Old King.

This piece of equipment has a higher value per piece and can greatly improve defense capabilities.

In addition to obtaining rich materials and loot, the greatest value of this battle is that it promotes the development of the plot.

Half an hour later.

More than a hundred players came to the sealed cave.

Guan Yu woke up from his deep sleep again: "I have felt the disappearance of the breath of the two sisters-in-law. They finally got rid of the endless nightmare cycle, died in the right way and found rest. Guan Mou expressed his gratitude to you on behalf of the two sisters-in-law."

"this is what we are supposed to do!"

Little Lingdang couldn't wait to ask: "Now that we have completed your commission, should you also fulfill your promise to open the seal of the core contaminated area?"

Guan Yu said calmly: "This is nature. You have proven your strength and are qualified to challenge the core pollution source!"

Hear this.

Everyone showed joy.

But for the core pollution area of ​​Woniushan.

There are still too many questions in players' minds that need to be answered at this moment.

For example, who is the core source of pollution in Woniu Mountain? Is Zhou Cang in the core pollution area? What is his current state?

This is important information.

Only by clarifying the situation of the core pollution area.

Players can better formulate plans to purify pollution.

As the sealer of the core pollution source in Woniu Mountain, Guan Yu should know the situation better than anyone else. There is no need to use such an intelligence source in vain.

Brother Heitongrui asked directly without beating around the bush: "Can Emperor Guan tell us who is the host of the core pollution source in Woniu Mountain?"

Everyone else at the scene pricked up their ears.

In fact, this suspense has already been discussed on the forum.

When the Woniushan map was first opened, people suspected that the source of the pollution was Pei Yuanshao, Zhou Cang, or even Zhao Yun or Guan Yu.

But the suspicions of these people can be gradually eliminated.

Players also feel very puzzled. Apart from these people, what other existences in Wuniu Mountain are qualified to become a source of pollution?

After all, theoretically speaking, the person who can be selected by the will of the abyss to carry the nightmare fragments must have good luck, and he cannot be an unknown person like a cat or a dog.

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