This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 141 Full counterattack! Zhou Cang regained his sanity!

Hang Yu studied and lived in the Land of Stars for twenty years.

If disorder, chaos, weirdness and mystery are the characteristics of the abyss world.

Then the Land of Stars is an extremely orderly, extremely prosperous place where all races coexist but the hierarchy is too strict.

Hang Yu was able to graduate from the Lords College as an outstanding graduate with the identity of a disadvantaged race that was not favored and even looked down upon. The efforts he made in the past twenty years far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. I dare not say how powerful other places are, but at least the theoretical knowledge is solid.

This is also the reason why he can judge that Zhou Cang can still be saved.

But it is not easy to reawaken his reason and humanity.

Hang Yu thought of Zhou Ji, the mayor of Shansang City. This person had lived with Zhou Cang for more than ten years. Although they were not related by blood, they were like father and son. Letting him come forward should be able to recall Zhou Cang's memory and humanity.


Zhou Ji alone is not enough.

Zhou Cang was too seriously polluted.

From spirit and soul to body, there were distortions.

In this situation, it is necessary to rely on external forces to maintain rationality, otherwise, even if there is a brief return to humanity, its rationality will soon be overwhelmed by boundless madness.

Hang Yu does not have such means, but there are many drugs or means to keep people rational temporarily. At most, you can spend some money to buy them from other lords.

Such items are generally expensive.

But the current financial situation of the territory is okay.

After opening up Woniu Mountain, you can get a large amount of income.

Hang Yu still has a top-quality "Dragon Lizard Tomb" blueprint that has not been sold, so there is no pressure for him in the short term, and this little effort is nothing compared to getting a tiger general.

Thinking of this.

Open the trading market.

He began to look for related items.

During this process, the battle in the core pollution area continued. Although more than a hundred elite soldiers of the natural disaster army fought to the death and failed to pose a threat to Zhang Bao and others, they also successfully consumed a small part of the troops.

When the players were resurrected in Shansang Ancient City one after another.

They were teleported back to Qingniu Village in the pollution area as soon as possible.

After Zhang Bao completely eliminated the players who invaded the mountain stronghold, he soon discovered that there were troops from the stars stationed at the foot of the mountain, and immediately controlled Zhou Cang to lead a troop to attack.

The battle is still going on.

Using the blessing point as a base.

The Scourge Army keeps replenishing its troops.

The players are trying to start a tug-of-war with the Abyss Army.

This can not only bring a lot of spiritual energy income to Hang Yu, but also become an opportunity for the territory to take the opportunity to recycle contribution points.

After all, it takes a contribution point to revive the player immediately, and it also takes a contribution point to teleport using the blessing point. Although it is not a lot for a single time, it is not a small number when accumulated many times, which can effectively speed up the player's return to poverty.

The Abyss Army is not only powerful but also large in scale.

The elite of the Scourge Army clearly felt that the troops were unable to do their best in the short term.

If this goes on, the blessing point of Qingniu Village will definitely not be defended, and once the blessing point of Qingniu Village is not defended, the Abyss Army will overflow into the pollution area, and Guan Yu's clone in the sealed cave may be destroyed.

In order to prevent this from happening.

Ye Limeng and others sought help online through the sound transmission stone or the forum.

For a while, the cloud players paid close attention, and the online players also responded. Hundreds of players of level 5 or above came directly to reinforce the battlefield through the various blessing points of Woniu Mountain or the teleportation points of Shansang Ancient City.

Although the players of this period have shown a tendency to form gangs, they are generally very united.

This battle concerns the entire Woniu Mountain area.

It is also related to the development of the territory.

It is more related to the interests of the players.

Even though many players knew that they were coming to die as cannon fodder, they did not hesitate to pay the teleportation fee and rushed to the core pollution area. For a while, the number of players in Qingniu Village reached more than 400.

Although it was still difficult to resist the attack, with the sacrifices of the players, there was no problem at least to hold on for a while, which was enough for Hang Yu to make corresponding preparations and deployments.

Woniu Mountain.

Stone Monster Valley.

King Arthur's team brushed monsters for a day and a night.

At this moment, King Arthur has successfully upgraded from level 6 to level 8. Most of his companions are also level 6 or 7. The upgrade speed is already quite ideal, and everyone is very satisfied with today's gains.

The newly spawned filthy stone monsters in the valley have been killed.

King Arthur has been fighting for more than 20 hours. Except for a few times of going offline to the toilet and drinking water, he has been fighting all the time. Even if he uses the game cabin, such high-intensity game play will make people tired.

He is about to end the leveling and go offline to rest.

Monk player Elk Girl: "Oh, God, look quickly, there are several voice messages. The war broke out in the core pollution area of ​​Woniu Mountain and needs the support of other players."

Warlock player Dark Lucifer: "I also saw it. There are detailed posts on the forum. The masters of the Scourge Army entered the pollution area not long ago. They seem to have encountered the strongest BOSS in this time and space area!"


King Arthur became interested.

He quickly opened the player panel and logged into the forum online.

At least a dozen players including Ye Limeng, Hei Tong Rui Ge, and Jubei Wangyue have posted in the official forum, including live broadcasts of exploring the core contaminated area and posts that recently issued orders to players and requested reinforcements.

Zhang Bao, Zhou Cang, the four generals of the human world, plus several second-level elite evil fallen!

There are nearly two hundred Yellow Turban warriors with second-level elite strength, and at least four to five hundred Yellow Turban Demon Soldiers with elite level 10 strength.

too exaggerated!

King Arthur gasped.

Is this a force that players can fight against at this stage?

I'm afraid the only way to resist it is to let the lord lead the personal guards!

Elk Girl asked, "Arthur, are we going to help?"

Dark Lucifer said: "Our current strength is too weak. Even if we rush over, we can't help. Once we die too many times, the level we finally raised will have to fall back."

Warrior player Iron Fist Johnson said: "I don't think there is any need to join in the fun. The Chinese players are too far ahead of us in terms of numbers and levels. Just using the killings of these monsters can reduce the gap between us to a certain extent."

Several other players agree.

After a few seconds of thinking, King Arthur shook his head and said, "No, we must go to this battle!"

Iron Fist tough guy Johnson was puzzled: "Why?"

King Arthur replied: "It is precisely because players from non-Chinese regions are at a disadvantage that we must work harder to integrate into them."

Dark Lucifer: "That's right. If any large-scale interactive Chinese players exclude us in the future, then the gap between us may become wider and wider!"

Ranger player Kungunil: "It's not a big deal to die a few times. Don't you want to see what the top monsters look like? Anyway, I want to see them for a long time!"


“Participate in an event like this!”

"I can go back and show off to my fans!"

Players such as King Arthur and Dark Lucifer are also ambitious.

They have realized the strong potential of this game and hope to become or create a force in this game.

Since there is such ambition.

Then there is no escaping such a large event.

Even if you are not strong enough now, you can still increase your prestige and sense of presence!

As for losing some energy?

Just a small price to pay!

In the end, this ten-man team composed of non-Chinese players chose to join the battle. They quickly left the Stone Monster Valley and arrived at the nearest blessing point. Then they paid 200 contribution points through the blessing point and were teleported to Qingniu Village.

Ten players have just arrived at Qingniu Mountain.

[You have been contaminated by the breath of the abyss, all attributes are -25%, and your life is reduced by 45 points per minute...]

"Oh! Shet!"

"This is too exaggerated!"

"My life is declining too fast!"

Although Qingniu Village is not the most polluted village, it is still within the core pollution area, so players will be affected to varying degrees.

The highest level for King Arthur and others is level 8. The lower the level, the weaker the resistance to pollution, almost to the point where they are losing vitality every second. If they take blood replenishing pills to offset it, they will die on the spot in up to three minutes.

There were all kinds of piercing sounds, explosions, roars and roars.

The battle in Qingniu Village is ongoing.

Toast to the Moon is responsible for commanding and arranging the teleported players near the blessing point.

King Arthur and others were not strong enough, so they were assigned to the flanks to resist the abyss creatures missed by the main force in front. Their goal was not to kill the enemy, but as long as they could delay time and hold the line of defense as much as possible.

"Leave it to us!"

After receiving the arrangement, King Arthur immediately led his men to the designated combat area, and then launched an attack on a demon soldier who was approaching.

Although there are many low-level players like King Arthur, it does not mean that they are useless cannon fodder.

The combat power of the Three Kingdoms does not entirely depend on numerical values. As long as low-level players at level 5 or 6 cooperate well enough or have high enough skills, they theoretically have the ability to kill level 2 monsters.

"Elk give me treatment!"

"These magic soldiers are too fast, Lucifer should use the Thunder Control Curse to paralyze them!"

"Everyone, please work harder. It's just a few magic soldiers. Even we can definitely deal with them!"


Hundreds of players invested in the battle at the blessing point of Qingniu Village.

During this process, players continued to die, and players continued to resurrect. Although the abyssal troops had an absolute advantage in strength, they failed to capture the small village after fighting for a while.

The player's immortality ability is too abnormal!

There are blessing points to quickly return to the battlefield!

Unless the casualties caused by the abyssal forces are much greater than the player's self-replenishment speed, the stalemate will last for a while.

The top masters such as Black Eyed Brother Rui, Gu Zhou, Ye Limeng, Crazy Sword Old King, etc. are all besieging the leader of the abyss troops, Zhou Cang in the demonized state.

"Secret attack!"

Gu Zhou fought with Zhou Cang for many rounds, and suddenly launched a secret attack and disappeared on the spot. Not only did he avoid the opponent's dangerous sword, but he also appeared behind him instantly, giving Zhou Cang almost no chance to react or sense, and struck out with a fierce sword. stabbed him in the neck.


The bloodstained sword hits and sparks fly.

Although it shattered several pieces of bone armor, it did not penetrate, and in the end it only caused more than 80 points of damage, and this damage to the demonized Zhou Cang was not much better than tickling.

If you can't hit a critical hit!

Most of the secret attack skills are useless!

Zhou Cang roared and immediately swung his sword to fight back. The violent sword light bloomed instantly, and an evil tiger roar erupted from it, which affected Guzhou and fell into a brief dizziness on the spot.

next moment.

The sword light fell with a terrifying roar.

A knife mark was made on the ground ten meters ahead.

Gu Zhou failed to dodge the attack this time and was split in half by the sword light on the spot.

Other advanced players quickly increased their output. Whether it was spell attacks or various physical attacks, these attacks could only cause very limited damage.

"So strong!"

"What defense?"

"This is too perverted!"

"I have never encountered such a tough BOSS!"

"Everyone, work harder, even if it's Gua Sha, we will scrape him to death!"

As a level 15 commander, Zhou Cang is quite powerful, but the dozen or twenty second-level high-level players are not vegetarians. Although the players have no way to defeat Zhou Cang for the time being, Zhou Cang's several attacks were repelled by the players.


Several attacks failed.

Let Zhou Cang become more violent.

He once again activated his transformation skill, and his whole body burst into flames and flew into the sky. Then he turned into a bolide and passed through the defense line, hitting the back of the defense line formed by the Scourge Army, turning dozens of players into charcoal in the flames. .

"not good!"

"Stop him!"

"We can't let him get closer!"

Zhou Cang has once again activated his second combat form, transforming from a humanoid monster covered in bones and armor into a giant beast about five meters tall with lava flowing all over its body.

Players can know this based on their previous experience.

Zhou Cang's two states have their own merits. In the first state, his defense is extremely powerful and difficult to break. However, in the second state, his attack power becomes very violent, but his defense will be significantly weakened. Logically speaking, this is the best opportunity for players to eliminate him. .


At this moment, he was less than fifty meters away from the blessing point!

If Zhoucang is close to the blessing point and has any contact with it, the abyssal breath emitted by it will contaminate the blessing point, eventually leading to the loss of all functions and effects of the blessing point.

Once this happens.

The Scourge Army must be completely defeated!

Now Zhang Bao and other evil fallen have not taken action yet, and at least half of the troops have not been invested. Even under this situation, the players have already fought very hard. If the blessing point is contaminated, the Scourge Army has no chance of winning.

Fifty meters!

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!

Zhoucang is getting closer and closer to the blessing point.

The faces of Black-eyed Brother Rui and others changed greatly: "It's too late!"

Zhou Cang let out a deafening roar, and used his giant claws flowing with lava to instantly kill the charging Toast Moon with one blow. Then he swept away the eight or nine other players near the blessing point with a flaming tail.

At this moment, he was only ten meters away from the blessing point.


"Can't hold on any longer!"

"Damn it! I'm not willing to give in!"

The Scourge Army has worked very hard to persist until now.

After all, most players die at least two or three times.

Before attacking the core contaminated area, most of the elite members of the Scourge Army died once while hunting down the fallen twins.

Although the Scourge Army is immortal, if you die frequently in a short period of time, the fatigue value of the game body will continue to double, and the fatigue value will affect the attributes when it reaches a certain level.

Some players are already in a state of mild fatigue, which will more or less affect their combat effectiveness. At this moment, many high-mobility bosses, including Gu Zhou, have just been killed and have not returned, and others have been too late to stop Zhou Cang. It's close to the blessing point.

Once this blessing point is contaminated.

There was no chance of a comeback in a short period of time.

If even a crazy Zhou Cang can't stop him, what will the Scourge Army do to capture the core contaminated area?

Players have underestimated the power of the abyss in the core pollution area. Once the Dark Sun breaks out in the near future, all the abyss tribes will be resurrected, refreshed and become stronger. At that time, other nearby towns and even the ancient city of Shansang will be in danger!

At this time, the blessing light lights up!

One after another, figures with powerful auras descended nearby.

The leader is armed with a golden armor and a spear, and controls a fiery demon horse. He is not only majestic but also powerful. Who could he be but a great lord?

Mo Zhoucang instinctively felt the threat, and immediately roared, waving his blazing claws and attacking Hang Yu.

The two personal guards, Zhang San and Li Si, blocked the front instantly. At the same time, they swung the swords in their hands. The two gas-gathering slashes, which were twenty meters long, collided with the claws and canceled each other out.

"Thunder Control Curse!"

Warlock Wang Wu struck Zhou Cang with a bolt of lightning, and the violent force knocked Zhou Cang back several steps. At the same time, he was paralyzed and caused considerable damage.

"Feather God is here!"

"Hey, I guessed it. The lord's father will not sit idly by and take action when it's time to take action!"

"Although the lord gives us as many opportunities as possible to make meritorious deeds, who made us fail to do our best this time? With this attack, our mission evaluation will probably drop by a notch!"

"The lord's bodyguard NPCs are getting stronger and stronger!"

"Third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, sixth brother, the combined strength of the four of them is probably as good as Zhou Cang's!"


Hang Yu's appearance made the Scourge Army both excited and regretful.

Although players admire the lord very much, for such large-scale missions with particularly rich rewards, they usually would rather die a few more times or even lose levels, hoping to complete the mission on their own.

Everyone knows that the lord is invincible!

As long as the lord takes action, general tasks can be pushed horizontally.

But once the lord takes action, the mission evaluation will be affected. Once the mission evaluation is affected, the final reward will be greatly reduced.

But this is the case.

It's impossible for adults not to take action.

Hang Yu glanced at the players and said calmly: "You guys, please step back. Let me handle this Mo Zhoucang."

Zhou Cang roared and got rid of the influence of the Thunder Taming Talisman at this time, and once again launched an attack on the particularly powerful being in front of him, but Hang Yu still had no intention of taking action, because at this moment a figure blocked his path before.


Zhou Cang was obviously stunned for a moment.

The terrifying giant flame claw stopped in front of the opponent.

All the players were stunned when they saw this, and soon someone recognized it. Isn't this NPC Zhou Ji from Shansang City?

"Lao Zhou? It's him!"

"Old Zhou is the apprentice adopted by Zhou Cang!"

"Is there a hidden plot between them?"

"The lord brought Lao Zhou here just for the sake of letting them see him for the last time, right?"

"You guys see that Zhou Cang has stopped? Do you think he still has sense? It seems that the lord boss made a special trip, maybe not just to save us, but to have a bigger plot!"


The players were excited for a moment.

I originally thought there was no chance of recruiting Zhou Cang.

Now it seems that there may not be a chance!

"Does the adoptive father not even recognize Ji'er?"

Zhou Ji couldn't help but burst into tears when his adoptive father was transformed beyond recognition into a lava monster.

"When a man is born between heaven and earth, there is a saying that he should not do anything. This is what his adoptive father once taught Ji'er. I don't believe that a hero like you will surrender to the will of the abyss."


Mo Zhoucang showed a painful expression, and black aura continued to evaporate from his body, as if two wills were fighting between heaven and man. After seeing this scene, other players present became excited.

"There's a show!"

"Very good!"

"Everyone, please stop the other soldiers."

"Create space for Lord Lord and Lao Zhou!"


Ye Limeng, Crazy Blade Lao Wang and others immediately changed their goals. They stopped attacking Zhou Cang and started to resist the mobs to prevent the lord and Lao Zhou from being disturbed.

"who I am?"

When this consciousness appeared in Zhou Cang's mind.

All he felt was strangeness.

Because such a complete and clear consciousness has not appeared in Zhou Cang's broken sea of ​​consciousness for a long time.

Fifteen years ago, in order to help Guan Yu perfect the seal, Zhou Cang, who had already begun to become a demon at that time, resolutely entered the contaminated area.

He single-handedly held Zhang Bao and others back, allowing Guan Yu to complete the repair of the seal on the pollution source. Although this successfully blocked the risk of nightmare spillover, he also locked himself in the nightmare almost forever!

Zhou Cang also knew that it was only a matter of time before he was completely corrupted.

But he continued to fight with Zhang Bao in the next time.

Zhou Cang does not have the ability to hunt nightmares, but his body and spirit are constantly corrupting through reincarnation again and again. In the process, he is constantly suffering pain that exceeds all punishments in the world.

Over time.

Zhou Cang became numb.

Consciousness also began to become blurred and confused.

Is gradually acting on instinct.

This is a precursor to being completely swallowed by the abyss.

Despite this, there is always a trace of unwillingness deep in Zhou Cang's soul, and it is precisely because of this that he becomes increasingly crazy, and eventually becomes a chaotic monster with almost no intelligence.

I am Zhou Cang!

This is Jier!

It seems like many years have passed!

At this moment, Zhou Cang's chaotic and fragmented consciousness and memory briefly returned to completeness.

He could no longer remember the last time he regained his sanity. He only knew that his sanity was precious and fragile. It could only last for a few seconds at most, and the process was very painful.


Zhou Cang beat his head crazily.

"I can't control myself!"

Zhou Ji was overjoyed to see Zhou Cang regaining some sanity, but he also felt that this ray of sanity was so fragile. Even if it only lasted for a second, his adoptive father suffered as much pain as if he had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

"Lord Lord!"

Zhou Ji knelt in front of Hang Yu.

"Please help me save my adoptive father!"

"Ji is willing to act like a cow or a horse to repay this great kindness!"

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed desperately, and now he could only place all his hopes on this enigmatic lord.

Hang Yu nodded calmly, asked his soldiers to pull Zhou Ji up, and then comforted him: "You have played a big enough role, and leave the rest to me!"

While talking.

Hang Yu took out a piece of golden talisman paper, which was the "pure gold talisman" he had just spent 1,000 magic crystals on from the trading market!

This is a special second-level consumable item. Its function is to protect the spirit and soul, at least for a period of time, from the attention and influence of the abyss consciousness. Because the item is of second-level level, it can only affect second-level units at most.

This item cannot directly reverse the aberrations of the Abyss Walkers, but it can temporarily inhibit corruption and suppress madness, thereby alleviating pain and allowing them to stay awake for a longer period of time.

Zhou Cang's humanity has returned.

Now is the time to use this stuff.

The pure golden talisman turned into thousands of golden starlights and merged into Zhou Cang's body.

The second form is automatically released.

Zhou Cang returned to his first form.

He could clearly feel that the filthy whispers that were constantly echoing in his ears, sea of ​​consciousness, and spiritual soul disappeared. He could feel that the darkness, madness, and chaos in his soul were also suppressed, and his extremely fragile consciousness was illuminated by the light. protection, it can finally run without being affected.

Zhou Cang knows.

This is temporary.

The protective shield covering consciousness is being consumed. Once this power is exhausted, madness will come back unstoppable, but he can briefly regain consciousness in time, which is also not easy for Zhou Cang.

Hang Yu asked: "How do you feel?"

Zhou Cang's body was still deformed and demonized. He was about one foot tall, so Hang Yu was no different from a child in front of him, but he bowed to Hang Yu respectfully: "Thank you Lord, I am willing to kill for Lord Lord." Kill Zhang Bao and purify the pollution!"

This operation stunned the players.

Woniu Mountain is second only to Zhang Bao's big BOSS.

He was actually incited to rebel after being manipulated like this by the lord!

If Zhou Cang is willing to switch sides and help the Natural Disaster Army, then even if the lord does not need to personally take action, the Natural Disaster Army will most likely be able to win this battle.

What else can be said? The lord is awesome!

The morale of the Scourge Army suddenly surged!

The past two days have been a bit slow, but it should be over soon! Thanks to the personality guarantor for the reward of 1,500 starting coins for Xianxu and Xiao Wuhuang for 500 starting coins, as well as the 100 starting coins for Mo Yanchen and Zhang Xiangshi.

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