This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 150 Return to the territory! Start a new journey!

Hang Yu was shopping.

Xiao Ling Dang, Ye Li Meng, Black Eyed Brother Rui, and Toast to the Moon followed throughout the whole process.

Hang Yu used the Tiandao Rubik's Cube to forcibly affect their bodies. Players in this event did not have much ability to act independently.

Even if you are offline, you will automatically follow the lord. If you feel bored, you can go offline to rest and sleep at any time. You can automatically return to the territory when the remaining ten hours are over.


even so.

Players are always in high spirits.

Never felt bored for a second.

Instead, he was full of interest in everything he saw.

At this moment, attention was focused on the person in charge of the temporary stall.


"It looks so ugly!"

"Is this guy also a lord?"

"How come there are so many weird looking guys among all the races in the stars!"

This stall owner is a demon mud clan lord.

There are five Demonic Mud Familia clansmen around him who are attacking him.

The Demon Mud Tribe is a type of ooze monster. Its body is made of a pool of flowing ooze. Although it usually appears in humanoid outline, it does not have a fixed shape, so it looks a bit weird.

Hang Yu casually banned the player.

To prevent them from talking nonsense and causing unnecessary trouble.

He got straight to the point and asked: "How to sell the Divine Stone of Revelation?"

Lord of the Magic Mud Clan: "There are three in total, each costing 1,100 magic crystals. As a blue-quality rare consumable, I dare say that the price is already a bargain. If you need it, don't miss it."


As for why it’s cheap?

The revelation stone can reveal the name of the unknown abyss area.

But even if you know the name of this area, it won't be of much use to the average lord. Therefore, the revelation stone is rare but not popular.

Hang Yu is different. The abyssal plane he is in is a modified version of the Three Kingdoms. If you know the name of a region in advance, you can immediately find out the background of the region and the possible characters.

Picture opening soon.

This prop must be taken down!

It can help the territory avoid some maps that feel boring, or are too dangerous and cost-effective, so as to select some areas with richer population resources and greater potential gains.

He said calmly: "Although this thing is of high grade, its effect is very useless. Your price is too expensive, why not make it cheaper? How about eight hundred magic crystals!"

The Demon Mud Lord twisted his cheeks for a moment and uttered two words: "This is too low to sell!"

Hang Yu pretended to think: "Well, let's do it. The price is 3,000 magic crystals. I will take all three magic crystals. Otherwise, you won't be able to sell them when the return day is over."

This price is acceptable to the Demonic Mud Lord, so he immediately gave away the three Divine Stones of Revelation... No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, so you can save a little bit, after all, you are not very rich now!

The transaction was successfully completed!

Hang Yu is very satisfied!

Just the harvest from these few sacred stones.

This time, the return to the stars will not be in vain on the day of return.

Hang Yu continued to wander around the market. There were a wide variety of products in this place, ranging from rare blueprints and skill stones that were very rare among various human lords, to some precious materials, equipment, and consumables.

Small items can be put into the storage space and taken back directly. As for larger transactions, they can be shipped through the Abyss Station. Of course, logistics fees will be charged based on the value and quantity of the items.

After Hang Yu wandered around for a while.

He found a Lich Lord's shop.

This lich lord is not of a high level, but is just an experienced lord. The stall not only sells various materials, but also has several special alchemy formulas, which aroused Hang Yu's strong interest.

[Secret Recipe for Refining Dragon Blood Grass Seeds], a first-level medicine refining formula, low-grade blue... Introduction: A secret medicine refining recipe that uses the essence and blood of dragon monsters to cultivate herbal seeds.

[Dragon Grass Seed Refining Formula], a first-level medicine refining formula, low-grade blue... Introduction: A secret medicine refining recipe that uses the bones of dragon monsters to cultivate herbal seeds.

nice one!

Definitely good stuff!

Just what the territory needs!

Hang Yu felt very excited!

He will be interested in these two herbs.

Mainly because dragon blood grass can replace "earth dragon essence and blood", and dragon bone grass can replace "earth dragon bone".

When these two materials are combined with Dragon Mark Spirit Ginseng, properties medicines such as Dragon Mark Essence Blood Pill and Dragon Mark Bone Strengthening Pill can be refined.

Hang Yu has been purchasing the raw materials for the above two attribute medicines in the trading hall. However, these materials are rare and precious and can only be purchased in small quantities. It is almost impossible to purchase them on a large scale.

If you can get two seed refining recipes.

There is hope that Hang Yu's territory can produce its own raw material seeds.

Then the materials are cultivated in Lingtian, and finally stable mass production of drugs with two properties is achieved.

It can be used to enhance the strength of the people, inspire the Scourge Army, and strengthen the territory's heritage. It can also be turned into special products and continuously sold in the trading hall, thereby earning a lot of value-added profits through the pharmaceutical processing industry and becoming a cash cow.

A recipe like this.

You can never buy it on the trading floor.

There is no chance of encountering him unless he returns to the Land of Stars.

Hang Yu asked: "How to sell these two medicine formulas?"

The Lich Lord immediately said: "This lord is really discerning. These two formulas are of extremely high value. You can bring them back to your territory for only 6,000 magic crystals at a fixed price, creating long-term value for your territory!"

Although worth it.

But a bit expensive!

Finally after some haggling.

Hang Yu bought these two formulas for 5,000 magic crystals.

Three revelation stones and two seed refining formulas cost a total of 8,000 magic crystals.

Most of the magic crystals in Hang Yu's hands are used to upgrade the territory. Now there are only about 4,000 magic crystals at his disposal, and more than a thousand of them are used to repay the college loan.

This is really embarrassing.

The market in the Land of Stars contains a large number of blueprints, skills, materials, and equipment that cannot be purchased in the ordinary trading market, but are of great use to the current development of the territory.

This little magic crystal is not enough to fill the gap between your teeth!

Hang Yu continued to wander around the Lord's Market. Although he couldn't afford the expensive blueprints and special props, he could still afford to buy some consumable items.

For example:

[Pure Gold Talisman], a third-level special consumable, green superior quality... Introduction: It can temporarily shield the influence of the will of the abyss on individuals, and can be used on targets no higher than third-level.

In order to recruit Zhou Cang, Hang Yu once purchased a second-level pure gold talisman for 1,000 magic crystals in the lobby, while the third-level pure gold talisman in the Land of Stars only cost 1,200 magic crystals. It can be seen that he was more or less ripped off at that time.

The function of this object is to temporarily eliminate the influence of the will of the abyss on the individual. It is especially suitable for use on some targets who are on the verge of crazy collapse but have not completely deteriorated. It can relieve their pain and restore their sanity within a certain period of time.

Hang Yu estimates that he will meet many characters from the Three Kingdoms next.

There are many opportunities to use pure gold charms.

In addition, it has the ability to temporarily shield the influence of the Will of the Abyss on individuals, allowing it to function in many special situations.

Bought two as spares.

The budget was completely wiped out.

Hang Yu wanted to end this purchase, but at this moment a special piece of equipment appeared in front of him. After seeing the attributes of this piece of equipment, he felt strongly excited again.

[Teleportation Scepter], third-level equipment, medium-grade blue...included skill: small portal.

This is a special space equipment that has no mana amplification and no additional attributes, but the skill it comes with is enough to make this equipment extremely valuable!

[Small Portal], equipped with skills, can summon a portal, which can last up to ten minutes, with a maximum teleportation radius of one thousand kilometers and a cooling time of one hundred and eighty minutes.

This is no ordinary teleportation skill!

This is a collective teleportation skill!

Hang Yu has seen group teleportation spell scrolls in the lord market. Even as consumables, each one is worth up to 1,800 magic crystals, and a skill stone with a little teleportation ability starts at tens of thousands of magic crystals, and even if there are Money can't buy it at all.

As for this piece of equipment?

Its price is 18,000 magic crystals!

There is no doubt that it is worth the price!

Because if you encounter a lord war or a special emergency, this group teleportation ability can quickly deploy a small elite force to a designated location, which is enough to have a decisive impact on the battle situation!

This is more than just a piece of equipment!

It is also a strategic territorial weapon!

The seller of this piece of equipment is an old man from the White Feather Tribe.

The old man doesn't have the aura of a lord, so he shouldn't be a lord.

Only lords are eligible to enter the lord market. Non-lords who enter the lord market are employees, subordinates or entourage who are accompanying the lord. They are probably selling equipment for their masters.

The old man from the White Feather tribe smiled and said: "Dear Lord, what do you think? This teleportation staff is extremely rare and extremely practical. If you miss it this time, it will be difficult to encounter it again."

Hang Yu nodded: "This equipment is indeed good, but I don't have enough magic crystals in my hand. I wonder if I can accept barter?"

"Barter?" The old man from the White Feather Tribe was stunned for a moment.

Hang Yu took out a drawing from the storage space. It was the barracks-type building "Tomb of the Dragon Lizard" that he obtained after defeating the Dragon Lizard Lord!

"This barracks-type building can recruit second-level spiritual troops. It is of great use to the lords of middle and lower races. Its value will never be lower than the teleportation staff!"

Hang Yu said: "I want to exchange this blueprint for this equipment!"

It has been some time since he obtained the "Blueprint: Tomb of the Lizard Man". Although this blueprint is of very high value, Hang Yu has never considered selling it, mainly because he hopes to exchange it for something more valuable to him.

This kind of barracks-type building is of little use to Hang Yu, but it is very useful for the middle and lower-ranking lords. It can quickly form renewable high-level troops, thereby reducing the casualties of high-level dependents and increasing the fault tolerance rate in the development of the territory. .

"This is indeed a valuable drawing!"

The old man of the White Feather Tribe recognized the value of the Dragon Lizard Man's Tomb.

"But it's a pity that I don't have professional appraisal and valuation capabilities. I can't judge whether the value of this drawing meets the standard. If there is a loss in a rash transaction, I can't explain it to my master!"

The old man from the White Feather Tribe said: "Lord, you might as well exchange the drawings for magic crystals first, and then complete the deal."

Hang Yu frowned slightly.

It seems that’s all it can do.

But time is in a hurry now.

There are variables in this back and forth. Hang Yu is not sure whether he can find a reliable enough blueprint recycler, and he is not sure whether the staff will still be there after returning with the magic crystal. Such strategic equipment is very popular.


at this time.

A voice came: "Don't bother!"

When everyone followed the sound, they saw a man with a majestic aura walking towards them. He seemed to be from the Feather Clan, but he had three pairs of wings of light. Each feather was made of golden light and was surrounded by thunder.

A lord of the Blazing Thunder Clan!

This race is also called the Seraph Angels.

There is no doubt that they are a very powerful upper race.

"Junior Hang! Long time no see!"

The lord of the Blazing Thunder tribe greeted Hang Yu.

This shocked several players present.

Little Bell: "This cool lord is a friend of Yu Shen? It turns out that our lord also has a powerful lord friend!"

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "There's nothing surprising. After all, the lord is a native of the Land of Stars. He must have his own network of contacts and friends in this city. I guess he also has many potential story lines that can be explored!"

Ye Limeng: "This lord is so strong, but I can't see his level at all!"

Raising the glass to the moon: "There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the land of stars... If these lords all appear in the abyss, we will be under great pressure in the future!"


Hang Yu ignored the player's discussion. This young man from the Blazing Thunder Tribe is named Feng Leiyi, and the Feng Lei Family is a famous family in Shengcang City. Feng Leiyi is one of the most outstanding students in the recent sessions of Shengcang Lord Academy.

Although this person is of noble birth.

He can be upright and quite prestigious.

Hang Yu had contact with him when he was in school.

Of course, because the difference in social status and class is too big, it is not friendship, at most it is just acquaintance.

"Hello, Senior Feng Leiyi! I didn't expect this store to be owned by Senior."

"Hahaha, what a coincidence. I have heard something about Junior Hang Yu. To be honest, even I admire your courage very much!"

Feng Leiyi waved his hand directly: "Just take the staff!"

Because I met my senior.

Didn't experience any setbacks.

Hang Yu successfully changed to the teleportation staff.

From the revelation stone, to the secret recipe of herbal seeds, and finally this teleportation staff, Hang Yu has gained a lot from returning to the stars this time!

But experienced this return.

Hang Yu further realized the importance of wealth!

He decided that after returning this time, he must find ways to develop the territory's finances and industry. He hoped that when he returned to the stars next time, he would not have to worry about the shortage of magic crystals.

After Hang Yu left.

The old man Bai Yu was a little confused.

He then asked: "Young Master, why are you doing this? Although this blueprint is of high value, it may not be as good as this teleportation staff, and it is completely useless to a high-ranking lord like you, Young Master."

"I'm just interested in a human lord who can come back alive from the abyss of eternal night."

Feng Leiyi smiled lightly.

He glanced at the blueprint in his hand.

"Don't you see? This is not a regular drawing obtained from the Luck Treasure Box, but a drawing produced after the defeat of a dragon lizard lord!"

The old man with white feathers was stunned: "Could it be said that this human lord has defeated a dragon lizard lord? Although the dragon lizard tribe is not a powerful race, it should not be defeated by a human being, let alone a human being who has just stepped into the abyss."

Feng Leiyi: "This Hang Yu shouldn't be that simple. We will have to deal with him again in the future!"

Although Hang Yu is only a human lord, he is able to establish a foothold in the eternal night plane and even seems to have won a lord war. This person is by no means simple and may have even more amazing performances in the future.


Time remaining for the return of the stars: 4 hours, 35 minutes and 24 seconds!

Hang Yu has received the news that Principal Long wants to summon him.

He immediately returned to Shengcang Academy and successfully entered the principal's office.

"Are we finally going to meet the legendary lord? I'm really a little nervous!"

“This trip to the land of stars is so meaningful, I can’t wait to go back and brag about it!”

"Speaking of which! Is this really an office? It's a giant treasure trove!"

"There are a lot of treasures in here. If you can sneak some away, we will give them away!"


The four players followed Hang Yu to a palace that was larger than several football fields combined. They saw various treasures piled up and sparkling. The value and quality of any one they picked out were astonishing.

The four of them looked around, their faces full of excitement and surprise, and even eager to move.

But we haven’t even discussed it for two sentences yet.

The ban comes again.

"Holy shit!"

"Banned again!"

"I guess we'll have to go through the plot again!"

"Who makes this game so interactive? If we don't control the words and deeds of our players at critical moments, we don't know how the plot will be distorted!"


After the four players arrived in the land of stars, although they gained a lot of knowledge, they were often deprived of the ability to speak and move. At this time, they could only communicate through text on the information panel.

even so.

A full twenty hours.

Except for occasionally going to the bathroom online.

Players have never been offline and don’t want to miss a second.

At this moment, their bodies automatically followed the Lord.

When they walked to the center of countless treasure mountains, they saw a giant dragon of at least 300 meters lying among countless rare treasures. It had three heads and eight wings, and was covered in dark gold. Each scale was larger than a washbasin and covered with mysterious symbols. Wen, exudes a powerful aura!


"Is this Principal Long?"

"Although it is not the largest among the Stars and Ten Thousands!"

"But this aura is the strongest I have ever seen!"

"What level do you think it has reached? Is it possible to become the big boss in the later stage of this game!"


Principal Long's race is the Taichu Nether Dragon.

It is a superior race among the superior races.

It can be ranked in the top 20 or even top 10 among the Stars and Ten Thousands.

Hang Yu bowed respectfully and saluted: "Principal, you can take time out of your busy schedule. Student Hang Yu is very grateful!"

"I didn't expect you to come back!" Principal Long raised his three heads at the same time, and six eyes stared at Hang Yu at the same time. One by one, his eyes seemed to penetrate the body like rays, making all the secrets that tried to hide nowhere to hide.

In front of such a legendary lord.

It is meaningless to hide the breath.

However, Hang Yu is not worried that the secret of the Heavenly Dao Magic Cube will be exposed.

Because when he first met Principal Long, he already carried the Heavenly Dao Magic Cube with him.

This relic is only bound to Hang Yu, and other beings, whether it is God Guan Yu or the legendary lord, cannot feel it!


Principal Long made a sound of surprise.

She had lived long enough to see everything.

If he just came back alive, it wouldn't be too unusual.

But she didn't expect that in just one month, he had already reached the strength of a second-level overlord.

Not only that, Hang Yu was already level 20, and he was only one step away from the third level. Only some upper races could achieve such a growth rate, which definitely broke the highest record known to humans.

So that's it.

No wonder he dared to go to the Eternal Night Abyss.

At that time, I thought this human was young and hot-tempered.

Now it seems that this decision is not as simple as a momentary hot-tempered one.

He should have unknown confidence, and his choice to become a lord is the result of careful consideration.

Principal Long has been the principal of Shengcang Academy for more than 8,000 years. Every year, tens of thousands of students graduate and become lords. Among them, the students she favors and sponsors vigorously, there are at least 8,000, but not this human in front of her.


The performance of this human.

It was far beyond expectations.

This made Principal Long look at him with new eyes for the first time, and perhaps consider giving him more help.

After a few words,

Hang Yu took out the gift.

It was the scarlet skull that had been prepared long ago.

"Yes, although it is not a relic directly produced by the evil god, it comes from a strong descendant of the evil god, and it is quite useful and helpful even to me."

Principal Long accepted it without hesitation.

"This principal will not take your things for nothing. If there is anything you like here, you can pick one yourself."

Hang Yu's heart moved. With the strength and background of the legendary lord in front of him, the value of any collection is amazing. From her, it is easy to get the resources or drawings needed at this stage.

But after a little hesitation.

Hang Yu still did not do it.

He said: "This thing is a student's accidental acquisition in the abyss. It is of no use to me. Now I bring it back to the stars as a local specialty. I just want to thank Principal Long for his advice, not for exchange or profit."

"Hahaha, you little guy, you are very interesting!"

Principal Long is a legend in Shengcang City. If you can build a good relationship with her, the benefits and interests are not comparable to one or two items. Besides, Hang Yu really just wanted to thank him for his kindness and had no intention of exchanging it for benefits.

"Your potential is greater than I thought. In fact, I am also curious about how far a human can go!"

Principal Long did not dwell on the topic of gifts.

She said directly: "The new session of the New Lord Competition of Shengcang City will be held on the next return day. Have you heard about it?"

Hang Yu's heart moved.

He hurriedly said: "I have heard of it!"

Principal Long continued: "This competition is a grand event held by Shengcang City in accordance with the will of the stars. If you can perform well in the competition, you can get the direct blessing of the will of the stars, which is of great benefit to any newcomer."

"Your current ability is already qualified to participate in the competition, and Shengcang Academy has an extra quota."

"I plan to recommend you to give it a try."

Sure enough.

Isn't the benefit coming soon?

Hang Yu has heard of the New Lord Competition.

This is a grand event held every five to ten years in Shengcang City!

Hang Yu knew how valuable this spot was and thanked him immediately: "Thank you, Principal!"

Principal Long: "The participants of this conference are all the best of the new lords of Shengcang City. With your current strength, you are just barely qualified to participate, but there is still a big gap to compete with other top new lords."

"The next return day is at least thirty or forty days away. I hope you can improve your strength as much as possible during this period. I don't expect you to get too high a ranking in the conference."

"But after all, I recommended you to participate."

"Don't embarrass me!"

Hang Yu said: "I will never let the principal down!"

Principal Long waved his paw: "Okay, it's getting late, you should also prepare to return to the territory!"

The meeting ended.

The time was very short.

All the purposes of this return have been achieved.

Hang Yu paid off his debts, met his mentor, purchased important items, and met Principal Long. He successfully obtained the qualification for the new lord competition. It can definitely be described as a full load!


The countdown is over.

The return day has come to a successful end.

Hang Yu and four players were teleported back to the territory.

This trip to the city-state of stars is completely over.

Hang Yu already has a new goal. He hopes to expand the territorial army and population as soon as possible. His own strength must also reach the third level. Only in this way can he have a chance to stand out in the Lord Competition and even achieve good results.


Just open a new picture!

Officially starting the next journey!

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