This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 175 Successfully conquered! The territory is even more powerful!

After giving the order.

Hang Yu postponed the summons.

Zhang Zhongjing has already gone to visit the territory.

The main city is not very big at the moment, and he will be back soon. It won't be too late to summon the two of them when he comes back.

When he found out that the miracle doctor Zhang who couldn't be found was now a guest of the territory, Jia Xu's reaction was hard to say. Wen Pin would definitely stare out his eyes.

"Let's raise the level first!"

Although his personal strength is sufficient for the time being, considering that the level of the people of the clan cannot surpass that of the lord, and the lord cannot recruit or contract subordinates with a higher level than himself, Hang Yu has the idea of ​​​​upgrading his level.

The territory's income has been very impressive recently.

Especially as the number of players increases, levels increase, and basic income becomes higher and higher.

Just to make the leek field grow more vigorously, Hang Yu returned almost all the income generated by the leek to make fertilizer for the leek.

He also needs to train a new batch of Canglong Guards and a team of alchemists, weapon refiners, and cooks in the territory. Therefore, the recent expenditure has been too large and the total amount of essence reserves is not high. Currently, the portion at his disposal is less than 2 million. .

A few levels up is more than enough.

Hang Yu immediately started a wave of promotions without hesitation.

[Essence reserve-150,000! 】

[You have reached level 22, life +300, mana +300, strength +30, agility +30, spirit +30, will +30! 】

[Essence reserve-180,000! 】

[You have reached level 23...]

[Essence reserve-210,000! 】

[You have reached level 24...]

[Essence reserve-240,000! 】

[You have reached level 25, life +300, mana +300, strength +30, agility +30, spirit +30, will +30! 】

He spent 700,000 energy successively.

Upgraded from level 21 to level 25!

In this way, they would be higher than Wenpin and Zhang Zhongjing in terms of rank. If they could be brought under his command, they could directly apply the Mark of the Stars and make them his official dependent subjects.

This wave of four-level upgrades directly increases health and mana by 1,200, and the four core attributes directly increase by up to 120, with a total increase of attribute points by as much as 480. The increase in overall strength is undoubtedly immediate!


When Hang Yu upgrades.

Zhang Zhongjing is visiting the territory.

Cang Longwei Zhang San and Li followed closely behind.

Hang Yu did not give Zhang Zhongjing any restrictions. He was free to visit every corner of the main city and talk to anyone he met, while Zhang San and Li Si were only responsible for explaining and leading the way.

From the moment you enter this city.

Zhang Zhongjing felt the special temperament of this city.

It is true that in terms of scale, Luoshui City is far inferior to Wancheng, but it is full of vitality and hope.

Zhang Zhongjing has been traveling around various cities in Wandi for many years. Whether it is Xinwan City in the center of Wandi, the six major cities, or the twenty-four townships, there has never been a city that can give him such a feeling.

Zhang San introduced:

"There are three cities in the territory."

"Luoshui City is the core city of the territory."

"The permanent population in the main city area is nearly 14,000."

"The Lord's core force consists of four thousand people, composed of the Azure Dragon Guards responsible for personal protection and law enforcement, and the Scourge Legion responsible for adventure and development."

"There are also two thousand garrison troops, mainly selected from the Shansang City garrison and militiamen from various places. They are mainly responsible for patrolling sentries and assisting the Canglong Guards in maintaining order."


"Luoshui City is composed of the Lord's Castle and the main city area."

"The Lord's Castle consists of the Internal Affairs Hall, the Teleportation Hall, the Lord's Palace Group and various ancillary facilities."

"The large square between the Lord's Castle and the main city is Resurrection Square. When we pass through Resurrection Square, we can walk to the main road of the city. This main road leads directly to the gate and divides the main city into east and west parts. "

"The west part of the city is mainly used for training and production, while the east part is used for residential entertainment and daily leisure."


When Zhang Zhongjing passed by Resurrection Square.

"It's the old miracle doctor!"

"Hello, Doctor Zhang!"

"Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Please ask the miraculous doctor to stay in the territory permanently in the future. I also want to follow the miraculous doctor's medical skills!"


I met the midnight pig-killing man, the demon demon, Chen Xi and others.

These are the Scourge Army soldiers who died in the Rift Land not long ago!

Although Uncle Dashu had told him the biggest secret of the Scourge Army's immortality, he was still shocked and even incomprehensible when he saw these people who died in front of his eyes and then appeared here alive and kicking.

In order to avoid affecting the miracle doctor.

Zhang San and Li Si immediately ordered to disperse the players who came up to say hello.

As the earliest group of lord's personal guards, they can be regarded as accompanying the growth of the Scourge Legion, and often directly execute the lord's will and orders, so they have a high reputation among the player community. Everyone will call them "third brother" and "fourth brother" and sell these A few NPCs save face.

When passing through Resurrection Square.

A wide and neat avenue appeared in front of you.

This is the main city avenue in Zhang Sankou, and it is also the central axis of the main city of Luoshui. Players named this road Lord Avenue. The entire road is paved with beautiful and flat bluestones. There are many trees and flowerbeds on both sides, which is open and atmospheric. It also has the charm of natural unity.

The main road has been basically repaired.

The two sides are divided into many plots by several vertical and horizontal branches.

Each plot is densely packed with various houses and buildings.

Some of them are obviously shops along the street, or restaurants and taverns. In addition, there are cultural and tourism facilities such as theaters and hotels. The development progress of each plot is different. At present, two plots have basically taken shape and are expected to be put on sale soon.

These shops, stores, and mansions can be purchased or rented for a long time through contribution points.

Players, natives, and employees can all participate in the competition.

Some are exclusively for players and legions.

Zhang Zhongjing found that all the people working on the construction site were simple-minded civilians.

Although these people look plain and simple in clothing, their mental state and mental outlook are excellent. Under the command of several natural disaster troops, they are very enthusiastic and hardworking in doing various physical work.

Zhang Zhongjing found out after some inquiries.

These people are not locals in the main city. Most of them come from Hexi Village and various villages in the Woniu Mountain area. Some are residents of Shansang City. Most of the villagers' villages have been destroyed under the brutal rule of another star lord.

After Hang Yu descended on Woniu Mountain.

He commanded the Scourge Army under his command.

Rescued the civilians who were cruelly enslaved by foreign races as soon as possible.

The territory will not only provide safe housing and abundant food, but also fill your stomach even if you don't work. If you participate in work or pass the selection to join the army, you can also activate the NPC panel to obtain contribution points. There is a fair and clear reward and promotion system.

It can be said.

Whether it is eating and waiting to die like a salted fish.

Or working hard and actively joining the army.

Everyone can live the life they want.

Whether it is the old times or the abyss times, it is unimaginable.

The main reason why the living standards of the ancients were low was that productivity was too low and resource output was too little.

Only when the vast majority of people worked hard with their faces to the loess and their backs to the sky could they barely maintain the food and clothing of the entire country. Only by levying various heavy taxes and heavy labor service could they barely maintain the operation of the entire country.

Hang Yu had no need to oppress the people.

After all, ordinary people only eat ordinary food.

Even if Hang Yu doesn't weigh a grain of rice, he can buy it through the Lord's Hall, and this kind of ordinary food is cheap and will not cause much burden on the finances, so that the people's lives have the most basic food and clothing as a guarantee.

He will give such high treatment to civilians.

It is definitely not just out of kindness or personal feelings as human beings.

These people, these people, these territories, these territories, are the resources of the Star Lord!

The more territories and populations Hang Yu owns, the greater the increase and improvement, and the greater the income generated by the territory.

Even if all ordinary people do nothing.

Hang Yu gives them a meal for free and supports them, it is not a loss!

Zhang Zhongjing met a few men who were resting under a tree. They were originally from Dashi Village, Shansang County. They were also imprisoned in slave camps by lizardmen and enslaved. Later, they were rescued by the Scourge Legion sent by the Lord.

Several people were full of gratitude to the Lord.

An old man with gray hair and dark skin said proudly: "My youngest son joined the main city garrison patrol force. He said he would make contributions and earn contribution points. In the future, he will participate in the selection of Canglong Guard and become the lord's personal guard!"

Other workers praised him.


"The lord has been very kind to us!"

"Not only did he let me have enough food, but he also took care of my disabled mother, allowing us to live a good life that we could never have imagined before!"

"It's not easy to be a Canglong Guard!"

"I heard that only the most loyal and powerful soldiers can join!"

"I heard that Zhou Ji and Feng Yi from Shansang County have become reserve members of Canglong Guard!"

"If I have a son, I would also like him to join the army to defend the territory for the lord. It would be a great honor to die in battle. I only regret that I only have two girls. I heard that the lord's castle is short of maids, and I don't know if they can be selected."


Zhang Zhongjing could see it.

These fellow villagers have suffered a lot.

The gratitude and thanks to the lord are from the heart.

If there are foreign enemies threatening the territory, these honest migrant workers will definitely pick up their hoes and fight to the death, even at the cost of their lives, just to defend their hard-earned lives.

The abyss is coming.

The world is evil and turbid.

People's lives are getting harder and harder.

This city feels like a paradise. Whether it is the energetic natural disaster army claiming to be from the future, or these diligent ordinary farmers, they are full of hope and faith that cannot be seen elsewhere.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Zhang Zhongjing couldn't believe it.

There is such a pure land in the world today.

But what really shocked him was the news he accidentally learned next.

Zhang Zhongjing: "What, the construction of the main city of Luoshui has only been two months!"

Li Si replied: "Yes, it has only been two months since the Lord came to this world!"

How is this possible?

It completely goes against common sense!

Zhang Zhongjing looked at the towering Lord's Castle. This pavilion-style palace is not only tall and majestic, but also has a complex and beautiful design. Even if it is faster, it will not be built in three to five years!

Zhang Zhongjing looked at the main urban area again. Whether it was the Resurrection Square, Lords Avenue, the various star-shaped buildings that exuded a mysterious atmosphere, or the solid and neat city walls on the outside, it seemed that it would not be completed in two months.

Zhang San said: "There is no need to doubt the divine doctor. Just ask anyone about this and you will know. Two months ago, this place was just a wasteland. It was the great power of the lord that made it quickly become what it is now."

Li Si: "This is just the beginning. Under the leadership of the lord, the main city and major cities will become more and more prosperous."

Zhang Zhongjing felt a great shock.

Endless food.

Undead army.

All kinds of miraculous means.

He has now begun to believe the words of the natural disaster army. This mysterious human lord really has the ability to save the world and save all people.

Think about the situation in Wandi again!

The thoughts in his mind are getting stronger and stronger.

Zhang Zhongjing has always taken saving the world as his responsibility, so he studied medicine and traveled around.


It's easy to save one person.

It's too difficult to save millions of people.

It's even more difficult to save this evil world.

Zhang Zhongjing only felt that he only had a small trick to save people, while the lord was a person with the great power to save the world. The two were compared together, like a lone star compared to the scorching sun, a jackdaw compared to a phoenix, and it was completely insignificant!

He then visited various urban areas.

He saw a spiritual field that could make spiritual plants and herbs grow a hundred times.

The main city of Luoshui currently has a large spiritual field and five small spiritual fields. The five fields are not large in scale, but they are managed by more than 500 farmers, who are mainly responsible for weeding and daily maintenance.

Whether it is the hundred-fold growth rate of spiritual plants and medicinal materials!

Or all kinds of medicinal materials that have never been seen from the land of stars!

It made Zhang Zhongjing feel like he had found a treasure, just like discovering a treasure!

He then visited various star buildings in turn, such as the magical skill tower, enlightenment tower, arrow tower with reconnaissance and protection functions, detection tower, and barrier tower, and visited the medicine refining workshop, weapon refining workshop, territory canteen, etc.

As the territory continues to develop.

The number of employees is also increasing.

Now there are twelve weapon refiners, pharmacists, and cooks, a total of thirty-six employees.

Zhang Zhongjing met with the chief refiner Yan Ling, the chief alchemist Qingmu, and the chief cook Akiaba pig brothers successively. From these employees, he could understand the territory and the lord from another perspective.

Whether it was the soldiers of the Natural Disaster Army Canglong Guard.

Or the most ordinary villagers and farmers.

Or these employees of the territory who were employed.

In their minds, Lord Hangyu was like a supreme god. Not only majestic, powerful, and mysterious, but also generous, benevolent, and generous. He was almost an impeccable and perfect leader.

Such a lord.

And he happened to be a human.

There was no racial barrier.

Zhang Zhongjing felt that there was no need to investigate further. He seemed to feel an unprecedented sense of belonging, as well as an unprecedented motivation and sense of mission. It was as if he had lived for nearly three Jiazi years, just to wait for this moment of decision!

He wanted to contribute to this great pure land to the best of his ability.

In the dungeon.

Wen Pin was a little anxious.

Although he was in jail for only one day, it was an extraordinary period after all. The Darkness would break out in the next few days. As an important combat force of New Wan City and the leader of one of the three major families, if he could not appear on the front battlefield in time, it would inevitably weaken the defense and affect morale.

Once Dian Wei and Cao Ang launched a fierce attack.

Several major towns are afraid of heavy losses in this round of disasters.

Of course, Zhang Xiu led the powerful Blood Spear Battalion to fight, so relying on the Six-party Fortune Array, it would not be a problem to resist until the end of the Darkness.

What Wen Pin was more worried about was that if he could not reach a consensus with the Star Lord as soon as possible, the other party could completely launch a backstab during the outbreak of the Darkness.

The key to the Wandi defense system is the Six-party Fortune Array.

This is a super-large protective array created by Jia Xu with New Wan City as the center of the array and the six major cities' Fortune God Stones as the corners of the array, which can effectively prevent the creatures of the abyss from entering it.

This array has no effect on the people of the stars and the families of the stars.

Once the Darkness comes.

New Wan City blocks the sphere of influence of the abyss.

Like a barrier, it can block the invasion of the abyss for the lord.

And the extremely dark outbreak can tie up most of the troops in Wancheng.

This star lord has enough motivation to take advantage of the fight between the two tigers to raid the new Wancheng.

Because in terms of population size and military size, the power of Luoshui City is far weaker than that of the old and new Wancheng. Only after mastering the population and cities in the Wancheng area, Lord Hang Yu is qualified and confident to confront the mortal enemy of the abyss.

No matter how you look at it, it is a huge strategic opportunity for Luoshui City.

Once this lord takes action, even if he fails to take Wancheng in the end, it will cause him to suffer a great loss of vitality.

As one of the three major families, Wen Pin's position is definitely on the side of Wancheng. He doesn't want to see the result that Luoshui City and Wancheng are both defeated and the people of the abyss benefit. At this moment, after thinking again and again, he finally couldn't sit still and took the initiative to ask to meet the lord.

Waited for a few hours.

There was no feedback.

When he was a little impatient.

Zhou Cang's burly and pale figure finally appeared in front of him.

He said in a deep voice: "Wen Pin, the lord has agreed to your request, you can go see him now."

Wen Pin was secretly relieved. As long as they could meet and negotiate, there would be room for mediation. The most feared thing was that the lord would completely ignore him and finally resolutely choose the route of a surprise attack on Wancheng, which would result in both sides suffering losses.

"Thank you, General Zhou!"

Wen Pin stood up and walked out of the cell.

Zhou Cang's eyes fell on the figure that looked like a mummified skeleton in the corner: "Jia Xu, you should come out too. The Lord has said that I will give you another chance to show off while you are still alive."

Jia Xu's puppet was as motionless as a dead corpse. After hearing Zhou Cang's words, two weak ghost fires suddenly lit up in his empty eyes, as if it was reconnected after being disconnected, and a dry voice was squeezed out of his throat. .

"You want to persuade me to surrender again? I advise you, Lord, not to waste your efforts!"

Zhou Cang: "You are too stubborn. It is a great blessing to have the honor to follow the Lord. It is precisely because you know so little about the Lord that you are blind. You have no idea how powerful and terrifying he is. This is an incompetent person." An unimaginable great existence!”

Jia Xu laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I have already put forward the preconditions for cooperation. If the lord that General Zhou said is really omnipotent, why haven't you provided me with clues about Zhang Ji and Zhang Zhongjing until now?"

Zhou Cang sneered: "You are not qualified to ask the lord for conditions!"

Wenpin fell into thinking after hearing this. The lord was also looking for a miracle doctor, and it was Mr. Jia who asked him to find it. Why would Mr. Jia do this? Doctor Zhang is a very important figure!

Not only does he possess top-notch medical skills, but he is also good at refining various medicines, which are worth more than an army.

How could information about such an important person be revealed to outsiders? Of course, Wenpin was just a little confused about Mr. Jia's approach, but he was not very worried about the miracle doctor being found by the lord.

After all, in the past few years, both Jiyin Sect members, Zhang Xiu and the three major families have been looking for the whereabouts of the miracle doctor.

But as a generation of miracle doctors, he has many ways to change his appearance and breath through medicine or magic, and his own cultivation level is also extremely high. When he wants to disguise himself and hide, he may not be able to recognize him even face to face.

The major forces in Wandi have spent so long and still can't find it.

There is absolutely no possibility of finding an outside force!

There's nothing to worry about.

Or just exploiting or toying with.

"Mr. Jia, why don't you show some respect when the lord summons you?" Wenpin persuaded Jia Xu. He didn't want to waste time, and if Mr. Jia could follow him, he might be able to provide him with some help and advice.

"Forget it, I am all ears to see what the lord has to say!"

After a few minutes.

Zhou Cang came to Hang Yu to recover his life.

Wenpin was still unarmored, wearing only a single piece of clothing, making him look like a white-haired burly man with the peak figure of a former governor, while Jia Xu's puppet wore a black cloak, covering up his corpse-like appearance.

Jia Xu didn't take this meeting too seriously, but when he saw the lord, his empty eyes trembled with ghostly fire, and his few facial muscles pulled out a surprised expression.

Jia Xu felt it clearly.

How powerful is the lord now?

He has already reached the status of overlord, and has even broken through to the third level. He is completely different from the first time we met.

There is no exaggeration in Wenpin's description, and he is even conservative. This person is fully capable of breaking through his defenses with one strike. In addition, Zhou Cang and all the Canglong Guards present are all at the third level. This background can fully threaten him at critical moments. Arrive at Wancheng.


all above.

Jia Xu was mentally prepared.

Even if Hang Yu is stronger than imagined.

It wouldn't shock him too much.

What really shocked him at this moment was that there was an old man with a fairy spirit and simple clothes on the scene, who was sitting across from the lord and drinking tea.

"It's Miracle Doctor Zhang!"

Wenpin's face changed drastically and he shouted.

This person is none other than the famous miracle doctor Zhang Zhongjing!

How can this be?

He never dreamed of it.

How could this expert, who had been elusive for so many years, appear in this place!

Even when Jia Xu saw Zhang Zhongjing, his eyes were obviously glazed over.

This is a bit of a slap in the face.

Hang Yu not only found Zhang Zhongjing.

He even invited this person directly to the territory.

Although I don't know how the lord did it, there is no doubt that this lord's strength and ability far exceeded his expectations.


So interesting!

After Jia Xu experienced a brief shock and astonishment.

The first thing I felt was not depression or frustration, but greater interest, curiosity, and a hint of surprise!

"Long time no see, General Wen!" Zhang Zhongjing recognized Wenpin at a glance, and then his eyes fell on Jia Xu's puppet, "Hey, the secret method of Jiyin puppet? Mr. Jia, are you here too!"

Wenpin: "We have been looking for you everywhere for the past few years. Why did the miracle doctor leave without saying goodbye, and why did he appear here?"

Zhang Zhongjing: "The reason why I left was because I had to leave. As for why I appeared here..."

He did not disclose the reason for leaving Wancheng, but it is not difficult to hear that there must be some problems within Wancheng. Zhang Zhongjing could not stand it or could not accept it, so he would rather hide than be used by the major forces in Wancheng.

Speaking of the second half.

He paused, stroked his long beard and continued:

"The old man will appear in Luoshui City. Because he was deeply treated and favored by the lord, he was inspired by the lord's kindness and ambition, so he decided to join the territory and contribute to the great cause of the lord from now on!"


moment before.

Jia Xu was still shocked.

Even he was shocked at this moment.

Zhang Zhongjing has actually been taken under the command of this lord?

This can be said to be an event and change that truly exceeded Jia Xu’s expectations!

Zhang Zhongjing also came from a noble family. He was once an official and a prefect of a county. He was not just a wandering doctor!

The fact that he was able to achieve great success in his official career in a place like Jingxiang where famous people are born is enough to show that this person is talented, knowledgeable and capable. However, his compassionate character is destined to be unsuitable for officialdom, and seeing that the world is dirty and chaotic, it is difficult to achieve anything, so he Abandoned his official position and became a doctor.

After the abyss falls.

His medical skills became more and more advanced, and he also understood the secret method of alchemy. Whether it was the major families or the city's embroidery, they all tried their best to win over him. However, for decades and hundreds of years, he had always remained relatively neutral and never joined any side. strength.

If Zhang Zhongjing had a good reputation, he would not be able to practice medicine.

If Zhang Zhongjing was easily bribed, he would have become Zhang Xiu's subordinate.

Jia Xu had many interactions with Zhang Zhongjing, and naturally had a deep understanding of his character, moral character, and ambitions, so he knew very well how difficult it was to gain this person's complete allegiance.


An outsider.

A star lord from a foreign land.

A force can enter Wandi within ten days at most.

He could easily gain the allegiance and surrender of such a strange person, which explains a lot of problems.

Awesome, this lord is indeed not simple. It seems that Zhang Xiu will not be his opponent. Maybe some preparations and plans should be made in advance!

Thanks to book friend 202211012056361361500 starting coins, Fish in Sunny and Rainy Day, and book friend 20170130215858235100 starting coins for the reward!

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