This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 181 Weird! fear! The Scourge is trapped in the Screaming City! (Please give me a monthly tic

Soon after.

Official website forum.

A new post quickly attracted attention.

"Live broadcast post: The main force of the natural disaster has gathered, and the city of sorrow is in the process of opening up the new field! "

The poster is Qingchen from the Shenyu Palace Corps. She is a level 14 ranger player of the Shenyu Palace Corps. She is also an experienced and well-known reporter in the real world and has made many influential reports.

The Xinye Campaign is a big event.

The leaders of several major corps felt that it was necessary to share it live on the entire network.

Although Gui Sanguo did not open the video live broadcast function, the development of the matter can be recorded in the post through pictures and texts.

"Hello everyone, I am Qingchen, the ranger of Shenyu Palace, and I am on my way to Xinye, the City of Sorrow!"

"You may be curious about why Xinye, a well-known historical city, is called the City of Sorrow, and this has to do with an encounter we had not long ago."

"[Picture jpg]"


Qingchen posted a photo of the encounter between the territory troops and the Wancheng troops, and briefly described the battle in the post, including the remote contest between Lord Hangyu and Lord Zhangxiu, as well as the information and intelligence obtained in this operation.

This naturally aroused discussion among the cloud players.

"Is Zhang Xiu so strong?"

"He is worthy of the title of Gun King!"

"It's a pity that he couldn't fight with the lord, otherwise there would be another wonderful show to watch!"

"Haha, why rush? The reason why they didn't fight now is because they have a common threat. When this wave of dark days is over, I bet a hundred bags of spicy noodles that both sides will definitely fight hard."

"It's meaningless to pay attention to this now!"

"Isn't the Xinye battle the most worthy of attention?"

"The lord is really a kind man. He actually gave the players a whole day to let these This guy has a chance to make meritorious service!"

"Xinye's BOSS is Deng Ai? But how could it be Deng Ai? Why did Zhang Xiu call Deng Ai the 'living voice'? This monster is too abstract, and I don't know how to fight it!"


"Wait for the Scourge Army to be abused in various ways!"

"All the melon seeds, instant noodles, and fat house water are ready!"

Cloud players can't draw a place in the game, and they like to see the Scourge Army being abused. Every day, the forum is filled with a lot of experiences of being abused to death, which has almost become a must-have electronic pickled mustard for cloud players to eat every day.


Some players also expressed their regret.

A cloud player: "Can you stand up a little bit this time? Please don't embarrass us cloud players, OK? Think about how long it has been since you got a perfect rating in a mission. Are you worthy of my generous cultivation of Yu Shen?!"

"That's easy to say."

"You can do it!"

"Do you think I don't want to!"

A member of the Scourge Army replied online: "The Scourge Army's mission rating is getting lower and lower? Where is it lower? It has been this rating for so many years. Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open... It's difficult for us Scourge Army. Sometimes, please find your own reasons. It's been so bad for us for so many days. Hope has not fell. Have you made a good appointment? I am going crazy! "" The internal test big guys are playing again. "" I think the big guys are excellent enough. "Xinye Battle has attracted the attention of countless players. They are looking forward to the performance of the natural disaster legion in this battle. At the same time, they are also full of interest in the appearance of the new boss evil baby Deng Ai. More than 800 players have been near Xinye City. Little Bell:" Wow, a new city, I feel that the scale is larger than Shan Sangcheng. "The city is not small. Although it feels particularly gloomy, although the new wild city has been deserted for hundreds of years, the city has retained the basic outline, and the whole city is shrouded in dark red fog. There is no other way.

We can only explore in the flesh.

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "Everyone be careful, the difficulty of this operation will definitely not be lower than that of Centipede Canyon. Although our strength and manpower have been increasing, we still need to be mentally prepared!"


Everyone nodded.

Everyone was full of tension and expectation.

Playing this game is exciting. You never know what you will encounter. Everything depends on the players' own exploration.

Raising a glass and looking at the moon, he said: "To be honest, we don't have much hope of passing the level in one go. This time, the main purpose is to test and collect intelligence. If you find anything wrong, withdraw immediately!"

Ye Limeng agreed: "Let's do it!"

Eight hundred players quickly divided the work. They divided into units of corps or teams, and then carefully headed towards the dark city shrouded in fog.

One thousand meters!

Eight hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

Each Scourge Army remained vigilant and always carefully guarded the surroundings to prevent being attacked by monsters, and then stopped in front of the city gate.

"So high!"

"So big!"

The players looked up at the desolate and dilapidated city wall covered with blood-red vines.

The fall and destruction of this city obviously did not occur when the Abyss came. It was probably after resisting for several years that it was finally invaded by the forces of the Abyss. Therefore, the city walls were obviously reinforced and raised, and there were many traces of battles on them.

Just to be on the safe side.

Players did not go in all at once.

They planned to follow the old rules and send out a small reconnaissance force first.

The main force of the Scourge Army was parked outside the city. Several top rangers, including Brother Black Eyed Rui, Gu Zhou, Toast to the Moon, and Qing Chen, quickly formed a team and were planning to explore New Wild City from three directions.

It is not too late to first understand the terrain environment and monster distribution inside, and then formulate a more detailed battle plan.



When Brother Rui and others were just about to take action.

There was an unusually sharp and harsh sound like a baby crying.

When hearing this sound, everyone at the scene was slightly in a trance. They felt that the source of the sound was far away in the horizon, but also seemed to be close in front of them.

"what sound!"

"Did you all hear that?"

"I heard it, it was a baby crying. Do you think it could be..."

There was an ominous feeling in everyone's hearts. Brother Ma, a level 15 warlock, shouted in surprise: "Damn it, look in front of you. Why has the city suddenly disappeared?"

What the hell?

Such a big city.

How could it be possible to just say no and then disappear?

But what shocked them was that in just a blink of an eye, the entire city really disappeared, disappearing without a trace as if the world had evaporated.

Damn it!

"Wow wow wow! Ahhh!"

The weird baby cry sounded again and became sharper and more uncomfortable, as if it was coming from several directions at the same time.

"All right!"

"I'm hit!"

Ye Limeng pulled out the giant hammer from under his crotch and said, "It's probably the Evil Infant boss of New Wild City who is up to something. I didn't expect this guy to be so sharp. He was targeting us before we even entered the city."

"Get ready for battle!"

"What ability is this? Is it an illusion!"

"Why did the entire city just disappear into thin air!"


Xiao Lingdang asked in confusion: "Shouldn't the ability of a military commander be related to the character's experience or folk interpretation of the image? How could Deng Ai, a farm guy in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and history, have such a weird method of stealing the sky and changing the day."

Players have already discovered it.

Be it Guan Yu, Zhang Xiu, Zhang Zhongjing, Jia Xu and others.

The images and abilities of these characters in the game are actually more or less related to their own image and identity. This may be the result of thousands of years of interpretation and luck.

The midnight pig-killing man said: "Deng Ai is not an ordinary farm guy. He is good at stealing the sky and hiding the sky. Isn't the battle to become famous the same as sneaking into the Yinping and destroying the Shu Han? I think it is not surprising that he now has the ability to steal the sky and hide the city. "

"Well, you're somewhat forcing yourself to do this by rote."

"After all, this Deng Ai died not long after he was born. It has little to do with the Deng Ai in history!"

Everyone expressed their opinions.

"I also feel that this Deng Ai has nothing to do with the Deng Ai we know."

Chen Xi nodded in agreement: "There is a difference between the people of the abyss and the monsters of the abyss. Like Zhang Bao, Ma Yuanyi and others we met before, although they have been deformed and demonized, they are still wise and sober existences."

"This is not the case with complete monsters. They are more twisted and their abilities are more unpredictable."

I heard two people speak.

Others think it makes sense.

Evil monsters like this are not unheard of.

The evil twins in the Woniu Mountain area and the four human generals around Zhang Bao actually fall into this category.

The evil baby Deng Ai in Xinye City has no wisdom or self-awareness. It can be said to be a complete monster. The historical image has no reference, and this kind of existence ability will be even more weird and unpredictable.

The Scourge Legion is a little confused about the current situation.

They suspected that they were under an illusion and used several methods to crack it, but in the end they found that it was all to no avail.

"Get back first!"

Several group leaders discussed it.

I just feel that the enemy is in darkness and we are in darkness, which is very disadvantageous.

In order to avoid meaningless casualties, we decided to go back the same way and discuss it later.

Everyone immediately summoned the spirit horses and ran wildly. They ran for 1,800 meters but failed to find the stronghold village.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that even the village has been hidden?"

"It's not a problem between the village and the city!"

"We were affected by this weird crying!"

"Look at the map, our location is weird!"


The Three Kingdoms has already enabled the game map function. Although it is a paid service, the function is very easy to use and allows players to judge their own or teammates' positions through the game map, so most players will enable it.

When a player with a map opens the map.

They were immediately blinded.

Not only did the Scourge Army fail to leave the New Wilderness in the opposite direction, but it was shown that it had already entered the New Wilderness. This made players wonder if the map had received interference or other bugs.

The baby's crying continued.

Sharp, weird, erratic.

Suddenly hundreds of players felt a pain in their heads, as if they had been slapped with a sap, and everyone's health bar disappeared.

[You were attacked by "Evil Wailing" and you suffered 50 points of mental damage! 】

[You have been marked by the "Wailing Curse", the will attribute is -10%, and the curse lasts for 100 minutes! 】


"Damage done!"

"This cry is lethal!"

The players quickly took out the blood-replenishing pills and drank them to restore the lost health points, and then continued to move in the hope of getting rid of the influence or attack range of the Evil Infant. However, they were soon surprised to find that no matter how they moved, they were always in Xinye City.

But it's obviously within Xinye City.

The area nearby was empty and not a single building could be seen.

The baby's cry continued, and the sound waves seemed to be visible to the naked eye, spreading strange energy.

The wilderness in everyone's eyes began to change. The dark red haze became thicker and thicker, flowing like water that could be seen with the naked eye. It was surging out into strange blooming waves amidst the screams, or forming various vortexes and twisted patterns.

The cry seemed to be visible.

The cry seemed to distort reality.

Everyone felt like they had entered a world of extremely distorted and melting abstract oil paintings. The events of this abstract oil painting were still changing, and all the colors and shapes began to become unbalanced and chaotic.

The Scourge Army was at a loss.

Naturally, he did not dare to act rashly.

But at this moment, the feeling of sap appeared again.

[You were attacked by "Evil Wailing" and you suffered 50 points of mental damage! 】

[You are marked by the "Wailing Curse", the will attribute is -10%, and the duration is 100 minutes! 】


"here we go again"

"This attack is regular!"

"It activates about every ten minutes!"

"Standing still is not an option. Sooner or later we will be exhausted!"

"Is it the illusion that caused us to lose our sense of direction and normal vision?" Brother Black Eyed Rui suggested: "In this case, let's move in the opposite direction and see what effect it will have."


To no avail!

The Scourge fell into a painting-like nightmare.

They have been completely trapped in this twisted parallel space. No matter which direction they move, they can only spin in place. It seems that they can never get out of this weird abstract world.

Weird cry.

Think of it again and again.

[You were attacked by "Evil Wailing"...]

[You were attacked by "Evil Wailing"...]

Every time the baby cries, everyone on the scene will be hurt. In addition, they will be cursed and their attributes will decrease. Although it cannot kill the Scourge immediately, it also causes continuous losses.

If this continues, there will be no way to break the situation.

No matter how much medicine and supplies you bring, it's useless.

In the end, there was only one option: death.

"What a hell!"

"You can't even see the BOSS's shadow!"

"How are we going to fight? There's absolutely no way to start!"


The Scourge Army has encountered many powerful beings since its debut, and many of them have overwhelming power and put players under great pressure, but they have never encountered a situation like this.

It's not so much that the enemy is particularly powerful.

Rather, it's too weird.

The Scourge Legion can defeat them, but that's another matter, but there is not even a single target to attack, which is a bit frustrating.

At this time, the earth, air, and sky had become more and more distorted, as if everything was made of wax and burned by fire, so that the sky, earth, and air were all melted and distorted.

The whole world has been transformed!

Like the doodles of an undeveloped child!

In the entire world, only the Scourge Army has remained stable.

Under this situation, the players of the Scourge Legion couldn't tell the direction. They had never encountered such a weird thing before, and they felt nervous, exciting, and interesting for a while!


"I've learned a lot!"

"Although our situation is not good, I have to say that this is really a visual special effects feast. Even if I die here to see this method, it is worth it!"

"The conscience of the Three Kingdoms has changed!"

"Never engage in skin-changing monsters."

"Yes! It would be more interesting to do more of this kind of chore!"


If a normal person was in such a situation, their mentality would probably have broken down a long time ago. Instead of panicking, the players of the Scourge Army found it very interesting and even fun.

Play games!

The picture is a joy!

The picture shows this freshness that I have never seen before!

Ye Limeng saw that some people were not nervous but were blowing up. He quickly said: "You all should be serious, we are on a mission now, and although we are in trouble, we can't just sit back and wait for death!

"It's not an option to continue like this!"

Raise your glass and look at the moon: "We have to be more aggressive."

Brother Rui suggested: "Why don't we try to split up and break out from different directions at the same time. Maybe we can find the right way out."

"This might be dangerous!"

"What if the BOSS's purpose is to defeat us one by one?"

"What are you afraid of? I came here to mine, but I didn't want to get out alive this time!"

"I'm afraid I won't die without the Disaster Army!"

The players quickly discussed and voted.

In the end, an overwhelming majority supported the split action proposal.

The Scourge Legion was decisively divided into twenty or thirty squads, each with a different route.

Although several player leaders also know it.

This kind of dispersion behavior will most likely lead to the destruction of the group.

But in the face of this difficult situation, they could only adopt this method of lottery and luck to break the situation.

As long as one of the players can escape alive, they only need to study the escape route, and there is a high probability that they can find the rules and a way to escape from this strange space.

Ye Limeng led more than ten high-level elites from the Temple of War to form a team, which was moving through a maze of chaotic colors and airflows.

"Whoa whoa whoa-!"

I have never heard the screams from beginning to end.

These sounds are far and near, as if there are thousands of babies crying at the same time, which continuously affects people.

[You were attacked by "Evil Wailing"...]

In the glorious years, they quickly took the Qi-Building Pill, and then used healing techniques to replenish everyone's health. Although the health can be restored through treatment or medicine, the weakened attributes cannot be restored for a while.

Especially after the will attribute is reduced.

Most of the monk's skill effects will be weakened.

The mental attacks received will also be strengthened, resulting in more and more effects, such as trance, dizziness, coma, etc.

"Ignore these attacks!"

"We just keep moving forward!"

Ye Limeng tried to break through this area by force.

But at this moment, the mist like water in front suddenly changed, and ferocious and huge bodies emerged from it, and a dangerous aura was conveyed.

"Be careful! There's something strange!"

Gu Zhou wore a mask, held a bow and arrow in his hand, and shot an arrow.

There was a piercing howl from the fog, and then this thing was seen coming out.

"It's indeed a monster!"

The others looked at the monster in front of them.

This is a giant spider that looks about the size of a truck.

But if you look closely, you will find that this giant spider is made of human bodies.

It has several times more legs than a spider. Each leg is actually a bony, deformed and elongated arm, each with five sharp nails that exude a poisonous smell.

The two relatively short forelimbs hold long swords.

The body of the giant spider monster is fat and bloated. It is actually made of dissolved human trunks. As for the head, it is composed of more than ten or twenty semi-melted human heads. An insect mouthpart grows in the center, plus several pairs of giant The ferocious outer jaw.

[Xinye Remnant], a level 20 elite unit... Introduction: Once the people of Xinye City, they mutated due to falling into the nightmare of the abyss, and finally twisted and merged into terrifying monsters in reincarnation after reincarnation.

Finally a monster spawned!

This can be considered a breakthrough!

"Although the level is a bit high, it is still a second-level monster, so it is not too difficult to deal with!"

"Are these monsters transformed from the undead? I didn't expect the undead to be able to fuse into such monsters!"


From the strange space nearby.

Eight new wild remnants were spawned at once.

Although the difficulty of level 20 elites is not low, there are less than ten monsters, so with the strength of this team, there is no problem in dealing with them.

The Crazy Blade King said: "Don't be careless, try their attack methods and abilities first."

"I come!"

Gu Zhou directly teleported into the monster with a sneak attack, and the scarlet blood-stained sword stabbed directly into the head of a New Field survivor, causing a powerful critical hit without any suspense.


1222 (Crit!)

Most of the Xinye remnant's health tank disappeared immediately.

Not only that, the attack also triggers the Scarlet Curse skill that comes with the Bloodstained Sword, which will not only make the opponent's wounds incompatible, but also further weaken his attributes.


The remnants of Xinye roared.

It launched an attack with a dozen skinny claws.

Gu Zhou wore a four-ghost mask on his face, so he couldn't see the expressions on his face, but his eyes flashed sharply, and he could instantly see through the movement of each clawed hand.

The Xinye Survivors have very strong physical attack capabilities.

A dozen claws have the power to easily tear through steel, and the attack speed is very fast. Once the attack is launched, it will be as endless as a mad dog.

Dang Dang Dang!

The blood-stained sword danced so tightly that it instantly deflected more than a dozen sharp claw attacks. Sparks continued to fly during the collision between the long sword and the sharp claws.

Just at this time.

The first two sword-holding hands of the Xinye remnants also launched an attack, and two red slashes swept towards the lone boat at extremely fast speeds.

Other Xinye survivors also gathered around.

These remnants of the New Wilderness can spray clouds of white goo from a distance, which act as a web to capture prey in the air.

Gu Zhou quickly dodged the sword light.

He quickly swung a Qi Gathering Slash, tearing apart all the cobwebs close to him, and then quickly retreated, inducing the injured Xinye survivors to pursue him.

The Xinye remnants were just about to pounce forward and launch a pursuit.

Gu Zhou caught the momentary flaw, and his body that was retreating suddenly shot out like a tight slingshot. The long sword in his hand made a roaring sound, and slashed the heads of the Xinye survivors head-on.


1085 (Crit!)

Guzhou just used the ordinary Tiger Slash.

The attack power of this attack was not that strong originally, but the Xinye survivors had already been seriously injured in the sneak attack just now, and they were hit by the Scarlet Curse, a skill attached to the Bloodscar Sword, and lost their health points.

Not only that.

The Bloodstained Sword can cause greater damage to bleeding targets, and is more likely to produce critical hits, which is why it can inflict such astonishing damage!

A scream.

This Xinye remnant fell to the ground.

Other Xinye remnants angrily launched a siege.

Gu Zhou reacted extremely quickly and directly used the Shadow Step to escape.

"Well done!"

"Xiaozhou's skills and techniques are really getting better and better!"

"It seems like this monster is not very strong. Let's destroy them all together!"

The Xinye remnants are not weak.

But the attack method is actually quite simple.

There are only a few melee skills, claw attacks, sword light attacks, plus several spider silk and web attacks.

Although its speed and strength are quite amazing, they are not enough to pose a threat to these top players.

"Chain Lightning!"

Brother Ma raised his head to develop and release a group attack, and a bolt of lightning hit seven Xinye remnants in a row.

Ye Limeng, Niu Shisan, Crazy Blade Lao Wang and other warriors directly charged forward, followed closely by rangers such as Hui Mu, Ning Caichen II, and attacked together with Guzhou.

The difference in strength is too big.

Although these players are lower level than monsters.

But as the most elite member of the Scourge Army.

Everyone's skills and equipment are top-notch, and they can basically deal with elite monsters of level three or lower, not to mention they still have a numerical advantage.


Right in the middle of the fight.

[You were attacked by "Evil Wail", you received 88 points of damage, and you fell into a dazed state, which lasted for 1 second! 】

The regular mental attacks came again.

Because everyone's will attribute is severely weakened, the damage they receive becomes higher, and they will be stunned when they are attacked.

Three Xinye survivors took the opportunity to fight back.

Under their crazy and cruel offensive.

Nanny Ning Caichen II was torn into pieces in the glorious days of Nanny.

Ye Limeng and others were furious and quickly stepped up their attacks, finally wiping out all the Xinye remnants.

This battle is not difficult.

The strength of the monster is neither low nor high.

But this top natural disaster army lost two people.

There was even a wet nurse among them, which immediately put the team in a very bad situation.


This is not the most depressing thing.

What makes players even more depressed is that.

After the Xinye remnant was killed, the corpse disappeared immediately, as if it had been moved out of the strange space by some force.

That is to say.

No loot can be picked up.

Even if this top team with a luxurious lineup is like this, other players' teams may already be in trouble in this space.


"What's going on!"

"Isn't it going to be over?"

Ye Limeng and others had no time to think about it.

A lot of spider-like figures appeared in front of them.

The New Wild Remnants may not be considered particularly powerful monsters, and their abilities are relatively simple and easy to deal with. However, their speed and power are not weak in lethality. It is not easy to deal with them when there are more of them.


Players have no advantage.

I was constantly disturbed by crying.


Outside Xinye City.

In Wangzhuang Village.

Hang Yu looked at the data that kept popping up in front of him.

He couldn't help but sigh: "It's so tragic!"

[The player "Snail with Painful Eggs" is dead, Abyss Essence +3000...]

[The player "Nuclear Power Hot Pot" has died, and the abyss essence +4000...]

[The player "Dawn Knight" has died, and the abyss essence +5200...]

[The player "peeing three thousand feet against the wind" is dead, and the abyss essence +6400...]


The number of players killed increased rapidly.

Hang Yu was also surprised by the situation and encounters of the Scourge Army. No wonder even Zhang Xiu was so afraid of this place. The big BOSS Evil Infant in Xinye City was really something.

(PS: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday! Please also ask for a wave of monthly votes, this month is just a few votes away from 2,000!)

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