This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 217 Throw yourself into a trap! The heritage of Luoshui City!

There was a figure in Gan Ning's team who was wrapped tightly in a black robe. It was seen that the hand holding the staff did not turn into bones, but took on the purple color of an old corpse.

This is the acolyte secret guard sent by the lord.

They are different from Gan Ning, Huang Zu and other locals who were transformed into dead bones tribesmen by rituals.

The acolyte secret guards are the personal guards who spend the most training resources among the direct family members. Although they are not large in number, they are quite strong and have different abilities.

This surprise attack could not be completed by Huang Zu and Gan Ning alone.

Huang Zuke could not secretly deploy a large number of troops to Shansang City under the cover of secret methods under the nose of the enemy lord. It was also difficult for Gan Ning and others to enter Luoshui and reach the main city without anyone noticing.

The role of the Acolyte Secret Guard is to provide assistance and establish communication.

In this way, you can keep abreast of the battlefield and the latest changes in the situation.

In this way, we can better coordinate and seize the opportunity and improve the success rate of this surprise attack.

"The battle in Shansang City has begun. A large number of human reinforcements have left the main city to reinforce, but so far the lord has not personally ended up."

When I learned the latest information from the acolyte secret guard.

Su Fei said: "Huang Zu led almost all the dead bones troops to attack Shansang. Under such circumstances, the human lord did not die personally? This seems to be somewhat inconsistent with our plan and prediction!"

The total strength of the Dead Bone Legion is nearly 8,000.

It is a force that the territory spent seven years building.

Now more than a thousand are deployed in Huangmei Township, and more than five thousand are all deployed in Shansang City.

This is already a quite powerful military force. It stands to reason that even if it cannot bulldoze the human lord's territory, it is still enough to pose a huge threat to the territory, thus forcing the human lord to appear on the front line to resist in person.

Once the human lord comes to an end.

The main city will definitely reveal huge flaws.

Under this situation, the surprise attack team headed by Gan Ning can take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to attack the core, thereby establishing victory in one fell swoop, leaving the opponent with no chance of a comeback.

A bit unexpected.

The lord did not go down personally.

Shansang City actually put Huang Zu into a bitter battle.

Judging from the real-time information sent back by the acolyte secret guards, the battle in Shansang City is now very fierce. The territory's Bone Corps and the opponent's reinforcements are being rapidly consumed after hand-to-hand combat.

This is enough to explain!

The human territory is stronger than expected!

In addition to the lords, there are also top combat powers who are enough to stand alone!

Gan Ning was a little disdainful: "It's just a group of human stars. No matter how strong it is, how strong can it be? Since this lord is still stationary in the territory, then we will go in and kill him directly!"

The arrow has to be fired when it is on the string.

How can we come back without success after coming?

Killing the lord is simpler and more thorough than capturing the core.

Su Fei nodded: "Although the lord has not come to Woniu Mountain in person, the main city of the territory is in a state of emptiness at the moment. This is our best opportunity to sneak in and kill the leader!"

Gan Ning pulled out the rune halberd and threw it into the forest and stuck it on a stone.

Left behind.

The acolyte secret guards immediately began to cast spells to cover up the auras of everyone. At the same time, they sensed the fluctuations in the core of the territory to locate the approximate location of the invasion and pointed out the direction for Gan Ning.

Su Fei and others were ready at this moment.

"Xingba, it's up to you from now on!"

Gan Ning's two swords collided.

An invisible energy field was released and enveloped the ten people present.

Let their bodies disappear immediately and transform into a mass of shadow energy that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

This is one of Gan Ning's abilities!

Through the combination of his own talents and skills.

You can lead a small army into the "shadow march" state at any time.

In this state, it is impossible to launch an attack, but it can ignore most obstacles and move, and it can also quietly enter the enemy's important camp or stronghold to start combat without triggering the defensive barrier.

Undetectable by most ordinary detection methods.

Gan Ning relied on this ability to appear and disappear.

Especially good at small team surprise attacks.

It's impossible to guard against it.

He can appear at any time where the opponent does not expect it. If he is not fully prepared in advance, he will be caught off guard and even suffer heavy losses.

Gan Ning's team walked directly through the wall and entered Luoshui City.

Defenses with reconnaissance or perception capabilities such as arrow towers, reconnaissance towers, or barrier towers are not triggered.

Gan Ning successfully passed through the city and arrived in front of the lord's castle. According to the perception of the acolyte's secret guard, the core of this territory was inside, and its lord was most likely nearby.

The area around the castle was very busy with people coming and going.

There are not only the guards of the territory, but also many city citizens who come in and out to complete tasks or come to do errands.

Gan Ning had no interest in these ordinary territorial people or soldiers. He only wanted to find and assassinate the owner of this land. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

I saw dozens of golden needles coming towards me.

Discovered? !

Gan Ning had no choice but to lift the shadow march and emerged from the dormant state of shadow. He waved both swords at the same time to release the sword energy, which bounced away the incoming golden needle like a wave.

who is it?

Could it be a lord?

Although Gan Ning's stealth ability is super strong.

But lords are usually extremely powerful beings.

Because this kind of strong person has extremely strong perception, it is not surprising that he will be alerted when he is close.

Su Fei and the other nine people also appeared one after another and immediately locked onto the attacker. However, after seeing the opponent's face clearly, they were slightly stunned and quite surprised.

He is a kind old man with gray hair and a childlike face.

He was accompanied by eight well-equipped guards.

Although the aura is not weak, he is obviously not the owner of this territory!

Gan Ning, Su Fei and others were surprised to find that not only the aura of the old man in front of them was powerful, but also that of the eight guards.


Just a human lord!

How could he create so many powerful subordinates?

"what happened?"

"Who's doing this here?"

"It's Old Miracle Doctor Zhang, Third Brother and Fourth Brother!"

"Who are those skeletons?"

"not good!"

"It's an intruder!"


The scene of the battle between the two sides was located near the teleportation square on the outermost edge of the Lord's Castle.

At this moment, many players have just come online. They are preparing to pass through the teleportation hall and go to Woniu Mountain for support, including well-known players such as Niu Shisan, Hua Mulan, and Uncle Dashu.

"Damn it! These damn things! They actually sneaked into the territory!"

After the Scourge players figured out the situation, they were shocked and angry!

This has never been the case.

The enemy is too insidious, cunning and bold!

Territories and lords are the lifeblood of the Scourge Army!

How can you not feel angry when your life is being threatened at this moment!

However, after they saw clearly the identity of the intruder, especially the identity of the leader, they were all shocked and even in disbelief.

[Skeleton General: Gan Ning], level 28 overlord unit...

"Gan Ning?"

"His name is Gan Ning?"

"Damn it! No way! How could it be Gan Ning?"

"The famous Soochow general Gan Ning? How could he turn into a skeleton!"

"Oh no!"

"I quite like Gan Ning!"

"That's not the point, okay? This damn one is an overlord! A monster overlord broke into our home, haven't you realized the seriousness of the matter?"

"Go together!"

"We must not let him enter the Lord's Castle!"


The players will go up and besiege.

However, he was stopped by Canglong Guard.

These few natural disaster troops are simply not enough to shake the group of people in front of them.

Gan Ning asked: "How did you discover me?"

"Haha, Zhang Ji is the alchemist and doctor of the territory. As a doctor, he naturally has some means of insight and fortune-telling."

Zhang Zhongjing not only has a good sense of energy, insight into secret techniques, and is good at catching breath, but also has a very keen sense of perception.

Hang Yu even promoted him to level 30 because of his recent great contribution to the territory, so he did not hesitate to reward him.

This is the current level cap for the realm.

He is the only level 30 existence besides the Lord!

Zhang Zhongjing's own will and spiritual attributes are also very high. Now that he is placed in the Lord's Castle, it can have an early warning effect, so he proactively intercepts the threat without waiting for the Lord to take action.

"It would be rude of you to come here uninvited."

Su Fei said: "Hmph, a mere alchemist dares to stop me? I think you are not a direct descendant of the lord. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

"You all still don't seem to understand your situation. From the moment you break in here, it's almost impossible to escape!"

Zhang Zhongjing shook his head and said: "It is better to give up resistance to avoid humiliating yourself."

"Shameless talk!"

Gan Ning disappeared on the spot.

He flashed to the back of the line.

The two swords suddenly burst out with powerful shadow power.

Zhang Zhongjing thought to himself: This person's strength is extraordinary, probably slightly above Zhang Xiu's!

Of course, this refers to Zhang Xiu in his normal state. If it was Zhang Xiu in his filthy young son state, it would probably be a different story. Compared with the threat shown by Gan Ning, there was obviously some gap.

Zhang San, Li Si and other four Canglong Guard warriors took action.

"Fire Tiger Crazy Sword!"

"Fast Shadow Attack!"

They directly used the Fierce Tiger Sword, and then launched the blue skill Shadow Strike. Almost instantly, they turned into more than twenty afterimages, rushing towards Gan Ning in the middle from different directions and launching a siege.

You cut it.

I cut it.

The swords and knives all roared like tigers.

Gan Ning originally wanted to kill Zhang Zhongjing, but he was not attacked by this fierce attack. He could only change his attack to defense and use his two swords to fight against the Canglong Guard. He completed more than twenty sword fights almost in an instant.


too fast!

Gan Ning's unique Shadow Sword is very sharp. Not only is it very fast, it also devours the opponent's strength, thus weakening the power of the Fierce Tiger Crazy Sword.

When Zhang San, Li Si and four others were bounced away, Gan Ning also staggered back two steps, and the shadow energy blessed by the double swords was extinguished. Even with his strength, he could barely parry this fierce attack.

Don't wait to stand firm.

Wang Wu, Zhao Liu and other Canglong Guard warlock monks took action.

Several blasts of lightning and wind blades hit Gan Ning directly.

Gan Ning applied the shadow energy to his body. Although he absorbed part of the attack, he was knocked back several steps and suffered some damage.

"So strong!"

The Scourge troops at the scene were stunned.

The fight between the two sides happened in an instant.

The eight Canglong Guards are all level 25, and most of their equipment has been replaced with blue equipment. Each of them has cultivated a bunch of full-level skills. Their overall combat power is not inferior to that of second- and third-rate commanders, and they have more advantages because of their home field battles.

Even under such circumstances.

Eight against one could not completely suppress Gan Ning.

This Gan Ning is worthy of being an overlord-level unit!

The threat of such a terrifying existence sneaking into the territory is too great!

Because of this, players were lucky enough to witness a wonderful battle between the Eight Dragon Guards and Skeleton Gan Ning.

What a sensation!

Most likely it will be the forum headline!

Zhang Zhongjing successively activated the pills: Four Spirits Tempering Body Pill, Yili Tongshen Pill!

The eight Canglong Guards simultaneously activated the Lord's Halo, and their attributes skyrocketed due to multiple gains and enhancements. They then activated skills such as Iron Armor and Fighting Spirit Burning, and once again fought against the skeleton Gan Ning.

All of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, he did not fall behind.

The battle is very fierce!

Gan Ning originally thought that what was happening was just a small incident. He just wanted to quickly kill the people in front of him and then deal with the lord of this territory. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. Their strength was far beyond imagination, and the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

He couldn't take down the Eight Dragon Guards for a while.

At the same time, one strong breath after another came from the surroundings.

They were Level 21 third-order Canglong Guards. Although these Canglong Guards were not as strong as the eight initial Dragon Guards, they had all reached a level close to the commander level. If they joined forces, they would definitely be a powerful force.


"A little human leader!"

"How can we cultivate so many strong men!"

Su Fei and others did not expect to encounter such big trouble.

The fighting situation in Shansang City has become so fierce. The reinforcements are engaged in a cruel war of attrition to resist the Bone Corps. Since there are so many cutting-edge combat forces in the territory, why doesn't the lord send them to support Shansang?

Wouldn't this greatly reduce casualties?

Could it be that the human lords have figured out their purpose here?

Otherwise, why don't you act according to common sense?

But this is unlikely!

"Deal with this old thing first!"

Su Fei led others to attack Zhang Zhongjing.

Although this person's aura is not weak, he is only a non-combatant alchemist after all. However, if he cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, his powerful assistance and healing abilities will definitely cause huge trouble for the subsequent battles.

"Doctor Zhang, be careful!"

The Scourge Army players were all shocked.

Doctor Zhang is an important NPC in the territory.

He can't have any shortcomings!

Although the players wanted to go up and help, it was obviously too late at the moment.

Zhang Zhongjing faced the attacks from Su Fei and several dead bones masters. He did not choose to retreat or defend. Suddenly a staff appeared in his hand, and then an unexpected scene appeared.

A huge bolt of lightning hit Su Fei.

Immediately, he jumped and flashed other targets.


1532 (critical hit)!







The players were all stunned.

"Zhang...Doctor Zhang know magic?"

"Damn it! The damage is so high! I couldn't have woken up yet!"

"This seems to be chain lightning!"

The lightning chain released by Zhang Zhongjing not only hit Su Fei and others instantly, but also affected their actions.

Su Fei roared and suddenly burst out with strength. He stabbed Zhang Zhongjing with his spear, but was deflected by the Guardian of Wind.

Another blasting blade was summoned.

It hit Su Fei's body.


2021 (Crit!)


The aftermath of the explosion.

Let several other dead bones suffer damage ranging from a few hundred to a thousand.

Su Fei was also blown away by this blow, and fell ten meters away in a panic. His armor and bones were damaged in many places, and his entire skeleton looked very embarrassed.

"If you think that because I am a doctor, I am weak and can be bullied, you are totally wrong!"

Zhang Zhongjing raised his staff and said: "I am the doctor of Luoshui City! There is no weak person under the lord!"

This scene made all the players present dumbfounded.

"Is this still the Zhang Zhongjing everyone knows?"

"The painting style has changed directly from Doctor Zhang to Gandalf the White!"

"Combat doctor? Awesome, awesome!"

"From today on, Doctor Zhang will be the idol of our monk players and warlock players!"


Zhang Zhongjing joined the territory not long ago.

But Hang Yu provided Zhang Zhongjing with a lot of resources.

And because the territory has good things like skill towers, it doesn’t take any time to learn a skill. As long as you have enough energy and enough contribution points, you can understand it in an instant.

It is true that Zhang Zhongjing is an alchemist and a miracle doctor.

But the mental attributes and will attributes are quite high!

The reason why Zhang Zhongjing did not learn spells in the past was that on the one hand he was not interested and did not want to waste time on things other than medicine, and on the other hand, his talent in learning spells was mediocre and there was no cost-effectiveness in studying it.

It’s different now!

Zhang Zhongjing found that learning spells was not a waste of time at all.

When he consumed the contribution points and energy rewarded by the lord, he learned most of all the spell skills in the skill tower in one day. It is estimated that he will be able to master them all in a short time. In the future, he will even be able to learn the strength and agility skills without fail. .

Zhang Zhongjing has now practiced ten spells to the full level.

Even if you learn skills just to increase your knowledge and improve your basic attributes, it is extremely valuable.

Although his attribute growth is not as good as that of famous generals like Zhou Cang and Wenpin, he has at least reached the level of a commander. Coupled with the increase in his self-alchemy skills, at least his combat power in a short period of time cannot be underestimated.

"I can't even get through, and you guys are trying to assassinate the lord? You're overestimating yourself!"

Zhang Zhongjing, holding a magic wand, with white beard, white eyebrows and white robe, is standing at the entrance of the lord's castle. His aura is completely different from usual, and makes people feel an unprecedented sense of oppression!


The evil thieves who try to infiltrate the territory and assassinate the lord.

Even the good-tempered and compassionate Zhang Zhongjing can't tolerate it.

"Awesome! Grandpa Divine Doctor is awesome!"

"I worry too much! The territory is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

"Hahaha, these invaders are dumbfounded now!"


The natural disaster army applauded.

At the same time, more and more Canglong Guards arrived.

The result of this battle is almost no suspense!

Su Fei is only a second- or third-rate commander, that is, the level of Zhang San and Li Si. Gan Ning is indeed a powerful overlord unit, but he has just reached the threshold of the overlord. Basically, he belongs to the weakest overlord, and there is a big gap with Zhang Xiu in the state of the Son of Filth.

The eight dragon guards attacked with the help of the territory skills and Zhang Zhongjing.

They already had the ability to temporarily contain Gan Ning, not to mention that there were dozens or hundreds of blue dragon guards rushing to the battlefield.

Each of them was a third-level quasi-commander, and at the very least, the top third-level elite. Such a lineup was definitely not something Gan Ning and Su Fei could deal with. They could only barely hold on, and it was only a matter of time before they were defeated.


Core Hall.

Hang Yu observed behind the scenes.

In fact, not long after Gan Ning entered Luoshui City.

He had already sensed the presence of these invaders.

Although Gan Ning's shadow march was very powerful, Hang Yu's attributes were too high, and his perception would be strengthened tenfold in the territory. With Gan Ning's current strength, the possibility of him getting close to him without anyone noticing was very small.

"I see!"

No wonder the enemy lord's actions were a bit strange from the beginning.

It turned out that Huangmei Township and Shansang City were both pretexts, and the real purpose was this surprise attack.

I have to say that the plan is still remarkable. If it were a weaker or similar lord, this sneak attack would be very likely to succeed, and the other party would be able to take over the territory at the lowest cost!



For Hang Yu.

This plan is meaningless.

Hang Yu has always been very cautious.

He would personally sit in the core hall most of the time, and as long as he is here, it would be impossible to succeed.

In addition, no matter what the situation is, Hang Yu would leave enough defensive forces in the territory to ensure that even if he temporarily leaves, he will not be robbed!

Even if Zhou Cang took a hundred Canglong Guards to Woniu Mountain to perform the mission, the total number of Canglong Guards was as high as 270, and the remaining Canglong Guards were still in the territory, including the most powerful eight initial guards.

Under this situation.

Even if Hang Yu was not in the territory.

Even if there was Gan Ning, a famous general who was good at surprise attacks.

The probability that they could capture the territory in one fell swoop was very small.

But then again, Gan Ning is really capable. He was able to lead a small force to sneak in here, which has never happened in the past.

Gan Ning's surprise attack ability.

Looking at the Three Kingdoms, it is an outstanding level.

It is not shameful to be attacked by him.

Besides, it was not successful this time.

But Hang Yu still realized the shortcomings of the territory in reconnaissance and early warning.

He felt it necessary to upgrade the reconnaissance tower of the territory, build more facilities with early warning functions, and improve the defense on the existing basis to prevent similar things from happening again!

Even if the risk is low and the loophole is small, it is still a hidden danger.

We must prevent it from happening and nip it in the bud!

In addition to improving the facilities of the territory and repairing possible loopholes, Hang Yu will further expand the size of the main city guards and integrate the troops absorbed by the Wancheng area to ensure that the main city of Luoshui has enough power to deal with the enemy under any circumstances.

As for this skeleton Gan Ning?

Hang Yu could only comment: "What a pity!"

Gan Ning is a well-deserved famous general. In terms of fame, talent, record, and importance, he can be ranked in the top ten among all the generals of the Eastern Wu. In terms of bravery alone, he is likely to be in the top three, second only to Sun Ce and Taishi Ci.

If he grows up fully, he has great potential.

But he has already defected to the lord of a foreign race.

He was even transformed into a dead bone.

This transformation from the racial level is different from the physical change of Zhou Cang. Although the latter's physical body has been demonized, his essence is still human, while Gan Ning has changed from the racial level.

Although he will gain some talents of the dead bone tribe.

But the price is to lock his own talents, his growth limit is greatly affected, and he will not produce luck skills.

This version of Gan Ning is basically useless, and he has been given a mark by another star lord. It is almost impossible for him to rebel, so he can only be eliminated directly to eliminate future troubles.

Don't take it too seriously.

There is more than one Gan Ning in the abyss plane.

When the will of the abyss descends, countless parallel time and space will be created on the timeline. In the worlds derived from other time nodes, there are probably thousands of different versions of Gan Ning. There is nothing to regret!

I want this type of general.

In the future, just find a plane with Gan Ning and capture one.

This battle allowed players to see the powerful foundation of the territory. The strength of the top Canglong Guards was already quite strong. Even Zhang Zhongjing also had good combat power. This incident was enough to arouse heated discussion among the player community.

Hang Yu never took action personally from beginning to end.

Because there is no need at all.

Gan Ning far underestimated the strength of this human territory. The ten-man surprise attack team was directly surrounded and suppressed. This self-defeating battle will soon come to an end.

(PS: Please vote!)

Congratulations to the character guarantor for becoming the second helmsman of this book! Thanks to Juzhiyanxia for the reward of 100 starting coins!

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