This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 29 The Lord’s Strength

More than an hour ago.

Hang Yu set off on time with his troops.

This is the first time a storyline has appeared since the beta test of Three Kingdoms began, and players are looking forward to it.

Hexi Village is about ten kilometers away, which may not sound like much at first, but in fact it is definitely not easy to walk. In addition to the rugged terrain and river obstructions, there are also a large number of monsters and various dangers.


A two-headed canine with bald hair and bright red skin emerged from the grass.

[Two-Headed Corpse Dog], a level 4 ordinary unit... Introduction: Originally just an ordinary wild dog, due to the influence of the abyss, it mutated and has a strong sense of smell and aggression.

The player has no time to take action.

Wang Wuyi used the Flame Arrow Curse to kill him instantly from a distance!

The strength displayed by the NPC is always superior to that of the players, and they are worthy of being the lord's confidants.

Although the four NPCs in the territory, Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, and Zhao Liu, performed well along the way, the lord never made a move from the beginning to the end, leaving the players to wonder whether the lord had real skills.

The monsters were ordered to pick up the loot.

[Essence +5, magic stone fragments +4, double-headed canine teeth +1! 】

"So few!"

"Although the NPC is powerful, the loot the NPC produces is only one-tenth of what it would normally be. I always feel that it is tasteless and it is a pity to throw it away!"

"Why is this happening?"

"I guess the game designers don't want players to rely too much on NPCs, so they lower the NPC's monster-killing explosion rate to encourage players to fight in person. After all, this is a Souls-style action game." A man named Xiao Ma Ge players analyzed this.

This little guy is one of the new players.

It seems that he was once the head of a large game company.

At this time, the two rangers Gu Zhou and Brother Black Eyed Rui who were exploring the path came back.

"Tell me, Lord, there is a village ahead, probably Hexi Village!"

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Of course he knew this was Hexi Village.

The lord can monitor the dynamics of the territory in real time and understand the changes of the people through the core of the territory. Therefore, when it is discovered that the midnight pig killer is hypnotized, he immediately intervenes through the Tiandao Rubik's Cube and uses the mouth of the midnight pig killer to declare war.

Hexi Village is hidden in a canyon, with higher terrain and high fortifications, giving people a feeling that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There are some farmland and vegetable fields nearby, and animals and plants seem to be able to grow normally.

"Lord, these unruly people seem to be well prepared. Let me take my brothers and kill them first to test them out!" Ye Limeng volunteered, "My sword has been strengthened to +5. I just want to chop off a few dog heads to try." Test your power!"

Slashing a street: "Count me in!"

"I am coming too!"

"We are not afraid of death!"

"Willing to fight for the lord!"

"Kill! Kill in! Leave no chickens or dogs behind!"

"Let them know what happens to our players who offend us!"


Players all want to perform in front of the lord to gain favor.

Of course, Hang Yu didn't mind using the players as cannon fodder. He wanted to throw all the players up and let them die for a round or two first, but at this moment, he shook his head and refused.

"No need, I will do it myself this time!"

It doesn't matter if the player dies, it's a pity if the villagers die, after all, they can't be resurrected!

In the early stages of the development of the territory, human resources are scarce. Not only are the legions needed to expand the territory, but also some labor force. The natives who were born and raised and have not been polluted are undoubtedly ideal recruitment targets!

Demonic Demon: "Ah, Lord, would you like to take action personally? Isn't this too dangerous?"

Brother Heitongrui said quickly: "As a lord, why do you need to do it yourself?"

Players now obviously have little confidence in the strength of their lords.

This is the core and most important NPC. If there are any shortcomings, can the game plot continue to advance? Besides, the NPC kill rate is low, so players can have enough food and clothing by doing it themselves!

"Although these villagers have acted rebelliously, it is not easy for them to remain normal and carve out a small piece of pure land in this polluted and twisted world. Now is the time to employ people. If they are willing to surrender, it will be a great development for the territory. A good thing.”

That’s what happened!

Everyone suddenly realized.

The Lord wants to recruit these hostile villagers.

Killing too many people in this situation may sow the seeds of hatred. Even if they are forced to surrender under pressure, they may lack loyalty to the lord. It is best to capture Hexi Village at the minimum cost.

"Can this happen?"

"Game NPCs can actually be obtained through forcible recruitment!"

"It seems that the entire game is a big sandbox. The plots and characters that our players will encounter in the future are all generated based on choices and development? Thinking about it this way, the degree of freedom is really ridiculously high!"

What is a sandbox game?

Nothing more than a game where the player can change or create the environment.

This means that countless ways of playing and possibilities can be derived.

But in the past, sandbox games could only change the environment, but Three Kingdoms included more complex character relationships. Intelligent characters in the entire game may become camp NPCs, and the plots and stories that can be derived from this process Totally impossible to calculate!

"Since there are uncontaminated villagers."

"There should be a group of untainted famous generals."

"Is it possible for a super NPC like Guan Zhang Zhao to appear in our territory?"

"Nonsense, of course it's possible. Although the lord said that most historical figures in this world have been contaminated, it also means that there are a small number of historical figures who have not fallen and are fighting against the abyss!"



"Just shut down Zhang Zhao!"

"I still like Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhen Ji, Cai Yan, Diao Chan and the like!"

"You old pervert! What's the use of being good-looking! I think Guo Jia is the kind of talent the territory needs!"


There was only a few words of discussion.

The topic became more and more crooked.

In order to prevent the players from causing trouble, Hang Yu activated the Tiandao Rubik's Cube to immobilize them, as if they were entering a cutscene.

here we go!

Hang Yu walked towards Hexi Village alone, his whole body bursting with powerful magic power, turning into a raging fire, and then condensed into several arrows, which flew across a distance of four to five hundred meters like meteors, and bombarded the strong wooden door of the village.


Loud bang!

The earth shook slightly!

The thick door shattered directly!

This scene made other players present stunned and dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

"Isn't this the Fire Arrow Curse?"

"How can the Flame Arrow Curse be so powerful!"

"Are you kidding? It's almost as powerful as a rocket launcher. Are you telling me this is the Fire Arrow Curse?"

Warlock professional players such as Demon Demon, Xiao Lingdang and others can be sure that the skill used by the lord is definitely Flame Arrow, but the gap is huge compared with the players, it is like two completely different skills!

The fire arrows of ordinary warlocks are no more powerful than the arrows shot by compound bows.

Armor-breaking and penetrating power may be weaker than solid arrows.

But it comes with explosion and burning damage.

And even if the flame arrows fired by the lord are compared with the anti-tank rocket launchers, why is the gap so big? On the one hand, this is the gap in skill levels, and on the other hand, it is the gap in attributes.

Hang Yu owns the lord template.

The attributes gained with each upgrade are much higher than those of players.

Six or seven villagers leaned out from the wall, drew their long bows and shot black arrows.







Hang Yu let the arrows fall on him, and with the crisp sound of gold and iron, they were all bounced away without causing any harm to him.

"This is Iron Armor Kung Fu!"

Ye Limeng, Kuangdao Laowang, Kuangzao Yijie and other warriors immediately recognized him.

"The lord is awesome (broken voice)!"

"What is Iron Armor Kung Fu?"

"This kind of invulnerability and ignoring the rain of bullets and arrows is called Iron Armor Kung Fu, okay?!"

"We are nothing compared to the lord. Instead of calling it Iron Armor Kung Fu, we might as well rename it Paper Shell Kung Fu!"

In the horrified eyes of the villagers, Hang Yu had already walked closer. His feet were suddenly wrapped in green light, and instantly turned into an afterimage. In a few seconds, he climbed onto the wall and passed through several archers.

Wherever you go.

The archer fell in response.

The longbow was also taken away.

Everyone's legs were broken and they fell to the ground screaming.

"What kind of crazy moving speed is this? Lord, please turn on the acceleration!"

Gu Zhou said: "No, it's the Wind Step. The Lord's Wind Step is far stronger than ours. In addition, the basic attributes far exceed ours. It's not surprising that he has such a speed."

"But isn't this too strong?"

"The Lord Lord definitely surpasses the elite unit!"

"I'm afraid it has reached the strength of a commander-level unit!"

"It turns out that the lord is the real backing to protect the territory!"

The players finally realized that the Lord is not weak at all, and is much stronger than imagined!

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