This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 347 Xiao Zhao Yun and Mu Shengmen!

Changes in the Wei army.

attracted the attention of players.

Uncle Dashu: "The Wei army has begun to take action."

Brother Ma: "Looks like we are dividing our forces to surround the Demon Suppressing Valley."

Niu Shisan: "Haha, it must be a good thing done by the military advisor. These idiots will never notice that the entire army is already under the control of the military advisor."

Shilipo Sword God: "Wonderful, thousands of core elites from the Great Wei City, plus tens of thousands of troops recruited from the army, were kept in the dark and used by us."

Hua Mulan: "There are still many bosses in the Demon Suppressing Valley. It would be a pity to be eliminated by the Wei army."

"Don't worry."

"The military advisor won't really fight."

"Yes, spreading them out now is just to seal off the Demon Suppression Valley."

"On the one hand, it prevents the monsters inside from flowing to other places. On the other hand, it makes the various units of the Wei army lose contact with each other, so that they can be defeated and controlled one by one."

"Just wait and see."

"This force will soon be encroached upon and taken over by the Territory!"

Ning Caichen II: "Should we do something now?"

Uncle Dashu: "Two options, the first is to go to the Demon-Suppressing Valley to kill monsters, and the second is to carry out the mission of the Wood Saint Ma Jun, but I'm afraid it won't be easy with just us."

The main force of the ten major corps could not enter Shouyang Mountain immediately.

The battle at the Altar of Ending was one in which everyone was tired and weak, and there were a lot of rewards to digest. It was expected to take at least two to three days, and the natural disaster army only had a few hundred people available in Shouyang Mountain.

Among the hundreds of people, there are only a few hundred people at the third level, and only thirty or forty people at the fourth level.

With this small amount of troops, whether they attack the Demon Valley or the Irregular City, they will feel somewhat incompetent.

At this time.

Jia Xu issued an announcement.

"Attention all members of the Scourge."

"By the Lord's order, please ask the Wood Saint Ma Jun to come out of the mountain."

"Those who want to participate in this operation should gather here within a quarter of an hour."


When everyone in the Disaster Army saw the news, everyone felt refreshed and immediately set off to where Jia Xu was.

Ten wooden spaceships are ready.

In addition to these ten wooden spaceships used for transportation, there were about 2,000 Wei troops on standby, including two generals at the head.

The Scourge Army immediately looked at the information about these two people.

[Qin Lang], level 39 overlord unit... Introduction: General of the Great Wei Zhenjun.

[Xiahou Xian], level 37 overlord unit... Introduction: The leading general of the Wei Dynasty.

In order to eliminate the evil disaster as soon as possible.

The Wei Dynasty sent a total of more than 20 generals.

In addition, many strong men were mobilized from nearby cities.

For example, Cao Xi and Xu Gai from Yong'an City, and among these people there are also top-notch fourth-level commanders.

Most of the dozens of generals are figures who have left their names in history. They are not as famous as the generals such as Zhang He and Cao Shuang, but they are still powerful and qualified. Some of them are also lucky.

Qin Lang and Xia Houxian identified one of them.

Niu Shisan: "What's going on? Do these two people want to go with us too?"

Brother Xiao Ma: "Although Qin Lang and Xia Houxian are not as good as Zhang He and Cao Shuang, they are genuine fourth-level overlords and important figures recorded in history. It is estimated that their strength can be ranked in the top ten among the generals who went on this expedition. name."

I don’t eat beef: “One is the commander of the army and the other is the leader. I remember that these official positions are not low, right?”

Hua Mulan: "This Wei Dynasty is hundreds of years away from the origin of historical time. The official positions, customs, and systems are very different from those in history. They cannot be completely aligned with history."

Shilipo Sword God said: "There are mysteries who have done research in this area."

"The highest ranking among the Wei army this time is definitely General Zhang He, followed by General Cao Shuang of Hussars, and then General Zhengxi and Wei Tingwei's Man Chong."

"The status of this 'big' general is higher than that of the 'upper' general. The status of Qin Lang and Xia Houxian is not much different from that of Huwei General Wang Shuang. Of course, their strength will be slightly weaker."

Dung Sea Crazy Maggot: "That's not important. What's important is that with their help, the mission can be completed!"

"makes sense!"

at this time.

"Is everyone here?"

An old Taoist with a celestial spirit came over.

This person is none other than Xuan Yin disguised by Jia Xu.

"Greetings to the Taoist Priest!" Qin Lang bowed respectfully and said, "This is the army that General Cao Shuang ordered to assemble. This trip will go to Yonghe City to find His Excellency Mu Sheng Ma Jun!"

Xia Houxian said: "This trip is quite dangerous. There is a high probability that Ma Jun will resist, so General Cao specially asked the Taoist priest to help. He also hopes that the Taoist priest can help me and others at the critical moment."

"That's easy to say. I also want to meet the famous Wood Sage."

Jia Xu asked at this time: "I heard that General Qin has a relationship with Mu Sheng. Do you know what kind of person this Mu Sheng is?"

Qin Lang quickly replied: "I did have some friendship with Mu Sheng in his early years. Originally, Mu Sheng was also an important minister of the imperial court. He was just withdrawn, obsessed with mechanisms and weapon refining methods, and took the initiative to leave in order to study better refining methods."

"Since a century or two."

"He founded the Wooden Saint Sect and taught many disciples."

"The attainments in weapon refining are becoming more and more superb, but they are also becoming more difficult to figure out and withdrawn from the world."

"Your Majesty has been searching for his whereabouts for twenty years, but Mu Sheng has shown strong resistance to the Wei court."

"Now that the imperial court has once again discovered his hiding place, and directly sent the Wei army to force him out of the mountain, I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly, and it will probably arouse resentment and resistance!"

Qin Lang and Xia Houxian looked confused.

Because His Majesty is very concerned about the search for the wooden saint Ma Jun.

It stands to reason that if Mu Sheng is discovered, this is a very important event.

One of Zhang He or Cao Shuang will at least take action personally to ensure that the person is captured as smoothly as possible.

Jia Xu obviously understood what the two of them were thinking at a glance, "The clues about the Wood Sage were obtained by chance. The Wood Sage may be alert and move at any time. The two generals unfortunately need training, so we can only send us first."

"I see!"

Jia Xu asked again: "What powerful methods does this Mu Sheng have?"

Qin Lang: "The Wood Saint himself may not be very strong, but the creations he refines are extremely complicated. In addition, he also has a group of followers around him, and some of them are very difficult to deal with."

did not expect.

There is also a group of followers around Ma Jun, the wooden saint.

He even became the founder of a sect force.

From this point of view, this operation will probably be more troublesome than imagined.

Xia Houxian said: "Although there are some capable people around Ma Jun, we have Taoist priest to help, so we can ensure that everything is foolproof!"

Mysterious and seasoned.


It played a huge role in this battle to slay demons!

Although they don't know where his unparalleled cultivation comes from, they expect that his strength will not be inferior to Wang Shuang and Cao Shuang, and may even be better, so the two generals are confident.

“Time is running out, so without further ado, let’s go ahead!”

Jia Xu took the Wei army headed by Qin Lang and Xia Houxian, more than a thousand elites from the Great Wei City, plus more than two thousand miscellaneous troops including the natural disaster army, and immediately took a wooden spaceship to the deserted city of Yonghe.

This force is enough to blockade the vicinity of Yonghe City.

Even if Ma Jun is on guard at that time.

He can't run away either.

Jia Xu operates secretly.

Let hundreds of Scourge troops form a camp and rush forward.

Other Wei troops act as assistants to ensure that the mission can be completed, so as to have a chance to acquire more monsters and bring excess income to the territory.

This natural disaster army is not too weak, but it does not have the ability to break through Yonghe City. Unless there is a resurrection point nearby and die ten or eight times, it will not be able to attack this place at all.

it's good now.

There are elite Wei troops.

Provide them with cover.

Allowing the Scourge Army to successfully invade it

Yonghe City.

It was once a prosperous border city.

Because a certain extremely dark day caused a disaster in Taican Ridge, and the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord took the opportunity to cause a demonic disaster, Yonghe City was eventually infected by the abyss dream and turned into an uninhabitable abandoned city.

No one would have thought of it.

In this ruined city that cannot be inhabited by ordinary people, there is a very powerful force hidden, and this force is the headquarters of Mu Shengmen, the largest hidden sect in the Wei Dynasty.

The owner and founder of the Wooden Saint Sect is the world-famous Wooden Saint Ma Jun.


In a secret base.

The three elders gathered together.

They faced a huge creation in front of them with solemn expressions.

This object looks a bit like the armillary sphere invented by Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Of course, this armillary sphere is about ten feet high, has a very complex structure, and contains many formations. Each operation consumes a huge amount of energy.

"The breath of the Hundred-Headed Demon King!"

"Disappeared suddenly a day ago."

"Even Tianjiyi can't sense it at this moment."

"Could it be that he has been eliminated by Zhang He... But even if Zhang He can defeat the Hundred-Headed Demon King, he should not be able to completely erase his existence!"

"What went wrong?"

The three elders of Mu Sheng looked at each other in confusion.

This Wood Saint Sanlao is the most virtuous and respected elder of the Wood Saint Sect.

None of them are simple characters, not only their backgrounds are not simple.

His own qualifications and abilities are also top-notch, and he is the earliest supporter and follower of Mu Sheng.


Even the creation of the Wooden Holy Gate.

It was also these three people who directly promoted it.

The three elders of the Wood Saint have a very high status in the Wood Saint Sect.

There are three people who take care of all the affairs of this hidden sect.

On the contrary, as the spiritual leader, soul figure, and founder of the world, Ma Jun, the Wood Saint, seldom appears in public. He is either in retreat or refining various creations.

The three elders of the Wood Sage are: Gao Tanglong, Fu Xuan, and Pei Xiu.

"What? The Hundred-Headed Demon Lord has been killed!"

At this time a voice came from behind.

The three of them turned around and saw a man with a heroic temperament and a rather young appearance walking towards them.


He looks like he is less than twenty years old.

In fact, he is also a character who existed before the Abyss Era.

The main reason why Wen Chu looks so young is that he was still a newly born baby when the abyss fell.

His father Wen Qin was the school governor of the Fifth Battalion at that time.

When the abyss descended on this land, the old capital Luoyang was instantly destroyed. The catastrophe killed countless people, including Wenchu's parents, uncles, brothers, etc.

Wenchu ​​survived by chance, and later became a beggar on the streets. Due to chance, Wenchu ​​became self-taught and embarked on the path of cultivation.

As everyone knows.

The higher a monk's cultivation level, the longer his life.

The earlier the breakthrough occurs, the younger the person looks.

Wenchu ​​was still a child when he was practicing. His qualifications are unparalleled in the world. He has made rapid progress and made continuous breakthroughs. Naturally, he can maintain his youthful appearance to the greatest extent.

But don't look at his youthful appearance.

This guy is the well-deserved number one master of Mu Sheng Sect today. Although he is not as famous as Zhang He and Cao Zhen, he is not necessarily weaker than them if they fight.

Wenchu ​​has no attainments in weapon refining, formations, or mechanical skills, and he does not accept the transformation of colonial equipment.

The reason why he joined Mu Sheng Sect.

It was all due to the favor received from the former Mu Saint Sect and the personal recognition of Mu Saint Ma Jun.

He firmly believed that Ma Jun was a person who could change the world, and he vowed to follow Ma Jun more than a hundred years ago.

If Gao Tanglong, Fu Xuan, and Pei Xiu are the managers of Mu Sheng Sect, then Wenchu ​​is the first protector of Mu Sheng Sect.

Gao Tanglong: "Ayang, why are you here? You should be by Mu Sheng's side to protect him."

Wen Chu said disdainfully: "Don't worry, no one can pose even the slightest threat to Mu Sheng before I find out."

He paused and asked again: "Is that Hundred-Headed Demon Lord really dead?"

Fu Xuan: "It is possible, but it is not yet certain."

Wen Chu was very interested: "Zhang He is really so powerful? He killed the prey we were planning to deal with so quickly!"

Pei Xiu chuckled and said: "Zhang Heshi's reputation as a soldier is not in vain. He is almost invincible in the army. Even your Yin Yang Qiankun sword will not be able to defeat his Thousand Changes Six Styles in the military formation."

"I don't believe it! What a bullshit soldier!" Wen Chu was not convinced: "I will have to fight him sooner or later!"

Gao Tanglong: "Ji Yan, don't provoke him. You don't know Ayang's temper? Emperor Wei is looking for us everywhere at the moment. It's better to do less than to do more!"


Pei Xiu and Fu Xuan both nodded.

Fu Xuan lamented and said: "The heavenly secret instrument cannot show that the world will be in chaos in ten years, and I don't know if Mu Sheng can find a way to solve it."

Although the Wooden Saint Sect is a hidden sect.

But it has been monitoring this world for a hundred years.

Now this world seems peaceful, but in fact it is at the critical point of total disorder.

The old capital, Shouyang Mountain, Taiyou City, and even the emperor in the center of the Wei Dynasty could become a huge source of disaster, and if it broke out, it could overturn the world.

compare to.

The Hundred-Headed Demon Lord of Taican Ridge.

On the contrary, it is the least harmful one.

Mu Shengmen has been committed to finding a way to save the world. Mu Sheng may be the only existence with a glimmer of hope. This is why many knowledgeable people, including the three elders of Mu Sheng and Wen Chu, follow him.

The problem now is that time is too tight!

Is it really still too late?

Just as the three elders of Mu Shengmen were deep in thought.

The Tianji Instrument suddenly shook violently, and several formations representing early warning lights lit up.

"not good!"

"There's an army!"

"Trying to break in here!"

In less than a minute, a disciple of Mu Shengmen ran in in a panic and reported, "Elder, it's bad, it's the imperial army. The imperial court has sent troops to attack us."


"Are we exposed?"

The three elders looked in disbelief.

Wen Chu immediately asked: "Who leads the army? Zhang He or Cao Shuang?!"

The disciple of Mu Shengmen replied: "I didn't see these two people. The leading generals are Qin Lang and Xiahou Xian!"

"Both Zhang He and Cao Shuang are not here? Are you sure!"

"We didn't see it!"

Gao Tanglong, the great elder of Mu Sheng Sect, had a solemn expression: "What do you two think?"

Fu Xuan: "Emperor Wei spent all his efforts to find Mu Sheng, he shouldn't just send this few people."

Pei Xiu: "Huh, they must have been exposed anyway. I'll go out and deal with them all. You two can arrange the transfer as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very difficult once Zhang He and Cao really show up!"

Gao Tanglong and Fu Xuan nodded after thinking for a moment.

Fu Xuandao: "I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with the two generals on your own. Ayang, please go with Elder Pei!"

Wen Chu: "I haven't fought in many years. It's rare to have such an opportunity. I hope these Wei generals won't disappoint me too much!"

The one he wanted to fight most was Zhang He.

Zhang He didn't come this time, which made him quite disappointed.


In Yonghe City.

The Scourge Army is fighting a group of giant machine armors.

[Deformed mechanism giant armored guard], level 31 elite unit...

This kind of mechanism puppet monster is a kind of giant puppet that is two to three feet tall. Their whole bodies are covered with airtight black wood. They are invulnerable and have extremely high defense.

The weapons they hold vary, with giant hammers being the main ones.

In addition, he has various mechanisms on his body and is good at attacking with fire, frost, lightning, poison and so on.


The monster is not weak.

But it is also a fourth-level elite monster.

Even if there are dozens and hundreds of them appearing at the same time, it is impossible to shake the Scourge Legion at this moment.

After all, the Scourge Legion is not fighting alone, they also have the support from the elite of the Wei army behind them.

A golden-winged flying army flapped the wings of the wooden machine.

With great mobility.

Contain the back row puppets.

Dozens of fourth-level players and more than a hundred third-level players acted as vanguards and strangled the puppet monsters that came up one after another.

Although some monsters occasionally break through the defense line, the main force of the Wei army is waiting in the rear. Basically, they will be blasted to pieces by random arrows or spells in a single encounter.

"There's something special about this ranger unit!"

Qin Lang and Xia Houxian came down and naturally noticed the extraordinary performance of the Scourge Army.

These people are not the elite of Great Wei City, nor are they local garrison troops, they are just knights-errants who responded to the call.

It’s nothing more than asking for money.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to sacrifice one's life.

What the Wei army officers never expected was that although their strength was relatively mediocre, these motley crews of warriors had a high will to fight, and each one was more fearless than the last.

Start by attacking Yonghe City.

Not only did this ranger volunteer to be the vanguard, but they were not afraid of casualties at all, and they didn't even care about the life or death of their companions.

A team of more than three hundred people.

It has already lost one-third of its value!

Not only did they not flinch, nor did they carry themselves for their fallen comrades, they even used a large amount of precious recovery medicine regardless of the cost. They looked like they were devoting everything to the Wei Dynasty and wrapping their bodies in horse leather.

Qin Lang couldn't help but said: "I thought that all the people in the world were greedy for life and fearful of death, and they never thought that there would be such generous and heroic warriors!"

Xia Houxian: "Well... I think they are a little abnormal, even a little weird!"

Qin Lang: "There is indeed something fishy about General Xiahou saying this."

Several Wei generals were deeply convinced.

The mental state of these gangsters is very problematic. Instead of saying that they are warriors who risk their lives, they are more like a group of abnormal lunatics suffering from brain diseases.

In addition, many of the moves or techniques they use have never been seen before, but they obviously have the same teacher or source.

These gangs are reckless.

Not ordinary grass.

It may come from a certain force.

I have never heard of this force before, and it seems to have appeared out of nowhere, which is really suspicious.

And think about this.

Qin Lang and Xia Houxian couldn't help but think of the old Taoist around them.

The cultivation of this old Taoist Xuanyin is unfathomable, but he also seems to appear out of thin air. There shouldn't be any connection between the two, right? I'm afraid it can't be a coincidence!

Jia Xu naturally understood the thoughts of Qin Lang and Xia Houxian, and these two people had begun to doubt the Scourge Army and even themselves.

It doesn't matter.

This is normal.

Others are not blind.

Even less likely to be a fool.

Obvious anomaly.

How could it be possible to turn a blind eye?

However, the overall situation is under control at the moment, and it doesn't hurt to reveal his identity. The top priority is to complete the task assigned by the lord as soon as possible and bring Ma Jun back.

[You picked up trophies, abyss essence +85000, abyss magic crystal +175, advanced mechanism fragments +303, advanced mechanism gems +20! 】

[You picked up the trophies, abyss essence +85000, abyss magic crystal +202, advanced mechanism fragments +293, advanced mechanism gems +21! 】

[You picked up trophies, abyss essence +85000, abyss magic crystal +199, advanced mechanism fragments +310, advanced mechanism gems +15! 】


The Scourge Army can't control so much.

This wave brought a lot of rewards and loot.

They were very satisfied with this and felt that the trip was worth it.

This abandoned city is full of traps and monsters. Without the elite Wei army to clear the way and assist, they alone would not be able to kill here, nor would they be able to obtain so many trophies.

Just as they were killing the group of machine monsters in front of them.

Then take the elixir to start recovery.

About to find the next batch of monsters.

A voice appeared in front: "General Qin, General Xiahou, you two are safe and well!"



The Scourge was immediately alert.

They looked in the direction of the sound.

An elder who looked to be about fifty years old appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

[Elder of the Wooden Saint Sect: Pei Xiu], level 40 commanding unit... Introduction: One of the three elders of the Wooden Saint Sect, he is not only proficient in the Wooden Saint's Mechanism Technique, but also has a unique secret formation technique.

"It's you!"

Qin Lang and Xia Houxian obviously knew each other.

This is also normal. There are only so many people in this world, and the life span of monks can easily be hundreds of years. It is normal for some influential figures or powerful people to have met each other or dealt with each other.

Jia Xu asked: "Who is this?"

Xia Houxian: "Taoist Master, this person is the elder of Nomu Holy Sect. Although his strength is not very good, he is extremely good at using formations. In fact, he is the most difficult one among the three elders!"

Qin Lang was full of excitement: "The elders of Mu Sheng Sect have come out, and we have found the right enemy this time!"

Pei Xiu continued: "Mu Sheng doesn't want to return to the court, why bother forcing him?"

Qin Lang: "Isn't it a pity that a great talent is left behind? Your Majesty sincerely invites you, and you also ask Mu Sheng to come and visit!"

Pei Xiu: "So you guys are not going to give up?"

Xia Houxian laughed and said: "I have military orders. No matter what, I have to invite the Wood Saint to come out today. Even if I am offended in the process, I can only go to the door to apologize again another day!"

"Hey, Elder Pei, what nonsense are you talking to them about?"

Another voice sounded.

A young figure who looked full of heroic spirit walked out of a magic barrier that shielded the atmosphere. In his hand, he saw a Qiankun knife made of two blades spliced ​​together.

[Dharma Protector of the Wooden Saint Sect: Wen Chu], a level 35 king... Introduction: The first protector of the Wooden Saint Sect, a self-taught and extremely talented cultivation genius.


"Fourth level king!"

"Is there any mistake?"

The Scourge Army's eyes widened when they saw Wenchu's message.

When they saw Pei Xiu, the fourth-level commander, everyone didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that Mu Sheng's men were only as strong as this, but at this moment, everyone was dumbfounded with disbelief on their faces.

I thought it was just an ordinary mission!

Who would have thought that such a strong man would appear!

This guy named Wen Chu, who looks very young, should not be much weaker than the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord, but his cultivation level is only level 35, which shows that his potential should not be underestimated.

If he is also at level 40.

The Hundred-Headed Demon Lord will definitely not be able to beat Wen Chu in a single fight!

"Is his personal strength stronger than Zhang He?"

"That's impossible!"

"Zhang He is one of the Five Great Generals, and he is first-class in both luck and talent!"

"Wen Chu, Wen Chu... I know who he is!"

"This is the little Zhao Yun Wen Yang!"

"Wen Yang? It's him!"


Not many people have heard of this name.

Most people are more familiar with his other name Wen Yang.

Wen Yang is one of the most powerful generals in the late Three Kingdoms period, and he is extremely good at charging into battle alone. Although his fame is definitely not as good as Zhao Yun, his style is exactly the same, and he is simply the reincarnation of Zhao Yun.

No one would have thought of it.

In this time and space.

Wen Yang did not become a general.

But he appeared in this situation in this capacity.

Xiao Ma Ge: "This is a big trouble. How can we beat Wen Yang!"

Niu Shisan: "Who could have thought of it? I thought it was an ordinary task. I never thought I would face such a king-level combat power!"

So it seems.

Take Ma Jun away from Mu Shengmen.

This is not much easier than killing the Hundred-headed Demon Lord in Taicang Ridge!

After all, this is Mu Sheng's territory. The opponent has sufficient home advantage and is protected by top powerhouses like Wen Yang!

(PS: Ask for a wave of monthly tickets. The monthly ticket ranking has dropped a bit fast recently!)

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