This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 362 The Players Association is established! The Scourge Army wiped out Taican Ridge!

The outskirts of Yanjing.

Some secret location.

A player gathering is being held in a low-key manner.

No news was revealed in advance, and there was no media coverage at all.

The venue was not only remote, but also cut off and blocked all external signals. Everyone had to go through very strict security checks and scans, and turn in all electronic equipment in advance before entering the venue.

"What are you doing? It's mysterious!"

Zhu Hou, the man who killed pigs at midnight, looked puzzled, "Could he have tricked us into coming here?"

Xianyu stabbed Zhang Xiaoyu: "Brother Rui, what happened this time? Didn't even you receive any news?"

Zhao Rui: "Now that it's here, let's make peace with it. Director Zhou, what are you doing with our kidneys? Is it possible to fry them?"

Several Wings of Freedom players entered the room while chatting and laughing.

"Captain Ye, Commander Xiaolingdang, Commander Wangyue, you are all here as expected!"

people attending this meeting.

There seemed to be thirty-eight people in total.

Among them are the four major corps among the top five corps, except for the overseas player corps Ragnarok, as well as representatives of several newly emerging corps forces.

Everyone talked for a while.

Zhou Zhengming, Zhang Wei, Feng Ying and others entered the venue. In addition, there were more than a dozen top scientific research figures including Academician Xia, as well as several very familiar leaders who were household names.


The player representatives of the corps were all shocked. They obviously didn't expect that such a being whose every move would be on the news would actually come to such a player gathering.

"Don't be formal, everyone." A leader said calmly: "You are all talents that the country attaches great importance to, and there will be many times in the future that you will come and go."

Just playing a game.

How did he become a pillar of talent?

Several leaders shook hands and talked with the player representatives one by one, and exchanged greetings and encouragement.

"Director Zhou, without further ado, let's get started!"


Zhou Zhengming glanced at everyone: "Everyone should have noticed that this is a very special secret meeting with extraordinary significance and role."

"If we look back on the time scale of the next five, ten, or more years, I believe this will be a historic node, or even the prelude to a new era!"

“The goal in bringing everyone here today is simple.”

"We plan to form a players association!"

“Looking forward to your support and participation!”

All the players looked at each other.

Just for a players association?

Writers have a Writers Association, painters have a Painters Association, and musicians have a Music Association. These organizations are very loose and mostly watery. Why should they be so exaggerated and mysterious?

“Everyone must have a lot of questions!”

"Don't be anxious. Since we have gathered here specifically, we will naturally answer it all at once."

Director Zhou paused and continued: "But before that, I want to announce a truth. It may be very shocking, so please be mentally prepared."

Feng Ying said at this time: "Please raise your glass to the moon, leader, come on stage and show it to everyone."

Everyone's eyes fell on Wang Yue, and an incredible scene happened.

Wang Yue's body suddenly became transparent.

Don't wait for everyone to scream.

next moment.

Wang Yue's figure appeared on the stage. From completely transparent to clearly visible, the whole process was clearly displayed. This was definitely not a special effect method, nor a magic trick or a deception.

"It's the Shadow Step!"

Which player representative on site is not a Tier 4 boss?

I recognized this ability almost reflexively!

Isn't this the latent shadow step?

One of the basic skills of agility!

Because this skill threshold is very low, but it has high practicality, it is a 100% required skill for rangers!

Nine out of ten warrior players on the scene know it, and even nearly half of the warlocks and monks have learned it.

After Wang Yue appeared on the stage, a crack suddenly opened between his eyebrows. An evil blood-red eye appeared in the vertical eye, and some invisible spiritual power spread.

The water in the water glasses on everyone's table floated into the air.

It's like being in weightless space.

First, it formed a string of water beads, and then formed various shapes with thoughts.

"Crooked eyes!"

"It's the awakening of the evil eye!"

"What's going on? I'm not dreaming!"

"This is the real world, right? Captain Mochizuki actually used the power of the uncanny eye in the real world!"


"Oh my God!"

"Isn't this really magic?"

"I'm afraid I'm a little nervous!"

"Hey, little bell, why are you so calm?"


Among the people at the scene, except for Xiao Lingdang, everyone else looked horrified and couldn't believe this fact at all.

Zhou Zhengming said: "You are all veteran players. It is not difficult to distinguish the abilities used to raise a glass to the moon."

Ye Meng was shocked and showed excitement and enthusiasm: "What on earth is going on!"

Zhou Zhengming: "Actually, even if we don't disclose the truth, I think everyone has discovered that the Three Kingdoms is more than just a game."


"Ever since playing games."

"My body has changed so much."


These big players on the scene.

Their various physical functions have been incredibly improved. If they were allowed to participate in the Olympics now, they could easily break the historical records of most events.

It’s not just physical fitness.

Many old injuries and illnesses have also been miraculously healed.

These even include regeneration of lost limbs, severe burns, and severe paralysis.

Gu Zhou, a top master from the Temple of War, was once a high-level paraplegic. Modern medicine was completely helpless, but recently he has basically returned to normal.


Although these changes are huge, they can still be described as medical miracles or black technology. The ability displayed at this moment has broken through the boundaries of scientific cognition!

Chen Xi (Chen Xi): "Are the rumors on the Internet true?"

Zhou Zhengming: "We are still in the early stages of research on the world of the Three Kingdoms, but what is certain is..."

"When you improve your cultivation in the game, it will be fed back to the real world. The abilities you gain in the game can also be awakened and revived in the real world!"

"Everyone should be able to imagine what this means?"

"The Third Industrial Revolution?"


“The so-called industrial revolution is only a breakthrough in productivity within human society, and is far from enough to describe one millionth of this great change!”

"This is the most important revolution in the evolution of the entire world since the emergence of wisdom in the ancient cognitive revolution of mankind!"

The players present were completely shocked.

Everyone has been suspicious of the origin of the Three Kingdoms for a long time. Such a game cannot be created by modern technology, but no matter how much you doubt it, you never imagined that the truth would be so outrageous.

Ye Meng asked: "What should we do to awaken?!"

This is the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

Zhou Zhengming: "Based on our extensive research and repeated testing, we have now mastered the method of awakening. Theoretically speaking, any fourth-order natural disaster soldier has the possibility of awakening!"

Everyone was happy when they heard this.

And everyone is not stupid. At this moment, they can probably guess why this meeting is being held.

First of all, the secret can hardly be kept secret.

Secondly, the relevant departments seem to have mastered the method of awakening people.

The official plans to use this as a bargaining chip to reach a deal with major corps and top players.

The general content of this deal is that relevant departments will help qualified Scourge armies to awaken, and these Scourge armies will also be subject to official management, and will join forces to formulate and abide by an agreement or convention.

Establish a Players Association.

This is a very confusing statement.

At first glance, it sounds like an organization created by a group of Internet addicts who are not doing their job properly and cannot be put on the stage.

This is not the case.

The Players Association can also be called the Scourge Army Association.

This will be an autonomous organization for awakened players in the future.

In fact, it is an important organization used by the government to manage the Scourge Army and maintain social stability in the real world.

Every player who joins the association must accept supervision and constraints from the association. At the same time, every association member is also the maker and defender of the rules.

from now on.

People who don't follow the rules.

Not only will they be punished by secular laws.

It will also be boycotted by the entire players association.

When the power and influence of an association is strong enough it can be a deterrent.

Even if the Scourge Army that disrupts order and causes mischief in the future can escape the judgment of law enforcement in the real world, it will not survive in the game if it is ostracized by all large corps and player forces.

Zhou Zhengming said: "We founded the Players Association in order to establish a consensus to make the world more stable and the new era safer. This is related to everyone's vital interests!"

"You are all the best among the Scourge Army!"

“You have the ability and obligation to participate!”

After Zhou Zhengming explained the situation clearly, everyone expressed their agreement and support.

Even if the Scourge Army awakens, it will not be enough to fight against the actual armed forces in a short period of time. It is even said to be a national-level force. The collapse of order is not good for anyone. Cooperation is the most sensible approach.

Join the Players Association.

Get awakened immediately!

There will be various research results and information sharing in the future.

You can also participate in the formulation of player rules, which is in the interest of everyone!

Everyone quickly reached a consensus.

The Players Association has officially completed its founding.

The core team of the first Players Association is as follows.

The president is the leader of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps. The three leaders, Ye Limeng, Xiao Lingdang, and Brother Heitongrui, serve as vice presidents. Most of the other players who participated in the association have also been awarded the title of executive director or director. identity.

Zhou Zhengming served as the Secretary-General of the first council of the Players Association.

Everyone is still convinced by this arrangement.

Although Li Meng's qualifications are slightly lower than those of Ye Li Meng and Heitong Rui Ge, he is still one of the top five corps commanders and has a high enough reputation among the Scourge Legion to convince the public.

We are not blind.

The Immortal Dragon Soul Corps has an official background.

This leader of the Toast to the Moon Corps is likely to be the elite of the special department.

With him serving as the chief of the first Players Association, he can naturally better promote the construction of the association and make the country more assured of investing more resources and policy support into the association.

Main goal accomplished!

Zhou Zhengming also breathed a sigh of relief!

The research department of the Special Adjustment Department has developed a method of awakening, and the first prototype of awakening has been built.

Raising a glass to the moon is the first natural disaster army to take the initiative to awaken.

The awakening of a fourth-level player is not difficult. Awakening can be triggered by applying a strong enough stimulus or creating a short-term sense of near-death.

It won't take long.

Awakened people will appear all over the world.

All forces will soon master the method of awakening.

There is absolutely no need for the Special Investigation Department to hide this technology.

Instead of cherishing it and eventually becoming worthless, it is better to use it as a big bargaining chip to integrate players.

Who doesn’t want to wake up?

Who doesn’t want to have supernatural powers?

Who doesn’t want to be invulnerable to bullets, immune to all diseases, and even immortal!

The earlier you awaken, the earlier you will have strength and more time to grow.

As the only organization that has mastered the awakening technology, the Special Investigation Department took the opportunity to bring together the most important and core players to complete the creation of the player organization. It was undoubtedly a carefully considered and profit-maximizing choice.

"I declare the association officially established!"

Zhou Zhengming said: "Although the initial scale of the organization is small, I believe that our organization will definitely establish a decisive series in the new era and become a vital balancing force in the future!"

"Let us jointly contribute to world peace and national prosperity!"

These words.

Very empty and very large.

But it's not hypocritical.

With the potential of everyone here.

It may really become a world-shaking force in the future!

Most of the people present were young people, and they felt very enthusiastic for a moment. They had never thought that they could become such an important role, and they had never thought that the world would be so wonderful!

The truth is too shocking!

It’s hard to imagine what the world will look like in the future!

The establishment of this organization has also given everyone a greater sense of security!

When the strength of the awakened ones is under control, it is very necessary to supervise and guide everyone so that everyone can form a consensus and rules. Otherwise, once the awakened ones lose control, the entire society will become a dark forest.

At this time, Xiao Lingdang couldn't help but ask: "Director Zhou, I have a doubt recently."

Zhou Zhengming: "Excuse me."

Xiao Lingdang: "Since the power we have cultivated in the game world can appear in the real world, is it possible that various materials and monsters in the game world can appear in the real world?"

Everyone was shocked.


"Since even cultivation can be brought to the real world!"

"Can other things in the game also be monetized?"

If various equipment and materials can be brought into reality, the impact on human civilization will be increased by several orders of magnitude.

Don’t say anything else.

Any recovery drug.

If it appeared in the real world, it would be a miracle medicine that is hard to buy, not to mention the rich extraordinary materials and extraordinary resources in the game!


Everything has two sides.

If equipment, materials, and resources will come to reality.

There's no reason why all kinds of terrifying monsters and even abyssal pollution won't overflow!

If abyssal pollution appears on Blue Star, it will be a catastrophe for all life!

"That's a good question!"

Zhou Zhengming nodded and continued: "We have been doing research in this area. Although there is no 100% evidence for the time being, according to our research, there is a high probability that this kind of thing will happen...

Dark energy research laboratories in China, North America, Antarctica, Europe and other places have recently detected some abnormal parameters, which may be signs that stars or the abyss are interfering with reality.

As for the specific future direction, there is no way to draw a conclusion yet!

That’s why we should prepare early! "

All of a sudden.

There was a sense of crisis in everyone's hearts.

Suppose all the stars and all races appeared in this universe.

What if various monsters from the abyss came to the real world.

With humanity's current technological and military capabilities, can it really compete with them?

The future is unknown.

Must work hard to upgrade!

You must practice hard!

Only by becoming stronger can we face crises and challenges!

The Players Association is not only an organization that maintains order, but may also develop into a platform to fight crises in the future!

Of course, the player association is still too small at this moment, with only a few dozen leading Scourge troops joining. The entire organization is in a confidential state, and no information is currently allowed to be disclosed to the outside world.

The first group of association members signed confidentiality agreements.

The truth about the game will be exposed sooner or later in the future, but not now!

In order to maintain stability and have more time to prepare, countries are currently strictly blocking news.

Zhou Zhengming finally said: "We have arranged accommodation for you. You will live in the association's temporary headquarters in the near future, so we can arrange your awakenings in batches...


during this process.

It won’t affect everyone’s game!

The Scourge's operations continued as usual.

I heard that you are preparing to launch a campaign to eliminate the remaining monsters in Taican Ridge.

This matter is very important to the territory. Although the Hundred-Headed Demon King has been eliminated, there are still many high-level intelligent monsters in the Demon Valley. Their existence is always a threat to the territory! "

End of the meeting.

Everyone dispersed.

He was escorted to his residence by security personnel.

"Zhengming, well done!" A big leader came up and said: "This time you took the initiative to disclose the truth to a small group of leading players, and at the same time, you took the opportunity to complete the united front against the top Scourge Force forces at the right time."

Another leader also said: "Although officials from various countries now understand the secrets of the Three Kingdoms, we are far behind in terms of the number and strength of players."

"In the process!"

"The Special Adjustment Department deserves a lot of credit!"

"Looks like we're all lucky!"

“You can see the birth of an unprecedented world!”

Zhou Zhengming is also crossing the river by feeling the stones. Something similar has never happened in history. However, he has strong emotions for the land under his feet, so he will do his best to protect it responsibly.

This is a change that has not happened in hundreds of millions of years!

It will definitely be a wonderful era with many heroes!


The commanders and top leaders of the major corps of the Scourge Army knew the truth.

For the first time, I deeply realized what this game means to all mankind.

This is no longer just a game that brings wealth and happiness, but also a major test that can change the destiny of an individual and the entire human civilization!

Who actually created this game?

The answer no longer matters!

Because the existence that can create this kind of game must have surpassed the limited cognition of human beings, and may be as great a conceptual incarnation as the will of the abyss and the will of the stars.

There is no need to speculate.

All Scourge leaders need to understand.

This game can promote the evolution of all mankind, promote the sublimation of the entire real world and human civilization, and I am very lucky to stand at the forefront and become a pioneer!

A sense of purpose.


The fate of the human race.

It is the fate of all mankind!

We must protect the human territory and make it more prosperous!

Soon after, the team leaders logged into the game one after another, and arrived at Taican Ridge through blessing teleportation and portal transfer.

This is the military camp built by the Wei army's extermination troops in front of the Demon-Suppressing Valley. It has now become one of the players' destinations. At this moment, thousands of elites from more than a dozen large corps have gathered here.

In the public screen.

All kinds of information flashed out quickly.

"Are all the men in each regiment here?"

"The Temple of War has been prepared for a long time!"

"Wings of Freedom is no problem either!"

"The Immortal Dragon Soul is ready!"


The leaders of each corps responded quickly.


"According to reliable information!"

"There are more than 10,000 monsters in the Demon Suppressing Valley!"

"Among them, there are expected to be 6 more ten-level demon generals!"

"The ten-headed demon general has the strength of a fourth-level overlord. He is definitely a big BOSS that is very difficult to deal with. The work will be divided among our ten major corps. Everyone must cooperate!"

"Everything goes according to plan!"

"Everyone can watch the public screen at any time to follow the battle situation!"

"You must obey the commands of your respective teams and regiments!"

"I declare that the Scourge Army's operation to destroy the demons will officially begin now!"

"The natural disaster army will win! Long live the human leader! Long live the lord! Kill!"


This big battle.

The various corps of the Scourge Army have been preparing for a long time.

It is a sign that the main force of the legion is fully exploring new territories!

After Jia Xu took control of the Wei army in Taican Ridge and killed the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord, he continued to control the Wei army to surround the Demon Suppressing Valley without attacking. In fact, he was conserving monster resources for the territory.

Baisou Mojun has been in business for many years.

It was not easy to create such an abyssal force.

Wouldn't it be a waste of resources if the natives were wiped out in vain?

Only by being wiped out by the territory, especially the Scourge, can their value be demonstrated!

Of course, this battle is not easy to fight. First of all, the scale of this war is greater than any previous one, and there are also a very large number of people participating in the battle. It is a great test of the cooperation between the various corps of the Scourge Army.

The environment of Zhenmo Valley is harsh.

The strength of the Abyss Demon Army cannot be underestimated.

There are quite a few Level 4 Abyss Overlords.

All of these can bring huge casualties to the Scourge Army.


Various death information.

The panel is being refreshed like crazy.

[The player "Stay Up Late Bald Man" has died, Abyss Essence +150,000...]

[The player "I don't eat beef" has died, and the abyss essence +75,000...]

[Player "Ashe Wood" is dead, Abyss Essence +200,000...]

[The player "Ning Caichen II" has died, and the abyss essence +250,000...]


The Scourge's army continues one after another.

Especially the top generals of the five major corps.

They seemed more passionate and hard-working than usual.

Hang Yu was very satisfied.

I've been feeling a little short of energy lately.

This battle is a good addition.

In about an hour, the energy reserve increased by about 400 million, which shows that these leeks are growing vigorously and are now very lush!

Although it paid such a high price.

But the valley only captured the second half.

The Scourge Legion regrouped their troops, adjusted their strategies accordingly, and launched another wave of fierce attacks, successfully breaking through the Demon Army's defense line and capturing most of the valley in one fell swoop.

Revitalize the troops for the third time.

Attack again!

There is no leadership from the Hundred-Headed Demon King.

The monsters were already somewhat loose and demoralized.

When facing the endless natural disaster army, it can almost only be described as despair.

With a series of wonderful command and tactical cooperation, the Scourge Army successfully divided the remaining monster soldiers and defeated the powerful BOSS one by one.

Less than half a day!

This large-scale battle is coming to an end!

Without the help of territorial NPCs, the Scourge Army relied on high-intensity attacks that were not afraid of death, and relied on smart tactics and cooperation to secure the final victory.

"There should be no suspense anymore!"

In this final battle, the Scourge Army fought very well and gained a lot.

In this way, the hidden dangers are completely eliminated, the territory has no worries, and the population and army of Shangyang County can be well digested.

"Count the time!"

"Cao Zhen is coming soon!"

"The Scourge will just catch up."

After the death of the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord, the Taican Ridge Demon Army troops were not a big threat and were just an appetizer at best.

What you need to pay attention to now is the main force of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry of the Wei Dynasty, led by Cao Zhen, which is coming at full speed... In addition, there must be new moves in Taiyou City since the death of Sima Yan!

"It took so long to prepare."

"It's time for me to explore Sima Yi's background!"

"This old guy hasn't made any movement for such a long time, and I don't know what's going on."

After two rounds of extra development under the protection of the stars, Hang Yu now has enough confidence in himself that even if Sima Yi appears, he can at least hold on to the bottom line.


strategic objectives of the territory.

There will be a gradual shift from survival to development.

(PS: Please vote for me!)

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