"According to the information collected by my sister, Wuliang!"

"After Ma Yuanyi was torn to pieces, perhaps because his obsession was too strong, he was chosen by the will of the abyss to become a carrier of pollution, with the ability to pollute other creatures and drag them into the nightmare of the abyss. Once they fall into the nightmare of the abyss, they cannot be killed and cannot be reborn. Eventually, they will be increasingly demonized in rounds of nightmares over time."

"The settings of the abyss are extremely complex."

"I have only learned a little bit of it so far. I will collect more information and evidence. If I have the chance, I will open a special post to study and discuss this topic. I will not make too many groundless guesses here to avoid misleading other players with wrong information."

"The second person in Hexi Village is Li Niu. He was born in the first year of Zhongping, the same year that Ma Yuanyi was torn to pieces. But he is now twenty years old, which means that at least twenty years have passed since the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

"The first year of Zhongping is 183 AD."

"Twenty years later is 203 AD." ”

“According to the historical process of the Three Kingdoms, 203 was the eighth year of Jian'an. It has been three years since the Battle of Guandu ended, and the entire Central Plains has been unified by Boss Cao.”

“But the place where we are is obviously not the Three Kingdoms under the normal historical line, so I think that from the moment the abyss descended when the world changed drastically, the timeline of the area broke away from the historical timeline and moved towards another abyss timeline created by the production team.”

“Based on the existing clues.”

“I speculate that the game world of Weird Three Kingdoms is made up of countless maps!”

“The time and space of each map are not coherent, which means that the abyss did not simply invade the Three Kingdoms from the spatial level, but enveloped the entire Three Kingdoms era and hundreds of years before and after and formed pollution.”

“In this process, hundreds of years of time and space were broken into tens of thousands of independent dreams. Each nightmare has a core pollution source that continues to emit pollution, thus forming an independent timeline. The longer the pollution lasts, the more serious the demonization and distortion, and the higher the level of the corresponding map. ”

“Maybe this is very abstract. ”

“But if this speculation is true. ”

“Players can definitely encounter the peak periods of major generals in the game.”

“Of course, you can also participate in many battles or historical scenes from different periods at the same time!”

“You can encounter early characters like Zhang Jue, and you may also meet later Jiang Wei, Deng Ai, Lu Kang, and Wen Yang. However, I also have a question here. Is it possible to meet the same person in different timelines? Or is it possible for the same character to exist in multiple forms in the game? The answer cannot be found with the clues currently available. ”


“In short.”

“From the current situation.”

“The setting of Weird Three Kingdoms is extremely complex and huge.”

“The game planner uses the clever design of two timelines to create a large amount of content based on the Three Kingdoms. ”

“This allows the game to preserve the elements and plots of the Three Kingdoms while being filled with countless unknown suspense and puzzles, from the abyss and stars beyond the Three Kingdoms worldview to the joys and sorrows of every little person. The plots and stories of this world seem inexhaustible, and it is simply a treasure and paradise for those of us who love plots and settings. ”


Hang Yu finished reading this post.

Although there are many mistakes.

But the general direction is similar, and there are indeed some useful information.

The way Chimei Wangliang summarizes and divides the timeline is also very interesting. She divides the timeline of the Three Kingdoms into two.

One is the normal historical timeline.

The other is the distorted abyss timeline.

This classification method is worth adopting and referring to!

The historical time of Luoshui Execution Ground is 183 AD, and the abyss time is 20 years in the abyss. If this method is used to divide other maps in the future, the time nodes and development of each map will have a more intuitive statement.

Because the intensity of the pollution source of each map is different, the time in the abyss is also different. The longer the abyss time usually means the more distorted and deformed it is, and the monsters are more crazy and terrifying.

I took a rough look at other posts.

Different players have different styles.

As a plot setting party, Chimei Wangliang pays more attention to the plot, story, and world view setting of the game.

Black Eyed Ruige , Xianyu Tuci is a strategy master, and his content is naturally hardcore, mainly writing various monster information, discussing gameplay strategies, and studying game mechanisms and new technologies.

In addition, there are more life parties like Chenxi and Xiaolingdang recently. They pay more attention to humanistic landscapes and the experience of the game itself, and fully demonstrate the mystery and charm of the world of Weird Three Kingdoms from different perspectives.

It is remarkable.

They are all well written.

They are indeed high-quality players carefully selected by Xiaoba.

It is precisely because of these players' tireless posting and sharing that the popularity of Weird Three Kingdoms continues to increase.

Of course, even with screenshots and group photos as evidence, there are still many netizens who express doubts about the authenticity of the game. Let alone the possibility of realizing AI technology and realism, the texture and light and shadow of this photo alone seem too real, which is an effect that cannot be achieved by current virtual reality games.

Rather than saying it is a screenshot group photo of a virtual game.

It is better to say that it is a movie poster with real-life shooting and special effects processing.

Hang Yu doesn't care about these controversies. According to the current popularity of the Three Kingdoms, the number of reserved players will soon exceed one million, giving him enough talent pool to select early players.

"Lord, it's time for dinner!"

A clear and sweet voice came.

Yan Ling brought lunch to the lord.

A bowl of snake tail chicken soup, a piece of scorpion tail steak, and several kinds of fruits tribute from Hexi Village.

Hang Yu realized that he had been surfing the forum for several hours without even realizing it, so he quickly closed the forum and could no longer read it.

When his eyes fell on Yan Ling, the little fox girl looked pale and looked like she was highly anemic. He knew that her body was overworked and she asked about her recent work situation.

"The new equipment was successfully refined!" Yan Ling looked excited.

Hang Yu was slightly surprised: "Is it so fast? Let me take a look!"

Yan Ling used the high-quality leather dropped by the skeleton scorpion-tailed bull to refine a set of equipment.

[Skeleton Bull Helmet], first-level equipment, low-grade white, physical damage saving throw +4, independent defense +12, strength +1, durability 20/20.

[Skeleton Bull Breastplate], first-level equipment, low-grade white, physical damage saving throw +4, independent defense +12, strength +1, durability 20/20.

[Skeleton Bull Fight Boots], first-level equipment, low-grade white, physical damage saving throw +4, independent defense +8, strength +1, durability 20/20.


[Skeleton Bull Set Effect], all attributes +2, physical saving throw +6.

Damn it!

Such a high attribute?

Hang Yu was stunned by the effect of the equipment.

He quickly asked: "How many sets of such suits can be produced in total?"

Yan Ling introduced: "I'm telling you, Lord, there are forty copies of high-quality leather in stock, which can be used to refine about six sets of equipment. I can also use ordinary leather to refine sets, because there is enough stock of ordinary leather, which should be enough to arm all your subordinates." civil!"

This Manniu set comes in two quality sets: white quality and gray quality.

The former is made from materials exploded from skeleton scorpion-tailed cows, so its attributes and quality are higher.

Although players have ten times the explosion rate, the materials that a monster can explode are limited. Now it is expected that six sets will be ideal, which is enough to greatly increase the combat power of cutting-edge people.

The latter is made from ordinary scorpion tail cow leather.

Because of the gap in materials, the gray mid-range quality is naturally much inferior.

Hang Yu took a look at the attributes of the ordinary Barbarian Bull set. Except for the chest armor and helmet, which are free of 1 and defense 5, other parts are free of 1 and defense 3. The whole set of equipment can get 6 points of physical immunity!

What is independent defense?

What is physical damage immunity?

The former is the damage reduction effect brought about by the strength of the armor itself. It will only take effect when the attack hits a specific protective part, so there is usually a dead spot. If an arrow happens to hit a gap in the armor, it will not have any defensive effect. This It also conforms to real physical logic.

The latter is a whole-body damage absorption. Even if the attacked part has no armor, it can still take effect without any blind spots.

If a player's physical damage saving throw is 6, then when he takes 10 points of damage, 6 points will eventually be offset by the energy released by the equipment, and he will only suffer 4 points of life loss.

Ordinary bull sets are not bad either.

In addition, there are set bonuses of +1 to all attributes and +2 to damage saving throws.

Although it is only mid-grade gray equipment in terms of quality, if you can equip a complete set, the value of a single piece is not inferior to that of high-grade gray equipment. It is definitely a very high-quality armor set at this stage!

Yanling's role exceeded expectations!

Her talent in weapon refining and work attitude have been recognized by the lord!

Once these two sets of equipment are equipped to the troops, they will be enough to increase the strength of the legion to a big level!

But there is a practical problem.

Hang Yu felt very embarrassed.

Although he has very good equipment, and although he also wants to arm the legion as soon as possible and bring the strength of the territory to a higher level... but now the players are too poor and cannot afford such expensive equipment anyway!

This is how to do?

The only solution is to increase currency issuance.

But you can’t give out contribution points and equipment to players for no reason!

The only way Hang Yu can think of is to give players tasks as soon as possible, preferably ones with high difficulty, high risk and high reward.

In this way, it will not only allow players to suffer more and contribute more energy reserves to Hang Yu, but also increase the issuance of contribution points, and even directly reward a complete set of equipment, allowing players to continue to face hardships, enjoy it, and even go crazy. It's so delicious!

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