This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 386 Humanity shares a common destiny! The giant ship is approaching Taiyou!

A certain abyssal plane.

A prosperous main city of the fifth-level territory.

Bei Chenguang made arrangements for the newly acquired four hundred black dragon spirit horses.

These potential high-quality dragon beast mounts have a lot of room for strengthening and training.

He knew several territories that could produce spirit materials. Spirits were an important material for strengthening spirit horses. He also knew several territories that were highly skilled in weapon refining and were particularly good at cultivating spirit horses.

Just pool your resources.

First, cultivate the Black Dragon Spirit Horse.

Then find a few high-quality markets to resell.

There is no problem at all in deducting all costs and earning 30% net profit.

Beichenguang has been operating the territory for more than a hundred years. Because the resources in the territory are poor and raw materials are difficult to obtain, it is not cost-effective to build his own industry, so he simply gave up industrial construction completely.

At present, Beichen Guangling only retains the most basic production to meet daily needs.

He used all the resources generated during the management of the territory to manage contacts and expand the market.


In addition to the basic market and organizational market.

Dozens of trading markets of different sizes have been built in the territory.

If I don't do anything every day, I just go back and forth to free up resources and become a broker. I live a very nourishing life.

"After recovering this profit, we will build another market!" Bei Chenguang couldn't help but start to make calculations in his mind.

Although Beichunguang's development model hardly creates any value directly and relies entirely on various connections, relying on the information gap between different races and different markets to gain profits, not everyone can do it well.

The water is very deep.

Opening up new markets is difficult and costly.

And what kind of market can be opened to generate profits is also a big question.

For example, the drawings, skills, equipment, and resources of different races are not fully compatible.

In addition to the territory's basic market, other additionally built markets often have very high transaction tax rates, and there are countless cases where the territory ended up losing money and going bankrupt.

Just as Beichenguang and the territorial team were doing.

While patrolling the market intensively on a daily basis, looking for potential operational business opportunities.

"Lord Lord!"

"President Hang sent a message!"

Beichunguang has already set Hang Yu as a person of special concern. Whenever there is news, he will always receive the report immediately, so he can respond as soon as possible.

Bei Chenguang immediately responded: "Brother Hang, what's wrong?"

Hang Yu: "I want to collect a batch of unburned secret weapon refining scrolls. Do you have a channel here?"

Bei Chenguang: "It's not difficult, no problem. How many do you want, and what level and grade do you want?"

Hang Yu: "Two hundred copies of the third-level green secret scroll, and twenty copies of the fourth-level green secret scroll."

Bei Chenguang couldn't help but be stunned.

The so-called weapon refining secret scroll is a prop that records the secret method of refining so that people can quickly learn the technology of refining.

Its effect is equivalent to a wordless cheat book (skill book). Of course, its value is only one-tenth of the wordless cheat book of the same level. In addition, Hang Yu only needs green quality, so it is not a particularly important transaction.

The issue is.

There are too many.

Why do you collect so many secret scrolls?

Bei Chenguang keenly smelled a hint of business opportunity.

The reason why he was able to traverse countless territories and markets and thrive in the business of being a banker and a broker was because of his keen sense of smell. He could always discover opportunities in time and find every opportunity to participate in them.

Bei Chenguang then replied: "It's not a big problem, but why are you compiling so many secret volumes? Of course, I'm just curious. If it involves secrets, just pretend I didn't ask."

There was a slight pause there for a few seconds.

Hang Yu: "It's not a secret. President Beichen will know it sooner or later. Your participation or help will inevitably be needed in the future. It's better to tell President Beichen everything in advance."

Sure enough there is a chance!

Bei Chenguang's eyes lit up.

Hang Yu: "I have a plan for the 'Co-Prosperity Body of Human Race' Destiny'!"

Hang Yuling's industrial chain division of labor plan has broad prospects, but the construction process does not happen overnight and requires a series of technical preparations and strategic planning.

Obtain support from senior leaders of the Humane League.

This will help accelerate the implementation of the plan!


A community of shared destiny for mankind?

Bei Chengguang was stunned when he heard this.

But after understanding the details of this matter.

His confusion was gradually replaced by shock, surprise, and admiration!

Bei Chenguang: "This... I really can't imagine that you, a lord with less than one year of experience, can actually do such a big thing!"

Hang Yu's thoughts are not complicated.

He briefly presented a few products and gave a few examples, and Beichenguang understood.

Hang Yu wants to make the cake bigger, and then allow more territories to participate and share the benefits of this cake... Of course there are stars similar to this, but it is usually the cooperation within major families and groups. .

Been a lord for so many years.

It's rare for Hang Yu to do this.

On the one hand, of course, Qunxingling has not many products that are suitable for splitting and dividing labor.

On the one hand, most territories subconsciously want to eat alone when they encounter benefits. Even if they share, they are family members, friends, and partners. Very few territories can achieve this level of open sharing.

Hang Yu asked: "President Beichen, do you think this can be done?"

"Must be able!"

Bei Chenguang: "Brother Hang, you are indeed a genius! No wonder you can become a new star in the Holy Blues! Your Ma Jun is also a genius who is one of a million among the weapon refiners!"

The logic of this matter is not complicated.

Take the wooden holy crossbow as an example.

The Holy Wooden Crossbow is composed of nineteen refining components.

There are fifteen third-order components and four fourth-order components.

Hang Yu plans to transfer the low-threshold third-level component refining technology.

Select territories that meet the standards from the Humane Alliance and train suppliers from them to do OEM work.

these components.

The refining cost is low.

Nothing technical.

Third-level leaders with a little production capacity can refine it.

Although the technology itself is valuable, in order to quickly establish a supply chain in the early stage, Hangyu plans to help suppliers quickly start building production lines through free technology grant and partial capital investment.

The purpose of buying the secret scroll is to record the secret method of refining the weapon.

Although a lot of money needs to be invested in the early stage to support suppliers.

But after these supplier territories obtain relevant refining technology and production capabilities.

The components they produced had little value in themselves and could only be sold to Hang Yuling for cash.

After Hang Yuling purchases parts from various suppliers, he can refine and assemble these worthless components into a wooden holy crossbow that can seriously damage the fourth-level overlord unit with one shot!

A special equipment that can kill the fourth-level overlord with one frontal hit.

Its value is even higher than the dragon beast spirit horse!

Its refining process is just a little troublesome. There is no need to consume rare materials, just a bunch of regular green materials. It is enough to leave enough profits for the upstream and downstream industries, making a win-win division of labor possible. This is very critical!


during this process.

Hang Yu will keep one or two of the most critical core components and supporting formation technology in his hands.

This can prevent the wooden holy crossbow technology from being leaked.

It can also firmly control the layout of the entire industrial chain.

Even if other forces or territories made great efforts to gather all the technologies mastered by all suppliers, it is foreseeable that they would not be able to crack the core technology and refine the wooden holy crossbow in the short period of time.

What's more.

The real core competitiveness of Hangyu Ling's refining industry is Ma Jun.

There are probably only a few such top-notch creative weapon-refining wizards in the entire land of stars.

Even if in the distant future, a certain force makes great efforts and research and successfully develops a pirated wooden holy crossbow, its products will still be uncompetitive for Hang Yuling.

the reason is simple.

Hang Yu Ling's refining technology and refining methods will continue to iteratively improve and improve.

The reason why Ma Jun can currently only refine green-quality wooden holy crossbows is because of limited conditions and limited resources in the past.

Now, with the blessing and resources of the territory, why can't we directly develop a blue-quality super wooden holy crossbow, or even a purple-quality ultimate wooden holy crossbow?

As long as Ma Jun is here!

Hang Yu Ling has a high probability of maintaining his technical advantage!

Bei Chenguang simply couldn't imagine how much benefit it would bring to Hang Yu personally, to the entire Humane League organization, and even to the entire human group once this was completed!


A complete industrial chain.

It is not only necessary to arrange upstream supplier OEM.

At the same time, there is a need to establish a downstream dealer network.

Hang Yuling's production and market links are relatively weak. How to produce wooden holy crossbows efficiently and quickly is very important, and how to sell all the wooden holy crossbows produced is also very important.

Bei Chenguang saw the properties of the wooden holy crossbow.

This is definitely good stuff, especially for middle and lower races.

Not to mention anything else, within the Humane Alliance of Light, each of the fourth-tier and fifth-tier territories would not want to purchase hundreds or even thousands of aircraft as long as conditions and finances allowed.

This thing is not a building of stars.

There is no limit on the number of deployments.

The greater the number, the stronger the city defense and the safer the territory will be.

Hang Yuling's weapon refining products are more than just wooden holy crossbows? From formation-breaking machines to giant shield machines, from various mechanical puppets to wooden warships, there are many products worthy of development, each of which can generate a huge market and drive a lot of territory to at least provide food and clothing.

Bei Chenguang believed in his own vision.

Because Mu Sheng's weapon refining technology is in a niche direction.

There are currently not many known competing products on the market.

Therefore, it is certain that it will sell well all over the country and make a lot of money in the future.

If the future production capacity and output are large enough, the product power evolves to a strong enough level, and there are enough market channels opened up, and the products can be sold directly to the territories of the stars and tribes, the benefits generated will be astronomical!

What is a pattern?

This is called pattern!

Face this rising star.

Suddenly there was a feeling of becoming filthy.

I just feel that more than a hundred years of life as a lord have been wasted.

Hang Yu's vision is to take the human race as the main body, make full use of his identity as the vice president of the Humanity League, and the appeal and influence of Shengcang New Star, plus the huge technological potential of the territory, to build a huge network of human race's destiny and interests. Co-prosperity body!

Everything in the world is for profit.

All the hustle and bustle in the world is for the benefit.

Only when everyone can make money will everyone be willing to help you make money and believe you are the boss.

With this, Hang Yuling has the opportunity to become the richest man in Shengcang City, and the influence and voice of the entire Humane League will also undergo earth-shaking changes!

His leadership and influence in the human race will skyrocket, boosting the economic and industrial vitality of the entire human race group, and ultimately directly enhancing the human race's industrial status among all races in the stars.

"Very promising!"

“Very meaningful!”

"I, Bei Chenguang, absolutely support it 100%!"

"I believe that several presidents and various elders will also give them their greatest support!"

"Your 'Humanity's Shared Prosperity Plan' will surely become the most important strategy of the Humanitarian Alliance!"

"Brother Hang, your appearance is simply the light of the human race. From now on, I will follow you wholeheartedly!"


Bei Chenguang was very excited.

He not only saw the value of Hang Yu to the organization and the race, but also saw his own opportunities.

Hang Yu will obviously support the middle and grassroots lords to be suppliers and dealers to help build a sales network.

With the size and income of Bei Chenguang's territory, he will definitely not be a OEM, but he can become a dealer. In the future, he will help Hang Yu sell various refining artifacts. It will be difficult not to make a fortune in this process!

When Hang Yu saw Bei Chenguang's reaction.

And Bei Chenguang's strong support for this matter.

Although it was expected, it also made him very satisfied.

These days, you can't make a big difference if you eat alone. Only by creating value for others can others create value for you.

In the future.

Whether it is a small lord of the middle and lower levels.

Or a fifth-level lord like Bei Chenguang.

Will form a strong interest relationship with Hangyu Territory.

Once the refining industry chain of Hang Yu Territory is successfully opened up, hundreds or even thousands of territories will benefit from it in the future. They will work for Hang Yu to make money and be grateful to him, thus consolidating his authority.


In a blink of an eye.

Three days have passed since the birth of the Shenji giant ship.

Hang Yu took Wen Pin to board the Shenji giant ship again.

Because the preparations are nearing the end, the time is ripe, and it is time to start the action.

I saw Zou Wan and Ma Jun each brought their own people, still busy here, making the last round of preparations for the next action.

If you look closely, you will find that.

There have been many changes in the Shenji giant ship.

Hang Yu asked: "Is the work going smoothly these days?"

Zou Wan said: "I have completed the strengthening of the core formation of the Shenji giant ship, and at the same time completed the strengthening of four fourth-level star towers. It's a pity that the time is not enough, otherwise we can carry out more in-depth transformation."

Ma Jun also said: "We have deployed ten wooden holy crossbows, five giant shield machines, and two formation-breaking machines on the Shenji giant ship in accordance with the requirements of the lord..."

It's not that I don't want to deploy more.

At present, we can only take out so much.

Ma Jun continued: "In addition, in the hangar of the Shenji giant ship, we have placed 20 small wooden aircraft and 300 advanced mechanical puppets of various forms, which can be used at any time!"

Hang Yu: "Well done, thank you for your hard work!"

Although the time is short.

Only three days.

But this round of construction and transformation has been initially completed.

Hang Yu used the funds recovered from the Lord Market to purchase blueprints and build them, so that the giant ship has 18 more supporting facilities, among which the most critical is undoubtedly the Star Tower with eight city defense functions.

One spell tower, one arrow tower, and six barrier towers.

Four reached the third level, and four reached the fourth level. The whole set of construction, including blueprints and construction costs, has accumulated a huge cost of 4 million magic crystals!

More than half of the elixirs and spirit horses that Hang Yu used to cash in have been shipped.

At present, the financial situation of the territory is still close to deficit.

The cost is high.

You can imagine.

However, it doesn't matter, it has finally reached the expectation.

Now the four fourth-tier towers on the Shenji giant ship are: a "Light Spell Tower", a "Wind Arrow Tower", a "Mirror Boundary Tower", and a "Shadow Boundary Tower".

Spell Tower.

As the name suggests.

It is a platform for assisting spellcasting.

Among them, the stationed spell units, under the amplification of the spell tower, the spell effect and power will be greatly increased, and the range that can be affected will also be greatly increased. This is an indispensable facility in the process of territory defense.

The "Pure Spell Tower" on the Shenji giant ship is a kind of fourth-tier spell tower.

It not only has the amplification effect that the fourth-tier spell tower should have, but also has a great bonus effect on the light attribute and purification skill effects, allowing the giant ship to resist large-scale poison, curse, and mental pollution.

The same is true for the Wind Arrow Tower.

It is itself a fourth-tier arrow tower.

Not only can it greatly increase the attack range and power.

All attacks will be strengthened by the wind attribute, making the range longer, faster, and more vigorous.

The two fourth-tier barrier towers have their own characteristics.

The Mirror Barrier Tower is one of the strongest magic defenses among the fourth-level barrier towers, and can even rebound magic attacks of some attributes.

The Shadow Barrier Tower is a barrier tower that the Shenji Giant Ship must be equipped with. Although its defense effect is weaker than that of the fourth-level barrier tower, it can bring invisibility once it is turned on. It is simply a five-star god equipment for the Shenji Giant Ship!

The invisibility level of the Shadow Barrier.

It can probably reach the level of the fourth-level blue secret technique.

Unless you actively use reconnaissance skills of no less than this level for reconnaissance, it is almost impossible to see through this camouflage with the naked eye or ordinary perception means. The opponent will not notice anything unusual when flying by.

The problem is.

There is a limit to the range of reconnaissance spells.

Generally, the closer the distance, the stronger the reconnaissance effect.

The Shenji Giant Ship can easily sail at an altitude of 10,000 meters, basically eliminating 90% of the reconnaissance methods, so it has the ability to appear and disappear, and it is easy to destroy the city and the country with the immortal natural disaster army of Hang Yuling!

This is the basic situation now!

"Although the Shenji giant ship still has a lot of room for improvement, with the current level of transformation and strengthening, it is enough to deal with Taiyou City and has sufficient self-protection capabilities!"

It's not that I don't want to continue construction.

The main reason is that the funds are really tight recently.

Hang Yu, the big landlord and tycoon, is almost out of food.

What should I do in this situation? Of course, launch a large-scale battle. If Taiyou City can be taken down, I will be able to take the opportunity to make a fortune from the war. Not only can I settle the debt as soon as possible, but I will also have more resources for construction.

Hang Yu asked: "This lord heard that Zhang He has been making frequent moves in Shangyang County in the past two days."

Wen Pin said with respect: "Zhang He is worthy of being the military fairy of the Great Wei. He is superb and unpredictable in his use of troops. At this moment, the Xuanhu Guard Army is on the front line of Shangyang County. He has achieved good results in succession with only a few natural disaster army regiments."

Zhang He's first show.

He fought very well.

As a lord, of course, I know about it.

It's just that I've been busy transforming the giant ship and laying out the industrial chain recently, and I haven't been paying attention to the battlefield all the time.

Zhang He's purpose was just to bluff and attract attention, so although some results were achieved, it was a small-scale confrontation after all, and basically would not affect the overall situation.

The goal has been achieved.

Zhang He made Taiyou feel a strong pressure!

Although the size of the human race's troops was not large, no one in Taiyou dared to underestimate Zhang He. After all, this great Wei soldier had led troops to the heartland of Taiyou in the past hundred years.

His personal strength may not be the strongest in Wei.

But he posed a greater threat than Cao Zhen.

When this powerful enemy that could not be ignored suddenly appeared on the front line with a large army, the people of Taiyou naturally faced a great enemy and were ready for battle, and this was what Hang Yu wanted to see at this stage.

He asked: "How is Taiyou's defense in Hejin County?"

Jia Xu replied: "At present, more than 100,000 elite soldiers and more than ten generals have been summoned, and the main general is Sima Fu. In addition, troops from all over the country are also moving along the Wei line and in the direction of Shangyang, and Taiyou City, as the hinterland, is gradually falling into emptiness."

Speaking of this.

He added another sentence.

"I think the time has come, and everything is going as the Lord expected."

Sima Zhao and others could not have known that the Star Territory had brought back such a BUG strategic weapon as the Divine Machine Battleship, so they would not be more prepared for unknown things, so this action would definitely succeed.

Hang Yu asked: "Has Cao Rui and Sima Zhao not taken any action yet?"

Jia Xu said: "The two sides have had several secret contacts recently, and have secretly sent confidants to the old capital Luoyang, but they have not yet reached a cooperative relationship. There is still a little bit left, but it is not a bad thing."

Hang Yu nodded.

Da Wei and Tai You have been enemies for many years.

However, as the saying goes, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

When the Star Territory invaded strongly, the two major forces were forced into a desperate situation, and they did not want to surrender or could not surrender, then choosing to cooperate would be their only choice.

At this moment.

As Jia Xu said.

It is still a little bit short of the heat.

Cao Rui still has the determination to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

But once Hang Yu takes Taiyou City, his strength will be further enhanced, and his power will be unstoppable. Cao Rui will most likely unite with the remnants of Sima Zhao, and it is not ruled out that he will do extreme things such as breaking the seal of Shouyang Mountain or awakening Sima Yi to fight against Hang Yu.

Hang Yu advised: "Don't be careless, don't relax, and always be vigilant!"

Jia Xu said seriously: "Don't worry, lord, at least this matter, I am more concerned than anyone else!"

He left a backup plan on Sima Zhao.

So he can sense Sima Zhao's approximate location. If Sima Zhao appears in the old capital Luoyang, or near the core pollution area of ​​Shouyang Mountain, Hang Yu will naturally receive the news as soon as possible.

Jia Xu is a bit lazy.

But he has always been flawless in doing things.

"Wen Pin!"

"I am here!"

Hang Yu: "The time has come, it's time for the Shenji giant ship to show its performance!"


Wen Pin was overjoyed when he heard this.

He has been appointed as the captain and commander-in-chief of the Shenji giant ship.

This heavy weapon for destroying a nation was tailor-made. Naturally, they hoped to launch the giant ship into battle as soon as possible, and show the powerful foundation and power of the territory with thunder!

Not long after.

Accompanied by a roar.

The people of the territory of Luoshui City were surprised to find.

The super giant ship floating above the lord's castle, which had been forbidden to move for several days, kept lighting up the light of the formation on the surface, and then was officially started and began to move to the south.

"It's a giant ship!"

"The giant ship is moving!"


Ordinary citizens did not know the ability and significance of the divine machine giant ship.

They just had never seen such a large airship, so they watched the excitement.

The major natural disaster army forces quickly received the news. When they learned that the giant ship began to move and headed towards Shouyang Mountain, they all showed excitement.


They knew.

This super-large mission officially started!

An important step in conquering the Shouyang Mountain map has finally been taken!

(PS: Ask for monthly tickets!) (End of this chapter)

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