This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 389 Luxurious lineup! Five generals take action!

at this time.

War rages on.

The battle in Taiyou City lasted for three quarters of an hour.

It was intense from beginning to end, and it went through three stages.

The first one is naturally the surprise stage.

The human race took it by surprise and attacked it unprepared. With a powerful force, it broke through the defense of Taiyou City, and several groups of troops directly attacked near the core of Taiyou City.

Although the results are impressive.

But it soon came to an abrupt end.

and fell into the second stage.

This stage is a stalemate and see-saw stage.

The Taiyou City tribes responded one after another and joined the battle.

The Scourge Army encountered resistance, but with their life-threatening fighting style, although they were unable to penetrate further into the core of Taiyou City, they still killed many Dark Familia.

This is also normal.

The Scourge is well prepared.

Various BUFFs and luck skills have been superimposed.

In particular, Zhang He's Qi movement skills played a huge role.

His characteristic is that he has great ability to command troops. The more troops he brings, the better. He can control only 30,000 people, which is no problem at all!

"Weapon Fairy Halo" can greatly enhance skill power and overall combat power.

"The ever-changing military situation" has the effect of specifically restraining the Dark Familia!

The Scourge Army not only has its own combat effectiveness greatly increased.

The Dark Familia are very weak in light. After all the attacks made by the Scourge Army are converted or partially converted into light attributes by the "Variable Forces", the output power generated is immediately doubled.

Taiyou City was in a hurry to meet the enemy.

And being restrained by attributes, you will inevitably suffer losses.

Therefore, during this process, although the Scourge Army failed to advance further, it caused considerable harm to the living forces in Taiyou City.


Soon after.

The situation of the battle changed again.

Zou Wan's Wrath of the Earth Lord failed.

The Dark Familia began to obtain more and more home buffs and auxiliary effects, and gradually adjusted from the initial chaotic and hasty state. Each unit began to adopt tactical counterattacks and counterattacks.

This is the third stage.

When this stage is reached, the gap in strength becomes apparent.

Although most of Taiyou Kingdom's troops have been contained, Taiyou City still has as many as 30,000 to 40,000 troops available, including even the Dark Legion composed of 10,000 fourth-level elites.

The Scourge Army does not have an advantage in level, quantity, or geographical location, and there is a huge gap in the average strength of individual soldiers.


As the advantage of surprise attack gradually weakened over time, the Taiyou City troops' counterattack became more and more fierce.

The Scourge Army was defeated one after another and suffered heavy casualties. At this moment, most players have generally died at least once!


The Dark Familia discovered.

They still could not completely drive the Star Troops out of Taiyou City.

Because although they have gradually taken back the initiative on the battlefield, in their opinion, the strength of the human army is too exaggerated, there are almost 100,000 troops!

Soldiers on the front lines continue to die.

The giant ship keeps releasing new soldiers.

These human soldiers didn't have much fighting power, but they had a terrifyingly strong will to fight. They were completely unafraid of death and even rushed to die, launching rounds of crazy offensives.

So far.

The human army lost at least thirty to forty thousand soldiers and horses!

If it were any other force, if the number of losses reached such an exaggerated figure, they would have lost the ability to continue fighting.

However, the number of Star Eagle Dogs has not decreased significantly, and the intensity of their attacks has not weakened at all. They are like an endless flood, and even if they are temporarily resisted, there will be continuous impacts.

Their ability to tolerate casualties is far beyond imagination!

It seems that if you want to completely repel the human leader, the best way is to destroy the divine machine giant ship that serves as a transportation platform!

When the various dark tribe generals reached a consensus, they immediately launched a counterattack in tacit understanding, and the target was the human leader's divine machine giant ship. However, this move was met with fiercer resistance from the Scourge Army.

Casualties are still rising!

The natural disaster army's fighting style of rushing forward and flying moths to the flames made the Dark Familia feel a lot of resistance. Therefore, although they gradually took the initiative on the battlefield in Taiyou City, they were still unable to push the battle outside the city, let alone attack the giant ships. create a threat.

The Scourge looked heavy in casualties.

But the Dark Tribe is also constantly being consumed.

Let's continue with the current situation.

I'm afraid that we won't be able to tell the winner all day and night.

Of course, the human leader cannot spend a whole day and night here, because there are still hundreds of thousands of troops in Taiyou Kingdom, and reinforcements may arrive on the battlefield at any time, so it will be difficult to fight!

On the other hand, the generals of the Dark Tribe never want to fight for a day and a night. After all, the battlefield is in Taiyou City, and the damage caused by the battle is too great. Even if the defense battle is successful in the end, Taiyou City will probably turn into a ruins.

at this time.

Something new has happened.

Sima Zhao and others opened the door to the Kingdom of God.

Taiyou Kingdom moved two saviors.

The corrupted versions of Yu Jin and Cheng Yu join the battlefield!

This dark Yujin and dark Cheng Yu come from the abyss dream derived from other time nodes.

The nightmare they were in had been completely annexed by the Kingdom of Darkness, and because they were completely polluted by the darkness, they had already become the Dark Familia, and were even much older than Sima Zhao and others.

The strength and foundation are terrifying and powerful!

The two Abyss Kings received orders from the Dark Supreme Will.

Although this country on the edge of the Kingdom of Darkness looks inconspicuous, it has received the attention of the Lord of Darkness and must be defended no matter what!

As the dependents of the Lord of Darkness, Yu Jin and Cheng Yu carried out the order without hesitation.

When they walked out of the Great Dark Temple, they happened to encounter an elite assault force composed of five major corps. Yu Jin only used one move to kill more than ten top natural disaster army generals in an instant.


"Yu Jin, Cheng Yu!"

"Two bosses? King of the Abyss!"

"Awesome, such high standards, is this the final BOSS of Taiyou City?!"

"It's strange. How come Yu Jin and Cheng Yu appear in the timeline of Shouyang Mountain?"

"What's so strange? Look at how they're dressed, it's obvious they're not locals!"


When facing the oppressive feeling of two BOSS appearing.

When faced with the death of their respective group leaders and top bosses.

Not only did this natural disaster army show no fear at all.

Instead, everyone became extremely excited, as if they had encountered some great good thing or surprise!

First of all for sure!

Yu Jin and Cheng Yu are not from this world.

It is expected to be like the Huang Tian family members summoned by Zhang Bao of Woniu Mountain.

They do not belong to this space, they just respond to the call of this space and come to work as temporary workers to earn some benefits.

Yu Jin and Cheng Yu are the original bodies.

It means you can explode things!

This is the fundamental reason that makes the Scourge Army feel excited!

Although in this large-scale battle, Taiyou City is full of bosses, big and small, but who will cause too many bosses, especially this top-notch high-quality boss at this stage!

Don't wait for the Scourge Army to test.

Several more figures flew out from the dark temple.

[Sima Zhao], Level 40 Abyss King...

[Sima Wang], Level 40 Abyss Overlord...

[Jia Chong], Level 40 Abyss Overlord...

[Chen Qian], Level 40 Abyss Overlord...

He raised his glass and looked at the moon, frowning: "Oh no, this number is too much!"

King Arthur: "Even against one king, we may not be able to win, let alone three kings and four abyss overlords to help..."

"Can't win!"

"There's no way we can win!"

"We have to go back to get reinforcements!"

"Try their mechanism first!"

Yu Jin and Cheng Yu were in no hurry to take action.

The two of them glanced at the battlefield of Taiyou City. From the nearby fighting environment, they could naturally feel the intensity of the battle and the danger of this dark country at this moment.

"Such a weak brigade actually invaded the capital!"

Yu Jin's tone was full of indifference: "You simply don't deserve the name Sima Zhao!"


In the Kingdom of Darkness.

There is more than one Sima Zhao.

Yu Jin must have come into contact with Sima Zhao in other forms and states, and knew how terrifying Sima Zhao was in the top form of the Dark Clan and with top strength, so he said such a thing.

"It won't help the overall situation to say this at this moment. The top priority is to destroy this giant ship as soon as possible."

Sima Zhao just said lightly: "In addition, I would like to give you two a piece of advice, don't underestimate this group of stars, they are not as weak as they look!"

Several powerful arrows and spells came.

The five major groups of Scourge Army players couldn't help but take action.

Yu Jin glanced at the giant divine machine ship floating in the distance, and then at the hundreds of natural disaster elites blocking the road in front of him: "Let's clear out these obstructive things first!"

Cheng Yu, who had been silent until now, took action.

None of the players saw any movement from the King of the Abyss. Suddenly, rune formations appeared under his feet or in the space around him, and black chains appeared out of thin air, restraining hundreds of players on the spot.

Gu Zhou's expression changed: "So fast!"

The curse lock is extremely fast both in terms of release speed and appearance speed.

Even with his skill, he couldn't avoid it and was caught directly from the stealth state.

Not only that, when Gu Zhou and others tried to use escape skills to escape from this binding spell, they were surprised to find that their mana and skills had been blocked.

Just for a moment!

Dozens or hundreds of the most elite Tier 4 players were captured.

Among them are many of the top-notch combat forces of the Scourge Army who are commanders of the fourth level!

After Cheng Yu successfully caught the human beings who were in the way, he was about to condense a powerful spell to kill them all in one go, when Yu Jin spoke.

"I'll do it! It'll be faster this way!"

Cheng Yu: "Okay!"

Everyone was in a state of being unable to move.

I can only watch Yu Ban operate.

Yu Jin raised the big sword in his hand, and some kind of power spread out around his body. In a short while, the natural disaster forces present were included, and finally a majestic black-armored demon general condensed behind everyone.

look carefully.

You will find out.

The black-armored demon general is somewhat similar to Yu Jin.

Each hand holds an exaggeratedly large sword.


Yu Jin waved his hand gently.

Nearly a hundred demons will be wielding their knives at the same time.

Ye Limeng, King Arthur, Crazy Knife King, Toast to the Moon, etc. were all unable to move. After receiving such a knife, they were instantly killed.

One knife!

Kill hundreds of generals!

Such strength.

Simply outrageous!

Even Hang Yu may not be able to do this!

As the saying goes, when something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and understanding the mechanism of Yuban is the key.


"I was actually killed!"

"Who understands the mechanism of Yu Jin?"

"This guy is too strong! We are no match for him!"


Whether it is Dark Cheng Yu or Dark Yu Jin, their aura and strength are all close to the first-class Abyss King. The difficulty for the Scourge Army has been seriously exceeded!

After the disaster army was all killed instantly.

Hundreds of summoned black-armored demon generals also disappeared.


Yu Jin and Cheng Yu killed gods and Buddhas along the way.

Although the Scourge Army troops are constantly coming to stop them, they can't even get close to them, let alone pose a threat to the two Abyss Kings!

During this process, Sima Zhao and others immediately gathered Taiyou City's troops, and finally gathered a two thousand shadow army and three thousand shadow army, forming a force of more than five thousand people.

It should be stable now!

These five thousand troops are all fourth-level elites. The generals can reach the fourth-level commander, and some can reach the fourth-level overlord.

With such a powerful army, and with the support of Yu Jin and Cheng Yu, they will be able to destroy the giant ship at all costs, but they need to be particularly vigilant about the fate of the other lord.


Different from last time.

The main reason why the four great kings of Taiyou were in such a mess in Shangyang County was that they advanced too far alone, so they were besieged by many powerful men including Dian Wei, Jia Xu, and Cao Zhen.

This is a home game.

The Stars troops suffered heavy casualties.

Sima Zhao believed that even if the lord took action, they would not be able to stop them from destroying the giant ship in front of them.

The Dark Tribe is about to reach the giant ship.

At this moment, the Shenji giant ship is floating in the air nearly two thousand meters. This distance is unattainable for ordinary people, but it is nothing to Sima Zhao, Yu Jin, Cheng Yu and others.

The Dark Familia have no physical bodies and are similar to spirit creatures. They generally have the ability to fly, but they do not wait for them to launch an attack.

"Hold them off!"

"Don't even think about getting close to the giant divine machine ship!"


An elite natural disaster army of three to four thousand people gathered in front, including the captains of the ten major corps and most of the senior officials. There were about a thousand people in the fourth-level combat force alone, and the others were also top-notch third-level elites.

"It's you!"

Yu Jin, Cheng Yu, and Sima Zhao all discovered it.

Most of these people were targets who had been killed by their own hands just now. They were obviously too dead to die, but they appeared in front of them again at this moment.

"A means of resurrection?"

When Sima Zhao was in Shangyang County.

He had already discovered the secret of the Scourge Army.

Seeing it with my own eyes again at this moment can not help but confirm my guess.

Sima Zhao then reminded: "The number of this star army is not as large as expected, but it seems to have the ability to resurrect collectively and quickly!"

Judging from the natural disaster army's offensive against Taiyou City.

It is no exaggeration to say that they have hundreds of thousands of troops.

But the size of this army is far less than a hundred thousand. The reason why it gives people the impression of a hundred thousand army is purely because these star units can be consumed and used repeatedly.

It seems that a war of attrition is not advisable!

We must deal with this group of stars quickly!

Cheng Yusen said: "Although I don't know what resurrection method the lord used, even if a weak brigade can be resurrected multiple times, it is impossible to stop us!"

Black energy erupted again in Yu Jin, forming a field around it and spreading towards the Scourge Army ahead.

Brother Rui with black eyes reminded: "Be careful, Yu Jin's ability should be similar to Death Curse. He can mark all targets within a certain range with a curse, and then attack at the same time!"

He raised his glass and looked at the moon: "Back off! Spread out!"

As he spoke, he activated Seven Shadow Steps, his body flickered like a ghost, and he quickly fired six or seven powerful arrows.

Others also started their own activities.

To avoid being locked by prohibited domain markers.

Sima Zhao waved his hand, and the dark flames burst out of the barrier, blocking the attack of Gao Beifang Wangyue and burning them all.

Cheng Yu even activated his spell, and countless curse chains appeared nearby, quickly blocking and controlling the Scourge Army at an astonishing speed. Yu Jin took the opportunity to submerge them with his domain, and then summoned the black-armored demon general to kill them with a single blow.

Just for a moment.

Thousands of natural disaster troops were killed!

The Shadow Army and the Shadow Army also joined the battle.

This natural disaster army was no match for them and was killed to the point where they were almost unable to fight back.

"Damn it!"

"Dark Cheng Yu's field control ability is too strong!"

"This guy's ability to control the field, coupled with Yu Jin's Cursed Field Slash, is simply invincible!"

"Now we're in trouble!"


The Natural Disaster Army has roughly figured out the ability mechanism of Cheng Yu and Yu Jin.

Cheng Yu has strong collective control and field control capabilities.

Once the Scourge is captured, they cannot break free in a short time.

Yu Jinze has a very powerful collective killing ability. No matter how many there are, no matter where they are, no matter what state they are in, as long as they are within the radius of the ability, they can be successfully targeted by the attack.

The result was that he was beaten in seconds!

His attack speed is not fast.

The attack range and damage are terrible!

Even the strongest defensive Crazy Swordsmen Lao Wang and Ye Limeng couldn't withstand a single blow!

The abilities and methods of Dark Cheng Yu and Dark Yu Jin can form a perfect cooperation. Even when faced with the siege of thousands of enemies, they can easily deal with it and slaughter them wantonly!


He is worthy of being an Abyss King-level BOSS!

Thousands of the Scourge Army may not be able to defeat this pair if they join forces, not to mention that Sima Zhao and other senior officials of Taiyou City are leading 5,000 elites to join the battle, almost overwhelming the Scourge Army.

Jia Chong, Chen Qian and other powerful men have already begun to try to attack the giant ship.

What surprised them was that the giant ship was protected by several layers of powerful barriers, which they could not break even in a short period of time.

"It's simply vulnerable!"

Yu Jin was very disdainful when facing the dying Scourge Army in the siege. He turned his attention to the giant ship in mid-air, and a large amount of black mist gathered above his head to form the figure of a demon general dozens of meters tall.

He raised the knife.

The ten demon generals raised their swords at the same time.

I saw a storm of energy gathering and about to explode.

At this moment, the barrier of the Shenji giant ship is under pressure from the attacks by Jia Chong, Chen Qian and others. If this attack hits completely, it will definitely not be able to completely block it. Although it is not enough to destroy the giant ship, it is enough to cause damage.

"Thousand Demons Break!"

A violent energy struck.

Destroy ten Black Mist Demon Generals at the same time.

Yu Jin's body shook slightly and became serious: "There is a strong person!"

Zhang He, Wenpin, as well as Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, and Wen Yang used the Qi movement skill "Godly Weapons from Heaven" to move in front of them instantly. Everyone exuded a suffocating sense of oppression!

"Five abyss king-level experts?!"

After dark Cheng Yu felt the strength of the five generals of the human race.

He immediately asked Sima Zhao: "Why wasn't such important information informed in advance?"

Sima Zhao was also very confused at this moment. Although he had seen the high-end combat power of the human leader in the battle of Shangyang, only Dian Wei and Jia Xu had the strength of the Abyss King at that time.

For example, Wenpin and Zhou Cang do not have the combat power of the Abyss King.

Wen Yang and Zhang He did not take action.

Only ten days!

Wenpin and Zhou Cang are already the real kings of the abyss. Zhang He has also broken through to the status of king, plus Wen Yang, whose strength is equally unfathomable...

Not only that!

Dian Wei at this moment.

The aura it emits is extremely terrifying.

Its strength is obviously stronger than that of Shangyang County!

How can it be?

Such a short time.

The strength has improved so much!

Just the lineup composed of these five human race generals.

It is enough to pose a threat to the lineup of the three abyss kings, Jin, Cheng Yu, and Sima Zhao!

After all, even if they are both kings, their strength and background are still different, and there may even be a big gap.

If we follow the internal strength division method of the Scourge Army players.

Sima Zhao is just a fourth- and fifth-rate black iron-level king. Among the five generals of the human race, Wenpin, who is the weakest in one-on-one duels due to his defensive prowess, is not inferior to Sima Zhao at this moment.

And the strongest Dian Wei is already a diamond-level peak king!

Yu Jin and Cheng Yu have just reached the gold level.

The top five will appear.

The morale of the Scourge Army is greatly boosted!



"Our thighs are coming!"

"Now let's see how arrogant you are!"

"These big bosses are just throwing themselves into a trap!"

"It's stable, it's stable, just take them all in one go and seize Taiyou City, it's like picking something out of a bag!"


Yu Jin and Cheng Yu stopped underestimating the enemy.

They had to admit that the power of the stars in this place was far more powerful than they imagined!

However, the mission assigned to them by the Supreme Lord of Darkness was not to destroy all the stars, but to help Sima Zhao defend Taiyou City and repel the threat of the stars.

Of course, the two of them were not sure of defeating the five human king-level combat powers in front of them.

It can take advantage of the geographical location and home field advantage.

It is not difficult to contain them.

Sima Zhao also has a group of fourth-order overlords and thousands of fourth-order elites under his command, which is enough to form an unstoppable sweeping force and destroy the star-leading divine machine giant ship in an instant!

As long as the giant ship is destroyed!

The stars cannot capture Taiyou City!

Then the victory in this battle belongs to the dark camp!

Cheng Yu then said to Sima Zhao: "We have a way to temporarily contain these five people. You and your people can destroy the giant ship as soon as possible, and then immediately launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against them!"

If the giant divine machine ship is destroyed.

The reinforcements from the human race were cut off.

Sima Zhao led the entire city's combat power, plus the two major foreign aids Yu Jin and Cheng Yu. Theoretically, he would be able to besiege and kill the remaining remnants of the stars and the five human leaders in front of him!


Is it possible?

Sima Zhao already felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart!

Because, he knew that the human leaders had not exerted their full strength, and the star lords had not yet ended in person!

If the Lords of the Stars were to die in person, and there were five generals cooperating in the battle, even if they had Yu Jin and Cheng Yu on their side, as well as the home field advantage and military advantage, it would be a very dangerous escape from death.

not to mention!

The top powerhouses of the Star Leader did not show up as expected!

Sima Zhao knew that there was another leader of the human race, Jia Xu. This person's combat power might not be as good as Dian Wei's, but his level of threat and difficulty might be even greater than that of Dian Wei!


Where is Jia Xu?

Why didn't it show up?

Sima Zhao suddenly changed his face when he thought of something: "No! Retreat quickly! Go back!"

"Why do you think you can come here so easily?" Zhang He raised the majestic Demon Lord's ceremonial halberd in his hand, and a large array of formations immediately covered the entire place, "Now that I'm here, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave within a short time!"

Dian Wei said with a ferocious smile: "Now let us play with you!" (End of Chapter)

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