This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 391 Crazy war fortune! Take stock of the rich harvest!

The battle of Taiyou City.

It is estimated that it will take another day or two to be completely finished.

However, since the outcome is no longer in suspense, preliminary settlement can be made.

Hang Yu was very satisfied with the process of this battle. Because the main offensive force used the Scourge Legion, the real casualties in the territory were very small.

Compared to the strategic value of this victory.

and what was gained in this battle.

This part of the damage to the territory is almost negligible.

The most direct income from this battle is undoubtedly the huge energy income generated from cutting the leeks of the Scourge Army.

The battle is not over yet, and income will continue to be generated, but if nothing else happens, the average number of deaths per player of the Scourge Army players in this round has reached nearly 4 times.

The average does not look high at first glance.

But the base number is really too large.

30,000 natural disaster soldiers averaged 4 times.

That's 1.2 million deaths.

Although half of this group of natural disaster armies are second-level players at level 20, nearly half of the remaining players are at least level three, and it is expected that they can obtain a total of 7-8 billion essence!

Such an exaggerated value.

Just a portion of direct income.

The number of enemies in this battle is very large and the fighting is very fierce.

This meant that there was a large amount of loot dropped on the battlefield that was too late to pick up. As usual, Hang Yu launched the Treasure Gathering Spirit Pearl to recover the evaporated part of the essence. This part was estimated to be worth more than a billion.

This battle focuses on the total amount of energy in the territory’s energy pool.

At least it can reach a scale of more than 8 billion.

It's an unprecedented number.

Hang Yu plans to use 30% to 40% as one of the rewards for this Taiyou City mission, and all will be returned to the Scourge Army who participated in this mission based on their merit and contribution.

Then, about 30% to 40% of the energy was used to focus on cultivating the Canglong Guards in the territory, so as to further enhance the strength of the Canglong Guards. In addition, 2,000 Canglong Guards were added to complete their initial training.

The last remaining energy is harvested.

All feedback will be given to the Scourge Army in the near future.

This part is for all Scourge armies, increasing the rewards for various daily tasks of the Scourge army, especially to help support the growth of the middle and lower classes, thereby increasing the number and quality of players to meet the growing needs of the territory.

In addition to the generous abyss energy income.

Most of the enemy units killed this time were not neutral natives, but abyssal units.

Because of this, the loot drops are quite good, and coupled with the tenfold blessing of the Scourge Army's heavenly blessings, the income from magic crystals generated during the process of annihilating the enemy's living forces is conservatively estimated to be 8 million.

No need to question.

For fifth-level lords.

This will also be a huge amount of money that may not be saved in ten years!

It is enough to pay off the territory's foreign debt of 6 million magic crystals, and there are still millions left to replenish the financial balance.

This amount of magic crystal is only a rough figure calculated for ordinary dark troops, which does not include several Abyss King-level BOSSs and more than ten Abyss Overlord-level BOSSs.

The final magic crystal income generated.

It will almost certainly break the 10 million mark!

This fund can not only completely solve the current financial pressure, but also be enough to become the starting capital for a new round of construction in the territory, which is enough to make the territory's construction situation undergo earth-shaking changes in a short period of time!

However, I can only get part of it now.

The loot that explodes directly is in the hands of the players.

This part needs to circulate for a period of time before it comes to Hang Yu's hands.

During this battle, Hang Yu asked Man Chong to capture nearly 10,000 prisoners of war. These dark tribes cannot be tamed, so they will eventually be executed through the territorial execution ground.

The magic crystals and loot exploded in this part will be recycled directly.

Targets killed in this way in the territory will not only explode with valuable loot, but also have a probability of dropping forging stones, gems and other materials. Among them, high-level units not lower than the commander level have the opportunity to drop skill stones. , even talent materials.

The value created is higher!

Of course, Hang Yu will not take this part of the income in vain. He will convert the output value of each prisoner of war into military merit, so that participating players can receive more rewards in the mission settlement.

Only in this way will the Scourge Army cooperate more with the territory to capture high-value units and maximize profits.

General resources such as magic crystals and essence.

The income from combat equipment this time is also a very considerable figure.

Hang Yu estimates that the territory can seize more than 100,000 pieces of third-level equipment. Even if it is fourth-level quality equipment, at least 10,000 to 20,000 pieces can be seized. Although the quality is not necessarily good, even if it is recycled as junk, it is still an amazing resource!

So much gear.

It can't all be junk.

Select equipment of white quality or above and slightly modify it. Whether it is taken to the lord market for export, or left in the territory to inject into the reward pool, and distributed through various tasks, it can create a lot of value.

How much profit can be generated in the end.

It is not yet possible to calculate an exact number.

Don't rush this in advance. Once the territory clears the battlefield, the results will naturally come to light.

Hang Yu withdrew his attention from the battlefield, and then took out the luck treasure box he had obtained this time. He had never obtained a treasure box with such a powerful aura, so he couldn't wait to open it.


[You opened the "Large Luck Treasure Chest (Purple)", Abyss Magic Crystal +4.5 million, Shining Four-Color Blessing Sand +5000, Shining Four-Color Forged Stone +5000, Extremely Dark Gem +500, "Skill Stone: Darkness" "Dharma Appearance" +1, "Blueprint: Dark Temple", "Blueprint: Abyss Mission Tower"! 】


It is indeed a large purple treasure chest of luck.

The light magic crystal harvest amounted to 4.5 million!

A total of 10,000 copies of the fourth-level blessed sand and forging stone materials!

These are all purple-quality forging materials, and their total value ratio is much higher than the spot magic crystal part!

In addition, there are 500 Jiyou gems, which are purple low-grade gems.

Although the value is not as good as the Taiyou Darkest Gem that exploded from the projection of Sima Yi, the Lord of Darkness. After all, the latter is a high-grade purple gem with a hint of divinity, but it is still a purple-quality gem, and there is a chance to forge purple equipment.

A gem of this quality.

Each visual estimate is worth at least tens of thousands of magic crystals!

One can imagine how high the total value of this batch of gems is.

However, materials of this quality are generally rarely sold in territories.

After all, the demand within the territory is huge. Not to mention the huge natural disaster army, just to get a purple weapon for all the important hero units, top territory citizens, and the head Canglong Guard will have to invest a lot.

all above.

Just regular stuff.

The treasure chest also contains a skill stone and two blueprints.

[Skill Stone: Dark Technique], purple skill stone, learning conditions: strength not less than 5,000, willpower not less than 12,000 points, total attribute value not less than 24,000 points, requiring 180 million energy consumption!

It's a skill!

Hang Yu looked happy.

Purple quality common skills.

With a complete set of purple quality skills.

The difference in value between the two may be more than ten times!

This "Dark Technique" is a technique that favors transformation.

The foundation of this technique is weaker than that of the "Abyss Demonic Eye Technique", and its learning threshold and learning cost are also lower. Even so, it is unthinkable for ordinary natural disaster troops at this stage.

Although the Dark Dharma is weaker than the Ten Thousand Phoenixes Burning Sky and Abyss Demon Pupil Dharma that are currently practiced in terms of foundation.

But still a very valuable set of purple skills.

As the name of the Dark Dharma Appearance suggests, the most powerful secret technique of this set of techniques is that the practitioner releases the ultimate mana to transform himself into the Dharma Appearance form.

Under this form.

Almost immortal.

The enemy wants to defeat it.

The first step is to destroy the Dharma image.

This is undoubtedly very practical in actual combat!

Hang Yu didn't have this type of skill and decided to practice it as soon as possible.

"With my current foundation and the territory's current foundation, as long as I accumulate it for a while, it may be possible to create an orange-quality technique!"

Hang Yu was also very excited when he thought about this.

Orange skills are superior to purple ones. In the entire land of stars, there are only a handful of experts with orange-quality skills and abilities!

If you can create a unique orange technique before reaching the fifth level.

This achievement.

Even looking at Shengcang City.

It is also the only one of its kind!

But Hang Yu knows how difficult it is to create a set of orange-quality skills.

Although the current territory has a very deep foundation, there is absolutely no possibility of success at this stage.

It is also necessary to collect more cultivation methods to further solidify the foundation.

Hang Yu's attention fell on the two drawings. The quality of the drawings that could be opened from the same treasure box as the above things must be extraordinary.

Look at the first one first.

[Blueprint: Dark Temple], a fourth-level rare blueprint, construction conditions: 4 million magic crystals, 2 million material essence.

So expensive!

But that's not a bad thing.

Because in most cases, the more expensive the construction cost of the extraordinary facilities of the stars, the greater their functions and even the value they can generate.

The construction cost of the Dark Temple.

It is almost comparable to the giant divine machine ship.

The fourth-level materials consumed even exceed the divine machine giant ship.

Even if you don't know anything about its performance, just looking at the terrifying construction cost is enough to judge that this must be a super powerful and rare facility.


The Dark Temple is a military building.

It can add new troops to the territory.

However, this building does not have the ability to directly summon combat units. Instead, it consumes a large amount of abyssal materials to transform territorial units into powerful high-level units.

According to what Hang Yu learned.

There are three types of high-level units that can be transformed into the Dark Temple.

The forms of these high-level soldiers will be permanently changed, and they will also gain new talents and powerful powers!

The difference from ordinary troop summoning buildings is that.

The high-level arms created by the Dark Temple still have the value of further training. The only disadvantages are the high cost and the small number that can be created.

The types of units that each Dark Temple can create are as follows:

Two Dark Hall Kings, fifteen Dark Hall Overlords, and five hundred Dark Hall Commanders.


Every time a dark palace king is created, a fourth-level territorial unit needs to be sent in for 10 days to be transformed, which requires 1,000 purple abyss materials and 200,000 to 600,000 magic crystals depending on the strength of the selected unit.

Every time a dark palace overlord is created, a fourth-level unit of the territory needs to be sent in for 5 days to be transformed, which requires 1,000 blue abyss materials and 50,000 to 200,000 magic crystals.

Every time you create a dark palace commander, you need to send a fourth-level unit of the territory to be transformed for 3 days, which requires 1,000 green abyss materials and 10,000 to 50,000 magic crystals.

That's right!

This fourth-level building!

Has the ability to directly create abyss king-level combat power!

Although he is only an entry-level Abyss King, with such combat power, he is undoubtedly a capable being in any human territory!

the most important is.

It is different from summoning buildings in the past.

The units that come out of the Dark Temple are normal territorial units and can continue to be upgraded and cultivated.

no doubt.

For most territories.

It is definitely a drawing that can be called a treasure.

Because such a facility exists.

Not only can the territory obtain a batch of guaranteed ultra-high-end combat power.

The territory can also save a huge amount of energy and a lot of time. As long as there are enough resources, super combat power including the Abyss King can be created.

Don't talk about other lords.

Even Hang Yu was moved.

He does not need to invest a huge amount of energy to cultivate the Canglong Guard. He only needs to upgrade a new recruit to the fourth level, and then send it to the Dark Temple for transformation, so that he can obtain a strength no lower than the fourth level commander level!

during this process.

Saves a lot of effort.

Moreover, the Dark Blue Dragon Guards trained are still capable of growth.

This is indeed a very good facility. The only drawback is that it has a very small capacity of just over 500 units.


Another point.

Hang Yu felt a little worried.

That is, after the transformation is successful, the transformed fourth-level unit's physique will undergo earth-shaking changes. Although it will gain new talents, it will inevitably lose its human characteristics, and there will be obstacles in learning some skills in the future.

From a practical point of view.

The Dark Temple is indeed very useful for territories.

Comparable to Hangyu collar.

The Dark Temple is obviously more valuable to other territories.

Because the biggest advantage of the Hang Yu Territory is the advantage in energy resources, and the biggest function of facilities like the Dark Temple is to allow some territories to save a lot of energy.

Hang Yu thought it was better to leave it to himself.

Perhaps they should be exchanged for blueprints of the same type but more suitable for the territory.

The last piece of loot.

[Drawing: Abyss Mission Tower], a fourth-level rare building... Construction cost: 1.4 million magic crystals, 700,000 essence.

Hang Yu's heart skipped a beat: "It's a missionary facility!"

Although in terms of the rarity of the blueprints, the Abyss Preaching Tower blueprint is definitely not as good as the Dark Temple, but it is an indispensable, very important, and extremely practical facility for the human race leader, especially the Hang Yu leader!

Hang Yu has been shopping for a long time.

He is even willing to give up rare resources as bargaining chips.

But I don’t know whether it’s bad luck or the markets are too low. I haven’t had a drawing for so many days. I never thought that I couldn’t buy it in the market, but I succeeded in drawing such a drawing on my own.

The Abyss Mission Tower is a dojo type building.

What is a dojo-type building?

It's nothing more than teaching skills.

The skill tower also has the function of transferring skills.

Because each skill tower has a teaching room, territorial units can use the teaching room as a medium to teach skills one-on-one.

The function of a dojo-type building is similar to that of a skill tower. In the final analysis, they both teach skills, but the methods are very different.

The characteristics of the skill tower are: high consumption, low efficiency, but fast.

Both the teaching party and the taught party will lose a lot of energy, resulting in a decline in cultivation.

Each transferer can teach at most once a day, and can only teach to one person at a time. After that, he cannot teach any skills for at least one day. If the skill level taught is high, the cooling time of the transfer will be longer.

The characteristics of the preaching tower are: although it is slower, it consumes less and is more efficient.

In such dojo-like facilities, one practitioner can teach hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of people at the same time.

Although it takes longer to teach the same skill, because it can be taught on a very large scale, and the loss of the practitioner's energy and energy is much lower than the direct transfer of skills from the skill tower, so overall it is a very efficient and cost-effective method. facilities!

The Mission Tower does more than teach skills.

It can also be used to collectively upgrade skill levels.

For example, a territory citizen who has just mastered the Hundred Birds Chao Phoenix Spear.

He can still participate in the "Hundred Birds Chao Phoenix Spear" training dojo in the Sermon Tower to deepen his improvement in the Hundred Birds Chao Phoenix Spear. Although this process will take some time, it can save a lot of consumption of energy and cultivation.

This is why.

It took Hang Yu so long.

No drawings of a missionary facility were received.

Such facilities can save a lot of energy for the territory.

For various territories with tight energy resources, it is undoubtedly a good thing that can only be encountered.

The reason why Hang Yu wanted such a facility was not to prepare it for the Scourge Legion, but to prepare it for the Canglong Guards and countless people in the vast territory.

It's a bit similar to a training tower.

Because the capacity of the preaching tower is also limited,

And the Scourge Army may not have the patience to learn skills slowly.

But for the hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions of people in the territory.

They only need to pay less than one-tenth of the cost in the skill tower to practice various skills. The price-performance ratio is very high, which is enough to greatly improve the strength of the people of the territory and the guarding legion!


It can also be done to a great extent.

Cultivate the heritage of the territory.

Increase the attractiveness of Hang Yu collar to the natives.

This is a treasure resource that is not inferior to the fourth-level cultivation tower.

If the fourth-level cultivation tower can allow the natives to practice more than a hundred times faster, then the Abyss Preaching Tower can allow them to practice skills more than a hundred times faster.


Such building facilities can effectively save resources, enhance the comprehensive heritage of the territory, increase the attraction to indigenous people from all walks of life, and make it easier for Hang Yu to recruit talents.

That’s all there is to gain from the treasure chest in Taiyou City.

The income from the treasure box alone is enough for Hang Yuling to make a lot of money.

Hang Yu put away the two blueprints, and then embedded the "Dark Dharma Technique" skill stone into the skill tower, and then consumed his energy to learn it.

The cost of study is 180 million essence.

It took another 240 million to practice to the full level.

"not bad!"

Hang Yu felt the newly increased attributes and the ability of this technique and gave him a satisfactory evaluation.

In this way, he will have the three purple skills of "Ten Thousand Phoenixes Burning the Sky", "Abyss Demonic Eyes", and "Dark Dharma" at the same time.

This is not enough.

Next, help your men.

Create more high-quality skills, even purple-quality skills.

Hang Yu plans to learn all the purple techniques that the general can learn in the next period of time.

This is enough to make its strength break through the ceiling of the king's status. Although before the orange technique is created, there is definitely still some distance from completely breaking through to the next realm, but there is no problem in taking a small step forward.

This way.

at this stage and even in the future.

No matter what kind of opponent he faces, Hang Yu can almost become absolutely invincible. With one strike, he can suppress the situation and make the development of the territory without worries.

After learning the skills.

Hang Yu came to the territorial union.

"Welcome, respected President Hang Yu!"

When they sensed Hang Yu appearing in the trade union office hall, a projection immediately formed behind the counter. It was Deacon Fu who he had met and handled business before.

"What do you need this time?"

Hang Yu said, "I'm here to pay back the money."

Deacon Fu was stunned when he heard this.

Pay back the money so quickly.

It's been less than five days since I borrowed it.

"Excuse me, what is the amount of repayment that President Hang plans to repay?"



Deacon Fu was shocked.

He couldn't help but said: "According to the regulations of the Humane League, interest-bearing loans are calculated at a minimum of seven human days. Do you have to repay all the loans now?"


Hang Yu withdrew 6.175 million magic crystals from the territory.

Among them, 1 million is an interest-free loan and 5 million is an interest-bearing loan. According to the daily interest rate of 0.5%, the seven-day interest rate is 3.5%, and a total of 175,000 magic crystals are paid in interest expenses.

Tsk tsk.

Lending is really profitable!

The interest rates on loans within the Humane League are already very favorable.

Even so, due to the large amount of the loan, hundreds of thousands of magic crystals were accrued in interest in just a few days, which is almost the average annual financial balance of most Tier 4 territories.

Deacon Fu: "Your repayment has been received. Thank you for your support of the organization. We look forward to cooperating with you next time!"

Hang Yu couldn't help but think.

If your territory will have sufficient finances in the future.

Is there any way to engage in lending and investment business?

Although the current pillar industry of the territory is manufacturing, finance is also a way to make money very quickly!

Soon after.

The battle in Taiyou City has come to an end.

It has been more than a day since the war started.

Within two hours of the war, the human leader basically completed the occupation of the entire city. However, it was only at this time that they truly occupied all areas and eliminated most of the apparent resistance forces.

Although there is still some distance between completely cleaning up.

But the conclusion to this war can already be drawn.

The Scourge performed well in their mission.

He has made great contributions to the territory.

Don’t be lenient when giving out rewards.

Hang Yu immediately planned and prepared the prize pool in advance, and based on Xiaoba's statistics of the participants' contributions, he distributed all the rewards in one go according to their contributions in the battle.

Some top players directly receive hundreds of thousands of energy, multiple times of contribution points, and priceless items in gold-level reward treasure chests.

Even an ordinary level 20 player.

As long as you participate in this operation, you will have tens of thousands of energy, plus a large amount of contribution points.

And because of the mission activity period.

Each player is exempted from the death penalty three times.

They didn't lose much energy and cultivation in the battle.

The energy and resources rewarded in the treasure box this time are enough for these players to easily reach the next level.

That is to say.

It won't take three or two days.

The third-level natural disaster armies in Hang Yu's territory will surge like bamboo shoots after the rain. By then, the number of third- and fourth-level players in the territory will increase significantly!

Every time after cutting leeks on a large scale.

Hang Yu can skillfully fertilize the leek field.

Only in this way can his leek field always maintain strong vitality to prepare for the next larger harvest.


(PS: Please vote for me at the end of the month!) (End of this chapter)

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