This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 393 New Territory Management! Mass execution and harvest!

Sima Qi.

Aged fourteen.

A native resident of Taiyou City.

Like every Taiyou countryman, he has been educated in the teachings of darkness since he was a child.

The flesh and blood are bitter and weak!

Darkness lives forever!

This is a concept engraved in the bones of Taiyou people!

Perhaps his ancestors came from the Sima clan, and he was considered a descendant of the Dark Royal Family. Sima Qi's cultivation talent was very good. He reached the peak of the first level at the age of twelve and was given high hopes by all his relatives.

With her current cultivation progress, it is possible for her to enter the second level before the age of fifteen and reach the third level before the age of thirty. In this way, she will surely be favored by the blessing of darkness, and she will lose her physical body and become a great and noble dark clan.

Sima Qi is also working hard for this.

However, overnight, everything was turned upside down.

Taiyou King City fell, and tens of thousands of unattainable upper clansmen were defeated by a group of despicable and lowly flesh and blood lower clansmen!

This accident.

This is a catastrophe.

Subverted Sima Qi's cognition.

She knows nothing about the outside world.

Although she had heard about the existence of the Great Wei State to the east from some elders, in her inherent knowledge, it was a cursed land that was not blessed by darkness.

If you don’t take the initiative to throw yourself into the darkness, you will only be swallowed by the abyss. There is no third way.


Sima Qicai felt even more confused than ever before.

Why would the great Taiyou be defeated and fall? Why did the noble upper class blessed by the darkness actually lose to a group of subordinates who had not received the blessing and still retained their lowly flesh and blood.

If the Lord of Darkness is really omnipotent as described in the teaching scriptures.

Why not send down mighty power to protect his devout people?

At this moment, those extremely ferocious invaders are gathering everyone and promising to publicize that they will only eliminate the filthy Dark Familiar and will never take the initiative to harm the ordinary residents of this city.

As long as there is no trouble.

Everyone can obtain the guarantee of daily necessities.

They call themselves the people of the stars, not the people of the Wei Kingdom in the east.

People of the Stars?

Never heard of it.

Except for Da Wei and Taiyou.

Are there other countries in the world?

These people retain their primitive and lowly flesh and blood bodies and have not received blessings from the gods of the abyss. How can they survive in the abyss world? All this left Sima Qi unable to find the answer.


Hundreds of thousands of people.

All enter the control area.

Although the people of Taiyou country believe in darkness, survival is still the most basic instinct of a living being. At this moment, even the powerful superior clan has been wiped out, what can ordinary people do?

Most people can only choose to surrender and survive, and then silently pray to the Lord of Darkness, hoping that the omnipotent God of the Abyss will send down his divine power as soon as possible to save his devout believers.

There are also a few people who do not submit to the People of the Stars.

Several resistances broke out in the controlled area, and without exception the result was that mayflies shook the trees.

"Is Taiyou Country really over?"

"We have been abandoned by the supreme Lord of Darkness?"

Thoughts arise in the mind.

She was incredibly cold.

Sima Qi has been pursuing transcendence since he became conscious.

I hope that one day I can plunge into the darkness to complete my transformation, and I have been working hard for this for many years.

the dream shatters.

Faith collapses.

Absolutely unacceptable!

The Lord of Darkness will never abandon his followers.

Sima Qi secretly thought that even if he was weak, he would never give in. This might just be a test of darkness, and the great Lord of Darkness was watching this land.

At this time.

There was a noise ahead.

There are people from the stars coming here.

The leader is a woman with a perfect figure and an alluring appearance.

No matter where such a person appears, he will undoubtedly become the focus of people's attention.

Taiyou Country is different, because physical desires are suppressed to the greatest extent. For the people, reproduction is just a task indicator. No one will enjoy it, and no one will find happiness or satisfaction from it.

Under this situation.

They gradually become desensitized to the characteristics of both sexes.

A natural disaster soldier said: "Master Zou Wan, how many people do you think you should choose?"

Zou Wan said: "Just one will do. Because it is the Lord's request, I have to choose it myself."


Thousands of Taiyou people gathered at the scene.

When facing these mysterious, ferocious and terrifying people from the stars, most people involuntarily lower their heads.

Sima Qi was moved when he heard the conversation between the people of the stars. The other party wanted to choose someone to meet the lord? Regarding the Star Lords, I have heard about it more than once from the exchanges between the people of the stars.

Although Sima Qi's cultivation level is too low, he doesn't know much about the stars.

But it is not difficult to judge that the Lords of the Stars are the masters of the people of these stars. If you can see the Lords of the Stars, you might be able to investigate the secrets of the stars and find out the truth behind the destruction of Taiyou City...

Zou Wan glanced at the crowd.

The lord asked that anyone be brought over.

But Zou Wan would strive for perfection and never be careless in any explanation given to the lord.

Even if you have to choose, you have to choose a decent one. After all, not just any cat or dog can meet the lord.

"Is this a person from Taiyou Country..."

Zou Wan discovered that the personality of the Taiyou people was compressed to the extreme. Thousands of people at the scene were all wearing the same linen robes without any extra decoration. Most of them were barefoot, pale and skinny, like ascetics.

That's outrageous.

At this time, Zou Wan noticed that a line of sight was looking at him.

The other party is not very old, and she is also wearing a rough burqa, but her appearance is very delicate and beautiful. If she were a little older, she would probably be a beauty that would conquer the entire country.

did not expect.

A land of poor mountains and rivers.

It can also grow delicate flowers.

Zou Wan: "It's up to you, come with me!"

The chosen girl is none other than the scheming Sima Qi.

Zou Wan looked at the girl who was sent to him, nodded with satisfaction and said, "I am the lord's assistant. Now I want to take you to see the lord. This may be an opportunity for you to change your destiny."

Sima Qi looked confused.

She obviously didn't realize what a precious opportunity it was to have the opportunity to meet the lord.

But Zou Wan didn't say much. After all, everyone has their own destiny, and there will be more or less opportunities in everyone's life.

Can you catch it?

It depends on luck and ability.

ten minutes later.

When entering the Great Temple of Darkness.

Sima Qi couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

This dark temple is the supreme holy place of Taiyou Kingdom!

Even among the superior clans who have received the blessing of darkness, only a handful of the most noble and powerful beings can enter.

It is said that this is the closest place to the Lord of Darkness.

You can directly listen to the will of the Lord of Darkness.

Sima Qi could only look at it from a distance and never had the opportunity to get close to the Great Temple. One of her biggest ideals was to enter here, but she did not expect that this ideal would be realized in this way.


At this moment.

The highest holy land in Sima Qi's heart.

Occupied by groups of lowly flesh and blood subordinates.

These people of the stars filled the temple inside and outside, some of them laughing and playing, which was the ultimate blasphemy against the darkness.

In the face of such blasphemy.

Why is the Lord of Darkness indifferent?

Thousands of people gathered inside and outside the hall of the Great Dark Temple.

Among them are not only various natural disaster armies and black tiger guards, but also heroic units such as the five human leaders, Jia Xu, Zhang Zhongjing and so on.

As Sima Qi walked inside, her breathing became rapid and cold sweat broke out continuously... Although her cultivation level was very high, she was born with extremely strong perception ability, so she could clearly feel the terrifying strength of these people in the hall.

how so?

The teachings of darkness do not say.

Flesh is a lowly encumbrance.

Is it the biggest obstacle to spiritual practice and survival?

Why are the cultivation levels of these subordinates so high and their aura so strong?

Some of them give people the feeling that they are not inferior to the four great priest kings of Taiyou.

Under the leadership of Zou Wan.

The crowd automatically separated to the left and right.

Sima Qi finally saw the existence that the people of the stars had told him about.

The Star Lord is sitting on the throne in the hall of the dark temple. He seems to be a servant who has not abandoned the shackles of flesh and blood. However, the aura he exudes is beyond Sima Qi's knowledge and imagination.

The two sides are still far apart.

A feeling of oppression as vast as a tsunami rushed towards my face.

Black dragon shadows surrounded him, making him look like a god.

Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak?

This being exists in flesh and blood.

But he has mastered a strength that far exceeds that of the four great priests of Taiyou.

Even the four great priests of Taiyou who were respected by thousands of people, together they were like a firefly in front of the existence in front of them.


Finally I couldn't hold on any longer.

Sima Qi could not face the Lord's aura.

She couldn't help but kneel down in front of Hang Yu.

Jia Xu: "Tsk, tsk, she can actually stand in front of the Lord's breath for several seconds. This little girl has a willpower that is different from ordinary people."

How strong is the lord?

No one in the territory can say for sure.

Even if Hang Yu didn't take the initiative to release his pressure, he was not something that ordinary people could look directly at.

This girl is only a first-level girl. She is not a citizen of the territory, and her senses seem to be extremely sharp. The mental pressure she endures is doubled, and even an ordinary fourth-level monk cannot bear it.

Hang Yu also took another look at the girl kneeling in front of him.

Because she has not joined the territory yet, her information cannot be seen now.

However, the girl chosen by Zou Wan most likely has very high qualifications and may be able to be cultivated into a top talent in the future.

Hang Yu: "What does Dr. Zhang think? Is there a cure?"

"Since it is a disease, there must be a solution. Let me take a look at it."

When Zhang Zhongjing waved his hand.

Sima Qi felt his body enveloped by a cool air.

As the breath travels, it continues to penetrate into the body and disperse everywhere.

After a few minutes.

Zhang Zhongjing: "It is a chronic toxin. It only needs to be planted in babies or even fetuses, and it will stay with them for life like maggots in the tarsal bones, thus affecting various sensory functions and making people live like a puppet."

He suddenly waved his hand, and the clear air suddenly changed, creating a strong buoyancy force out of thin air, making Sima Qi float into the air.

Summons several golden needles.

Penetrate into key points everywhere.

A sharp pain.

It is stimulated from the viscera and bone marrow of the whole body.

Sima Qi had no time to react or even cry out in pain.

Zhang Zhongjing condensed a green elixir and inserted it into his body with a flick of his finger.

In an instant.

The pain is gone.

Disappear as quickly as the melting snow in the spring sun.

At the same time, all kinds of unprecedented feelings enveloped my body.

Vision, smell, taste, touch, etc. are being restored one by one, and the whole world is quickly becoming alive and vivid.

She couldn't help but said: "You...what did you do to me!"

"My child, don't be afraid. I have cured your illness on the order of the lord."

Sima Qi felt that he had entered a new world. He had never known that there were so many colors in the world, and he had never known that the world had so many smells and tastes. For the first time, he felt various touches other than pain.

"Life has the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death, but also all kinds of beauty and joy. In order to achieve its despicable purpose, the Dark Cult has deprived you of your most basic rights as human beings." Zhang Zhongjing said with a smile: "From now on you are truly alive!"

Sima Qi's face was full of disbelief.

Zhang Zhongjinghui reported: "My lord, the symptoms of the people of Taiyou are not congenital defects. I will be able to develop an antidote that can be mass-produced within a day based on the materials available in the territory!"

The Scourge Army members all showed joy.

Dark faith can spread throughout this world.

Its fundamental philosophy and propaganda is that "flesh and blood are weak."

Suppose Zhang Zhongjing develops an antidote and can produce it on a large scale.

This is bound to fundamentally destroy the foundation of the spread of dark faith.

"If it's just a chronic toxin, this lord has a better solution."

Hang Yu did not adopt Zhang Zhongjing's suggestion.

the reason is simple.

Taiyou Country is expected to have about three million people annexed by the territory.

One pill per person requires three million pills. Even if the most common materials are used, the cost of three million pills is staggering.

Even more troublesome is that.

Huge amounts of elixirs cannot be produced by the territory at this stage.

Even if all the medicine refining workshops are fully activated, or even all the medicine refining production capacity of the territory is mobilized, it is unlikely to be delivered in a short time, and occupying the territory's production capacity will affect the economy and development.

"Zou Wan, take her back first. She has contributed to the territory this time. If she comes to the main city in the future, she can take care of her."

"Slave, you obey!"

"Wenpin, Zhang He, Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, Wenyang!"

"The general is here!"

Hang Yu continued to give instructions: "The remnants of the dark party may counterattack at any time. Just in case, we need to capture Anyi, Hedong and Xiacheng as soon as possible."

These are the three cities near Taiyou City.

The Star Leader has activated the luck in this area.

Most of the formations and important facilities in these cities will be ineffective, and the effective forces stationed in the area have been wiped out. The five generals in the territory will take action at the same time, making it easy to capture them.

Hang Yu also sent a task to the Scourge Army.

Let some of the Scourge also participate.

Responsible for the subsequent construction of the defense line.

Resist the counterattack of the dark remnants.

"Lord, please be at ease!"

"With our natural disaster army building defense lines in the three major cities, we can definitely keep Taiyou's remnant party and the main army from Taiyou's main city!"


"That's right!"

"It must be impregnable!"


The Scourge Army is full of confidence.

Military orders were issued one after another.

The main force of Taiyou Kingdom still cannot be underestimated.

If there is a large-scale invasion, it will still be difficult to resist, and it will be another good opportunity to cut leeks.

The Scourge Army said.

Let the storm come more violently!

The more dangerous, difficult, and challenging it is, the more excited they are.

After all, high difficulty represents the reward, and the more large-scale tasks like this, the better.

The next day.

Good news came.

Three cities were easily captured.

The total population is 260,000.

Add in Taiyou City's 140,000, which is exactly 400,000.

If all this population can be digested, the population of Hang Yu's territory will easily exceed one million. This is not only a milestone for the development of the territory, but also important for the improvement of Hang Yu's personal strength.


In order to complete the complete conquest as quickly as possible.

Hang Yu was not idle either and asked Xiaoba to purchase two kinds of drawings from the Lord's Market.

The first type is called the Purifying Water Altar

This is a third-level purification function building.

Purify buildings, as the name suggests, are facilities that remove various negative conditions from territories or friendly units.

The Water Purification Altar is also an altar-type building, so as long as enough resources are consumed as sacrifices, it can be effective on a large scale.

Negative states come in all shapes and sizes.

Purification buildings have different functions.

The water purification altar is a relatively common building.

It is more inclined to cure the abnormal status caused by poison-type damage.

This is specially prepared by Hang Yu for Taiyou Kingdom. Although the cost of activating the Water Purification Altar is not too low, it is very efficient and can normalize the entire Taiyou Kingdom in the shortest time.

In addition to the construction of the "Altar of Purified Water."

Hang Yu also purchased a complete set of fourth-level execution ground drawings from various markets through his connections in the Humane League.

Currently, the territory holds tens of thousands of Dark Families, and the execution ground in the main city of Luoshui is no longer enough, so more execution grounds need to be expanded, and the construction site for an execution ground is not elsewhere.

It’s Taiyou City!

Hang Yu visited Taiyou City yesterday.

He has already made preliminary plans for the next step.

First, build a water purification altar to perform large-scale healing on all the people of Taiyou City, allowing them to return to their normal state and life.

This move can destroy the soil of dark faith.

Second, build a large execution ground in Taiyou City to execute the captured Dark Familiars in front of hundreds of thousands of Taiyou Kingdom people.

This move can not only establish territorial deterrence, but also further disenchant local people.

Third, don’t the people of Taiyou believe in Sima Yi? If Jia Xu can bring back a living Sima Yi, it will have a huge effect on taming these Taiyou people.

Hang Yu will support Jia Xu even more.

Let him find Sima Yi as soon as possible.

In addition, Hang Yu also prepared a series of means to control Taiyou Kingdom with both kindness and power.

The part of kindness is to provide various guarantees for the people of Taiyou country, allowing them to enjoy good food, clothing, shelter, etc., thereby awakening their recognition of life.

For the power part, Hang Yu is acquiring some facilities in the lord market that are commonly used by domineering lords and evil lords and have the functions of slavery, control and brainwashing.

If there are really stubborn cultists.

Hang Yu doesn't mind turning them all into slaves or puppets and sending them to the mines.

Even if the various arrangements are not comprehensive, they are very thorough and effective. Within ten days and a half at most, a large number of Taiyou people will fall to the Stars Territory.


Just to be on the safe side.

Hangyu will temporarily restrict teleportation between the Taiyou area and the main city area.

Soon after.

The water purification altar was built.

A large execution ground was also built.

Hang Yu spent the next two days while activating the altar to consume magic crystals to purify the people of Taiyou, and at the same time arranging large-scale executions of the Dark Familia in the execution ground to recover resources.

The altar is quite expensive.

The income from executing Darklings is higher.

When one after another top-level Dark Familiar was executed in front of countless Taiyou people, not only the Dark Familiar but also the image of the Lord of Darkness plummeted in the minds of the people.

Hang Yuling even made a lot of money in the process.

among these targets for execution.

There are more than a dozen famous generals and officials with surnames in history alone, and these all have a probability of revealing talent materials. The value they produce can be imagined!

Among them, the ones with the heaviest weight, the highest status, and the strongest strength are undoubtedly You An Yu Jin and You An Cheng Yu.

And these two guys also lived up to expectations.

An astonishing amount of resources were produced in one fell swoop.


[You executed Darkness in the Forbidden City, Abyss Essence +13.7 million, Abyss Magic Crystal +1.4 million, Yu Forbidden Soul Stone +15, Blue Luck Spirit Orb Fragment +11, Blue Qualification Spirit Orb Fragment +15, "Skill Stone: "Dark Evil Curse Slash" +1! 】

[You executed Dark Cheng Yu, Abyss Essence +14.08 million, Abyss Magic Crystal +1.55 million, Cheng Yu Soul Stone +16, Blue Luck Spirit Orb Fragments +7, Purple Qualification Spirit Orb Fragments +5, "Skill Stone :The secret soul-binding method"! 】


These two people would not have appeared in the Shouyang Mountain area.

At this moment, it fell into Hang Yu's hands and contributed so many resources.

Hang Yu can only say: Thank you, Lord of Darkness, Lao Tie, for the luxurious gift package!

What regrets do you have?

The biggest regret is that I didn’t reveal the complete spirit bead.

Yu Jin and Cheng Yu are 100% talented.

However, although no spirit beads were produced, both of them exploded a very impressive quantity and quality of spirit beads fragments. Among them, Yu Jin exploded as many as 11 blue luck fragments in one breath, which is absolutely priceless.

Although Cheng Yu didn't explode so many luck fragments, he exploded 5 purple qualification fragments, which were extremely valuable!

In addition to rich talent materials.

The skill stones dropped by the two are very good.

[Dark Evil Curse Slash], a secret skill of purple quality...Learning conditions: Strength and agility are not less than 8,000 points, life mana is not less than 50,000 points, it requires 50 million energy consumption, and it also needs to reach the status of a king.

[Dark Soul Binding Technique], a blue quality technique...Learning conditions: 10,000 points of mental attributes, consumption required: 54 million essence.

Evil Curse Slash is a purple secret skill, similar to the secret skill of Demon God's Power. Its lethality and power are very amazing. It is a very rare large-scale killing skill in the strength and agility systems.

Although the quality of Soul Binding Technique is blue, it is the best among blue techniques. And because it is a complete set of techniques inherited, its value may be higher than Evil Curse Slashing.

After all, not everyone can learn purple skills.

The requirements for such skills are too high!

But the skills are different. Although the threshold seems high at first glance, through continuous hard practice, you can gradually lower it and learn it.

In addition to these gains.

The execution of more than a dozen historical figures in Taiyou City.

It also added a lot of resources and income to the territory.

There are not only a lot of essences and magic crystals, but also many skill stones and even talent materials.

Even excluding Yu Jin and Cheng Yu, these two top bosses and others alone produced a total of 73 white qualification fragments, 175 green qualification fragments, 10 blue qualification fragments, 52 white luck fragments, and 28 green luck fragments. .

The value of this resource is also extremely high!


(PS: Happy May Day everyone, it’s a new January, please vote for support!) (End of this chapter)

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