This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 402 Destroy the coalition forces! The Dark Emperor Master breaks through the seal!

Hang Yu's personal visit made Sima Zhao and other Dark Familia members feel a sense of oppression that penetrated deep into their souls.

The projection formed by the Lord of Darkness in this world cannot threaten this existence, let alone their dependents?

Under the powerful pressure and aura of the Star Lords.

All the Dark Familia showed fear and did not dare to act rashly.

Hang Yu's eyes skipped over the Dark Familia, swept over the eight Mother Tree Guards, and finally landed on General Cao Wei led by Cao Zhen and others, and asked:

"Da Sima, out of the kindness of our clan, I let you and your soldiers go. Why are you still going against us?"

Cao Zhen and others were speechless for a moment.

What Hang Yu said was true. The Battle of Shangyang had only been a little over half a month ago. At that time, Cao Zhen, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji and others were essentially captured by the Qunxing Leader.

It was not difficult to take their lives at that time.

But the lord did not do this.

Not only did he easily let go of senior figures such as Cao Zhen, he even let go of the elite troops led by Cao Zhen, allowing the Wei Dynasty to maintain its vitality without damaging its roots.

Cao Zhao retorted: "The Wei Dynasty and the stars made a non-aggression pact. Now it is you stars who have broken the agreement and violated the territory unilaterally!"

Without waiting for Hang Yu to speak.

Jia Xu laughed and said: "Your Wei lord Cao Rui asked his envoys to attack Taiyou while at the same time colluding with Taiyou. Isn't it not good to do this?

Dian Wei: "This thief, Cao Rui, not only colluded with the Dark Familia, but also became a lackey of the Outer God of the Abyss. He is no longer worthy of ruling this land. It is you who broke the promise and broke the alliance again!"


A voice came from the crowd.

Cao Zhen's expression changed. This person was none other than Cao Shuang, the son of the Star Leader.

Cao Shuang, Wang Shuang and other natural disaster army generals returned to the team, and Cao Shuang shouted directly to the Cao Wei tribe opposite.

"Everyone has seen that Cao Rui is ignorant and immoral. He ignored the centuries-old blood feud and colluded with the remnants of Taiyou. He even secretly took refuge in the Outer God of the Abyss. Sooner or later, millions of people in the Wei Dynasty will be dragged into the abyss and will never be recovered!"

He paused and continued shouting: "Lord, you love your people like your own children. You are a truly wise king. You can even lead the human race to purify the abyss and stand proudly in the forest of all races. It's not too late to abandon the darkness and turn to the light!"

"It's General Cao Shuang!"

"There are also generals Wang Shuang, Qin Lang, and Xiahou Xian!"


General Cao Shuang.

Huwei General Wang Shuang.

They are all top figures in the Wei army!

Although he has rebelled against the Wei Dynasty, his influence is still there.

This shouting is enough to shake the morale of the troops and demoralize them!

All the officers and men looked at each other in confusion. Even Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji, and even Cao Zhao and Cao Yu took medicine.

The power of the Star Lords is obvious to all. The moment he appears, it is impossible to win this battle.

A losing battle.

A fight to the death.

If there is a reason to fight.

Or there will still be many loyal and brave warriors who will fight to the end.

But now.

At this moment.

Why fight?

For the Dark Emperor Master Sima Yi?

Or for the millions of people in Cao Wei?

"Don't be deceived by the lackeys of the stars! They are just stalling for time!"

Sima Zhao immediately said: "Even if the Lords of the Stars arrive in person, they can't stop the Lord of Darkness from coming!

We don’t need to personally defeat the Star Lords, as long as we destroy the seal and awaken the Lord of Darkness, the stars will not be a concern! "

Sima Zhao is not stupid either.

Of course he knew that with his own ability, even Dian Wei could kill him in a one-on-one duel, let alone the star lords.

But now it’s not a one-on-one challenge.

Sima Zhao and Cao Zhen are both Abyss Kings, and together with the eight Mother Tree Guards with the same king-level combat power, even if they are not enough to threaten the Star Lords, they cannot be defeated in an instant.

The devastation of this level of combat is staggering.

Sima Zhao and others do not need to defeat Hang Yu. They only need to use the aftermath of the battle to destroy the seal and allow the Dark Emperor Sima Yi to be born. Everything will be fine!

It’s different from what it was in Shangyang County.

What comes this time will be the incarnation of the Lord of Darkness, which is definitely enough to fight against this powerful Lord of the Stars.

"Dian Wei, Jia Xu."


Hang Yu ordered: "Sima Zhao and these lords of the Mother Tree Guards will handle it. You two will be responsible for fending off the other tribes."


Dian Wei and Jia Xu accepted the order without hesitation.

Sima Zhao had regained his strength and was about to lead his elite to attack. At this moment, some powerful force swept over and enveloped the surrounding world in an instant.

"This is……"

When Sima Zhao reacted, he was horrified to find that the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he was transferred from the old capital to a void space full of stars.


It’s not just Sima Zhao.

There are also eight mother tree guards.

In other words, Hang Yu took away nine of the ten king-level combat powers from the battlefield in an instant.

"It's a field skill!"

After Sima Zhao reacted, he quickly realized what Hang Yu had done. He activated the power of the domain, and this domain could temporarily open up an independent space.

No matter how big a move Sima Zhao and others make, their influence and ripples will only be limited to this area, and will not be able to affect the outside world at all.


Sima Zhao raised his arms, and hundreds of black thunders bloomed in all directions from the hollow sleeves. However, these attacks disappeared into the void in an instant, unable to cause even a single ripple in this space.

Hang Yu stepped on the black dragon and looked down.

There was a mocking smile on his lips.

Although this Sima Zhao is the King of the Abyss, he has just stepped into the throne, and the strength of the eight mother tree guards is not even as good as Sima Zhao.

Just because they want to break through the Great Emperor's domain?

Even if Hang Yu didn't interfere, he wouldn't be able to escape from this place without a day and a night.

"Attack the lord!"

When Sima Zhao found that he could not tear apart the domain space with violence, he immediately let out a loud roar, gathered black thunder, turned into a giant sword, and struck at Hang Yu.

at the same time.

Accompanied by roars.

Eight Mother Tree guards also launched an attack, and eight beams of laser-like scarlet energy landed on Hang Yu almost simultaneously.







The all-out attacks of the nine abyss king-level beings did not pose much of a threat to Hang Yu. They could not even knock off a single hair on his head.

When an attack falls on you.

It was almost instantly wiped away by the power of body protection.

Hang Yu's "Great Emperor's Domain" can not only create its own space to imprison opponents, but can also greatly enhance the body protection effect and immunity from various attacks.


This protective effect.

Directly proportional to the luck of the territory.

To put it simply, the stronger the luck gathered by Hang Yu's leader, the stronger and stronger Hang Yu's emperor's domain will be.

before the realm is broken.

No harm will come from it!

Not to mention a king-level powerhouse like Sima Zhao, even if he is as strong as a super-first-class abyss king like Dian Wei, he still has to pay a high price if he wants to break through the realm.

"It's boring!"

Hang Yu continued to withstand attacks from Sima Zhao and the Mother Tree Guards. After hundreds of attacks, he managed to survive without losing any health points.

And he never took action.

A relaxed and carefree look, taking a leisurely stroll.

"This is impossible! A human from the stars! Why is he so strong!"

Sima Zhao's mentality immediately collapsed, but Hang Yu shook his head slightly. Then with a thought, the domain shook, and hundreds of figures descended on the domain space one after another.

These people were none other than the Scourge Army players. When they saw the scene in front of them, their faces were filled with shock.

The lord is awesome!

Single-handedly withstand the attacks of nine king-level combatants!

He didn't even bother to use defensive techniques. He relied solely on his physical body to survive the devastating attacks without any damage.


"This is the real strong man!"

"This is overwhelming power!"

"You can feel Sima Zhao's despair!"

"Hahaha, it's not good to offend anyone, but why do you offend the Lord? You don't take a piss to look after yourself."

"Speaking of which, how did we get involved?"

"Nonsense, what is Sima Zhao's level? How can such a mere ant be qualified for the lord to do it himself?"


"This is the BOSS battle space opened for us by the lord!"


"Thank you Lord Lord!"

"What are you waiting for? Kill the BOSS quickly!"


This group of players thought that when the lord appeared, the BOSS in this battle would most likely be missed.

After all, the battlefield situation is chaotic, and these bosses are surrounded by top elite monsters and small bosses. How can they be so easy to fight?

Never thought about it.

Lord in this way.

A BOSS room was specially opened.

The Scourge Legion can now attack the BOSS without any distractions!

Nine kings of the abyss!

Even entry-level!

It was also an unprecedented gluttonous feast!

When the disaster forces rushed forward, Sima Zhao summoned black thunder and flames, and hundreds of them fell down in an instant.

"Oh my god."

"What a terrifying attack!"

"The King of the Abyss is indeed difficult to deal with!"

"It's okay to deal with each one one by one, but if we are to deal with nine of them at the same time, we may still be unable to cope with our strength!"


Hang Yu saw this.

Run the field immediately.

Sima Zhao only felt that this world had some kind of restraint on him.

The Star Lords are using the realm to weaken themselves, weakening their abilities in all aspects.

Sima Zhao had no time to think of a way to crack it, and suddenly another powerful pressure came over him, further suppressing Sima Zhao's strength.

This way.

Sima Zhao is included.

The combat power of the nine abyss kings was suppressed by several percent.

Hang Yu not only used his domain and coercion to weaken the BOSS, but at the same time burst out the emperor's will, instantly blessing every Scourge soldier.

[You have been blessed by the power of the lord, with life mana +3000 points, strength +500, agility +500, spirit +500, and will +500! 】

[You have obtained Level 1 of the Abyss Demonic Eyes, the Power of the Demon God (Level 3), and the Dark Dharma (Level 3)...]


use this opportunity.

Tested the emperor's will.

This talent skill is indeed easier to use than expected.

Hang Yu allowed all the natural disaster armies that entered the field to gain amplification. The stronger the strength, the greater the amplification.

Top natural disaster troops such as Ye Li Meng, Black Eyed Brother Rui, and Xiao Lingdang not only had their attributes greatly increased, but also temporarily gained the use of several purple skills.

"This is... a macho experience card!"

"It's so cool!"

"I have several more purple skills in my skill bar!"

"The lord is helping us!"

"It's so cool!"

"You can also experience purple skills in advance this time!"


Under Hang Yu's operation, the strength of both sides waxed and waned, and the Scourge Army could be resurrected and re-enter the field to participate in the battle.

This way.

The result of the battle.

Is there any suspense left?

The Scourge Army still did not dare to relax.

They realized that the higher the reliance on NPCs, the lower the explosion rate of BOSS.

At this moment, the lord has used the domain to control several major bosses. While weakening them, it also greatly strengthened the player's strength.

This must have greatly affected the explosion rate and output.

If the player cannot quickly eliminate the BOSS.

The lord would most likely take action himself.

There is nothing left.

Of course, losing a little loot is only a temporary loss. If the lord is disappointed and the NPC's favorability decreases, which will affect future tasks and reward distribution, it will be a big loss.

"Sima Zhao, your death has come!"

"Suffer death!"

"Blow it up!"


The players of the Scourge Army added the power of the lord and activated various states. After the combat power increased sharply, they launched an encirclement and suppression against Sima Zhao like hungry wolves.

Under this situation.

Sima Zhao had no power to resist.

In the end, he was beaten directly to a state of residual health.

Hang Yu did not let Sima Zhao be killed by the player, but took action when the opponent was bleeding and dying, sealed him, and then sent him to the dungeon.

It is more cost-effective to execute this special unit in the execution ground, because it has a higher probability of releasing talent materials.

As for the other eight Mother Tree Guards?

There is no suspense about their endings.

The Imperial Guard of the Mother Tree is not only an entry-level Abyss King, but also only level 35. Compared with Sima Zhao, he is much inferior. The only advantage is that he has rough skin and thick flesh and is very resistant to beatings.

The problem is that no matter how hard it resists, it can't withstand the endless consumption of wheels.

As the Mother Tree Guards were killed one after another, and the Scourge Army died one after another, the battle finally came to an end.

Hang Yu watched the whole process.

This operation in the old capital harvested a lot of leeks.

And the eight mother tree guards exploded eight purple trophy light balls.


Although the essence and magic crystals erupted by nearly a thousand deep root guards will definitely be higher than those of eight level 35 entry-level kings, after these elite monsters are synthesized and become big bosses, they have a higher probability of dropping more valuable items. High-end items.

The moment these trophies exploded.

Hang Yu operated through the treasure gathering spirit beads.

He plans to take away 70 to 80 percent of the loot, leaving only a little over 20 percent of the resources for the Scourge Army. After all, the Scourge Army failed to eliminate the BOSS on its own.

[You checked the trophies, Essence +10 million, Magic Crystal +500,000, Mother Tree Guard Gem +45, Mother Tree Guard Forged Stone +321, High-ranking Familiar Fragments +212, High-ranking Familiar Essence +352. 】

[You checked the trophies, Essence +10 million, Magic Crystal +500,000, Mother Tree Guard Gem +46, Mother Tree Guard Forged Stone +316, High-ranking Familiar Fragments +220, High-ranking Familiar Essence +358! 】


Hang Yu checked the trophies one after another.

The explosion rate of the Mother Tree Guards is relatively low among the Abyss Kings.

However, the gems, forging stones, and materials dropped are also purple grade materials.

Even if it is just the lowest quality low-grade material among purple materials, it is still of extremely high value. With the blessing of ten times the drop from the Scourge Army, it is still a very considerable and huge asset.

When the last mother tree guard fell.

The Scourge Army immediately cheered.

Although there were lords who raided the formation for the players, the battle lasted for more than half an hour. The Scourge Army died one after another, which clearly showed that winning was not easy.

"about there!"

Hang Yu unlocked the field.

The surrounding space returns to normal.

The battle outside is also coming to an end.

Jia Xu and Dian Wei, the two top combat forces formed an absolute suppressive power!

In this case, even if the Cao Wei Taiyou coalition forces are powerful, they cannot break into the seal and can only be consumed by the natural disaster army.

Reinforcements from the stars kept arriving.

Among them were Zhang He and Man Chong.

Zhang He specially came from the Taiyou front line to provide support.

The appearance of the former general of the Wei Dynasty caused Cao Wei's tribe to completely lose their fighting spirit.

Under the influence of Zhang He's Qi movement skills and the support of Man Chong, he formed a huge restraint on the Taiyou Familia.

The Star Troops gradually gained the upper hand, and finally defeated the Dark Elite without much effort. Most of them were killed on the spot, while a few were sealed into the dungeon by Full Pet.

Zhang He and Cao Zhen were duel.

The two fought hundreds of rounds.

The final result was that Cao Zhen was defeated.

Jia Xu used the secret technique of puppets to control the dying Cao Zhen and many of Cao Wei's generals.

Cao Zhen: "In just half a month, your strength has increased to such an extent!"

Zhang He and Cao Zhen were originally the twins of the Wei Dynasty. In terms of personal strength, Zhang He was originally inferior to Cao Zhen. However, after joining the Star Territory, Zhang He's strength greatly increased and he completely broke through to the Abyss King.

Under this situation.

The combat power of the two is very close.

Zhang He also had the talent of the territory, various BUFF bonuses, plus the increase of thousands of elites of the Scourge Army, and Dianwei Jiaxu was watching eagerly from the side, leaving Cao Zhen with no fighting spirit and naturally no chance of winning.

Zhang He said: "Cao Zhen, now that things have happened, are you still stubbornly resisting?"

Cao Zhen sighed: "Stop, no more unnecessary casualties!"

Cao Wei still has more than a thousand people, and they have long lost their fighting spirit. If they continue to fight, they will not only increase the number of casualties, but will not bring any changes to the overall situation.

"I surrender!"

"Just trying to survive!"


The tiger and leopard knights put down their weapons one after another.

Several top experts such as Dong Zhao and Jiang Ji were no longer able to fight anymore, and they had no fighting spirit to continue.

The two looked at each other.

Jiang Ji: "Wang Situ, what do you think?"

Dong Zhao: "Obviously, the overall situation has been decided and it is unstoppable."

Jiang Ji: "If the Lords of the Stars can really defeat the Dark Emperor Sima Yi..."

Dong Zhao: "Then there are no people or forces in this world who can pose a threat to the Stars Leader. I might as well join the Stars as soon as possible to reduce the risk of being liquidated and at the same time find a good position for my future." "

Both are smart people.

In other words, they are all smooth old foxes.

They all had the idea of ​​​​surrender directly or in advance.

After all, if you don't invest now, it will be difficult to talk about remuneration if you invest again when Great Wei City falls.

Man Chong came to Hang Yu and saluted and reported: "I would like to inform you, your lord, that all Taiyou's gang members have been wiped out. Several of the thieves' leaders have been imprisoned on death row. However, 1,125 people from Cao Wei have begged to surrender. I ask your lord to surrender."

Hang Yu nodded.

When Shangyang County was in Shangyang County, Cao Wei's army was approaching fiercely, and the foundation of the territory was not stable. It was not time to start a war with Cao Wei, so Cao Zhen and others were released.

Now that the territory has occupied Taiyou City and successfully penetrated into the old capital, even though Taiyou and Wei still have considerable military strength, the threat they can pose will be reduced day by day.

Just deal with Sima Yi.

This will begin the complete conquest of this area.

It may still take a few large-scale battles, but the result is almost without suspense and surprises.

Hang Yu said: "Lock him into the dungeon and wait for disposal."


Without saying a word, Man Chong activated his luck skill and opened the prison door, first imprisoning the surrendered soldiers, generals and prisoners of war into the dungeon.

It doesn’t matter if it’s too quiet or a remnant party.

Even the Emperor of Wei.

It was too late to send troops.

"Approximately how long until the Darkest Day?"

Hang Yu did not leave the old capital, because there would be a bigger scene next, and it was estimated that he could only suppress it in person.

Jia Xu: "Reporting to the lord, according to my deduction, extreme darkness will fall in half a day or up to one day at the earliest."

Not as expected by Jia Xu.

About less than a day passed.

The dim sky turned completely dark, and then the surrounding areas were filled with blood-red light, as if shrouded in a red filter. All kinds of monsters that had been destroyed in various places were refreshed one after another.

A very dark day.

The nightmare restarts!

Monsters will be refreshed collectively!

And during the darkest days.

All abyss monsters will lose their restrictions and gain BUFFs with enhanced strength, making them more dangerous!

Fortunately, the most dangerous core pollution area in this world has been sealed, so Cao Pi, the core pollution source, cannot lead his soldiers to wreak havoc on the world, otherwise it would be a different picture.

Jia Xu showed a hint of excitement: "I have been waiting for this moment for too long!"

Hang Yu nodded: "No matter whether this matter is successful or not, I will remember your great contribution!"

Jia Xu: "Thank you, Lord!"

Hang Yu: "Let's start!"

"Let the end come!"

Dian Wei directly activated the Demon God Transformation and flew out from beside him.

He appeared above the seal in a flash, raised his halberd and blasted out with a Thousand Demon Breaker. His violent force tore apart the clouds and mist over the old capital and divided the sky.


The black pyramid shattered like glass struck by a giant hammer.

Almost at the moment of breaking, an extremely powerful gray energy penetrated into the sky from the center of the seal, and formed a huge gray-black cloud disk around it.

Light is the energy wave created in this process.

This caused the nearby Scourge Army to lose blood like crazy, and some who were seeking death by getting too close were killed instantly.

Ye Limeng: "What a strong aura! He is indeed the ultimate BOSS!"

Brother Rui with black eyes said: "According to the arrangement of the Grand Ceremony, the territory wants to conquer this dark emperor master."

Little Lingdang was nervous: "Can this... be successful?"

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "It's hard to say! The lord has come in person! He is probably prepared for failure!"

Raise your glass and look at the moon: "If Sima Yi cannot be conquered, then he must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

"makes sense!"

"Don't slack off, everyone!"

"Everyone get ready for battle!"

"At such a critical moment, we can't let anything slip!"

(PS: Please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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